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Dragon Quest X |OT| Import Solution Found


Too much lag for it to work or just plain not enough data throughput? I've abandoned the idea of getting DQX w/ the assumption that you'd need a $10-20/mo proxy service to get the IP needed to play.

Packetix? Depending on how they do the IP check it would be too slow I reckon, I think the free one maxes out at 10kb/s. Would probably be fine if they only did the IP check at login (many MMOs actually do that so you can spoof the login with a slow free VPN or proxy and then close it when you're in) but not for normal play, yeah.


According to the Fedex tracker thing, the game should be with me tomorrow morning. I've an Overplay account so I'll let you all know how it works out. Fingers crossed!


Yeah but see that costs money, add to that the monthly fee and you're looking at a big moneysink (add to that high japanese game prices and horrible exchange rates).

According to the Fedex tracker thing, the game should be with me tomorrow morning. I've an Overplay account so I'll let you all know how it works out. Fingers crossed!

Following packages is a game in it self haha, such a nice feeling when it's finally there. Hope it works fine for you and post about it, sure doesn't seem like we'll get many posts :(


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Just crafted my first weapon. The crafting system is pretty straight forward for weapon crafting. Though as usual idiots who dont understand how an economy works makes crafting low level stuff useless with dumbshits putting the price lower than the cost to list item + %age taken from the purchase itself. This is one of the main reasons why I hate player based economies.

Be sure to save everything and anything you find on the world map. Even if you dont use it someone else is sure to and you can put that stuff up for sale in the bazaar.


Yeah but see that costs money, add to that the monthly fee and you're looking at a big moneysink (add to that high japanese game prices and horrible exchange rates).

I know it's not an option for anybody, I put some money aside a while ago, so I can afford it for a couple of months at least.


I know it's not an option for anybody, I put some money aside a while ago, so I can afford it for a couple of months at least.

Haha that was more directed at Aeana, I'm certainly not blaming anybody for having the money to afford it (heck I'm not going to tell anybody what I paid for my love plus 3ds & project mirai ahhh japan prices), enjoy your time.

Just crafted my first weapon. The crafting system is pretty straight forward for weapon crafting. Though as usual idiots who dont understand how an economy works makes crafting low level stuff useless with dumbshits putting the price lower than the cost to list item + %age taken from the purchase itself. This is one of the main reasons why I hate player based economies.

Be sure to save everything and anything you find on the world map. Even if you dont use it someone else is sure to and you can put that stuff up for sale in the bazaar.

Yeah I hate player economies too, at least it has an bazaar, in some games when I tried to sell things for their actual price I couldn't do it because everybody thought haggling was a prerequisite, so you have to play the stupid me/overprice->he/underprice->meet at actual cost game. Nonsense. Also they always immediately break like you seem to hint at. Ah well.
So the crafting is pretty forward, with the "minigame" it sounded like it could be pretty interesting.


Overplay is what I planned to use when I got it. Honestly, I was going to go through with it anyway and try my best to get it all working, but we had a couple of financial surprises and I could no longer justify buying something I wasn't sure I could play. Not to mention the sudden lack of time for an MMO. But if someone here manages to get it working on a softmodded non-JP Wii outside of Japan, then I'd love to hear about it so I can get it a bit later.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Yeah I hate player economies too, at least it has an bazaar, in some games when I tried to sell things for their actual price I couldn't do it because everybody thought haggling was a prerequisite, so you have to play the stupid me/overprice->he/underprice->meet at actual cost game. Nonsense. Also they always immediately break like you seem to hint at. Ah well.
So the crafting is pretty forward, with the "minigame" it sounded like it could be pretty interesting.

The minigame isnt too bad. Its not something stupid like what happened with EQ2 for example of a minigame gone wrong. For blacksmithing as you may have seen in videos, its pretty simple. The green bars = good. Going over the green bars = chance of failure with crafting and losing the mats. The strength you put into hits is semi random size of the green bar "Success Zone" (so lets call it SZ from now on as it saves me time lol) gets larger as you level up your skill. Also you have a base stat called "concentration" which gets used up each time you work the material, along with using skills which Ill explain a little bit below. Also the hotter the metal the higher the bar fills up. So the colder the metal gets, the more strikes it will take to fill the bar, which means more concentration points used.

