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Dusk Golem: Street Fighter VI delayed out of 2021


Yeah im calling BS, they already stated season 5 was happening because of how successful season 4 was. I have no doubt they are working on something else rather it be sf 6 or whatever but this just seems like one of those 'insiders' making a claim based off a already swirling rumor coupled with the information from todays annoucements.
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Yeah im calling BS, they already stated season 5 was happening because of how successful season 4 was. I have no doubt they are working on something else rather it be sf 6 or whatever but this just seems like one of those 'insiders' making a claim based off a already swirling rumor coupled with the information from todays annoucements.
That's pretty much how I took this rumor.

I don't pay much attention to "insiders". How reliable is this person?

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Dusk Golem: "Please believe me this time~! I am totally not throwing shit at a wall and hoping it sticks!"
Reliable. At least when it comes to Resident Evil leaks. He was spot on about the remakes and Village.
So far he's been spotless as far as I know. He mainly leaks RE stuff and has solid contacts at Capcom.
Good to know. Thanks.

If Street Fighter VI is going through development issues a delay is understandable. After the season 5 update we'll probably see more to keep us busy while we wait for Street Fighter VI.
This is hard to believe. Going from the past, there is usually a fairly wide time slot between main line Street Fighter releases. Development is "from scratch" with each one, so almost nothing is carried over from past iterations. Perhaps we are at a point where material could be used from SFV on SFVI, but they usually keep the games very separate. Can't say I'd have ever expected any new main line iteration of Street Fighter before late 2023.
Maybe pre-production of SF6 has started (or better to say, early planning), but I doubt it has been in development for any significant amount of time. That recent roadmap they showed today seems to suggest Season 5 will either be a REALLY long season, or that there might be a Season 6 in 2022.

In either case, I don't see SF6 coming out until Fall/Winter 2022 at the latest, but due to COVID bs I think late 2023 will be a more likely release date, like several of you are already saying. Golem's sources on this are probably shoddy IIRC Ono got demoted around early-mid 2019, but we didn't really hear news of it until that summer before EVO.

I don't think the game was deep in dev by then but I can buy Ono's ideas not going over well with upper management contributing to demotion (that and just general issues with SFV overall performance). The COVID stuff has most likely contributed to slowing down SF6 development though and I can see the stuff in that roadmap past Season 5 as being a contingency plan for extended support Capcom's doing to tide over for SF6 in 2023, though, not necessarily Season 5 itself.

Hope Sony continues the partnership with Capcom.

I know it's prob not worth asking you this but...why? Capcom's in nowhere near the financial strife they were during SFV days (the game would've still been made btw, it'd of just taken longer to release. Like, 2018 instead of 2016 longer), and the partnership didn't really do too much for sponsorships when it was active.

In fact, it seems like the sponsorship pool and whatnot kicked in bigger when Sony was no longer involved. And, maybe it's just me, but PS4s seemed to ALWAYS cause issues with connectivity and background stuff happening during tournaments. I don't remember those being issues with SFIV when 360 was the tournament system for that game.

There's really no sensible reason Sony or MS need to step in to fund SF6 this time, plus the franchise has always traditionally been multiplatform, the longest stint of any exclusivity prior to SF6 being the original SF2 release on SNES which Nintendo had for a year before the MegaDrive port came out. But that's such an exception in the IP's history, it doesn't make sense to repeat.

If either of them somehow try grabbing console exclusivity again, I'm not going to have pretty words and will pretty much just stick with the inevitable PC version if it's decent. It's not like SF is an IP in danger of going extinct anyway :LOL:
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Dusk Golem: "Please believe me this time~! I am totally not throwing shit at a wall and hoping it sticks!"
Dusk Golem: "Hey everyone, this is Dusk Golem aka AestheticGamer. I have posted on NeoGAF since 2011, and have decided to resign. I have enjoyed posting about horror games here for years, but I no longer wish to support the site and will be leaving for good. I will still be around the internet, I go by AestheticGamer on YouTube, I make games on Steam as Yai Gameworks, and I plan to go by Dusk Golem on other forums. I'll be joining an off-set of the GAF community leaving to try other ventures like ResetEra (Official Twitter for that here: https://twitter.com/reseteraforum ). I hope some of you who read this may consider it, and I plan to try to expose more people to horror games in the years to come. Just not here.

