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Does this mean Blade is Xbox console exclusive?




Didn't they say games will be exclusive on a case by case basis? Maybe this case hasn't been decided yet. My guess is that will be exclusive, but everything about MS is put under the microscope, so anything they decide will be criticized


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
Imagine if this became an industry standard. This would cause mass pandemonium online.

Nobody should be okay with this business practice

It's being made by an Xbox 1st party studio, it's console exclusive to Xbox S/X. Xbox is not going to go out of their way to make games for Sony. Nobody ever questions if a game being made by sony is going to be anything other than console exclusive to sony, why would a game being made by Xbox 1st Party be anything other than console exclusive to Xbox?

Get over it and quit port begging.


Didn't they say games will be exclusive on a case by case basis? Maybe this case hasn't been decided yet. My guess is that will be exclusive, but everything about MS is put under the microscope, so anything they decide will be criticized
they meant that about games no one wants, like quake.
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So you are saying all sony games that was released on pc with horizon/ TFW soon, are not "console exclusives" to playstation?

They were exclusive up to that point..

How can a game be exclusive to Playstation when you don't need one to play it?


Although it's unknown how well a Blade game will do. Iron Man or Dr Strange would have been safer bets but Blade was probably the best they could do. Let's see how it turns out.
The simplest answer is they already have assets from Redfall (the artstyle is pretty much the same).


I'm not really following why Marvel would care about the game being multiplatform. The alternative to MS getting the liscense is that no Blade game is made. It's not like MLB the Show where there's obviously a demand for a baseball game. There's no obvious demand for a Blade game. Having a relatively prestigious studio like Arkane make it suddenly does increase the demand.

In summary: it's exclusive, but MS probably won't say for what platform because it may not even come out this gen if they just started development. who knows.
The only reason would be if they get a percentage based on sales and they would want to maximise that but I'm pretty sure that with a smaller IP like this MS would pay whatever Marvel would be asking anyway. They're just acting like a bit of an assclown about exclusivity so that it gets people talking and xbox fans talking about 'port begging' like this is the hot new thing when they know pretty much nothing about it.
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They were exclusive up to that point..

How can a game be exclusive to Playstation when you don't need one to play it?
Console exclusive means it's exclusive to One Console without it being available to other consoles , like spider man PC is different platform.
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Did people forget about the leaked emails and internal memos already? They were only a few months ago!

If anything, they're just trying to associate it with their brand since they'll have marketing rights. But I doubt it's going to be console-exclusive when the Blade movie (and MCU in general) need all the help they can get, and locking the game to a console where a heavy portion are conditioned to access the games for "free" in a subscription service isn't going to convert towards getting those folks in the theaters. Mainly because their habits gaming-wise would bleed over to other entertainment (i.e they're likely already the type who don't go to the theater to watch movies).

If it IS console-exclusive, though...welp, that's potentially a W for bragging points for MS. Won't do much for converting people to go out and actually watch the films with their own money though.

The only reason would be if they get a percentage based on sales and they would want to maximise that but I'm pretty sure that with a smaller IP like this MS would pay whatever Marvel would be asking anyway. They're just acting like a bit of an assclown about exclusivity so that it gets people talking and xbox fans talking about 'port begging' like this is the hot new thing when they know pretty much nothing about it.

It also proves they're 100% invested in console-warring, or stirring that pot, right at the top of the division. Which is why I have no respect for people like Phil Spencer or Aaron Greenberg (the leaked emails only helped re-affirm this).

It's really because they've virtue-signaled so aggressively about other companies being "anti-consumer" with exclusivity, and doing the whole kumbaya act when the brand was at its lowest point, and doing various gestures (most empty) to appear "pro-consumer"...all the while enabling some of the most toxic console warriors, enabling them in the press to console-war, and being hypocritical about various small things like reveal embargos among other stuff.

There's no respect in that. Not from me.
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Gold Member
People in here talking about exclusivity, I'm just worried about if it's going to be good or not since the last 2 games they made are fucking garbage.
Thank you, someone said it.

They're already cheaping out with the artstyle, and it's not easy for quality studios to switch genres/perspective in 2023 and beyond.
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Tell Sony spread the love with Spider-Man 2 then, you can't expect Microsoft to not do the same after Sony struck up similar deals. Anywho, it's obvious Spider-Man 2 and Blade are both coming to PC at some point so we stay winning I guess lol

Who's "we"? The 30% of the whatever percent of Steam users who actually buy games at full price?


