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Chelsea Manning Begins Hunger Strike to Protest Bullying by Prison and US Government

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Today, after years of requesting the care she needs for gender dysphoria, Chelsea Manning has released a statement about the start of her hunger strike.

Chelsea is demanding written assurances from the Army she will receive all of the medically prescribed recommendations for her gender dysphoria and that the “high tech bullying” will stop. “High tech bullying,” is what Chelsea describes as “the constant, deliberate and overzealous administrative scrutiny by prison and military officials.”

Following her sentencing, Chelsea has respectfully requested that the US Government give her treatment for her gender dysphoria. Over a year later, Chelsea filed a lawsuit in September of 2014, where she sued the government to get a battery of treatments. As a result, she began hormone therapy in February of 2015.

However, the military has been making her cut her hair to the male length and grooming standards. As part of her treatment, her doctors recommended that she follow the military prison’s female hair grooming standards. In September of 2015 she amended her lawsuit, asking that the government allow her to grow her hair. The government’s response in December 2015 was “no.” The case is still active before a DC District court judge.

Letter by Chelsea Manning:
“I need help. I am not getting any. I have asked for help time and time again for six years and through five separate confinement locations. My request has only been ignored, delayed, mocked, given trinkets and lip service by the prison, the military, and this administration.”

“I need help. I needed help earlier this year. I was driven to suicide by the lack of care for my gender dysphoria that I have been desperate for. I didn’t get any. I still haven’t gotten any.”

“I needed help. Yet, instead I am now being punished for surviving my attempt. When I was a child, my father would beat me repeatedly for simply not being masculine enough. I was told to stop crying—to "suck it up.” But, I couldn’t stop crying. The pain just got worse and worse. Until finally, I just couldn’t take the pain anymore.“

"I needed help, but no one came then. No one is coming now.”

“Today, I have decided that I am no longer going to be bullied by this prison—or by anyone within the U.S. government. I have asked for nothing but the dignity and respect—that I once actually believed would be provided for—afforded to any living human being.”

“I do not believe that this should be dependent on any arbitrary factors—whether you are cisgender or transgender; service member or civilian, citizen or non-citizen. In response to virtually every request, I have been granted limited, if any, dignity and respect—just more pain and anguish.”

“I am no longer asking. Now, I am demanding. As of 12:01 am Central Daylight Time on September 9, 2016, and until I am given minimum standards of dignity, respect, and humanity, I shall—refuse to voluntarily cut or shorten my hair in any way; consume any food or drink voluntarily, except for water and currently prescribed medications; and comply with all rules, regulations, laws, and orders that are not related to the two things I have mentioned.”

“This is a peaceful act. I intend to keep it as peaceful and non-violent, on my end, as possible. Any physical harm that should come to me at the hands of military or civilian staff will be unnecessary and vindictive. I will not physically resist or in any way harm another person. I have also submitted a "do not resuscitate” letter that is effective immediately. This shall include any attempts to forcibly cut or shorten my hair or to forcibly feed me by any medical or pseudo-medical means.“

"Until I am shown dignity and respect as a human again, I shall endure this pain before me. I am prepared for this mentally and emotionally. I expect that this ordeal will last for a long time. Quite possibly until my permanent incapacitation or death. I am ready for this.”

“I need help. Please, give me help.”
Not even shame could make these fuckers muster the dignity to respect her human rights. Disgusting.

I am not very optimistic about what's to follow.


However, the military has been making her cut her hair to the male length and grooming standards. As part of her treatment, her doctors recommended that she follow the military prison’s female hair grooming standards. In September of 2015 she amended her lawsuit, asking that the government allow her to grow her hair. The government’s response in December 2015 was “no.” The case is still active before a DC District court judge.

Some of her complaints come off as kind of whiny, but shit like this is just stupid. Military is 100% making an example of her.


I remember how distraught I was when my parents tried to force a haircut on me when I was young. I can't imagine the kind of pain that Manning is going through right now.

Gender Dysphoria is awful to have to deal with. Regardless of how you feel about Manning, what they're doing to her is unacceptable. They should be providing basic treatment that's at least covered by insurances and stuff.
i still think the initial sentence is utter bullshit and the intiatal treatment that you can attest to torture. USA torturing its own citizens.


As a reminder of how she was treated in the last few years:
Human rights advocates have repeatedly raised concerns about Manning’s treatment in prison. After her arrest in 2010, she was subjected to solitary confinement for extended periods and repeatedly stripped naked in her cell. Her treatment was so bad that a State Department spokesman spoke out against the Pentagon and described it as “ridiculous and counterproductive and stupid.”

Since her conviction, Manning has been repeatedly threatened with indefinite solitary confinement, for charges as frivolous as keeping an expired tube of toothpaste in her cell.
via https://theintercept.com/2016/09/09...rike-demanding-dignity-and-respect-in-prison/


I can't imagine doing a hunger strike. I get hungry like 30 minutes after having a big meal.

Feel bad for Chelsea. Hopefully things can somehow work out for her.


What the fuck is wrong with you, Obama?

Pardon Manning. Like, yesterday.

Utterly disgraceful.
There's absolutely no reason to pardon her. She data-dumped files to a foreign propaganda machine. (Snowden is a much more complicated situation where some sort of deal should have been made ages ago.)

