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Could Nintendo Expand Into PC Gaming?


Except then you would have everyone refusing to buy their hardware because "LOL! Just wait for PC port!" and then you would have no one buying the software because "LOL! Wait for Steam Sale!"
This is completely flawed. Nintendo would have to be doing magnitudes worse than they are before PC development would look good to them.

Nintendo is very strict about their prices which is part of the reason why selling their games on phones comes across as silly. People will learn that they can't wait for Steam sales.

As for buying a console or a PC that is up to the consumer. So far we have a bunch of games on consoles that are ported to PC and people still are buying consoles and paying a yearly fee for multiplayer with a control scheme that is usually inferior to PC.

Selling a console and supporting PC isn't that problematic because there exist enough people who care about different hardware ecosystems to try supporting both.


Nintendo is very strict about their prices which is part of the reason why selling their games on phones comes across as silly. People will learn that they can't wait for Steam sales.

As for buying a console or a PC that is up to the consumer. So far we have a bunch of games on consoles that are ported to PC and people still are buying consoles and paying a yearly fee for multiplayer with a control scheme that is usually inferior to PC.

Selling a console and supporting a PC isn't problematic because there exist enough people who care about different hardware ecosystems to try supporting both.

But none of those PC games are from the hardware makers. And there in lies the problem with you analogy.
Again, if Nintendo was a software only developer, this would be different.
But they aren't. They have to support their own system and their own ecosystem. And that is why them "branching out" to PC makes no sense. Just like branching out to mobile makes no sense.
They support their own systems and they have to keep those going. Putting their games on the PC would only hinder that ecosystem.


Yo I wouldn't mind some older Pokemon games with online play but it's definitely not gonna happen. Most you'll get is something like Pokemon Box.
A lot of PC gamers seem to pick up a Nintendo system in addition to their rigs to get the exclusives. If Nintendo put their games on PC, who would buy a Nintendo console? A PC with Nintendo titles + third parties is like a dream come true.

And nobody would ever buy a Nintendo branded PC if they made one, given past reputation on weaker hardware decisions. I just don't see a way Nintendo could win in such a decision unless Valve bought them. And that would be hilarious.


A lot of PC gamers seem to pick up a Nintendo system in addition to their rigs to get the exclusives. If Nintendo put their games on PC, who would buy a Nintendo console? A PC with Nintendo titles + third parties is like a dream come true.

In a weird way this applies to me

When I owned consoles, I refused to buy anything Nintendo. Saw no point. Made the switch to PC and ended up buying a 3DS (maybe that was just because of ALBW) and have considered getting a Wii U over the other two, there's just nothing worth getting it for right now IMO.


Are one topic "no" responses a bannable offense now?

... just asking....

Plus, the most Nintendo has ever been involved with PC gaming was Mario's Teaching Typing. I don't see them expanding beyond that.

Yes. If you're not really contributing to a thread you can be banned.
If you can mix oil and water, sure.
Realistically, there is nothing more antithetical than Nintendo expanding into PC gaming. It is a non-existence market for the market that Nintendo has always been most focused on.

"Could Microsoft capture the Japanese F2P Dating Sim market?"


But none of those PC games are from the hardware makers. And there in lies the problem with you analogy.
Again, if Nintendo was a software only developer, this would be different.
But they aren't. They have to support their own system and their own ecosystem. And that is why them "branching out" to PC makes no sense. Just like branching out to mobile makes no sense.
They support their own systems and they have to keep those going. Putting their games on the PC would only hinder that ecosystem.

Meh. What the other hardware manufacturers used to do are pretty nuanced.

They supported gaming on Windows and when they got into console gaming they tried supporting both but their games on the PC platform weren't selling well, even Halo, so they abandoned it in the same halfassed manner as the Zune.

Years later after Apple has inspired them to make Windows 8 into a closed curated environment they look like they'll try again offering PC games.

They actually tried expanding their games library into their phones as an exclusive feature but with only one phone. Considering how much phone tastes vary restricting their games to one model was a recipe for failure and they abandoned it for the same lack of interest.

There are plenty of people who still want to buy just a console instead of messing around with PC hardware configs. Playing Nintendo games on a PC would still expose you to variable frame rates, risk of application crashes, not having the specs to match the hardware requirements of a game. People who are comfortable with this would just buy continue playing with a PC. People interested in a console will still buy a console.

Your assertion seems to hinge on these ideas there don't exist people who prefer buying consoles over upgrading PCs and that there don't exist people who prefer getting the console version over the PC version for multiplatforms. Correct me if I'm wrong.


If you can mix oil and water, sure.
Realistically, there is nothing more antithetical than Nintendo expanding into PC gaming. It is a non-existence market for the market that Nintendo has always been most focused on.

"Could Microsoft capture the Japanese F2P Dating Sim market?"
Master Chief is my waifu.
Meh. What the other hardware manufacturers used to do are pretty nuanced.

They supported gaming on Windows and when they got into console gaming they tried supporting both but their games on the PC platform weren't selling well, even Halo, so they abandoned it in the same halfassed manner as the Zune.

Years later after Apple has inspired them to make Windows 8 into a closed curated environment they look like they'll try again offering PC games.