First complain why Xbox has no exclusive and when they get exclusive game then complain why its exclusive to to Xbox.
Can you please show me who exactly here on this topic has complained why Blade shouldn't be exclusive?
Before attepting to answer, I suggest to Google the word why and make sure you don't mistake it for if. While at it, please Google the word complain.

Like, bruh....

We got legit port begging up on this piece. And here I thought all Xbox games were garbage. Why they begging for garbage then? I'm confused.
Like above, can you please show me who here is port begging this (likely 2026 or beyond) game?


Because it shouldn’t take this long to announce this and the way they are keeping it ambigous is childish.

They made the story abt platforms when it coulda just been how exciting it is to have Arkane work on this
Is it their spider man? If it really is, then it'll just add more fueling onto console war, but I don't think so, cause they're dealing with multiple factors.
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Why people are confused? Microsoft's 1st party game is expected to be an exclusive, am I wrong? Just like Sony's Spiderman games.

Because they didn't say. Didn't even have the Xbox logo..didn't even mention Microsoft. That's odd as you'd expect them to scream from the rooftops.

Additionally, Xbox consoles aren't doing so hot and we also have the complication of Gamepass. The two of those things combined likely mean low sales. And that's a difficult thing for Marvel to approve unless Microsoft have been Microsoft and backed up the truck full of cash.

They've also declined to comment.

It's all a bit odd.


Who's "we"? The 30% of the whatever percent of Steam users who actually buy games at full price?
Why do y'all cheer about giving companies MORE money? That's such a weird flex lmao.

I bought Resident Evil 4 and TLOU PT 1 CD keys for 40 and 35 respectively this year Day 1, why pay full price for so many of these one and done games? Resident Evil 4 was great though, got 3 playthroughs out of that
Can you please show me who exactly here on this topic has complained why Blade shouldn't be exclusive?
Before attepting to answer, I suggest to Google the word why and make sure you don't mistake it for if. While at it, please Google the word complain.

Like above, can you please show me who here is port begging this (likely 2026 or beyond) game?

Likely no one; just desperados wanting to act like they've got some hot stuff other people covet so much so as to port-beg. It gives them the illusion of being desired, that's about it.

Why do y'all cheer about giving companies MORE money? That's such a weird flex lmao.

I bought Resident Evil 4 and TLOU PT 1 CD keys for 40 and 35 respectively this year Day 1, why pay full price for so many of these one and done games? Resident Evil 4 was great though, got 3 playthroughs out of that

I'm just dispelling a narrative that PC is somehow "bigger than console", as I've seen some people try stating the past year or so, when numbers don't support that. Especially when in lots of those comparisons Nintendo and Xbox are excluded to try making the point.

Also you just contradicted yourself; how is RE4 a "one and done" when you've played it 3 times already? Not like being a "one and done" is inherently a bad thing; a lot of times it's about the experience.

Some of my favorite movies ever, for example, I've only watched maybe once or a very small handful of times over a period of years. I don't have to rewatch them every week or every year to consider them amazing films.

What level is that then?

A level that can make a superhero game sell 2.5 million copies in 24 hours, and get a 60% completion rate for the full campaign among all players.

You know, metrics that are actually tangible and/or matter to a significant degree. If there's one big thing the Blade game has working against it, it's the IP. Blade simply isn't as well-known as Spiderman, Batman, Superman, the Avengers etc. Modern folks probably don't know what a great Blade film is because they weren't around when Blade 1 & 2 came out, they may not even know those films exist.

The new film has had all sorts of problems, and it's anchored to a film brand in decline that needs a couple big lifelines to resurrect it. So needless to say, the game has its work cut out for it.
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“Oh no! They haven’t said if it’s Xbox exclusive or not yet. They are being childish and stringing us along with their ambiguity”

This forum really is something special! 😂😂

It’s an Xbox studio. You can assume it will most likely be console exclusive. So nothing to worry about if you have an Xbox or a gaming PC.


Gold Member
I don't even know why this is a discussion. It's obviously not going to be on PlayStation.

If it's any consolation, it's probably not going to be good.

They're basically following what Sony did with Spiderman and then Wolverine.

Although it's unknown how well a Blade game will do. Iron Man or Dr Strange would have been safer bets but Blade was probably the best they could do. Let's see how it turns out.
Iron Man got taken by EA (ugh) and Doctor Strange requires a lot of research between the comics, understanding the first movie, and probably doing a lot of new things.


Moderated wildly
It ain't exclusive. Aaron's a clown.

