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Counter Strike: GO - Debut Trailer, Preview and Gameplay


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
It is those maps again, but I haven't played CSS on a regular basis since 2006 so I will probably enjoy getting into this. I hope there is an actual, full fledged CS2 at some point.


Hopefully they work on the economy of the game. I really like how Shadowrun handles money, giving money to players for damage dealt to players (kill stealing doesn't lead to losing money), and you get money for picking up, carrying and scoring the objective. This is all doled out to players based on the amount of time they carried the objective, or the percentage of damage they did to a player that ends up being killed. It is really clever how they did it in Shadowrun, and makes that game's economy very deep and balanced.

I also hope they have a "Gift money" system like SR as well, this way you can customize your teams build, give a teammate money for a gun he is good with, or money for armor, nades etc. This would be a great addition I feel and wouldn't mess with the core of Counter-Strike too much. Instead of buying a gun then dropping it for your teammate, you could also just give him the money to buy it. Adding the option to give players increments of money to each other would also probably make save rounds a little easier for the losing team.

In CS terms, a player could get money for carrying the bomb, or escorting hostages to the objective, the closer you get the more money you get, then you get money for detonating the bomb on top of that, or escorting the hostages all the way to the safe zone. This way, players get credit for the work they did leading up to a successful score, even if they didn't end up completing it. For the opposition, a kill on a bomb carrier or hostage escort could net you more money. Assisting in kills with flashbangs could be worth money, i.e. you throw a flashbang then your teammate picks up a kill on someone that got flashed by you, you get a little money for that assist.

Little things like that I think could go a long way to making Counter-Strike's economy more complex, but more importantly more fair and balanced.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
jediyoshi said:
Set it on a Halo.

Problem solved.

Played CSS 1.6/Q3RA3/Halo 2 competitive

don't you dare call Halo floaty compared to the crap called CSS (and potentially CSGO)

there's a difference between jumping 6 feet and completely inaccurate gunplay and shitty hit boxes/zones/whatever bs name they have in CSS which cause the game to be a spray and pray mess
DopeyFish said:
Played CSS 1.6/Q3RA3/Halo 2 competitive

don't you dare call Halo floaty compared to the crap called CSS

there's a difference between jumping 6 feet and completely inaccurate gunplay and shitty hit boxes/zones/whatever bs name they have in CSS which cause the game to be a spray and pray mess
CPM + RA3 maps thats the shit man. Now i feel like i should reinstalling Q3...


I love how everyone was worried about CS changing too much and now it basically just is CS after all. I am actually kind of disappointed by that. I hoped they would maybe do some more new stuff.


DopeyFish said:
Played CSS 1.6/Q3RA3/Halo 2 competitive

don't you dare call Halo floaty compared to the crap called CSS (and potentially CSGO)

there's a difference between jumping 6 feet and completely inaccurate gunplay and shitty hit boxes/zones/whatever bs name they have in CSS which cause the game to be a spray and pray mess

What the frack is CSS 1.6?

I also never liked CSS for the reasons you said but why so sure this is going to be the same mess?

I'm very curious on when the CS 1.6 invites are going to hidden path's hq to try the game out and tell us what they feel about it. It does look sourcelike from that gameplay video but not everything is lost yet.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
MrKnives said:
What the frack is CSS 1.6?

I also never liked CSS for the reasons you said but why so sure this is going to be the same mess?

I'm very curious on when the CS 1.6 invites are going to hidden path's hq to try the game out and tell us what they feel about it. It does look sourcelike from that gameplay video but not everything is lost yet.

well... first was a typo... oops

but just notice the reticle bloom from the video... that screams CSS right there and basically means if they give us CSS with new visuals... then i'm likely not going to touch it

i don't care how good it looks if they don't understand what made CS good in the first place... and that was accuracy

played CSS after a bit of a break from pro FPS games and went like 2-10 (note: I go for kill shots.. which 90% of them miss in CSS) i quit it and went to CS 1.6, went 60-8
I can't really see how this could work on console. I can see people buying it for the name, but not actually playing it for a long time. It is just not fit for console play. And gamers nowadays won't be able to get into the fast paced gunplay, no regen life and no respawn.
Counterstrike was my least favorite multiplayer experience despite playing with friends.

Maybe there will be actual newbies now though.


