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Could this be real(rumored Revolution specs)?


512K L2 Cache
1200 MHZ Front Side BUS*
600MHz GPU with 12MB embedded 1T SRAM – 2x Pipes 4x T read?

128MB 1T SRAM MAIN MEMORY 600 MHz (L3 Cache to CPU and GPU)
256MB 400MHZ NEC design embedded DRAM
Embedded 16-BIT HD 7.1Digital sound chip
Dedicated sound bandwidth with zero affect on CPU

6GB HD Dual Layer Panasonic Discs

When combined Rev CPUs equal 3.6 GHz. Uses copper wire for less heat*

A 3:1 balance ratio between CPU and RAM

1:1 balance ratio between GPU and Ram


*took out fanboy drivel.

Anyone know if this is feasable considering the size of the Rev?


I am not expecting much from the revolution in terms of horse power. If these are indeed the specs, I am pleasantly surprised.




Heh, two G5's in an enclosure as small as that E3 prototype or smaller... THAT'S THE REVOLUTION! A NEW COOLING SYSTEM!
A proprietary format so wasteful that it only squeezes 6 Gig out of what could've been a full dual-layer DVD? Sounds like Nintendo, but to heck with that, just license HD-DVD. They don't have a chance with Blu-Ray, but since the format war is coming, better for Nintendo to pick the side that Sony isn't, and be the only console to support playback. HD-DVD's cheaper to produce than BRDs (which I'm sure Nintendo and fellow publishers would appreciate), and even if the format bombs out in terms of movies, it's then left as an unsupported proprietary format for Nintendo and still difficult to pirate (especially if there's no interest from the movie bootleggers).

I do like the sound of "Dedicated sound bandwidth with zero affect on CPU" though, absolutely no pun intended. The N64 era was the worst, with a few games completely sacrificing music and a lot of audio just to squeeze more power out of the console. And the GBA had similar problems. (The second GBA Castlevania used the GBC hardware's sound chip, if I recall correctly.)


Pro tip:

Anytime you see the words "Nintendo" and "leak" appearing within the same sentence:

1. Laugh yourself silly.
2. Move along.


"When combined Rev CPUs equal 3.6 GHz. Uses copper wire for less heat and is 200MHZ faster than X360 via FSB"

so we're just adding cpu's to get clock speed? Isn't that like saying the Xbox's CPU equals 9.6GHZ(3 cores x 3.2GHZ)?

Revolution will be the DS of the console world so why do people keep posting such things as specs.

Make sure you get a PS3 along with your REV and don't worry about such things.

its gonna be painful to be a Nintendo fan :)


Smiles and Cries said:
Revolution will be the DS of the console world so why do people keep posting such things as specs.

Make sure you get a PS3 along with your REV and don't worry about such things.

its gonna be painful to be a Nintendo fan :)

Rev Mario
Rev Zelda
Rev Metroid
Rev Pikmin?
Rev Mario kart
Rev whatever new IP Miyamoto is working on
Rev Wars
Rev whatever comes out of Kyoto

Nope not feeling any pain so far :)

And about those specs.. They are too farfetched or flat out stupid to even be laughing at them .. I don't need specs for any of the three consoles. I can't play with specs. Specs don't sound good in 5.1/7.1 and specs sure as hell are not the entertaining part for a gamer. Specs are NON GAME.


Kulock said:
just license HD-DVD. They don't have a chance with Blu-Ray, but since the format war is coming, better for Nintendo to pick the side that Sony isn't, and be the only console to support playback. HD-DVD's cheaper to produce than BRDs (which I'm sure Nintendo and fellow publishers would appreciate), and even if the format bombs out in terms of movies, it's then left as an unsupported proprietary format for Nintendo and still difficult to pirate (especially if there's no interest from the movie bootleggers).

Don't worry, this guy knows for a fact that Nintendo has its HD bases covered!
Now I don’t think this has been made public just yet maybe in Japan but wouldn’t hold my breath. But I know for a fact that the DVD emulator for the Rev. you know the internal attachment, will not only be able to platy standard DVD’s but will also allow you to play HD-DVD and believe it or not BLU-RAY DVD’s also.


lacks enthusiasm.
Re: Rev disc format

Isn't Panasonic/Matsushita in cohorts with Sony on the whole Blu-Ray thing? We know Panasonic is doing the drives for Revolution (as they did for GC) so it wouldn't make any sense for them to go HD-DVD.

Anyways, my bets are on a proprietary disc format. GC's turned out maybe better than Nintendo thought it would when fighting piracy so I'm sure they are heavily weighing proprietary again.

Li Mu Bai

512K L2 Cache
1200 MHZ Front Side BUS*
600MHz GPU with 12MB embedded 1T SRAM – 2x Pipes 4x T read?

