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Elden Ring concept art (potato quality) leaked, FROM possibly took a break in development due to covid

Hopefully it's less grounded, Souls feels clunky because you're limited by your movement. This is probably one of those games I don't understand the hype for but I hope they make it fun and I'm in.

With that second concept art looking like Bloodborne and more horror based, this could be great.
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Gold Member
I wish it was on ps5 / xsx only. Feel the previous consoles going to hold this back.
looks like for that we'll have to wait 'till their next project... I'm expecting 60fps locked on current-gen and 30 locked on ps4/xbone, with graphics somewhere above Sekiro and I'd be totally happy with that. Full of much larger open areas like Fountainhead Palace, and engine improvements mainly fixing previous technical problems with such areas (texture tiling & LOD, enemy model spawn/pop-in at a certain distance, etc)
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so hyped for this game. Sekiro was a really innovative move away from the old Souls formula with all the new traversal options. the world (as well as combat) leant itself well towards jumping around as well as swimming. indeed once i got the hang of those headless monsters, i was stunned to see that From was able to make even underwater combat engaging.

so i am really looking forward to this. there are going to be so many cool secrets to discover just exploring the world, it will be the ultimate exploration ARPG.


Gay porn is where it's at.
from reddit
The snake guy has the look of a nobleman transformed into a monster by some curse. Anyway, I know people are anxious for more info about the game, but I much prefer a simple teaser trailer and then nothing to an aggressive marketing campaign like they did for Cyberpunk.


The snake guy has the look of a nobleman transformed into a monster by some curse. Anyway, I know people are anxious for more info about the game, but I much prefer a simple teaser trailer and then nothing to an aggressive marketing campaign like they did for Cyberpunk.

Looks like an apostle from Berserk. Miyazaki really is obsessed.


If it's true that they took a break i want to congratulate them (and Namco as publisher) for putting their staff's health and overall well-being above everything else.

I know that release dates are not primarily about us as consumers but more about the investors and budgets but i will not mind if they delay the release even more if that means it's for their staff's health and happiness.

I have tons of games i can play until they release a fully finished and polished game.
EDIT: Nevermind, this is old stuff from 2018. Sorry for bumping.
I don't know what to make of this... Maybe just a placeholder date that he forgot to update?

"Elden Ring | E3 Announcment Trailer (Coming January)"

I took a screencap in case it gets removed:
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So it turns out that my previous post was actually correct! Enjoy some new concept art everyone: https://www.gabrielbjorkstiernstrom.com/#/projects/elden-ring

I snagged a couple to show here...




The concept artist originally posted this to Reddit:

Hello everyone!

I feel like I need to write a disclaimer for you so that you have a better understanding of what it is I am sharing. I worked on the ‘E3 2019 Announcement Trailer’ of Elden Ring and these keyframes and concepts are just a selection of the work I did for the trailer, because I’d like to share some of the work that I am proud of. I have not worked on the game itself.

Digic Pictures was responsible for a part of the E3 Announcement Trailer, the part with the figure hammering in the darkness. This was my first project at Digic Pictures and I made these concepts two years ago, back in January 2019. I had no idea what I was working on; the only information I knew was that FromSoftware was the client. I first learned about the project and the title when everyone else did at the E3 reveal. So I hope that explains how little I actually know about the game.

Now regarding the concepts I am sharing. Most of these were made for internal discussion at Digic Pictures between the Art Director, Director, Producer and Leads. When they were happy with something they would then share those concepts with the client. In the end FromSoftware would more or less provide us with most of the concept art in any case.

I received a brief for each task, but ideas change during production and so does the brief. What you do today is irrelevant tomorrow. Sometimes a brief is very clear and other times it’s open for interpretations. We try to provide our expertise regarding how we can convey the clients wanted mood and style through lighting, animation, composition, camera angles, focal lengths, colors etc.

You can read into the concept art as much as you like, but I really have no knowledge of the game.
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Gold Member
after demon souls remake i'm not sure if i'm ready to hop back into the world of suffering so soon
With a fresh coat of paint and some new mechanics? I don’t see why not. The day and night cycles followed by changes in the weather for boss fights sounds epic. I imagine a boss fight lasting for days in game.
from reddit
I see a pit or a wall of fire. Imagine this thing meeting you in a dark cave somewhere. I love the dark tone of it all. They kill it with the art design.
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