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Do you think GTA6 will be current-gen only?


Crazy that GTA 5 was made for PS3/Xbox360 in mind.

We will basically go from shit 3core cpu from 2005, slowassfuck hdd,256 mb ram to today's cpu/ssd/16gb ram
Just because they did it doesn't mean it's right, they did it for the numbers.
The leaks showed game running on PS4, but that couldn't mean to be anything. Worth noticing that Sony is crazy about selling more PS5, it could be because of the next GTA.

We also need to remember that releasing for previous generation means including Xbox One. Maybe Rockstar will consider releasing only for PS4, like Capcom did with RE4R, but not at launch.
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The only question I have is will it be single player focused or another load of shite like GTA V where single player was an afterthought. I think we know the answer.


With the interior scene we saw in one of the leaks, I don't think it's coming to last gen hardware.
30 fps on PS5 & Series X. PC?


When it's eventually released.


they are not big fans of pro patches. They prefer to sell you a new version. Source GTA 5 on next gen.
It all depends if they do an unlocked frame rate version with VRR and dynamic resolution. Ps5 pro could take advantage. But the most important thing is no Xbox series S port. PLEASE.


I think it will be current gen only but I think it will be on iOS via Apple like we just had with Resident Evil and Death Stranding. Then I think it will be on Android via Netflix.


I think it will be current gen only but I think it will be on iOS via Apple like we just had with Resident Evil and Death Stranding. Then I think it will be on Android via Netflix.
Is that possible or I you just messing around? Serious question. I guess tech could evolve that much...
Does everyone forget? When the leak happened it was literally running on PS4 so hell yeah it will!
The leaked build was running on a 1080 at 720P, 3060 TI at 1080p and a RTX 3080 at 4K.



The guys over on Digital Foundry put it best I think, Rockstar doesn't need to put the game on PS4/XB1 because people will come to GTA, not the other way around, I know people who bought a PS4 just to play RDR2 and I have no doubt they'll do the same to play GTA6, these games are on a whole different level from your average AAA release.


GTA6 cannot run on a PS4 or XBox One, moslty due to CPU limitations.
It will run on PS5, PS5 PRO, PS6, XBox series, and Next XBox.

Lots of games can't run properly on switch, but you don't see that holding publishers back.

This game will come to PS4/X1; no way Rockstar is turning their back to that humongous user base.
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Represent(ative) of bad opinions
There's less than a 0% chance this is a PS4/One game.



PC … PC2
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Gold Member
You'd think it'd be current-gen only.

Then again, they approved the release of the classic GTA trilogy "Definitive" Edition.
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Why? GTA5 is a PS3/Xbox360 game. We need a proper GTA on the PS4/XB1. GTA6 is the perfect candidate to make the Jagaur cores in the PS4/XB1 scream.
Is there a law written somewhere that every gen has to have a new GTA? It woulda been nice while the PS4/XBone gen was current, but we can thank R* for greedily milking every last penny out of GTA Online instead of getting the next GTA done in a timely manner like they always used to. The PS4/Xbone era is in the past, let it go. PS5s and Xbox Series have been growing on trees for a while now.


I wager GTA6 will initially be available on:

Xbox One/X/S

Edit: And yeah this thread needed a poll.
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Lots of games can't run properly on switch, but you don't see that holding publishers back.

This game will come to PS4/X1; no way Rockstar is turning their back to that humongous user base.
They already release paid content that's current gen only for GTA online.
By the time and shortly after GTA6 comes out, current gen will have waaaaaay more active users than last gen.
They want GTA6 to be impressive for 10 years...not feel dated scalled back for old hardware. They ignored the 150 million PS2 owners for GTA 4.


*Refreshes biennially
It better be current gen only because I’ve played RDR2 on PC at absolute max settings a couple of days ago and that game is aging like milk.


Is that possible or I you just messing around? Serious question. I guess tech could evolve that much...
IDK what they are doing on iOS but Apple has Death Stranding, RE Village and RE4R running, the GTA6 leak doesn't look any better than Death Stranding. I believe the Netflix component would be streaming.

*This is just a guess that I am making but I feel like GTA6 on mobile is a lock within the next 3-5 years either way.
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it is not the number of year that counts but the number of consoles that make the install base

The install base doesn't really matter though if most of those old consoles have since been shelved or are playing the same five games since 2019...

Consoles as they go on plateau and then taper off in attach rate when new consoles come out and as some owners lose interest over time. Sales are usually bunched and not publicly reported in detail, but we know some details about sales trends for 2022's Horizon Forbidden West which point to a 70/30 PS5 to PS4 ratio in its launch (despite the install base having lapped up the original Horizon on PS4, plus the the PS4 version of H:FW was upgradeable to PS5 at $10 less.) The resulting DLC for Forbidden West went exclusively to PS5 (which added some cool features and graphical advantages for flight, but it's debatable if a version of Burning Shores could somehow have been cut down if they really, really wanted to.) Warner Bros also dropped past-gen for most of its new games, even though some of them also add Switch versions where it makes business sense.

It's not necessarily a factor of power which would push GTA6 to current-gen. Yes, GTA6 will do some cool new stuff, and by now there are technologies mature enough to put in which wouldn't scale down easily if at all, but it's not like the old days where the power of the box defined the capabilities of the game. It could ignore PS4/One and still come to Switch and Mobile if they really wanted to. Rockstar is going to make the sensible choice all around, and at this point, there aren't a lot of reasons to have a team slog through the effort needed for releasing on the old consoles.

The leaks showed game running on PS4, but that couldn't mean to be anything. Worth noticing that Sony is crazy about selling more PS5, it could be because of the next GTA.

I don't think that's actually confirmed? There's was a connection drawn from what was seen of the UI in the leaked build, but PS5 dev kits apparently have the same UI as PS4.

Either way, in the early prototyping days, there are a lot of different builds of games before a fully integrated build can be tested with current features and functions. You can test scripting and other aspects of the project with what's available while waiting for the main to mix.

(Forza also leaked hinting at an Xbox One version, but the end product was Xbox Series-only, and also demanded a significant step up in minimum PC specs over the cross-gen FH5.)
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By the time this comes out next gen consoles will be common in households so they would be dumb to hold it back by making it cross gen.


Well, they ran gta5 on a ps3 and Xbox 360… it wouldn’t surprise me at all
Because the majority of GTA5's dev cycle took place before PS4/XbOne dev kits existed. It was literally designed for PS360, you make it sound like it was retroactive.

We know they started working on GTA5 in 2008, basically as soon as GTA4 was finished. We don't know when they started working on GTA6. If the rumors are true that at launch the map will be "relatively smaller than one would expect" and then grow over time with DLC releases, then I would doubt they've been working on it all that long. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't go into full bore production until RDR2 was done.
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50 million PS5s has been sold, probably half of this number Xbox series. They might launch on PC day 1 unlike GTA5. There's instal base to make it successful


Surely the sensible thing to do is go next gen only with gta6 and also do a collection of gta 1 / china town wars etc for similar timed release on ps4 / switch.

Shorter time on development and less technical issues for the main release and a shamless cash grab on older systems to please the shareholders.
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