Skills are earned as you move up in rank of your crafting skill. These skills can assist in the minigame. So far Ive only unlocked 2 as being a lv 4 weaponsmith.

*Translations are not exact for picky folks so be warned.
"Top Bottom Strike" which basically allows for you to hit 2 sections using the same power its not same power used, actually it appears to be random? The point of the skill is to save some concentration points I think.

"Hold Back Strike" which allows you to strike the material with half the strength of your normal hit. Really useful for wanting to get safely into the SZ if you fall short or to push it slightly higher if you got extra space within the SZ.

So far Ive only crafted swords which are broken up into 3 sections. Top, Middle, Bottom. Each with its own SZ. Larger weapons have more sections to forge, so having more concentration points is important.

Weapon quality ranges from 0 stars to 3 stars. Each star will add a +1 to the damage rating of the weapon it seems. Getting a 3 star rating requires the SZs to be filled to max I think?

Even when you fail you still gain some exp. But losing those mats is quite painful as always.


I wouldnt mind doing streams for folks though dont think I have the hardware necessary? What kind of stuff do you need hardware / software wise anyways? Am guessing something like hauppauge would be necessary? Im not a tech guy so dont really dabble in this kinda stuff unfortunately, but do know theres lots of experts around here :D


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Yeah it beats the usual watch the bar progress or animation. Then have a random chance for it to all go pear shaped and tits up. Kinda like FF11 / 14s wonderful system.

At least this one you have a bit more feeling you screwed it up rather than getting screwed over.

To those who are playing and have friends in different territories, basically you need to finish whatever your starting locations first quest / boss fight is. Then you are awarded a train pass. Which will allow you to catch a train to the various stations around the world. From there go to correct continent and meet up with your friends. Generally lv 10 and up is suggested. 10 being the minimum due to the type of monsters along the way to the hub town with a station.
Ride to anywhere costs 100G. Which is a pretty good bit of change for someone who has just started the game. So dont screw up and go to the wrong place when trying to meet up with someone lol

Found the Colosseum & Casino though both are still not ready to be used. Am guessing they will be opened eventually in an update.


As much as i disklike the fact that this is a MMO, i agree with you. It could be fun. Will probably wait for the Wii-U version though.

I am not at the online portion yet but here in lies my problem : if this is how it is online then... jesus fuck , it's 7-8 years behind MMORPG standards. I mean.... seriously, i love DQ and all that but if the offline is -any- indication of what we are getting in online then i am already spamming the "wtf is this shit?!" button.

You can't just attach DQ to garbage ; garbage is garbage and the offline stuff absolutely reeks of legacy ideas and stuck-in-the-pastness and whilst i've still to get to the online i have so far been scratching my head and asking : "well, i play WoW, and i played FF11... why the f*ck would i play this? What's the hook?" and the only thing i can think of is that the story building and the very userfriendly aspects (like maps showing where everyone is in a simple manner and colouring people you need to talk to) are the boon.

If this continues in this ilk though ? F*ck me, this is going to be a disaster. Sub-DQ8 graphics, ideas from 7-8 years ago, nothing unique beyond setting? Stick a fork in it, it's done.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
I am not at the online portion yet but here in lies my problem : if this is how it is online then... jesus fuck , it's 7-8 years behind MMORPG standards. I mean.... seriously, i love DQ and all that but if the offline is -any- indication of what we are getting in online then i am already spamming the "wtf is this shit?!" button.

You can't just attach DQ to garbage ; garbage is garbage and the offline stuff absolutely reeks of legacy ideas and stuck-in-the-pastness and whilst i've still to get to the online i have so far been scratching my head and asking : "well, i play WoW, and i played FF11... why the f*ck would i play this? What's the hook?" and the only thing i can think of is that the story building and the very userfriendly aspects (like maps showing where everyone is in a simple manner and colouring people you need to talk to) are the boon.

If this continues in this ilk though ? F*ck me, this is going to be a disaster. Sub-DQ8 graphics, ideas from 7-8 years ago, nothing unique beyond setting? Stick a fork in it, it's done.