I hope you all are having a good day, and know I always loved the community, and in the end it's the community I'm going to stick with, not the site itself. If you want to follow me, my official Twitter is here: https://twitter.com/AestheticGamer1"


°Temp. member
That would make sense, as Championship Edition seems like the end. I'm not complaining though... bring on the new characters!
it's too early for a new street fighter game

Too early? SF5 came out in early 2016. I like SF5, but it overstayed it’s welcome. I think Fall 2021 would be perfect for it. We should not have to wait 5 to 8 years for fighting games sequels. They are not THAT different from their predecessors to justify such long wait times. Unfortunately, I’m expecting SF5 in 2022 or 2023.
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Fake news, he's lying or at least basically everything mentioned on his rumor is wrong or directly impossible. Ono is not a director. He's executive producer of the fighting games, a very different role. And he hasn't been replaced as director by a popular female in the FGC because there isn't any known Capcom female director, producer, executive producer, corporate officer (Ono's rank at Capcom) or Ono's boss.

According to what Capcom said last year SFVI development wasn't planned to start "until -if lucky- a year or two from now" (meaning late 2020 or 2021). They also mentioned last year that they supported SFIV series during '8 years' (he meant 8 seasons, so 7 years) and that SFV was only entering 'its 5th year' and that they weren't going to release SFVI until they were done with SFV and that they still planned to release a lot of content and changes.

Ono also mentioned last year that before starting to design the next SF they wanted to wait to see the first PS5 games on the street to see what the next gen can offer to design from scratch the game around it and asked to 'don't hold your breath for SFVI'. Ono also mentioned they were aware of the rocky SFV launch related issues so they didn't want to rush SFVI launch.

And as we can see from the SFV page of mobygames.com ( scroll down to its Collaborations section https://www.mobygames.com/game/windows/street-fighter-v/credits ), a lot of the SFV staff also worked in other games like SF30th AC, Capcom Beat'em Up Bundle, MHW, DMCV, RE2R, RE3R, Mega Man 11 and many others in addition to obviously SFV. So they didn't have time to work on SFVI at the same time, and listening Ono's word we understand that the SFV team will do SFVI.

So no, what Dusk Golem says is wrong. They have not been developing SFVI and they never planned to release it next year. He built some lies on top of the 'rumor' that said that they were going to release SFVI next year because one of the ton of Capcom Cup rules they changed for the first version was only changed the year before SFV launch. But it was one of many changes they did, just that. And we saw that due to covid Capcom Cup 2020 will be delayed to next year and that SFV will have Capcom Cup 2021 and 2022.

Too early? SF5 came out in early 2016. I like SF5, but it overstayed it’s welcome. I think Fall 2021 would be perfect for it. We should not have to wait 5 to 8 years for fighting games sequels. They are not THAT different from their predecessors to justify such long wait times. Unfortunately, I’m expecting SF5 in 2022 or 2023.

In addition to what I said above, SFIV ended having 44 characters. SFV will end having 45 characters. SFV was released 7 years after SFIV. If we add 7 years more SFVI would be released on February 2023 aprox. SFIV was released 2 years and 3 months after PS3 release, SFV was released 2 years and 3 months after PS4 release. If SFVI gets released 2 years and 3 months after PS5 release it would be February 2023.

So yes, it's too early for a Street Fighter game. And knowing Capcom, in addition to release the S5 content they will likely port SFV to at least PS5 and maybe even Stadia too before moving to SFVI.

Kinda feel bad for Ono, he basically rejuvenated the SF series with SF4. Hopefully he can still contribute.
Ono got demoted around early-mid 2019, but we didn't really hear news of it until that summer before EVO.
All that shit about Ono being demoted and kicked out from SF was created due to an EventHub mistranslation 2 years ago (it was in 2018. Not in 2019, not now). What happened then was that they merged his development division mostly in charge of fighting games (Ono's one) with the one mostly on charge of Monster Hunter games. The guy in charge of MH and son of the CEO, boss of the other division, became the boss of the merged division because he has a higher rank inside Capcom than Ono (he's Managing Corporate Officer, Ono is Corporate Officer), and Ono already had like 5 job titles and Capcom and even experienced health issues due to working too much.

