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Dungeon Siege 2 sucks.


God it's so horrid, but I find myself playing it with a couple friends... just so we can be jerks to each other and see who grabs the crappy loot first.
i just installed it yesterday as a distraction from my hungover afternoon. i had no idea that you needed to click everytime you had to attack something.

its a game that needs joypad support.
(is it available for it?)


Chili Con Carnage!
You can hold down the button to keep attacking, or turn auto attack on in the menu, but auto attack is stupid so dont do that.


Wanna know sucks?

-No hot keys to spells, but hey hotkeys to powers you use every 2-5 minutes.. but spells you use every couple seconds... naw no hotkeys.
-Spell book thing is worthless, reserve spells? You mean inventory?
-THe talent tree knockoff thign is horrible, 6-8 different options through each class. Which wouldn't be bad if multiclassing didn't suck.
-The Ranger bug my friend found. In multiplayer if you right click on your friend it shoots your bow pretty much as fast as you can click. You can get the slowest bow in the game and fire it fast as hell. Ya, how'd they miss that?
Ferrio said:
-The Ranger bug my friend found. In multiplayer if you right click on your friend it shoots your bow pretty much as fast as you can click. You can get the slowest bow in the game and fire it fast as hell. Ya, how'd they miss that?

OMG priceless!


I feel I'm really addicted to it, actually. Its a lot better than the first one. It isn't perfect and I do wish you could hotkey the spells easier (you can set up equipment macros for your party to some of the F keys, but its still kind of a pain in the ass). The graphics are nice. Not great, but very few games in this genre are. Nonetheless, the areas are very detailed and filled with trees and plants and stuff.

Overall, its a pretty good hack-and-slash, I think.


Templar Wizard said:
i just installed it yesterday as a distraction from my hungover afternoon. i had no idea that you needed to click everytime you had to attack something.

its a game that needs joypad support.
(is it available for it?)

Have you played a PC RPG like this before (Diablo, etc.)?
I have to agree. I'm at work sitting here playing through the first 2hrs of it and I'm finding that this is the worst attempt at a sequel since Paper Boy 2.

You can't use keys for spells, looting is like.... well fuck, why can't you level up in looting there's so much shit that drops!! :lol

Beyond that, this game is worth tree fiddy cents.


I think its OK. It is far from being a game that sucks. THe interface I agree seems very clunky though. Using reserve spells is a pain in the ass and I really feel like I can't control my party adequately. It certainly doesn't feel as smooth as diablo or guild wars.

I also feel like the game is kind of hard, it seems like i go through it a ways then get swarmed and get my ass handed to me. It seems hard to avoid these swarms.


wipeout364 said:
I think its OK. It is far from being a game that sucks. THe interface I agree seems very clunky though. Using reserve spells is a pain in the ass and I really feel like I can't control my party adequately. It certainly doesn't feel as smooth as diablo or guild wars.

I also feel like the game is kind of hard, it seems like i go through it a ways then get swarmed and get my ass handed to me. It seems hard to avoid these swarms.

Our multiplayer game has been a breeze. Except in the arena when we tried to take on a lvl 38 boss and his minions with a party of a lvl 24, 24, 15, 19.

Like I said, only kick outta the game is just fucking with each other. Such getting your friend trapped in an elevator (you can activate it before they can walk off) or grabbing loot and taunting them with it (each of us is totally devoted to a type of combat, so it's easy to know who's is what.... and taunt them with it).

Most of the spells suck too. I'm playing nature, and I'm pretty much a heal bot. Since there's not hotkeys for spells I have to autocast my heals, and the AI isn't very smart on which heal it should cast at the time.
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