My guess is this is what happens when they take too long with a project and at the same time are trying to aim it heavily at the casual crowd. But truthfully with how simplistic it is and such people might enjoy playing it as a "new" type of DQ experience for them here in Japan. Plus with ease of paying the online fee which isnt too bad at 1000 a month my guess is the game will do not too bad for a while anyways. Still they really did release this too late into the life cycle of the Wii itself.

There are lots of odd things that make me go "Hmmm" but overall am enjoying the experience. Though one of my largest complaints would be the fact that they did not get on the bandwagon of quests giving exp. Which is an important part to get people to actually pay attention to / do quests in the first place. If not its just mindless busywork with no real payoff in the end. Even if you get an item. Thats one thing the Japanese are behind with is trying to model the overall design to get with the times a little bit more. Also how they have quest givers marked is a bit shit personally.

For the view point of it being a "Disaster" thats from the view of a western gamer that has had experience with a lot of the other mmos available out there, mainly one everyone seems to pull opinions from would be WoW. Over here in Japan they dont got really much to base off with their own MMO history of besides Korean MMOs, UO, Ragnarok, FF11, FF14, Nobunaga Online etc. So all of those games are not exactly all that progressive in design either. Some just shinier than others. Since this game was built for the Japanese audience and its made to be easy to play, do think it will help get a lot of more casuals into the game. But going back to the whole late in the life cycle of the wii thing, question being how many casuals still have their Wiis or would go out of the way to buy the system for this game is an answer unknown. Guess we will know how it goes with the sales numbers after a week. Also cant add in the +1000 yen cost a month yet, since the game comes with a free 20 day pass.

One thing that I thought was poorly implemented was how players can tell how strong a monster is. Since you its similar to FF11s archaic system of having to "examine" your target, which was the stupid system EQ used. If anything at least have it mapped to a button and explained to players. Since lots of people die due to not knowing how to examine something / check how strong it is.

As with most DQ games going across a bridge "usually" means stronger enemies. Thought that was a nice touch lol


Currently am running around collecting materials for crafting and killing random things that get in my way. Doing this, since buying the mats yourself is pretty damned expensive for a low level player. Though it would have been nice if the game gave you a little more $$$ back in regards to the crafted weapons you sell back. 10 G for something thats worth at least 120 is a joke.

Pro tip: Check all pots, barrels, closets since the loot in them is random. I managed to find an crafting material worth 400G which I sold for quick cash. Seems to be if you are lucky. Most of the time you might not find anything, but free stuff is always good in the event you do get something.


Overplay is $10/month? I could stomach that, got a PlayAsia coupon floating around in the house so I may order it after all when I get back home. Side effect of a good MMO is that you stop spending money on any other game anyway. The first weekend is guaranteed to be a clusterfuck so I'm not too worried about starting a bit late.

Can you switch between servers or are you stuck on the one you start with? Don't remember which server you guys were in, 2ch FF11 folks are on server 11 so I'll probably be heading that direction...


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Overplay is $10/month? I could stomach that, got a PlayAsia coupon floating around in the house so I may order it after all when I get back home. Side effect of a good MMO is that you stop spending money on any other game anyway. The first weekend is guaranteed to be a clusterfuck so I'm not too worried about starting a bit late.

Can you switch between servers or are you stuck on the one you start with? Don't remember which server you guys were in, 2ch FF11 folks are on server 11 so I'll probably be heading that direction...

This sounds like the muu from Kotaku? I used to lurk a lot waaaaaaay back in the days, never posted though as didnt have anything to say. But I do remember the muu ok Kotaku was a FF11 player and usually played with folks from 2ch.

Yeah you can switch servers and such, which is nice not being tied to a single server, esp when that server turns into a sardine can with users overflowing.

This might be literally one of the most stable MMO launches Ive ever played in the long list of MMOs Ive gone through during launch time. Quite impressive I must say.


. Over here in Japan they dont got really much to base off with their own MMO history of besides Korean MMOs, UO, Ragnarok, FF11, FF14, Nobunaga Online etc. So all of those games are not exactly all that progressive in design

let us be ABSOLUTELY CLEAR here that FF11 is probably going to be light years ahead of this and i think that's a big part of my bugbear. Whilst i maybe only got to the late 30s level wise i appreciated from the get go what it was trying to do - but this dates back to the PS2 Japanese launch.

