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DEATHLOOP – Official E3 World Premiere



Publisher Bethesda Softworks and developer Arkane Lyon announced Deathloop during the Bethesda Softworks E3 2019 press conference. Platforms were not announced.

Here is an overview of the game, via Bethesda Softworks:
Deathloop transports players to the lawless island of Blackreef in an eternal struggle between two extraordinary assassins. Explore stunning environments and meticulously designed levels in an immersive gameplay experience that lets you approach every situation any way you like. Hunt down targets all over the island in an effort to put an end to the cycle once and for all, and remember, if at first you don’t succeed… die, die again.
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Arkane flexin'.

I would've taken another Dishonored or another Prey, but Arkane and a new IP is wonderful news. I love the tone of this game and I'm betting that we'll be able to play around with the tools even more than in previous games (on the merit that they'll be able to bend the laws of time and physics even more in this weird loop-world).

Can't wait to see more information on the actual gameplay.


Looks cool, but I'm not sure what it is. Is it a single player game with 2 campaigns or an online 1v1 game?
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Seems good but the trailer doesn't really tell me how the game will play, just the story. So that seems interesting but no idea what gameplay will be like.
CG trailers do nothing for me, but it seemed like a decent premise and an interesting aesthetic. After Prey, I’m willing to give it another look after gameplay is shown.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
If you can do all the cool "dive off things and shoot under where you just were" kind of moves without excessive slowmo, it could be pretty neat. Unfortunately I feel like this E3 has had the most CG I've seen since PS2, so we'll just have to wait until we can actually see the games.


Oh, yay, another CG trailer reveal that gives no indication what we can realistically expect from the game.

What's to be excited about, again?


The one game that saved the Beth show (tho the show was pleasing as a PR construction, unlike the terrible MS effort earlier).

But... Didn't one of those MS game trailers have *exactly* the same conceit, with the whole *two worlds* and *competing POV* mechanism. Bug's Live vs Antz all over again.

The fragments of gameplay looked a little lame and generic tho, but I hope that's cos the game is in a very early stage. But I'll say this. While Every PC gamer with a brain is bound to pick out Deathloop, and it was very well presented, it was clearly one of Todd's least important announcements. Look at the show carefully, and think about what the show chose to *love*, and Deathloop wasn't on that list.

No, it was mobile, gaming-as-a-service, MTX, and patents (streaming) which Zenimax can use to sue everyone else with. That is what the show loved. That is what Todd loves.

Deathloop is an outlier. One true gamers can be pleased still exists at Beth, but out-of-character for current and future Beth.
The problem with CGI trailers is that there is nothing to discuss afterwards. We know the games name, a teaser for the plot, and who the developers are. There’s nothing actually to talk about, except what we can assume from their past works. This thread is more about Prey than Deathboop.

Boss Mog

The concept is intriguing and potentially pretty cool if well executed, but the trailer doesn't really tell us much other than Arkane is woke.


The concept is intriguing and potentially pretty cool if well executed, but the trailer doesn't really tell us much other than Arkane is woke.

What was "woke"?
The Deathloop trailer was the opposite of pandering. This is exactly what we anti-SJWs have been hoping for: actual diversity and representation without the politicized bullshit, not 'Diversity' and narrative reperations.


Cool concept, though above all I want to see how it plays.

Crossing fingers for a more combat-focused Dishonoured, hopefully taking cues from Dark Messiah for any melee stuff.

Why? I didn't see any intentionally-ugly women this time around. Characters looked sweet.
What was "woke"?
The Deathloop trailer was the opposite of pandering. This is exactly what we anti-SJWs have been hoping for: actual diversity and representation without the politicized bullshit, not 'Diversity' and narrative reperations.
Both protagonists are black = woke af, apparently 🤔

Imma give them the benefit of the doubt until we see preaching.
Shifty Shifty I'm hoping for a more violent, actiony game. Arkane handles stealth well, but it often feels like they strongly discourage you from going ham with their combat system. You can be violent, but in both Dishonored and Prey (haven't beaten Dishonored 2) it feels like aggression is punished heavily.

