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Driv3r - Gamespot review (pre-empt BOMB BOMB)


all I know is the elite Western 3rd parties (EA, Activision, UbiSoft) still have strong support for GCN...

even if it's only 15-20% of sales for a game, companies are still losing out on a portion of the market by keeping out of the GCN market...

like EA says... 3 is better than 2...

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Short version of the post below: I have no money hat. I didn't have a cow over the technical problems. I liked the story mode.

Normally I wouldn't bother defending my writing, but since I'm the only man in America who likes Driv3r so far, I feel I should say something. (Even my co-workers are befuddled; my esteemed industry colleagues all call me "Lov3r" now.)

First, for sake of disclosure: I did indeed visit Reflections back in the spring, along with writers from IGN, GameSpot and GamePro, as well as a large sampling of freelancers. I did so in order to write the cover story in last month's EGM, as well as other articles in the Official US PlayStation Magazine and GMR. Ziff Davis Media paid for my plane ticket and I paid the other expenses.

Now, so far reviews have fallen into two camps: hate and (allegedly paid off) love.

Hate reviews (GS, IGN):
- Driving is needlessly difficult
- On-foot control is a total mess
- Cop AI is stupid
- Graphics suck because they're marred by technical bugs
- Cutscenes are badly acted

Love reviews (Gamesradar):
- Driving is frenetic and exciting
- On-foot control is serviceable
- Cop AI is tenacious
- Graphics are amazing in their detail
- Cutscenes are high-budget and impressive

Those are a lot of differences, of course, but the main one is how each review treats the experience of playing the game. U.S. reviews have pretty much ignored it, listing up all the anecdotal technical glitches they found and presenting it as evidence of their low scorings. British reviews, on the other hand, concentrate on almost nothing but the experience, tossing legitimate concerns like iron lightposts and selectively stupid AI out the window.

In my opinion, then, the "hate" reviews so far are missing the point a little. You might infer the idea from them that Driver is falling apart at the seams, ready to crash at any moment, which isn't the case. It's a game that runs competently, and if it's got technical problems, then titles like GTAVC and True Crime have many times more.

I liked True Crime, too (not as much as Driver), but I did not like The Getaway at all. That was why I thought it interesting that this Driver was basically structured like The Getaway, with a bone or two tossed at GTA-style mayhem and destruction. I was even more surprised, though, to find that I liked Driver's shot at a cool action-movie story far more than The Getaway's. There's something immersive about this that wasn't in team soho's efforts, despite how hard they tried. When you're in a chase, you really do feel like you're in a chase, rather than simply carrying out yet another boring mission. That's the difference I found here, and that was the main gist of my review.

British reviews may or may not be biased, and they are glossing over some real problems, but in the text they concentrate on the fun behind this movie-like gameplay. I think that's the right way to approach this game -- not as a technical achievement, but as a immersive one.


The Inside Track
fenekku-gitsune said:
In my opinion, then, the "hate" reviews so far are missing the point a little. You might infer the idea from them that Driver is falling apart at the seams, ready to crash at any moment, which isn't the case. It's a game that runs competently, and if it's got technical problems, then titles like GTAVC and True Crime have many times more.

I've had the game crash (complete freeze) 5 times already, and I will not even count the incredible number of glitches, some funny, some very annoying.
I can see some of the good points of Driv3r, but IMHO they are totally hidden by the fact that the game needed a few more months of development to be considered beta quality.




not that this wasn't at all expected, but i just wanted to use those .gifs


from atari forum

Well read the forums. Its seems some copies of driver are buggy. My copy that I have is perfectly fine, but my friends copy is totaly screwed.

It seems there may be two or more prints of it out there. If its full of bugs return it for another. Alot of people are getting another copy and its fine. This make take you upwards of 5 trys. *My friend exchanged it twice today before he got a good copy*

Im thinking with the gfx issues they had that it was just there copy. Its sad that atari didnt check it, but oh well.



It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
kevin, don't you think the overall quality of the experience the UK press (and you i guess) are so enamored of is directed affected by fucked up lamp posts and bland, souless, on-foot shenanigans?
Omeyocan said:
1up gave Driv3r a 8.5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

...........Houston, we have a problem.................


I really want to buy this game. I'm checking out the 1up review.