Now? It's hard to see where this goes as i have yet to hit online but i have this horrible feeling this isn't much of a progression (if -at all-) over ff11. THe offline stuff feels very very poor to put it mildly and if this is any indication of the online then i'm not brimming with confidence :(

One thing that I thought was poorly implemented was how players can tell how strong a monster is. Since you its similar to FF11s archaic system of having to "examine" your target, which was the stupid system EQ used.

not done this in DQ10 yet but that at least introduced a risk reward system - you had your time based bonuses plus you could risk it. This really isn't any different to showing the level in a western MMO, though it does necessitate that extra step of an -examine-.

Overplay is $10/month?

technically, that 1000 yen for 30 days (if you are playing in 30 day chunks) works out closer to $12 - again, it's a non-trivial cost if the game is an absolute shit fest.

Again - i reiterate that i'm vastly jumping the gun here - but i'm not sure what ideas are going to be there that elevate this from the existing MMO's. Okay - you can point to this being a popular series entry into the JPN crowd that didn't get WoW but yeah - i'm confused as to what about this game took 6 years. Perhaps there are a whole host of amazing ideas/story lines but i guess i'll find that out over then next few weeks.

This might be literally one of the most stable MMO launches Ive ever played in the long list of MMOs Ive gone through during launch time. Quite impressive I must say.

isn't that a function of low uptake though? General Japanese reaction seems to be pretty negative and it doesn't seem like the games are flying off the shelves. :/


Again - i reiterate that i'm vastly jumping the gun here - but i'm not sure what ideas are going to be there that elevate this from the existing MMO's. Okay - you can point to this being a popular series entry into the JPN crowd that didn't get WoW but yeah - i'm confused as to what about this game took 6 years. Perhaps there are a whole host of amazing ideas/story lines but i guess i'll find that out over then next few weeks.

Given your pessimism in the other thread and your general tastes from what I've seen, I'm not surprised that you hate it. Even so, are you sure you didn't start playing with your mind already made up? It does seem early to be condemning it to that degree without even getting online, and Parakeetman likes it.


technically, that 1000 yen for 30 days (if you are playing in 30 day chunks) works out closer to $12 - again, it's a non-trivial cost if the game is an absolute shit fest.
Overplay is a VPN service, which is what anyone outside of Japan would have to use if they wanted to play since the game is IP locked. He was asking about that.


Given your pessimism in the other thread and your general tastes from what I've seen, I'm not surprised that you hate it. Even so, are you sure you didn't start playing with your mind already made up? It seems awfully early to be condemning it to that degree without even getting online.

my general tastes? I've finished -every- DQ game so far so not sure what that has to do with it! ;)

I don't hate it as yet - i'd rate it as -okay- but the thing is i expect a DQ game to be a banner title and bring lots of new ideas to the table. AGAIN, i reiterate i'm not even at the online segment but the game needs to make a HUGE step up. IF the online is basically the offline game? Then this is going to be derivitave and dull and not what i expect.

Like i say - i'm not going to slag it off totally just yet - but the game is going to have to hugely over extend where it is at to even come close to matching MMOs from X years prior.

Again - what -are- my general tastes? :/

Overplay is a VPN service, which is what anyone outside of Japan would have to use if they wanted to play since the game is IP locked. He was asking about that.

ah - my mistake - right. I was just talking about the base 1000 yen per 30 days charge. Again, that's going to weigh heavy - $20 per month ? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. This game is going to have to shine like the sun to make that a legit import consideration


Again - what -are- my general tastes? :/

Well, to be circumspect, you seem to like cutting edge hardware and graphics a lot.

Can't read japanese, these amazon reviews might be from people simply unhappy to see the game is on wii (would not be a first), but scores for this game are pretty bad: http://www.amazon.co.jp/product-rev...ogames_cm_cr_acr_txt?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1

That's just the 2ch trolls, they did it with DQIX too.


This sounds like the muu from Kotaku? I used to lurk a lot waaaaaaay back in the days, never posted though as didnt have anything to say. But I do remember the muu ok Kotaku was a FF11 player and usually played with folks from 2ch.