After that Ono, was in charge of building the eSports Division, in addition to continuing Corporate Officer, as General Manager of Manager Department 2, as executive producer for all Capcom fighting games made, releasing since then like SFV updates, SF30th AC, Capcom Beat'Em Up Bundle, SFV Type Arcade and SFV Champion Edition in addition to overview mobile games using the SF IP but developed outside like Teppen or that chinese SF beat'em up. He also continued being in charge of the SF business (now rebranded and expanded to eSports Business), and has been the PR guy for the IP in all the big SFV eSport events like Capcom Cup, EVO or Intel World Open (the official SFV Tokyo Olympics tournament) or big conventions like Comicon, EGX or BGS.

Even in the Capcom yearly report for investors where they announced that MHW became their best selling game ever, the cover image and cover story was a Yoshinori Ono picture at Capcom Cup and interview where he was talking about SFV comeback with SFVAE and eSports and how the company was going to heavily invest on more and more on eSports during the next years with a decades long plan, with even the CEO mentioning that to support eSports (so SF) more than ever.

For what we know, he completed in 2020 his job building the eSports division/team and became "eSports Executive Producer" and "Deputy Head of eSports Business Division " in addition to continue with his Corporate Officer rank and General Manager of Management Department 2 role he had since many years ago in addition to being Executive Producer for fighting games.

He continues as SFV executive producer and they are so happy with the recent game performance (S4+SFVCE) that will add it more content as originally planned in S5. It's fair to think he would be part of the small team starting the SFVI preproduction, or at least for what he said last year at panels or interviews (if he goes to panels and interviews to talk about SFV it's because he's still on charge of it), he talked as if he was going to work on SFVI too, as he did work in all Capcom fighting games released before and after he was supposed to be kicked out from SF.

In this panel and in the recent Japanese FG devs round table we saw the game director and producer instead of Ono (executive producer). This may be new for SF, but it's common in the other Capcom games so maybe they decided to standarize their PR. Somehting that makes sense, because to see there the director and producer feels more transparent than to see an executive producer, who isn't that close to the game development. But it may be limited to when they are talking about game development, as it has been the case of the curent video and the round table. Maybe we see Ono again in the eSports/conventions/other PR events.

Wasn't Ono supposedly working on Deep Down??? Is that game never coming out?
Ono did work in a ton of games before and after Deep Down, here you have a list: https://www.mobygames.com/developer/sheet/view/developerId,88437/

There's a ton of canned games in the gaming industry, Deep Down may have been one of them, even if it never has been officially canned.
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What is everyone(not here necessarily) talking about with the communication transparency issue? The whole silhouette thing (which I didn't mind at all. I like surprises, especially in fighting games) got rectified when they released a 60fps trailer showing every new comer in season 3(?). They announced and released characters on the same night or shortly after announcing. What did everyone want? Alpha footage they can judge? Uncertain dates? I honestly don't get it. Maybe I was too busy playing to understand, but I never once felt like I was slighted or out of the loop on some dreadful, negative way. I just felt like they wanted to give surprise reveals with polished content. What an I missing?

Everyone seems to be happy with this showcase as far as info goes, but I'm not really seeing what the big deal is.


Here we again, Dusk Golem says...

Tekken and SF are a dying breed. Only fighting franchise on the upwards is Mortal Kombat having sold more than double compared to the other 2. Wasnt SF almost dead untill SONY jumperd in to fund the project? The Japanese need to step up their game because MK is 60fps and graphically looks a generation ahead of SF or Tekken, using Unreal 3 engine as well.
Tekken and SF are a dying breed. Only fighting franchise on the upwards is Mortal Kombat having sold more than double compared to the other 2. Wasnt SF almost dead untill SONY jumperd in to fund the project? The Japanese need to step up their game because MK is 60fps and graphically looks a generation ahead of SF or Tekken, using Unreal 3 engine as well.
MK looks like a joke compared to Street Fighter. Maybe you mean screen shots, which are ok. If you are talking animation and fight motion, this has to be a troll post. Shit looks like garbage, and you can't prove otherwise. It's objectively true. The animation and interactions are completely trash.


