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Come 2to buttocks. i welcom thee

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I hope they stay away from the few Jrpg left. They almost took down the entire thing last gen. Develop some of your own internally but stay the hell away from third party ones.
I hope they stay away from the few Jrpg left. They almost took down the entire thing last gen. Develop some of your own internally but stay the hell away from third party ones.

I hope so too. I would like to see all three first party publishers create more JRPG's. I know Nintendo has already show theirs but as a lame JRPG gamer I have to dream of at least 2 a piece. hehe


Myabe yuo jsut hvae a pbleorm wtih sieneg wrds in chkuns lkie msot ploepes biarns can?

For taht to wrok fulnetly the frist and the lsat lteter nedes to be in the rhigt palce.

That is not the case with cboats posts.

So, native English speakers having issues with CBOAT writing?

Who are these people?

I'm Swedish, so of course it's takes a little longer for me to get what word I am supposed to see.
CBOAT is amazing, he's breaking down the interlocking systems of knowledge and power piece by piece. With the madness of his text being a nod to Foucault's "madness and civilisation": the history written by the outcast/non-human/mad is opposing and contradictory to the powerful (MS) of the period although probably closer to the truth, or at least what we can interpret as the truth.


I hope they stay away from the few Jrpg left. They almost took down the entire thing last gen. Develop some of your own internally but stay the hell away from third party ones.

I don't think they can do anything to the major one's left like Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Tales, Persona etc. even if they wanted to.

I hope so too. I would like to see all three first party publishers create more JRPG's. I know Nintendo has already show theirs but as a lame JRPG gamer I have to dream of at least 2 a piece. hehe

I really hope that that bit someone said (Verendus?) about Sony working on a huge jrpg project to compete with Final Fantasy is true.


I hope they stay away from the few Jrpg left. They almost took down the entire thing last gen. Develop some of your own internally but stay the hell away from third party ones.

They were personally responsible for two of the best console JRPGs last generation. I hope they continue.
For taht to wrok fulnetly the frist and the lsat lteter nedes to be in the rhigt palce.

That is not the case with cboats posts.

I'm Swedish, so of course it's takes a little longer for me to get what word I am supposed to see.

Of course, I'm Spanish and it happens to me too. But I've seen people here who are native speakers asking for a traduction...


I don't think they can do anything to the major one's left like Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Tales, Persona etc. even if they wanted to.

I really hope that that bit someone said (Verendus?) about Sony working on a huge jrpg to compete with Final Fantasy is true.

Persona is the only one I am scared for. Would prefer it to be available to all platforms than to the X1. Tales learnt their lesson but will be on the PS3 for 1 more entry at least.
I hope they stay away from the few Jrpg left. They almost took down the entire thing last gen. Develop some of your own internally but stay the hell away from third party ones.

what? I hope you're not saying this because of Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey and Infinite Undiscovery, because they're the only 360 exclusive JRPGs, which were funded and published by Microsoft itself.


CBOAT has been leaking insider information for years. He's leaked 360 specs, EA working on a XB1 exclusive game, a gif of Remember Me months before it came out, that the XB1 was having yield issues and that there would be issues in some European countries, that Dead Rising 3 was in development as an XB1 exclusive, that Mirror's Edge 2 was in development, that Dead Space 3 would have co-op, and a ton of other stuff.

If you go around pretending to have insider information on GAF and stuff you say turns out false, you're banned. CBOAT is something like 90% correct in what he says.

You make it sound like he works at EA!


Sorta surprised by a cancelled moba. With Dota 2 blowing up the way it is and with all of the f2p games coming to consoles next gen, I assumed a game like this would be made and hyped big time.
Sorta surprised by a cancelled moba. With Dota 2 blowing up the way it is and with all of the f2p games coming to consoles next gen, I assumed a game like this would be made and hyped big time.

Perhaps it was cancelled precisely because Dota 2 is blowing up.


Sorta surprised by a cancelled moba. With Dota 2 blowing up the way it is and with all of the f2p games coming to consoles next gen, I assumed a game like this would be made and hyped big time.

I wonder if they canceled the MOBA due to obtaining League of Legends. One of the insiders here suggested that LoL would come to XB1.


The Finnegan's Wake's Citizen Kane of industry leaks.

Sorta surprised by a cancelled moba. With Dota 2 blowing up the way it is and with all of the f2p games coming to consoles next gen, I assumed a game like this would be made and hyped big time.

Maybe they cancelled it because they secured another MOBA? LoL has been rumored for some time.

I wonder if they canceled the MOBA due to obtaining League of Legends. One of the insiders here suggested that LoL would come to XB1.

Beaten. H8 U! ;)


I hope they stay away from the few Jrpg left. They almost took down the entire thing last gen. Develop some of your own internally but stay the hell away from third party ones.

They already got FF as multiplatform, I don't think they care for the rest. Maaaybe DQ but that's about it.
They were personally responsible for two of the best console JRPGs last generation. I hope they continue.

I imagine the argument is that they limited the sales of said JRPGS (im not a fan of the genre so i have no idea if these games where just money hatted or would never would have been made)

As ive said in regards to the platinum thing, this is a good thing and anything that helps them to fight another day and keep making games is AOK in my book.