128MB 1T SRAM MAIN MEMORY 600 MHz (L3 Cache to CPU and GPU)
256MB 400MHZ NEC design embedded DRAM
Embedded 16-BIT HD 7.1Digital sound chip
Dedicated sound bandwidth with zero affect on CPU

6GB HD Dual Layer Panasonic Discs

When combined Rev CPUs equal 3.6 GHz. Uses copper wire for less heat*

A 3:1 balance ratio between CPU and RAM

1:1 balance ratio between GPU and Ram

C'mon Monk, I know you're just the messenger, but still. (I know you don't believe them)And although many of you laughing about heat control issues due to the Rev's small case design, apparently aren't in the know in regards to efficient multiple cooling systems. These specs are erroneous on multiple fronts, due to the Rev will be using 1T-SRAM-Q as it's main memory pool, & not a secondary source larger than its primary one. 6gb HD Dual layered discs for 12gb total? A dedicated sound chip sounds plausible, like the Macronix provided one for the GC. I could eviscerate these specs even further, but it dawned on me that no one knows anything yet at all. Also, Hollywood isn't even complete yet. Remember this as well regarding the CPU from IBM's own mouth:

Customizable chips also were important to all three game makers because each has a slightly different objective with its machines, Su said.

Microsoft is emphasizing Internet connectivity with its new high-definition Xbox 360, as well as other entertainment features such as the ability to connect to home computers to play music and show movies.

Sony's new PlayStation is expected to introduce a new high-definition DVD technology, called Blu-ray, along with all sorts of ways to connect with other Sony electronics such as MP3 music players and digital cameras.

Nintendo, meanwhile, is sticking fast to the gaming business. It was looking mainly for ways to better display graphics, speed up the processing power of its GameCube successor, and make it more user-friendly, with wireless controller connections and other features.

"All of these [companies] are looking for a way to differentiate themselves from each other," said IBM's Su. "What we offered them is sort of a bag of tricks in terms of processor technology ... that they could pull from to differentiate their products."
That’s what I don’t get.
Hollywood isn’t complete yet and neither is Broadway
So NO one knows what the final speed is gonna be.
So please stop the non sense and wait til Xbox 360 launch when Niontnedo will drop the bomb!!


*drowns in jizz*
Yes. Sorry, had to make a few calls to confirm it, including a conference call and a satellite call. I can confirm these specs are 100% real. Carry on.

EDIT: Just got a new call. Not to worry guys. HD-DVD, Bluray, UMD, Minidisks, and holographic disks are all covered.
Slurpy said:
Yes. Sorry, had to make a few calls to confirm it, including a conference call and a satellite call. I can confirm these specs are 100% real. Carry on.

EDIT: Just got a new call. Not to worry guys. HD-DVD, Bluray, UMD, Minidisks, and holographic disks are all covered.



Li Mu Bai said:
And although many of you laughing about heat control issues due to the Rev's small case design, apparently aren't in the know in regards to efficient multiple cooling systems.

Exactly, I do know for a fact that rev supports IDCS.


it seems whatever rev's hardware, nintendo is convinced it has enough power to compete with ps3 and 360. whether this is the case remains to be seen.

there's another 'revolution supposed to be' doing the rounds that talks about cube mapping. saying it's crutial to nintendo's plan, and is a patent that allows incredible results at low horse power.

can anyone explain what cube mapping is? and why ps3 and xbox 360 couldn't employ similar techniques to get even better results?
ziran said:
can anyone explain what cube mapping is? and why ps3 and xbox 360 couldn't employ similar techniques to get even better results?

I don't understand it either, but think REmake but in 3D and it's all done in hardware so less overhead on the cpu and gpu. Thats what I gather but I could be (and probably am) totally wrong.

Need explanation from someone more knowledgeable please!


Cube Mapping

An alternative to sphere mapping used in environment mapping, cube mapping gets a 'screenshot' looking in 6 different directions and arranges them in a rolled out cube. When applied, the object appears to reflect the environment around it. A 'cheap' alternative to raytracing reflections, cube mapping is fast enough for realtime.


Uhm what?
Also Cube Mapping was used in the first Geforce cards or so I understand...
Interesting or not

The revolution is Nintendo’s first front loading system since the NES (Not incl 64DD)
Every other Nintendo system has been top loading and with each release there has been a decline of sales with each one over its sibling.

Makes you wonder

Now if only we'd get the NES styled Rev!!!!


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
Nintendo isn't gonna go with either HD formats because the driver is too expensive. Out of these supposed specs the media seems like the closest thing to the truth for me.
Yeah, I had noticed the Panasonic being part of the BRD Group before, but I didn't know they were a lock for making the Rev drives. I just see Sony as having the real advantage when it comes to BRD playback, and the HD-DVD collective, if they were smart, would get behind the only other competitor that doesn't have a locked-down drive format yet.

UltraMagnanimous said:
I don't understand it either, but think REmake but in 3D and it's all done in hardware so less overhead on the cpu and gpu. Thats what I gather but I could be (and probably am) totally wrong.

Need explanation from someone more knowledgeable please!

That wouldn't be me, but I'll try anyway. :p As far as I understand it, it's basically like taking a set of prerendered images or movies, and doing something akin to bump-mapping (kind of like normal mapping, I guess?) to build the environments around the player, without eating up tons and tons of polygons. I _think_ it's more of an "enviroment" thing, rather than something the player character and other characters and objects would be produced with, but I'm probably way off too.
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