I hope they drop the cartoony art style for something else SF4 and 5 were so similar to each other.

If Mortal Kombat/Dead or Alive can have graphics like that budget wise theres no way Street Fighter can't.


MK plays like garbage imo. It lacks the fluidity of SF. i don't even like SFV, but I rather play SF2 Hyper Fighting than MK11, which I in fact do. I still fire up anniversary.

What SF needs, is back to 2D. Like Arc does. Not the same overly anime style, but the same kind of 2D approach they do. I like how GG looks. Its just the design of GG I'm not too hot on but SF fixes that by default since most of its characters aren't as overdone.
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Am i the only one that liked the old SF without huge combos and ultimates more? Still love SF2 on my Super Famicon.

Yeah. Which is why I still play SF2. I also dig SF3. I draw the line beyond Supers and EX moves. Those are fine. I hate comeback mechanics like the Ultras in IV. Custom combos can fuck off as well. Alpha sucks because of them.
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MK plays like garbage imo. It lacks the fluidity of SF. i don't even like SFV, but I rather play SF2 Hyper Fighting than MK11, which I in fact do. I still fire up anniversary.

What SF needs, is back to 2D. Like Arc does. Not the same overly anime style, but the same kind of 2D approach they do. I like how GG looks. Its just the design of GG I'm not too hot on but SF fixes that by default since most of its characters aren't as overdone.
The animation would suffer greatly. Arc seems to believe that limiting animation makes it look better. It doesn't. Sometimes less isn't more.


What is everyone(not here necessarily) talking about with the communication transparency issue? The whole silhouette thing (which I didn't mind at all. I like surprises, especially in fighting games) got rectified when they released a 60fps trailer showing every new comer in season 3(?). They announced and released characters on the same night or shortly after announcing. What did everyone want? Alpha footage they can judge? Uncertain dates? I honestly don't get it. Maybe I was too busy playing to understand, but I never once felt like I was slighted or out of the loop on some dreadful, negative way. I just felt like they wanted to give surprise reveals with polished content. What an I missing?

Everyone seems to be happy with this showcase as far as info goes, but I'm not really seeing what the big deal is.

They did show a roadmap longer than a year, announced 4 characters, 2 CPT DLCs, additional 2 stages, a new gameplay mechanic and 2 big balance updates and SF League season 3. These characters are still under development or in design stage, they even did put the devs there talking about them, why they did choose them and mentioning some stuff they will add to them. Due to Covid the development must be slower than before, and they even had to capture Dan's WIP footage with a phone from probably some dev's house because I understood that due to covid they didn't have hardware to capture video at home.

Anyone talking about lack of communication or transparency after that stream is crazy. But most people seems to be happy with this format, even a traditional SFV hater like Maximilian loved it and praised the format and transparency.


Tekken and SF are a dying breed. Only fighting franchise on the upwards is Mortal Kombat having sold more than double compared to the other 2. Wasnt SF almost dead untill SONY jumperd in to fund the project? The Japanese need to step up their game because MK is 60fps and graphically looks a generation ahead of SF or Tekken, using Unreal 3 engine as well.
Tekken 7 has been one of the most successful in the Tekken series for some time.


SF6 needs to be free to play to begin with. Start small. 8 characters - fuck the story - top-tier netcode. Monthly character releases (free). Just make everything else cost money.


Tekken and SF are a dying breed. Only fighting franchise on the upwards is Mortal Kombat having sold more than double compared to the other 2. Wasnt SF almost dead untill SONY jumperd in to fund the project? The Japanese need to step up their game because MK is 60fps and graphically looks a generation ahead of SF or Tekken, using Unreal 3 engine as well.

MKX -combining its SKUs- sold 'nearly 11 million copies' and SFIV -combining its SKUs- sold over 9 million copies. Not a big difference. These games completed their sales life cycle Regarding the ones who don't (all of them are 60fps btw):

SFV is the 10th best selling Capcom single game ever, and 2nd best selling single Capcom fighting game ever with almost 5M copies in only 2 platforms, and on top of that sold a shit ton of DLC to the point that on its 6th year they will be still releasing more DLC for it. Tekken 7, another game that still is alive and receiving DLC, reached 6 million units sold which means soon will become the 2nd single best selling Japanese fighting game ever passing SFII for SNES (the best selling one is Tekken 3 with 8 million sales, the 4th best selling game for the original PlayStation). We don't have sales numbers for MK 11 but we know that in NA was one of the best selling games of last year, particularly on PS4.