They actually tried expanding their games library into their phones as an exclusive feature but with only one phone. Considering how much phone tastes vary restricting their games to one model was a recipe for failure and they abandoned it for the same lack of interest.

There are plenty of people who still want to buy just a console instead of messing around with PC hardware configs. Playing Nintendo games on a PC would still expose you to variable frame rates, risk of application crashes, not having the specs to match the hardware requirements of a game. People who are comfortable with this would just buy continue playing with a PC. People interested in a console will still buy a console.

Your assertion seems to hinge on these ideas there don't exist people who prefer buying consoles over upgrading PCs and that there don't exist people who prefer getting the console version over the PC version for multiplatforms. Correct me if I'm wrong.

My assertion hinges on three things, really.

1. PC development (even if on their own OS for some reason as the OP suggests) would be a huge disadvantage to Nintendo. They have been making their own hardware and their own engines for so long that this would be a huge set back for them.

2. They would make far less selling their games on PCs than they are now. Even if they did PC development in conjunction with console (which would increase development cost), they would be harming their console sales, regardless if there are plenty of people that like consoles over PC. There would still be plenty of people that would opt to not spend $300 on a console to play Nintendo's games.

3. Nintendo aren't multiplatform. Sony doesn't put their major games on anything but their own devices. What they put on other systems are severely toned down advertisements. What this topic is suggesting wouldn't be. They would be straight ports of console games. Nintendo is a console maker. Making their full games for anything but their consoles would hurt them.
But none of those PC games are from the hardware makers.

This is untrue.

Sony and Microsoft both have PC game development divisions.

Not every game is, nor are most games, but they sure as hell are supporting PC more than Nintendo.

What was Nintendo's last PC game? Mario Teaches Typing back in 1995?

Meanwhile at Sony and Microsoft...

Microsoft is actually rumored to be reviving their Xbox ports to Windows program. Halo 3 is supposedly in works for a Steam release.

This is what Nintendo should be doing. Releasing their back catalog on PC to get some of that Steam revenue instead of letting it stagnate in the depths of unauthorized emulation. I don't think anyone expects Nintendo to start releasing their new software day-and-date with their console releases, but there's no reason why they can't start releasing PC ports of GameCube games like SEGA does with their "Dreamcast and Genesis Classics" on Steam.


Of course they could.
Will they? Not a chance in hell.

But none of those PC games are from the hardware makers. And there in lies the problem with you analogy.
Again, if Nintendo was a software only developer, this would be different.
But they aren't. They have to support their own system and their own ecosystem. And that is why them "branching out" to PC makes no sense. Just like branching out to mobile makes no sense.
They support their own systems and they have to keep those going. Putting their games on the PC would only hinder that ecosystem.

My assertion hinges on three things, really.

1. PC development (even if on their own OS for some reason as the OP suggests) would be a huge disadvantage to Nintendo. They have been making their own hardware and their own engines for so long that this would be a huge set back for them.

2. They would make far less selling their games on PCs than they are now. Even if they did PC development in conjunction with console (which would increase development cost), they would be harming their console sales, regardless if there are plenty of people that like consoles over PC. There would still be plenty of people that would opt to not spend $300 on a console to play Nintendo's games.

3. Nintendo aren't multiplatform. Sony doesn't put their major games on anything but their own devices. What they put on other systems are severely toned down advertisements. What this topic is suggesting wouldn't be. They would be straight ports of console games. Nintendo is a console maker. Making their full games for anything but their consoles would hurt them.
You keep repeating these things, but I wonder if you realize that you are not proving -or even arguing- anything, just stating your opinions as facts.
So then buy their console! You'll have access to their games, comfy couch gaming , and the controller you're all salivating over!

Why is the group that spends $$$ on graphics cards and mother boards so cheap over buying a gaming system?

I think you misunderstood/I wasnt clear. I'm trying to say:

1. Many many PC gamers have Nintendo hardware/are fans.

2. That seeing official ports of modern (contemporary) Nintendo games on the PC is absurd/will never happen.

I know the crowed your trying to address here, but you jumped the gun on this one :p


The ònly expansion I think Nintendo should do in PC gaming is releasing software that can send your display it to the GamePad, as well as act like a controller. Possibly with some sort of range booster dongle. Shit it might be acceptable to go from PC to Wii U then out to Gamepad if they can get it to a 2 frame max delay.
In the near future, everything should be on the same OS but various hardware. So, I hope that everyone, including Nintendo will expand into PC Gaming, but also that PC Gaming will expand to wide audience.
I like nintendo software, i really do...
But in an AMPLE market like pc, their continually reusage of ip would easily throw them into a ghetto :)
How many Mario themed game do you think they have running?
Too many for a community where good game get model to become better and more diverse :)
Imho that is


They did a long time ago against their own will.. thanks to emulation.

If Nintendo actually got into the PC platform I would bet they would be very aggressive on cracking down at that. With the way ISPs are trying to develop tech to pin down who is pirating movies and music this isn't a stretch of the imagination.
It would make a lot more sense than it might seem at first. Make an awesome HD gamepad for PC that allows you to connect to your HDTV, release their games on steam and their own proprietary software as well.

cutting their hardware production to handhelds and PC peripherals for use with their games and others would probably save them a lot of money.
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