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COMICS! |OT| November 2016. Wilde for comics, 2 Hickman books this month.

Aquaman #10: Counterpoint to my earlier post about the shipping schedule for books like this: some of these writers are making this work and Dan Abnett is one of them. I remember when N52 Aquaman did a Mera issue. Some people liked it (including me), some were kinda down on it because it didn't move the story forward. At first I wondered if this would turn out the same way (the dog even turns up early on), but there are some cool ideas at work here, particularly the developments
among the widow oracle whatever people
. Abnett plays around with our preconceived notions about these characters, and makes their
hesitancy and eventual refusal to endorse Mera and Arthur's bid for marriage
feel somewhat more justified. There's clearly
a twist to this prophecy ahead
but Abnett does a terrific job creating a sense of
inertia and inevitable tragedy
. Terrific issue.


Unworthy Thor #1

I wish I didn't read this first because I can't see few things topping this issue. This is what got me to fall in Love with Aaron's Thor. good stuff

Aquaman is the shit and so is Green Lanterns.

Superman 10: I love Jon just
socking Damien right in the gut.
That was unexpected but justified, I hate Damien so much.

Cyborg 4: Wtf happened to the art? Damn, it looks bad. And sometimes I get the feeling that I could write better dialogue than Semper because a lot of it is clunky and uninspired. Literally everytime Cyborg makes a joke, taunt, or battle-cry it falls flat (in all the issues). Still, I'm finding where the plot is going interesting.


Averngers #1

I tend to avoid most marvel team books but I am sold on this. Everything was just awesome. This villain is confusing and the future events shown in the back of the book have me rolling my eyes but hopefully it will be handled well
it won't

Aquaman is the shit and so is Green Lanterns.

Superman 10: I love Jon just
socking Damien right in the gut.
That was unexpected but justified, I hate Damien so much.

Cyborg 4: Wtf happened to the art? Damn, it looks bad. And sometimes I get the feeling that I could write better dialogue than Semper because a lot of it is clunky and uninspired. Literally everytime Cyborg makes a joke, taunt, or battle-cry it falls flat (in all the issues). Still, I'm finding where the plot is going interesting.

But in a good way right? If you haven't read Deathstroke from last week Damien is awesome and fucking savage in it.


Aquaman #10:

Again, it's really riffing on Sophocles, what with
characters making a prophecy come true right as they are trying to run away from it. That's old school, Oedipus Rex type of shit, and somehow it's coupled to this story about an old-school conspiracy of industrial-revolution era evil adventurers.
It's way smarter than a book called "Aquaman" has any right to be.
What was up with Batman's dialogue in no.10? He sounded ridiculous.

He was preparing to have his back broken, have to punch four holes in a wall and then RESET HIS OWN BACK BY FUCKING FORCE OF HUMAN WILL. That mantra was the only way he got through it.
Avengers #1: Hmmm. I dunno. I did not like the beginning and hated most of the middle, but the end is cool enough that I am going to give it one more. I thought all the stuff
with Kang
was dullsville up until the last few pages. But I want to see where this goes.

There is a whimsy to the art that I didn't expect at all. I can't decide if I like it yet or not, but Peter looks terrible. He barely even looks like Peter actually. Though, there are panels where it works really well. And it reminds me of his work on Weirdworld, of all things, and it was terrific in that book. He's taking it to a new level if the
preview of things to come
is anything to go by. Like that
panel is crazy. Hmmmm.
I wasn't crazy about the first few issues but this Batman storyline is one of the best Bat-Stories in comic book history.

I feel like it's all going to come together in some crazy ass story. I am still confused on a lot of details. I feel like Priest is meaning to be confusing on purpose in a lot of parts. Stuff like the phone conversation at the end of the latest issue. It's made to look like they're talking to each other and the more closely you read it the more apparent it comes out that they clearly aren't.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.



I haven't seen a COMING SOON in [THIS COMIC]

That's kinda cool but Bendis will run down everything with another tie in no one wants.


Avengers #1: Hmmm. I dunno. I did not like the beginning and hated most of the middle, but the end is cool enough that I am going to give it one more. I thought all the stuff
with Kang
was dullsville up until the last few pages. But I want to see where this goes.

There is a whimsy to the art that I didn't expect at all. I can't decide if I like it yet or not, but Peter looks terrible. He barely even looks like Peter actually. Though, there are panels where it works really well. And it reminds me of his work on Weirdworld, of all things, and it was terrific in that book. He's taking it to a new level if the
preview of things to come
is anything to go by. Like that
panel is crazy. Hmmmm.