SF wasn't almost dead before SFV launch. SFIV was a huge success that resurrected the genre, and even did help the sales for the other companies. During SFV development Capcom had financial issues due to the failure of other games, so due to lack of budget they were going to delay SFV from 2016 to 2018. But Sony came to partly fund its development, to be on charge of the USFIV PS4 port and to put $500K for SFV eSports prizes in exchange of exclusivity. SFV had a rocky start but later fixed the game, it started to perform very well in sales like other Capcom games did (MHW, RE7, MM11, RE2R, RE3R, DMCV...) so Capcom now is in a great financial position.

Its great, I have it but it sold 6 million less than MK11.
Tekken 7 sold over 6 million copies until now, and the game that reached 'nearly 11 million' copies is MKX, not MK11. We don't know the sales of MK11.

And the difference between Tekken 7 and MKX is less than 5 million copies, not 6. And it's an unfair comparision because MKX is already dead game who completed its lifecycle while Tekken 7 is still selling copies and releasing seasons of content.
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NaughtyDog Defense Force
Tekken and SF are a dying breed. Only fighting franchise on the upwards is Mortal Kombat having sold more than double compared to the other 2. Wasnt SF almost dead untill SONY jumperd in to fund the project? The Japanese need to step up their game because MK is 60fps and graphically looks a generation ahead of SF or Tekken, using Unreal 3 engine as well.

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 sold below their sales expectations. Tekken 7 exceeded their sales exceptions.

Street Fighter wasn't dead. Street Fighter 4 series sold very well. Capcom was in a bit of financial trouble in the fighting game division. Sony stepped in to help, but the SFV launch was bad because it launch with a lack of offline content.


SF6 needs to be free to play to begin with. Start small. 8 characters - fuck the story - top-tier netcode. Monthly character releases (free). Just make everything else cost money.

Like Killer Instinct?

I hope the next street fighter isn't playstation exclusive. I bought SFV and the content through season 2 until I realized they were turning this into something like the more recent dead or alive entries. I have no problem supporting games with dlc content but when it starts getting really expensive I gotta say no.

I would like for them to release SF6 on Xbox as well as I prefer the controllers but please make it cross play so I can play with my friends regardless of platform.

Also put a pause on making Street Fighter and bring us an updated Darkstalkers already dammit.
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Like Killer Instinct?

I hope the next street fighter isn't playstation exclusive. I bought SFV and the content through season 2 until I realized they were turning this into something like the more recent dead or alive entries. I have no problem supporting games with dlc content but when it starts getting really expensive I gotta say no.

I would like for them to release SF6 on Xbox as well as I prefer the controllers but please make it cross play so I can play with my friends regardless of platform.

Also put a pause on making Street Fighter and bring us an updated Darkstalkers already dammit.

Fighting games are difficult and the actual community is ridiculously small when compared to other genres. It's ironic because it's one of the oldest genres too - so it doesn't make sense. It needs to be free - and it needs to have varied difficulty (some characters should be easier to play than others) so it's appealing for everyone. It could build the fanbase Street Fighter deserves- but Riot may do all that before Capcom has the chance.


Gold Member
They need to do what they did with Street FIghter IV. Somehow bring people back to the game. I liked SFV for a couple years, but it didn't feel like it had that long term effect. I still miss the days of Capcom's Versus series and them including insane Marvel and Capcom rosters. This new stuff isn't all that exciting. The new characters they brought in just didn't feel right. It felt off. I don't want team mechanics in Street Fighter (even if this news could be false?). Team mechanics belong in dedicated Team series like the VS. franchise. I love Street Fighter, but I haven't exactly felt like playing anything besides SFII and III lately. The new stuff doesn't give off that timeless Street Fighter feeling.