Tag of Excellence
Well luckily, at most I was thinking of renting this game. Not a big loss for me whatsoever, just sad that such a high profile game would be released in such a poort state.

I'm still very curious on how Miami turned out, I might rent it for simply driving in my virtual hometown.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Blimblim said:
I've had the game crash (complete freeze) 5 times already, and I will not even count the incredible number of glitches, some funny, some very annoying.
I can see some of the good points of Driv3r, but IMHO they are totally hidden by the fact that the game needed a few more months of development to be considered beta quality.

I was one of the only defenders of TR-AoD last year, and it's interesting that I also failed to experience any major glitches. I encountered exactly TWO of the noted glitches in the game, but never saw it crash, never "fell out of the level", and never had technical problems get in the way of the gameplay.

Similar to how Kevin feels about Driv3r, I really enjoyed the experience of playing. The levels are well designed and the game is fairly entertaining through-out.

Oh, and I'm tired of hearing about them but those lamp posts are MORE realistic, not necessarily glitchy (though that doesn't mean they are fun).

I wasn't going to bother at all with this, but I may have to rent the game now. When a game like this shows up and is hung out to dry by many reviewers (but not all), I can't help but find myself curious. :p This really seems like a similar situation to what AoD experienced last summer...


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
segasonic said:
wow, they're in full-on damage control mode


That was a pretty funny read... I have to at least rent this game now...

EDIT: you know I just read fenekku's comments in this thread, and it's interesting how his comments and this situation of opposite reviews mirrors the whole Enter the Matrix situation. As a technical achievement ETM is garbage really it is.. bland textures, blocky polygonal models, etc.... but as a gameplay piece(ie. beat em up)... it's not bad... Which makes/made reviewing it interesting.... Driv3r looks to be having similar issues.


Frankly I think IGN and Gamespot are playing to the l337 forum audiences by giving the game such low ratings. The idea that Wreckless and WWE Raw are 9+ worthy yet Driv3r gets a mid-5 rating is ludicrous.


does anyone else think its weird how much the review are ranging..i mean there is this one and the IGN one..both coming in around 50%, but if you go to gamerankings, there is also 90% and 80%. I don't really get it....to be honest...I a lot depends on how the reviewer personally likes the game or something....


That's part of it, but if you have followed the Driv3r story recently you would know that there's a rumour that Atari has offered "incentives" for favorable reviews. I don't know how true that is, but I wouldn't put it past them--especially since they plan on shipping 10 million Driv3r discs.

All I know is that E3 impressions by board members and videos that I've seen show a pretty messy game. It shouldn't deserve high score even if it's guilty pleasure.


I have been following Driv3r, but missed the whole incentives thing until I read through this really long thread. I still don't know how much credit I give to that though...although it is kinda wierd to think they might do that. I like fenekku-gitsune's honest opinion of the game...and I am still planning on picking up my copy...if on foot sucks as much as it is said to and if driving and chases are as much fun as they are supposed to be i just won't walk around and just drive a lot.
I really, really, want to like Driv3r, so my attitude is kind of like Homer Simpson's as he chases the roasted pig that vegetarian Lisa sent rolling down the street through dirt, bushes, and sewer water:

The game is full of glitches

"It's still good! It's still good!"

The graphics are weak

"It's still good! It's still good!"

The AI is horrible

"It's still good! It's still good!"

The on foot portions suck

"It's still good! It's still good!"



Well I guess I'll have to rent it now, just because I've been looking forward to it so long. I hope it dosen't suck.


Then let me be Bart: "It's gone"

I wonder if the US code might be worse than the European, like the case was with Angel of Darkness. Anyway, I think Gamespot and IGN are a bit overly critical. Next month's NPD will be an exciting read. I wonder what will happen to Reflections...
Driver 3 IS selling...

# 1 game for PS2 and # 2 for Xbox (behind Drake) at ebgames.com. Best seller at gamespot.com

PS2 version ranks at # 7 and Xbox version # 34 at amazon.com


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
The graphics are weak

That is the only point I can really dispute...

Perhaps you have forgotten exactly what other similar games look like...but Driv3r looks FAR better than GTA3/VC, True Crime, and even The Getaway. Sure, it has visual glitches...but don't even try to suggest that GTA3 isn't loaded with them.
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