Yeah you can switch servers and such, which is nice not being tied to a single server, esp when that server turns into a sardine can with users overflowing.

This might be literally one of the most stable MMO launches Ive ever played in the long list of MMOs Ive gone through during launch time. Quite impressive I must say.

That'd be me. Haven't been to kotaku ever since Gawker sites shittified their website design and had their passwords stolen.

let us be ABSOLUTELY CLEAR here that FF11 is probably going to be light years ahead of this and i think that's a big part of my bugbear. Whilst i maybe only got to the late 30s level wise i appreciated from the get go what it was trying to do - but this dates back to the PS2 Japanese launch.

Now? It's hard to see where this goes as i have yet to hit online but i have this horrible feeling this isn't much of a progression (if -at all-) over ff11. THe offline stuff feels very very poor to put it mildly and if this is any indication of the online then i'm not brimming with confidence :(

not done this in DQ10 yet but that at least introduced a risk reward system - you had your time based bonuses plus you could risk it. This really isn't any different to showing the level in a western MMO, though it does necessitate that extra step of an -examine-.

technically, that 1000 yen for 30 days (if you are playing in 30 day chunks) works out closer to $12 - again, it's a non-trivial cost if the game is an absolute shit fest.

Again - i reiterate that i'm vastly jumping the gun here - but i'm not sure what ideas are going to be there that elevate this from the existing MMO's. Okay - you can point to this being a popular series entry into the JPN crowd that didn't get WoW but yeah - i'm confused as to what about this game took 6 years. Perhaps there are a whole host of amazing ideas/story lines but i guess i'll find that out over then next few weeks.

isn't that a function of low uptake though? General Japanese reaction seems to be pretty negative and it doesn't seem like the games are flying off the shelves. :/

I meant $10 for the VPN service. 1000Ninty points is going to cost 15-18 bucks to get here unless I ask a friend to get them for me, and it's not worth the hassle of Paypal'ing money and having them go get that for such small savings.

If this was on par with FF11 you'd be killing rabbits for 100hrs before you get to head out to kill crabs for 300exp/hr on a good day, if you happened to find a whm/rdm and someone that knew how to pull. Not to mention any patch updates would have taken 2days+ to complete. Also, many stores have reported selling out stock.

Can't read japanese, these amazon reviews might be from people simply unhappy to see the game is on wii (would not be a first), but scores for this game are pretty bad: http://www.amazon.co.jp/product-rev...ogames_cm_cr_acr_txt?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1

The Internet FUD machine is on overdrive. Exact same thing happened with DQIX.
my general tastes? I've finished -every- DQ game so far so not sure what that has to do with it! ;)

I don't hate it as yet - i'd rate it as -okay- but the thing is i expect a DQ game to be a banner title and bring lots of new ideas to the table. AGAIN, i reiterate i'm not even at the online segment but the game needs to make a HUGE step up. IF the online is basically the offline game? Then this is going to be derivitave and dull and not what i expect.

Like i say - i'm not going to slag it off totally just yet - but the game is going to have to hugely over extend where it is at to even come close to matching MMOs from X years prior.

Again - what -are- my general tastes? :/

ah - my mistake - right. I was just talking about the base 1000 yen per 30 days charge. Again, that's going to weigh heavy - $20 per month ? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. This game is going to have to shine like the sun to make that a legit import consideration

How can you judge a MMO without even going online first? Most of the fun I've had with MMOs comes from playing with friends and strangers.


But you're not denying it!

i'm multifaceted - i like high end, i like low end.

The fact that DQX is on Wii is neither here nor there, it gets judged on where it stands in relation to the other MMO's i've played and that's pretty much expected.

Again - reiterating - i'm not even AT the online parts yet but so far the game has been poor. It being on Wii U, PC, X720 , PS4, Cray won't make a blind bit of difference if it doesn't bring anything new and feels entirely old/worn out.