Or if it is exclusive, they've gone some weird way of announcing this. Their has to be some legal reasons or something is still being worked out.
Microsoft can still say if the game will be exclusive to Xbox platforms or not. One would think it would be and typically MS has had no problem saying so in the past. I think the only theory about this that holds up is MS doesn't want to give the FTC any more ammunition.

Maybe. The FTC already know what MS's foreclosure plans with Zenimax are, though, they have the documents where Phil Spencer and Pete Hines were discussing it (and in disagreement).

So announcing Blade as Xbox console-exclusive wouldn't be additional ammo for the FTC IMO, just reaffirming what they already knew. I think the reason it hasn't been announced as console-exclusive is because they simply haven't or can't get that deal from Disney/Marvel. It'd come down to them, and I'm sure they know the gulf in market share and viability between PlayStation and Xbox globally.

Basically, Sony can justify making Spiderman and Wolverine console-exclusive because of PlayStation's market share and the success of their 1P software sales. Microsoft would have a significantly harder time doing the same for Blade, particularly with where the MCU is ATM, because they simply don't have that type of success in the console space. And, Disney/Marvel may not want an upfront moneyhat for console exclusivity if they want as much exposure for the game as possible, in getting B2P customers who are (IMO) more likely to go watch the films in the theaters vs. someone just getting access to the game for "free" in a subscription service.

Or hey, maybe it's just as simple as MS really are going more fully 3P. Time will tell.

It ain't exclusive. Aaron's a clown.

Or if it is exclusive, they've gone some weird way of announcing this. Their has to be some legal reasons or something is still being worked out.

It's either not exclusive because they're still working out details (and having trouble doing so; see above), or it's not exclusive because they intend it to be a fully multiplatform release.

The game also just started dev very recently, so they could be waiting to see how it shapes up before deciding to pursue exclusivity or not. But very likely, it is not currently console-exclusive hence no announcement of such.

All this drama is just to make people talk about blade and Xbox and boost the engagement 💍

Phil and Aaron,...hell, Xbox as a whole, REALLY care about optics. Much more in ways that ultimately matter little, than Sony or Nintendo. It's been that way for a while now, very wierd.

Although in this case they do want to associate a potentially big superhero game with their brand, which would be meaningful optics-wise. But they're doing it without having any proof of things like exclusivity or even what the game looks & plays like (to show if it's quality or not), which is the kind of thing I mean where they're "weirdly" obsessed with optics at any cost.
It seems that here the game itself is the least important thing, seeing the Xbox spokespersons on Twitter, the only important thing is to get the "if it is officially exclusive" to have one more card in the console war.

Mr Moose

Call of duty was always going to be on PlayStation. Just the name over the door would change.

MLB would take the license from Sony all together if they didn't go multiplatform. Sony didn't want that but they had no choice. Totally different scenarios.
Minecraft spin-offs.


I don't see why it wouldn't be an Xbox console exclusive it's being made by one of their first party studios. I'm curious to see what they do with the ip story and gameplay wise.

Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
Can you please show me who exactly here on this topic has complained why Blade shouldn't be exclusive?
Before attepting to answer, I suggest to Google the word why and make sure you don't mistake it for if. While at it, please Google the word complain.

Like above, can you please show me who here is port begging this (likely 2026 or beyond) game?
I don't need to. You see it like everyone else.

Mr Moose

I don't see why it wouldn't be an Xbox console exclusive it's being made by one of their first party studios. I'm curious to see what they do with the ip story and gameplay wise.
Exactly, so why no "coming to Xbox & PC" or "XBOX EXCLUSIVE" stuff in the trailer and why are they refusing to say if it is or not?

We know Indiana Jones was going to be multiplat and was renegotiated, is this a similar case or have Disney said no to this one?
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Who cares about console exclusives on the Xbox? This isn't a Sony situation where you have to wait 1-2+ years for a PC port.


Its obviously exclusive, made by Arkane, published by Xbox…
Im more interested in whether this will have the same budget/quality as Spiderman/Wolverine, I doubt it will given how Game Pass affects it all but we’ll see.


Gold Member
“Oh no! They haven’t said if it’s Xbox exclusive or not yet. They are being childish and stringing us along with their ambiguity”

This forum really is something special! 😂😂

It’s an Xbox studio. You can assume it will most likely be console exclusive. So nothing to worry about if you have an Xbox or a gaming PC.
The irony is that the xbox shills are the ones saying this.
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