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Embracer has shut down Alone in the Dark studio Pieces Interactive


Poor guys at Embracer just trying to run theire buisness, i bet they are crying when they are eating the T-bone steak together with Phil the pill Spencer tonight


Gold Member
People really think gaming is some kind of charity, huh?

It doesn't matter if a game is decent/good, if it doesn't sell, this is what happens.

At some point people need to take a look at the consumers and not the companies.
Also true. But how do you educate an audience to look beyond your AAA bloat fest inspired by Marvel cinema?

Nintendo seems to have nailed it somehow. Their audience is interested in the smaller, lower budget, not high-tech titles they produce. Is it all IP related?


Game completely bombed commercially, so this is not that surprising. Sad though, since the game is good but got a raw deal in reviews.
Thing is in “normal” times a single bad game shouldn’t kill a Studio. Shit happens and frankly if management was on point they should have realized that a particular game may or may not hit for the most part.

Now a single game will tank the studio. Which is f-d up.


Thing is in “normal” times a single bad game shouldn’t kill a Studio. Shit happens and frankly if management was on point they should have realized that a particular game may or may not hit for the most part.

Now a single game will tank the studio. Which is f-d up.
I agree. But we do not know how (un)successful their previous games were. It is also possible they tried to shop the studio around, finding no takers. When you are a company that is desperately trying to get out of debt and you fund a game for (just my guess) 40 million and it only makes 10 million back, you are not going to be enthused to spend another 40 million on another game hoping that this time it will work out and make 100 million back to cover both losses...especially when reviews were lukewarm too.


Wow, must have really under performed out of the gate. They didn't even give them six months to see if discounts would help.

Unless there were major issues with the math at the studio and the latest release doesn't have much to do with it.
People really think gaming is some kind of charity, huh?

It doesn't matter if a game is decent/good, if it doesn't sell, this is what happens.

At some point people need to take a look at the consumers and not the companies.
Yea, I blame the gaming community just as much as I do gaming execs. What a damn shame, Pieces deserved better from the community, AITD is a solid title but people want to let YouTubers and Metacritic dictate which games are worth playing.

If/When AITD goes to PS+, we're going to have a lot of people really upset that Pieces was shut down.

Edit: Appeal is getting shut down for sure. The devs of the new Outcast. Outcast was more buggy at launch than AITD and scored lower. Like AITD, the issues have been patched and Outcast: A New Beginning is damn fun but it's also $70. Lots of people would love these games but gamers at large can't help themselves with the insane production values they expect out of every studio.

The future of gaming really is bleak as F.
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I didnt see anyone talking about this game until now, so that seems to be one sign. Another is they went with movie actors, not a real need for that is there?

Then I havent really seem them (the studio) do a whole lot. I could be wrong but I can see why this was closed.


Gold Member
Yea, I blame the gaming community just as much as I do gaming execs. What a damn shame, Pieces deserved better from the community, AITD is a solid title but people want to let YouTubers and Metacritic dictate which games are worth playing.

If/When AITD goes to PS+, we're going to have a lot of people really upset that Pieces was shut down.

Edit: Appeal is getting shut down for sure. The devs of the new Outcast. Outcast was more buggy at launch than AITD and scored lower. Like AITD, the issues have been patched and Outcast: A New Beginning is damn fun but it's also $70. Lots of people would love these games but gamers at large can't help themselves with the insane production values they expect out of every studio.

The future of gaming really is bleak as F.
Some people have been conditioned to graphic whoring and will just evaluate games on that. Any game announcement comes with shitposts of “what’s with the PS2 graphics”. It’s a dumbification of the audience and the medium. Glossy graphics over interesting concepts and games. Bit like Hollywood and their blockbusters. It’s quickly getting worse.

That’s why I respect Nintendo’s audience more and more.
I did my part. I pre-ordered Alone In The Dark (2024) for $60 and I platinumed it. It was a fantastic game.

The sad thing was that I knew before launch that it would price drop quickly. But I paid the full MSRP because I was voting with my wallet that I want these types of games to continue existing.

Alas, it was in vain. Game is still sitting proudly on my shelf. I thoroughly enjoyed all of my time with it and am super bummed that Pieces Interactive has been denied the opportunity to work on sequels. I guess in the end, it was this fine studio that was left alone in the dark

I did my part. I pre-ordered Alone In The Dark (2024) for $60 and I platinumed it. It was a fantastic game.