It might be that there's a whole slew of amazing story lines and great online interactions, but i will reappraise that as it goes along.
How can you judge a MMO without even going online first? Most of the fun I've had with MMOs comes from playing with friends and strangers.

already stated that i'm somewhat jumping the gun :)


Currently am running around collecting materials for crafting and killing random things that get in my way. Doing this, since buying the mats yourself is pretty damned expensive for a low level player. Though it would have been nice if the game gave you a little more $$$ back in regards to the crafted weapons you sell back. 10 G for something thats worth at least 120 is a joke.

Well they do that to encourage people to trade but that really means you get jack shit for the low level stuff nobody would bother to buy anyway and/or the market gets flooded with heavily underpriced goods like you already complained about (coughmode diablo 3, same fucking thing /coughmode).

Side effect of a good MMO is that you stop spending money on any other game anyway. The first weekend is guaranteed to be a clusterfuck so I'm not too worried about starting a bit late.

*goes check if Secret World is an MMO* Yes it is, great game even.
*looks at Steam Sale haul* OH GOODNESS ME

*looks at muu* Yeah, no :(
Hm. Not particularly impressed with what I've seen so far. It looks like an ok DQ game that just happens to be online only.

If I had the time/lifestyle to be able to pour hours into an MMO, that'd be fine. But as it stands I can't really justify paying monthly for the solo experience. Especially given the price for the game and stick.

Gonna sit on this one for a while.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
How can you judge a MMO without even going online first? Most of the fun I've had with MMOs comes from playing with friends and strangers.

Yeah I don't get that. From everything I've read the offline portion is akin to a tutorial. Seems really premature to judge an online game off the offline portion.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
That'd be me. Haven't been to kotaku ever since Gawker sites shittified their website design and had their passwords stolen.

Awesome you are the 3rd person Ive recognized from the old school posters who were part of the group that made Kotaku actually fun to read back in the days. Theres you, Irishninja, Excaliburps. Not sure who else is here. So far though just you 3 Ive seen.

Well they do that to encourage people to trade but that really means you get jack shit for the low level stuff nobody would bother to buy anyway and/or the market gets flooded with heavily underpriced goods like you already complained about (coughmode diablo 3, same fucking thing /coughmode).

Whats nice though worries me at the same time is how fast you seem to be able to lv up crafting. Which is good considering how expensive materials are. Am still running around the newbie area grabbing everything and anything. For the Ogres the first cave dungeon you go to is filled with copper and iron which is useful for weapon / armor smithing. Though its looking like you can only specialize in 1 trade skill. Do hope at least 2 can be done. Since want to also do armor crafting. Also thing is Im a "watcher" for the most part and avoid social contact with random people. Unless its something that would be beneficial to myself, such as getting through a part which would be impossible solo. Thankfully with this games NPC hire system, dont think Ill ever run into a problem like that. :D I enjoy watching the world more than interacting with it so to speak.

How can you judge a MMO without even going online first? Most of the fun I've had with MMOs comes from playing with friends and strangers.
To be fair the guy is basing his opinions off the gameplay mechanics presented in the offline prologue portion. Which basically are pretty much the same as online. Cept minus actual human controlled players characters running all over the creation. Also drop rates and other things effected. So with that being said while a bit overboard with the initial post, he does have a point with if offline is like this, then online will be the same. Just add people to the mix once again.


Well they do that to encourage people to trade but that really means you get jack shit for the low level stuff nobody would bother to buy anyway and/or the market gets flooded with heavily underpriced goods like you already complained about (coughmode diablo 3, same fucking thing /coughmode).

*goes check if Secret World is an MMO* Yes it is, great game even.
*looks at Steam Sale haul* OH GOODNESS ME

*looks at muu* Yeah, no :(

Up until I largely broke away from the game in 2007, I bought 1 PS2 game and a PSP w/ 10 or so launch-window titles between 2003-2007 while I played FF11. Then myself and several LS members fell heads over heels for idolmaster (you can almost attribute the collapse of our HNMLS to the game, as the leader also became a bigtime fan and took away time camping NMs)and sunk money for xbox 360s, other games, spinoff titles, $1000+ worth of imas CDs, plane tickets for the annual concert...

Yeah, for me MMOs are cheap entertainment.