UnluckyKate said:
gamers nowadays won't be able to get into the fast paced gunplay, no regen life and no respawn.
I could agree with the no regen and no respawn, but the fast paced gun play will cater to a small group of players I think (definitely myself, but i play a ton of PC games, so im used to it)


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
UnluckyKate said:
I can't really see how this could work on console. I can see people buying it for the name, but not actually playing it for a long time. It is just not fit for console play. And gamers nowadays won't be able to get into the fast paced gunplay, no regen life and no respawn.
It will definitely be interesting to see how the CoD crowd responds to this (if they try it in the first place). I'm actually somewhat relieved it is still really CounterStrike and not some sort of weird combination of CS and what people are used to from recent shooters.


Unfortunately it doesn't sound like sprays are going to make it in

The fuck?! Do they mean only on the console version or what? Both L4D games had them on PC. I guess Portal 2 didn't.


Wario64 said:
Keyboard+mouse support on PS3 bitches

I don't know..what percentage of PS3 owners would bother using a keyboard and mouse or hell even feel comfortable using it?

I am sure there will be gamepad only servers or something..


Not bitter, just unsweetened
watched the video preview... saw what appeared to be a player shooting another in the head with a famas(?) with about 3 rounds and another 4 or so at his neck at the aztec bomb spot while taking forever to die

yeah, this game looks like shit. pass. CSS all over again


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
I'll probably get this just because it is Valve.

Never was TOO into the counterstrike games, but I did enjoy them.
I just noticed something.


Look at the guns, and tell me whats different.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
phosphor112 said:
I just noticed something.


Look at the guns, and tell me whats different.

where's the chamber? uh... disposal thingie... chamber handle / cocking handle?

though i think it's supposed to be on the right side anyways?


Ugh, wtf have they done to dust ;( ? Going by those videos seems like players can take a lot of hits before dying and dust is fucked. Not a good start.
Man said:
PS3 version with M/K, Move and Cross platform play... Awesome. So bought.

This is really great and should be emphasized (developer actually using console-specific features :eek: :eek: ).
I guess cross-platform-play means they integrated the whole Steamworks thing just like in Portal 2 (= also cloud saving etc.).

I wonder if you also get a free PC/Mac version if you buy the PS3 version, similar to Portal 2. I guess they can't just include a code, but maybe the can link the PSN purchase to Steam?


Refresh looks good! Looking forward to playing the beta of it.

And If I end up buying it I will smash the granny out of the console players.

I think CS2 is needed in the future to bring the community back together in one place though.


The_Player said:
Just add ADS and I'll be pleased.

Yeah, problem is the CS hardcore are as resistant the change as any gamer sub-cult you care to mention, they probably won't even buy this and just stick with 1.6.

I always thought CS would be a good IP for an update, throw in customization, ADS, more objectives etc... but it will never happen as the E-sports crowd would wet themselves. You could argue "just play BF / COD etc..." but CS has a better optimized engine and no tacked on SP which I think leads into it being a good third option, if they were allowed to change anything ever.
With the vast benefits on PS3 of this and Portal, I can't understand why anyone would buy either on anything other than PC /PS3 unless you are X360 only.

Microsoft really need to fix their relationship with Valve
DopeyFish said:
where's the chamber? uh... disposal thingie... chamber handle / cocking handle?

though i think it's supposed to be on the right side anyways?


Fun fact: The original gun modeler of CS was left handed, so when playing with "left hand mode" the gun (being held in the left hand) models correctly because that is how he made them. Though, that caused an issue for right handed players. It throws off their orientation, so code was put in to... completely flip the models horizontally onto the right side.

So, in 1.6, the bullets flew out across the screen even in right handed mode. CS: Source held that same "tradition" and CS: GO finally fixes that.


ehh... not impressed but this video has to be pre-1.6 player suggestion meeting so I still have a tiny bit of hope left


ugh god this looks awful, wow. That gun models are borderline atrocious, what the fuck am i looking at??? Super bummed out about what I'm looking at


GAF's Bob Woodward
Shadow780 said:
DO WANT, does PSN game comes with a steam code again?

I think that's almost a given with any Valve games going forward.

Funnier still would be if it turns out to be F2P on PC/PSN/Mac...that would leave MS with another pickle.
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