The sad thing was that I knew before launch that it would price drop quickly. But I paid the full MSRP because I was voting with my wallet that I want these types of games to continue existing.

Alas, it was in vain. Game is still sitting proudly on my shelf. I thoroughly enjoyed all of my time with it and am super bummed that Pieces Interactive has been denied the opportunity to work on sequels. I guess in the end, it was this fine studio that was left alone in the dark
Well said.

I bought three copies. Digital deluxe and then two physicals. One for my friend as a gift and another to lend out to friends in general. That's how much I liked the game. I've never done something like that before.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I don't 100% blame Embracer on some of these. I think they tried to buy a lot of AA developers that have never really known sales success, and flip the whole thing to a bigger buyer. That fell apart obviously. But these studios wanted to be bought, because they weren't really doing that well. After they got bought, they continued not doing that well. Saints Row and Alone in the Dark didn't fail to find an audience because of Embracer.

If anything, I think getting bought out maybe delayed some of these closures by a year or two, but I don't know if it really altered what was going to happen anyway.


Gold Member
Sadly just more proof that AA games just can't exist in today's climate, this isn't the Playstation 1 days.
Well said.

I bought three copies. Digital deluxe and then two physicals. One for my friend as a gift and another to lend out to friends in general. That's how much I liked the game. I've never done something like that before.
Wish I had the funds to do the same. I live below the poverty line and save up fo buy games.

This game had some of the best, unique atmosphere in so long. Embracer has no clue what it's throwing away. Or they do and just don't care.

This was the kind of game I was willing to buy at full price. So few titles are worth $60 - $100. I can't think of any left on Embracer's current schedule I would pay out that kind of money for. Maybe they should just become a Gamepass/PS+ Extra house
Wish I had the funds to do the same. I live below the poverty line and save up fo buy games.

This game had some of the best, unique atmosphere in so long. Embracer has no clue what it's throwing away. Or they do and just don't care.

This was the kind of game I was willing to buy at full price. So few titles are worth $60 - $100. I can't think of any left on Embracer's current schedule I would pay out that kind of money for. Maybe they should just become a Gamepass/PS+ Extra house
Yea, I'm blessed for sure. Not rich but just have a set up that allows me to save a ton of money by sheer convenience in terms of where I live and how close my office is, etc. I can walk everywhere, got rid of my car during Covid and while the wife and I want kids, we don't have any yet. I always have tons of disposable income. One of the main reasons I actively take chances on games that many people write off and why I'm so vocal if I find them to be solid experiences. God bless you brother!


I was going to buy it but then I saw that the game wasn't dubbed in to my native language so... Bye, no regrets

Alan Wake

Game was met with harsh criticism, I thought it looked okay?
It is a good game. Seriously. For those who are into this type of game, pretty old school horror, it's a good experience. I never understood the 4/10 review scores.
Well said.

I bought three copies. Digital deluxe and then two physicals. One for my friend as a gift and another to lend out to friends in general. That's how much I liked the game. I've never done something like that before.
I got the Collector's Edition. :) It's pretty nice. Just missed an artbook.
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Gold Member
A lot of these Embracer shut downs probably have nothing to do with the inherent performance of the studios/games, but their terrible debt loads which caught up with them with high interest rates.

Years back, they swallowed up tons of studios in hopes of buying low. Interest rates tripled and they got caught holding the bag.

They also seemed to hinge their success and financial stability on that $2B partnership. It's like a company ramping up tons of inventory at giant costs assuming a buyer with a big bag of money does the deal. Ooops. Turns out the other side walked.
This is the type of game too that would cause SBI and the woke mob to flee in terror like a vampire being presented with a crucifix. It is the polar opposite of woke. Plantation setting, references to slavery, mental illness, "tropes", etc. It is seriously a prime example of a game and studio that should have been supported via "voting with your wallet."

The fact that it wasn't controversial and didn't generate headlines at Kotaku speaks volumes to how few copies were sold.
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Alan Wake

This is the type of game too that would cause SBI and the woke mob to flee in terror like a vampire being presented with a crucifix. It is the polar opposite of woke. Plantation setting, references to slavery, mental illness, "tropes", etc. It is seriously a prime example of a game and studio that should have been supported via "voting with your wallet."