I wonder who
the Avenger returning from the dead will be.
I wanted Deathstroke to drown him. Damien is like Draco Malfoy. I want him dead

I thought I understood the hate he gets when I started reading Robin-Son of Batman but after that I've basically loved everything he's done.

Him in Robin war was easily the best part of that crossover.


Are there Resident Evil Comics that are worth it?
I need to fix my need for this amazing franchise but I dont dare to do it with the canonical stage play
So the valiant is a fine jumping on point though, there's no reading/context required for that?

Correct. They give you the gist of everything from the get-go, so it is very accessible even if it features established characters. The three main character's schticks - Bloodshot, Geomancer, and Eternal Warrior - are very easy to understand without much explanation, anyway.

The other cool thing is that they give you a glimpse of other Valiant characters in the universe and kind of teases you to go read more about them. However, by the end, you'll probably be left wanting to jump straight into Bloodshot Reborn.
I cannot cannot cannot CANNOT get past Lemiere naming an actual regular female non-powered woman "Magic". I can buy super powered nanites keeping several dudes (and a dog) basically immortal, but "MAGIC"? Fuck that, no way, uh uh.

Magic, Special Agent Festival... Lemire just isn't very good with names.


I thought it was good and it seems like this book will satisfy people who wanted a more classic style Avengers book.
Sounds good. Really liked the Lineup and I am fine with having one classic Lineup.
Have they the Mansion, too or are they at the Triskellion?


Again, it's really riffing on Sophocles, what with
characters making a prophecy come true right as they are trying to run away from it. That's old school, Oedipus Rex type of shit, and somehow it's coupled to this story about an old-school conspiracy of industrial-revolution era evil adventurers.
It's way smarter than a book called "Aquaman" has any right to be.

I don't want to agree, but I do agree.


Sounds good. Really liked the Lineup and I am fine with having one classic Lineup.
Have they the Mansion, too or are they at the Triskellion?

Parker Industries aka the Baxter Building, which is basically going to be treated exactly like the mansion.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Is this because I bought Valiant or didn't like Avengers so much? I regret everything!

its because you are shitting on something related to Del Mundo.

You dont shit on Del Mundo when im around.


Unconfirmed Member
its because you are shitting on something related to Del Mundo.

You dont shit on Del Mundo when im around.

I haven't read Avengers yet, but from the previews and some of the screen grabs I've seen, it doesn't look quite as good as his other stuff does. At least to me.

Maybe it's because he's not in a pure fantasy setting anymore?

I don't know. And I may feel different when I go through the whole book.
I thought it was good and it seems like this book will satisfy people who wanted a more classic style Avengers book.

As this type of person, I can confirm that I absolutely loved it.

Those teasers at the end.....I really hope they stick with this book for the longhaul. I want more than 12 issues of this, Marvel!

"You are not disliked by everyone."
"FINALLY! The epitaph I've been looking for!"
its because you are shitting on something related to Del Mundo.

You dont shit on Del Mundo when im around.

The only thing I am shitting on is his Parker and I'm sorry man but it sucks. He looks like an imp. I am undecided on everything else. Need to let it sit for a bit.
Are there Resident Evil Comics that are worth it?
I need to fix my need for this amazing franchise but I dont dare to do it with the canonical stage play

Are there Resident Evil comics? I know there are manga and a series of novels. I don't remember seeing actual comics. Sounds like a mistake.

A fan colored Campbell's Riri:

Goddam, this is such an improvement.

I still can't fucking believe Campbell is capable of good composition. This is a brilliant piece. As for the fan coloring, it's okay. I think it definitely obscures some of the intricacies of JSC's linework.

its because you are shitting on something related to Del Mundo.

You dont shit on Del Mundo when im around.

Del Mundo is great. It doesn't mean every story he illustrates is.

Cant wait when the trades come put where he is on Cho Hulk.
The art in the first trade is hooooorible

The issues of Totally Awesome Hulk that Cho illustrated were gorgeous.


As this type of person, I can confirm that I absolutely loved it.

Those teasers at the end.....I really hope they stick with this book for the longhaul. I want more than 12 issues of this, Marvel!

"You are not disliked by everyone."
"FINALLY! The epitaph I've been looking for!"

I liked the throwback with
the "wasps and spiders are natural enemies" thing, which goes back to the Stan Lee days.
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