Some environmental hazards would fit the theme well and would definitely be like DMoMM. The whole idea seems to be "kill the Other while you try to figure out why you're trapped in this multi-dimensional prison".


DunDunDunpachi DunDunDunpachi Yeah, the tone of the trailer doesn't say 'stealth' to me so I'm hoping they'll open up the throttle with some push-forward combat this time.

I'm intrigued by the idea of the two-side campaign, which they've done a couple of times now with Dishonoured. What I'm expecting is scripted fights in a linear story progression, but I kinda hope they go further and add some emergent stuff so it feels like you're actually being hunted by the other assassin.
DunDunDunpachi DunDunDunpachi Yeah, the tone of the trailer doesn't say 'stealth' to me so I'm hoping they'll open up the throttle with some push-forward combat this time.

I'm intrigued by the idea of the two-side campaign, which they've done a couple of times now with Dishonoured. What I'm expecting is scripted fights in a linear story progression, but I kinda hope they go further and add some emergent stuff so it feels like you're actually being hunted by the other assassin.
I'm guessing roguelike.

Build a open-worldish map (not sprawling, but big enough to be a fun playground) and let the player explore it piece by piece in every "loop". It seems like killing the other person at a specific juncture is necessary to advance the plot. Die and it's back to the last story-driven kill. You keep trying over and over -- exploring more of the map and finding more lore as you go -- until you reach the conclusion.


Cool concept, though above all I want to see how it plays.

Crossing fingers for a more combat-focused Dishonoured, hopefully taking cues from Dark Messiah for any melee stuff.

Both protagonists are black = woke af, apparently 🤔

Imma give them the benefit of the doubt until we see preaching.

That's really scary to me that there's a possible backlash effect happening. We need to be vigilant here - not every gay or black or female character is an assault from the radical left. In fact, we want it to! Just done well: without agenda, without pandering, without hypocrisy, and without reperational politics.

It's very possible there could be some political nonsense in the game on the future marketing - and I'm sure some groan-worthy articles after the preview rounds, but as of right now? Two black leads for no obvious particular reason is just plain ol' fine- and that is really, really great.
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That's really scary to me that there's a possible backlash effect happening. We need to be vigilant here - not every gay or black or female character is an assault from the radical left. In fact, we want it to! Just done well: without agenda, without pandering, without hypocrisy, and without reperational politics.

It's very possible there could be some political nonsense in the game on the future marketing - and I'm sure some groan-worthy articles after the preview rounds, but as of right now? Two black leads for no obvious particular reason is just plain ol' fine- and that is really, really great.

Sarah Conner existed in a world before feminist critics, and people loved her. Ellen Ripley exited in a world before feminist critics, and people loved her. Even The Bride from Kill Bill largely existed in a world before feminist critics, and people loved her. Same for Samus, Lara Croft, Tifa Lockhart, etc.

But those same characters being created now? They're be born into a world of bloggers, critics, and "journalists" who treat inclusion like it's a zero-sum game, which in turn creates other who feel the same way, and not just on "their side." They'd be born into a world of "ugh, not another white male," which coming from the gaming press or film critics was just about unheard of when these characters were written.

You're right that not every gay or black or female character is an assault from the radical left, but each do represent a win for the progressive left, because that's the game they've taught the world to play through "ugh, not another white male."

It would be nice if people didn't teach the world to look at representation as a zero-sum game. It's a weird catch 22. You get representation by talking about the need for it, but talking about the need for it creates people who are resentful when they don't get it (or don't think they have it), which creates another group who are resentful when the first group does get it.

And then you get headlines like this, taken from the political forum: "The Times: 37% of UK TV ads feature black people (3% of UK population), 72% of black individuals feel they are underrepresented in ads."

But you're right. It is scary to see the backlash, and it's an unfortunate situation.
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