That having been said, her treatment is terrible and she absolutely needs to be moved to a place that will actually listen to her doctors.


What the fuck is wrong with you, Obama?

Pardon Manning. Like, yesterday.

Utterly disgraceful.

She belongs and will stay in a federal or military prison. Both need better care for transgender inmates and Manning is receiving unnecessarily harsh conditions because of her crime and slight fame, but she's in no position to be pardoned.
Uhh, she disclosed millions of classified documents. You can advocate for her to get basic human rights an dignity, but why should she be pardoned?

because she has already suffered enough? What positive effect can one expect from subjecting her to additional punishment?

What lesson others could learn from her example has already been made clear with snowden: if you're gonna leak something, you better be willing to get the fuck out of the country, for we will subject you to torture if we catch you.


Nah I'm good.
Good to turn a blind eye to cruel and unusual punishment I guess.
If the US pardons her, they pardon Wikileaks and let treason go unpunished.

You don't commit treason, get a court-martial and get to make demands in prison.
I think demanding to have basic human rights protected by the law isn't unreasonable. Pardoning is different than what the OP is talking about.

Edit: But it is what you quoted so I'm not actually sure what you meant by demands.


Nah I'm good.
No, you're acting callous about cruel and unusual punishment and the possible death of a nonviolent prisoner who can't hurt anyone. It's gross and fucked up.

When you decide human rights can be violated in some circumstances, you invite them to be violated in any circumstances. Historically speaking, that position leads to dark places. Have fun with your schadenfreude though.


If the US pardons her, they pardon Wikileaks and let treason go unpunished.

You don't commit treason, get a court-martial and get to make demands in prison.
However, treating someone with basic human respect and not singling them out for torture is also important.
Considering your conduct in the Marine suicide thread, I'm fairly certain you are an utter cunt of a human being that is tempting the bull that is a ban.

Lemme guess, something something good they weren't strong enough anyway something something natural selection something?


I wish Obama would just pardon Chelsea and Snowden as his last "Fuck you" to the republican establishment, but then he's been for all of these sanctions against whistleblowers from the start, so of course he won't :\

Lemme guess, something something good they weren't strong enough anyway something something natural selection something?

Niggas die every day b. Who knows why he decided to fuck off?

Well this kid was never a Marine in the first place but besides that...you attributed a lot of emotions to a post that consisted of a meme and a question. No pride in the fact that this kid offed himself. More sad that he was allowed to attend training in the first place. The military is extremely reactionary in nature and the fallout from this will be huge.

Guess I forgot my audience, sorry brad.

And so many more.
No, you're acting callous about cruel and unusual punishment and the possible death of a nonviolent prisoner who can't hurt anyone. It's gross and fucked up.

When you decide human rights can be violated in some circumstances, you invite them to be violated in any circumstances. Historically speaking, that position leads to dark places. Have fun with your schadenfreude though.
Don't even bother.

Based on his performance in the thread about the Marine in training who was hazed to death, the only ones to blame for their systematic abuse and torture are the ones being abused and tortured.

People like him are best ignored.

EDIT: beaten like a tough guy who can take it


Saying that to a political prisoner kind of comes off as you saying "lol, die" or something, just so you're aware of why people are reacting to you in the way that they are.

Your being nice but nobody posts "well bye" to someone enacting a hunger strike if they give a shit about whether they live or not. Lets call a spade a spade.

Her treatment is prison is fucking disgusting but not at all surprising. I'll be surprised if she gets any of the things she wants because it's super clear they have been treating her like this with purpose.


Originally Posted by PsychoWARD23


Lemme guess, something something good they weren't strong enough anyway something something natural selection something?
Originally Posted by Steelrain

Niggas die every day b. Who knows why he decided to fuck off?
Originally Posted by Steelrain

Well this kid was never a Marine in the first place but besides that...you attributed a lot of emotions to a post that consisted of a meme and a question. No pride in the fact that this kid offed himself. More sad that he was allowed to attend training in the first place. The military is extremely reactionary in nature and the fallout from this will be huge.
Originally Posted by Steelrain

Guess I forgot my audience, sorry brad.
And so many more.

Ignorance is a hell of a drug.


Don't even bother.

Based on his performance in the thread about the Marine in training who was hazed to death, the only ones to blame for their systematic abuse and torture are the ones being abused and tortured.

People like him are best ignored.

EDIT: beaten like a tough guy who can take it

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Don't even bother.

Based on his performance in the thread about the Marine in training who was hazed to death, the only ones to blame for their systematic abuse and torture are the ones being abused and tortured.

People like him are best ignored.

EDIT: beaten like a tough guy who can take it

Man, victim blaming, no matter who the victim is, is pretty fucking cruel. You need to lack complete empathy with a fellow human being.


I hope her conditions improve.


I don't really think Manning should be pardoned because, like, espionage is bad (and we now know all that shit went straight to Russia), but she's unquestionably being treated inhumanely in prison, which is both illegal and degrading to our nation.

I support her protest here. If she can't get safe and humane treatment in an Army prison, then our armed forces have failed in their mission.
Everyone loves their second amendment, wants to praise it and love it, put our constitution above all else, but fuck every other one. This goes beyond cruel and unusual.
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