They need to do what they did with Street FIghter IV. Somehow bring people back to the game. I liked SFV for a couple years, but it didn't feel like it had that long term effect. I still miss the days of Capcom's Versus series and them including insane Marvel and Capcom rosters. This new stuff isn't all that exciting. The new characters they brought in just didn't feel right. It felt off. I don't want team mechanics in Street Fighter (even if this news could be false?). Team mechanics belong in dedicated Team series like the VS. franchise. I love Street Fighter, but I haven't exactly felt like playing anything besides SFII and III lately. The new stuff doesn't give off that timeless Street Fighter feeling.

Thats only possible if you put the series on a long ass hiatus. Before SFIV there wasn't much 2D fighting going on, which also helped.

But for SFVI they do need to look at MK. Compelling single player content does sell and does make the product more valuable. SFV alienated the casual crowd who enjoyed SFIV. It was very bare bones, very hardcore and on top of that the online was dog shit. SFV launch version was a shitty game. And games generally sell worse when they're shitty.

I never rejoined SFV, but I don't enjoy it in general.
yurinka yurinka Wow greatly appreciate the detailed clarifications on Ono! This makes a lot more logical sense than Dusk's rumors.

With what you've mentioned it makes the chances of any deep work on SF6 at present time or especially last year, virtually nil.

Fighting games are difficult and the actual community is ridiculously small when compared to other genres. It's ironic because it's one of the oldest genres too - so it doesn't make sense. It needs to be free - and it needs to have varied difficulty (some characters should be easier to play than others) so it's appealing for everyone. It could build the fanbase Street Fighter deserves- but Riot may do all that before Capcom has the chance.

I'd actually prefer if Riot did it first; Capcom needs some legit competition again. Not to say IP like Tekken or Guilty Gear aren't competition, but they're more like "rivals", so to speak, on much more friendly terms.

Capcom and SF need something that'll actually be more savage/threatening and is clearly there to usurp them, it would maybe motivate Capcom to provide genuine value in a new Street Fighter on a timely schedule (i.e actually good netcode, plentiful single-player modes/content from Day 1, etc.).

MK plays like garbage imo. It lacks the fluidity of SF. i don't even like SFV, but I rather play SF2 Hyper Fighting than MK11, which I in fact do. I still fire up anniversary.

What SF needs, is back to 2D. Like Arc does. Not the same overly anime style, but the same kind of 2D approach they do. I like how GG looks. Its just the design of GG I'm not too hot on but SF fixes that by default since most of its characters aren't as overdone.

You guys don't realize HOW MUCH MONEY AND EFFORT you'd need to produce 3S-tier sprites for modern HD displays, not to mention it would limit their ability to do alternate costumes (DLC costumes have been a major boost to SFV revenues). They could try "imitating" a 2D SF style the way Arc does with the new GG games emulating the 2D look of the old GG games.

The difference there, though, is that GG has always been very distinctively anime in its visual style, since Day 1. So it has always been heavily stylized therefore that style transitions to cel-shading techniques very well. SF has always had a mixture of Japanese anime, Western art (i.e Robert Crumb, etc.), some European art styles influencing its overall aesthetic, with realism also in that mix. Depending on the specific series you'd see the influences weigh differently (the Alpha games for example are a lot more anime-heavy in their aesthetic than the earliest SF2 games; the latter SF2 games probably had an anime aesthetic more in line with late '80s/early '90s anime OVAs tho), but that's generally been SF's way of things.

Could Capcom try replicating that for SF6? Sure. But honestly when's the last time they've done cel-shading, Viewtiful Joe? Okami? Those games were decades ago. Arc are arguably some of the best in the business with cel-shading alongside Atlus and SEGA, but that kind of visual style isn't something Capcom's focused on in a long ass time. I actually really like SFV's aesthetic; it's more or less SF3 in 3D, which was their intention. If you ignore stuff like certain hair/fabric issues and maybe some texture issues here and there it mostly hits that mark.

I'd rather SF6 continue with evolving SF5's art style, refining it further, cleaning up the IQ, adding a few more tastes of visual flair and fidelity. Basically, take the cinematics of SF5 and use that as the basis for in-game visual fidelity of SF6. Adhering to that general blueprint while tuning a few things up here or there, would be a best fit imho.
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