Awesome you are the 3rd person Ive recognized from the old school posters who were part of the group that made Kotaku actually fun to read back in the days. Theres you, Irishninja, Excaliburps. Not sure who else is here. So far though just you 3 Ive seen.

there's a SUPER SECRET IRC CHANNEL OHMYGOD where some of us old posters hang out at, if you want I can PM you the address. Most of us that's there either don't go to kotaku anymore or have been banned for some ungodly reason though.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
there's a SUPER SECRET IRC CHANNEL OHMYGOD where some of us old posters hang out at, if you want I can PM you the address. Most of us that's there either don't go to kotaku anymore or have been banned for some ungodly reason though.

Thanks for the gracious offer, but any free time now is really spent either just posting here or playing games. Never really bothered with things like IRC and such since the days of HL modding waaaaaaaaaaay back when. Good times :D


About DQ, is it even bad if it's somewhat bog standard? At least if you're not heavily into stuff like WoW which most of japan probably isn't (?), like Parakeetman pointed out, that's still a pretty good proposition to have a DQ MMO which does essentially the same things?
Of course it's still bad if you don't enjoy it, hehe.
Before we get sales numbers the whole thing is anybodies guess either way. Though I can understand people fearing "regular" DQ might go away with the new focus of the last two games (and Enix are so slow developing them).

Up until I largely broke away from the game in 2007, I bought 1 PS2 game and a PSP w/ 10 or so launch-window titles between 2003-2007 while I played FF11. Then myself and several LS members fell heads over heels for idolmaster (you can almost attribute the collapse of our HNMLS to the game, as the leader also became a bigtime fan and took away time camping NMs)and sunk money for xbox 360s, other games, spinoff titles, $1000+ worth of imas CDs, plane tickets for the annual concert...

Yeah, for me MMOs are cheap entertainment.

Stop showing off with your self control and stuff!
haha, <3
An MMO should really provide you with all the gaming you want for a long long time if you get even somewhat into it for sure.

Yeah good thing idolm@ster isn't available to me (no ps360), Hello!Project is my guilty pleasure there's no telling what I'd do with an Idol game like that. The Ds one felt like it was meant to be played with your fingers and my brain is too stupid to lift the finger I just tapped with before I tap the next so the resistive screen saved me from getting too obsessed.


Yeah I don't get that. From everything I've read the offline portion is akin to a tutorial. Seems really premature to judge an online game off the offline portion.

already said that i'm jumping the gun so waiting on final judgement but - if the offline tutorial for the online game is any reflection of the online game then it's going to have issues (is all i'm saying)

it's an MMO - the guts/mechanics are going to evolve, i'm aware of that.


About DQ, is it even bad if it's somewhat bog standard? At least if you're not heavily into stuff like WoW which most of japan probably isn't (?), like Parakeetman pointed out, that's still a pretty good proposition to have a DQ MMO which does essentially the same things?
Of course it's still bad if you don't enjoy it, hehe.
Before we get sales numbers the whole thing is anybodies guess either way. Though I can understand people fearing "regular" DQ might go away with the new focus of the last two games (and Enix are so slow developing them).

Stop showing off with your self control and stuff!
haha, <3
An MMO should really provide you with all the gaming you want for a long long time if you get even somewhat into it for sure.

Yeah good thing idolm@ster isn't available to me (no ps360), Hello!Project is my guilty pleasure there's no telling what I'd do with an Idol game like that. The Ds one felt like it was meant to be played with your fingers and my brain is too stupid to lift the finger I just tapped with before I tap the next so the resistive screen saved me from getting too obsessed.

As mentioned in the Iwata Asks, a ton of conventional MMO wisdom of today was ignored in order to prevent a new user from feeling like the game is a daunting task, or to prevent the game from not having the DQ feel. DQ's always acted as the gateway/introduction to gaming, so it's probably no surprise that folks looking for the cutting edge are disappointed -- there's no need to be.

As for imas... the game mechanics were at best subpar on any one of the series titles. It's really all about the characters... and I was among those that couldn't keep following them after they did some butchering with Imas2, and then sent it off to Social Gaming Land. I'll gladly buy a swimsuit DLC for 1200MSP but I ain't paying $1000 for a Super Rare Yayoi card.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
already said that i'm jumping the gun so waiting on final judgement but - if the offline tutorial for the online game is any reflection of the online game then it's going to have issues (is all i'm saying)

it's an MMO - the guts/mechanics are going to evolve, i'm aware of that.