The fact that it wasn't controversial and didn't generate headlines at Kotaku speaks volumes to how few copies were sold.
And two white protagonists, one of which is drinking through the whole game...

Good point. I too wished for this but I wasn't shocked when it turned out the way it did, despite the delay of the game to avoid the most crowded period of the year. Makes me sad.


I know that this is my fault too cause I didn't buy the game and a company is there to make money and if the studio didn't make money its destiny is signed.


Gold Member
This is the type of game too that would cause SBI and the woke mob to flee in terror like a vampire being presented with a crucifix. It is the polar opposite of woke. Plantation setting, references to slavery, mental illness, "tropes", etc. It is seriously a prime example of a game and studio that should have been supported via "voting with your wallet."

The fact that it wasn't controversial and didn't generate headlines at Kotaku speaks volumes to how few copies were sold.
You may have inadvertently answered why the media weren't interested in promoting/endorsing it. That, and some of them may still hold a petty grudge over THQ nordic.
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You may have inadvertently answered why the media weren't interesting in promoting/endorsing it. That, and some of them may still hold a petty grudge over THQ nordic.
Cosmo Kramer Mind Blown GIF

Honestly could have been a factor. In 2024 anything is possible with yellow journalism, or lack thereof.
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The director of this game was the writer of SOMA, sad news. I heard the game was good.
It's a good game. Budget RE clone but solid and the glaring issues on launch have been ironed out. Even added new content and NG+

Physical copies are selling for $40 on Amazon now.
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What a shame, I would have liked to see what they could do with a bigger budget. Wasn't keen on them spending what little they clearly had on Hollyweird actors, but the rest was okay. Not one I'd recommend for those sitting on the fence or with limited interest or finances, but with the right mindset and expectations it was a good ride at times.

As others have mentioned I think Embracer took on some serious risk and is struggling to make ends meet much less stay afloat. Kind of crazy how many companies plan so poorly. Outright avoiding what sells, placing more budget into marketing and consultancy groups with little to no finger on the pulse of the consumer or market in general. And putting all of their eggs into a risky few baskets with little headroom for failure or even time to recoup investments.


Studios should learn from the success of things like helldivers (or a lot of pc games) and price their games accordingly. Put your games at 40 or 30 it's not a sin. I was interested in Ronin but not for 80 euros.. If it was 40 i would have checked it out. By the time it drops there it's probably going to either be on ps plus or i will have moved on since there are 1532 games released each month it seems.


Gold Member
Studios should learn from the success of things like helldivers (or a lot of pc games) and price their games accordingly. Put your games at 40 or 30 it's not a sin. I was interested in Ronin but not for 80 euros.. If it was 40 i would have checked it out. By the time it drops there it's probably going to either be on ps plus or i will have moved on since there are 1532 games released each month it seems.
Problem with game companies is that the second the studio/publisher thinks it's a AA or AAA kind of game, most will price it at $70 US. Ya, the same price as COD and GTA. Crazy. If anything, you;d think the higher the price, the more price variation while the dirt cheap stuff all gets sold at similar price tiers. But in gaming it's the opposite.

Name one other industry in the world where everyone copies each other at a same standard price whether it's a good or bad product, or good or bad brand.

Even Coke, Pepsi and Dr Pepper dont even copy the same price for stuff all the time and they all directly compete against one another with similar kind of pop in the same cans, bottles and 12/24 case pack sizes.
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Wish I had the funds to do the same. I live below the poverty line and save up fo buy games.

This game had some of the best, unique atmosphere in so long. Embracer has no clue what it's throwing away. Or they do and just don't care.

This was the kind of game I was willing to buy at full price. So few titles are worth $60 - $100. I can't think of any left on Embracer's current schedule I would pay out that kind of money for. Maybe they should just become a Gamepass/PS+ Extra house
I've been saying this for a while now that Embracer should be looking to Microsoft for some sort of partnership. Game Pass needs content, and Embracer needs money. Makes sense to me. Perhaps instead of closing down these studios they get contracted out to work on the insane IP hoard Microsoft has going on too. Or support studios/guns for hire for bigger projects ala Crystal Dynamics. Embracers current strategy is clearly not tenable, and a pivot, even just partially to something of this nature could work out in everyone's favor.
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