I wonder if they canceled the MOBA due to obtaining League of Legends. One of the insiders here suggested that LoL would come to XB1.

Wow, bananas. I hadn't heard that

I can't speak to how LoL plays but dota with a controller seems stiff, I'd be curious to see how that translates. Hella kinect voice commands? Quick scroll kinect hand gestures?
Perhaps it was cancelled precisely because Dota 2 is blowing up.

It's the MMO problem, there's only so much room in that space. You already have LoL as the big leader everyone is chasing and Dota2 as the other viable contender. It's really not like just making another FPS (and even there we tend to see only a few do really well) because these games have such a time sync and learning curve with the share number of champions one can play as.
I'm sure this has been mentioned somewhere in the 66 pages of thirs already so sorry for repetition.


I thought CBOAT was a Microsoft Insider, why would he know about the PS4 release date?


what? I hope you're not saying this because of Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey and Infinite Undiscovery, because they're the only 360 exclusive JRPGs, which were funded and published by Microsoft itself.

I'm sure he's referring to the moneyhatting of games such as Star Ocean, Tales of V, etc. It didn't really help MS gain anything in the long run and PS3 still doesn't have Tales of V in NA, and Star Ocean came much later....

I'm sure this has been mentioned somewhere in the 66 pages of thirs already so sorry for repetition.


I thought CBOAT was a Microsoft Insider, why would he know about the PS4 release date?

In the business world, if you don;t know what your competition is doing, your doing a very bad job.....


zero cognitive reasoning abilities
They already got FF as multiplatform, I don't think they care for the rest. Maaaybe DQ but that's about it.

I was thinking the same thing. It is almost the only prominent japanese rpg they would have to worry about. I mean it will not sell as well but it would be a huge deal in terms of publicity if they left it go exclusively on the Sony console.


I'm sure this has been mentioned somewhere in the 66 pages of thirs already so sorry for repetition.


I thought CBOAT was a Microsoft Insider, why would he know about the PS4 release date?

the logical assumption would be - because MS know about it, through various channels (retailer contacts, marketing stuff)


I'm sure this has been mentioned somewhere in the 66 pages of thirs already so sorry for repetition.


I thought CBOAT was a Microsoft Insider, why would he know about the PS4 release date?

They only other time I recall him mentioning the Playstation 4 is during e3 when he said he heard PSN wasn't behind a pay wall, but he couldn't confirm it.


fy yoi thgouhte poelw er mad about abyoneta going sequeleggy to WeeeeYEWW youl be soemwaht nuhapy babout waht MS i money hateing w/Platfinim/. other jpnj dvs inplay to but KMAIYATown IS ONLY o1 I am solid onon. game NOT for nortamser uior Euroep, btway which maek sno nsense byt hwathever.

Xbox moneyhatted for it's own exclusive sequel from Platinum games, and only in Japan.

Vanquish 2 that's Xboned only and languagelocked to Japan would have me cheesed, but that would be NOTHING compared to my rage of them getting a MadWorld sequel.


I'm sure this has been mentioned somewhere in the 66 pages of thirs already so sorry for repetition.


I thought CBOAT was a Microsoft Insider, why would he know about the PS4 release date?

I was wondering too. Probably it was answered, just the tread got too big to read all of it.
I'm sure he's referring to the moneyhatting of games such as Star Ocean, Tales of V, etc. It didn't really help MS gain anything in the long run and PS3 still doesn't have Tales of V in NA, and Star Ocean came much later....

In the business world, if you don;t know what your competition is doing, your doing a very bad job.....

the logical assumption would be - because MS know about it, through various channels (retailer contacts, marketing stuff)

I would have thought Sony could keep things closer to their chest, I mean didn't Micorosft have no clue Sony planned to reveal on February 20th?

A release date would be pretty strategic information anyway, since you're going to scoop up a lot of undecided consumers by being first on the market.


I was wondering too. Probably it was answered, just the tread got too big to read all of it.

I think the consensus was that being an insider, he was around other industry insiders (specifically in Germany) and therefore was able to hear the rumors and murmorings.
They already got FF as multiplatform, I don't think they care for the rest. Maaaybe DQ but that's about it.

I really doubt we will ever see Dragon Quest on a Microsoft console. Not only do the two seem like a bad combination, DQ has always gone for the most successful system (which looks to be the 3DS thus far).


zero cognitive reasoning abilities
I really doubt we will ever see Dragon Quest on a Microsoft console. Not only do the two seem like a bad combination, DQ has always gone for the most successful system (which looks to be the 3DS thus far).

Are you joking, we will see KH on a MS console !

Without the collections, without anyone asking or expecting it, out of the blue ! (literally the PS4 box is blue)


I would have thought Sony could keep things closer to their chest, I mean didn't Micorosft have no clue Sony planned to reveal on February 20th?

A release date would be pretty strategic information anyway, since you're going to scoop up a lot of undecided consumers by being first on the market.

Not at this point, I think pretty much everyone in the industry: retailers, developers, distributors, (basically everyone other than consumers) probably knows when both consoles are shipping. It's probably easy info to get on the inside.
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