Though whats cool is it keeps a lot of the core mechanics that people love from DQ in the game. Am looking forward to seeing what the colosseum and casino will be all about once those are patched in / up and running. All we need is another place to blow all of our precious gold. Money is such a problem in this game lol. Unless you sell rare mats for crafting.

Im going crazy trying to find a specific item for crafting, but I think by the time I actually get one Ill be able to make a better sword anyways.


well, i'll be on tonight and probably over the weekend though wife may help double team up as we split child care duty.

I want to see where this all goes


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Just went and registered myself at the tavern. Will see if I actually make any $$$ or EXP from someone picking my character. Though have doubts since am a fighter lol. My guess is casters / healers will get picked the most.

When you register yourself at the tavern you basically get logged out of the game.

Going to try and hire some NPCs of my own and go on mad resource hunting / leveling spree. Need to get to lv 14 so I can make myself a new sword (which lv req is 14).
Am back let the NPC slavery / material scrounging begin!


Am back let the NPC slavery / material scrounging begin!

After you've sunk some more time into the game, would you mind typing up a comprehensive review? It sounds like you have a lot of MMO experience, which is great, because you could probably do a good job of highlighting what's different and what features set it apart. I'll add it to the OP.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
After you've sunk some more time into the game, would you mind typing up a comprehensive review? It sounds like you have a lot of MMO experience, which is great, because you could probably do a good job of highlighting what's different and what features set it apart. I'll add it to the OP.

Will do. Am trying to mess around with what I can. Currently got stuck with another bit of unexpected work, thank god it showed up before I actually went into the game. Almost done with it so will be back in action in est 15m.


i'm heading back in tonight with my HATE FACE on ;)

(work hell continuing, but will be hammering game this weekend)

I can give my NINTENDO HATOR PREDECIDED BIAS SLAGGING REVIEW once i finish stamping on 3DS XL's and pissing on GBA carts later today.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
i'm heading back in tonight with my HATE FACE on ;)

(work hell continuing, but will be hammering game this weekend)

I can give my NINTENDO HATOR PREDECIDED BIAS SLAGGING REVIEW once i finish stamping on 3DS XL's and pissing on GBA carts later today.

Im enjoying crafting a bit actually with all the crap Im finding. Helps make better weapons for myself and saves some $$$. Since the mats I find along the way during leveling up.

The NPC partners really do help out a lot. Makes the impossible possible. Esp when some asshole monsters summon friends constantly. Dear god. D:


how is the game structure going in online? i guess i will find out later, but is there a strong story line element or is it more , um, flimsy?

I guess my expectation is that this may end up being strong on story line


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
how is the game structure going in online? i guess i will find out later, but is there a strong story line element or is it more , um, flimsy?

I guess my expectation is that this may end up being strong on story line

There is a story it seems, but its similar to how FFXI worked I suppose with you do story related quests to move things on and what not. Which are supported by in game cutscenes. Also depending on the race you pick, how things start out for you is different too.

I actually forgot wtf Im supposed to be doing, since am too wrapped up in making myself better weapons. I so hope I can pick a 2nd profession also since want to do armor crafting too, then Id be pretty much set for making my own gear.

isn't that a function of low uptake though? General Japanese reaction seems to be pretty negative and it doesn't seem like the games are flying off the shelves. :/

Since we dont know how many shipped, we dont really have anything to work with if the public likes it or not. Will see more on the weekend with how crowded the servers are. Also am sure as you know going off of any sort of negativity on Amazon is just 2ch trolling.


Also highly suggest using the component cables over the AV cables. Makes quite the difference.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
sorry guys double posted. Argh.

If a mod has time could he deep six this post, would be much appreciated.
I remember I use to play PSO with:


I felt like a big shot lol, my first online adventure game thing and I was like yeeea gotta have all the tools, such great memories.

Think eventually I just started using a regular controller but still having that plugged in to type shit haha.

Haha, I used the PS2 one for my time in Final Fantasy XI. I loved that beast.
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