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ESPN OTL: Congressional report says NFL waged improper campaign to influence governme

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At least a half-dozen top NFL health officials waged an improper, behind-the-scenes campaign last year to influence a major U.S. government research study on football and brain disease, congressional investigators have concluded in a new report obtained by Outside the Lines.

The 91-page report describes how the NFL pressured the National Institutes of Health to strip the $16 million project from a prominent Boston University researcher and tried to redirect the money to members of the league's committee on brain injuries. The study was to have been funded out of a $30 million "unrestricted gift" the NFL gave the NIH in 2012.

After the NIH rebuffed the NFL's campaign to remove Robert Stern, an expert in neurodegenerative disease who has criticized the league, the NFL backed out of a signed agreement to pay for the study, the report shows. Taxpayers ended up bearing the cost instead.

The NFL's actions violated policies that prohibit private donors from interfering in the NIH peer-review process, the report concludes, and were part of a "long-standing pattern of attempts" by the league to shape concussion research for its own purposes.

"In this instance, our investigation has shown that while the NFL had been publicly proclaiming its role as funder and accelerator of important research, it was privately attempting to influence that research," the report states.

Democratic members of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce launched the investigation in December after Outside the Lines reported that the NFL backed out of the seven-year study, which aims to find methods for detecting -- in living patients -- chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE, a disease found in dozens of deceased NFL players.

The report also shows:

• The co-chairman of the NFL's committee on brain injuries, Dr. Richard Ellenbogen, was one of the league's "primary advocates" opposing Stern, even though Ellenbogen had applied for the same grant and stood to benefit personally. Ellenbogen previously denied to Outside the Lines that he tried to influence the NIH, but the report sharply criticizes his actions.

• The NFL was warned that taxpayers would have to bear the cost of the $16 million study and that the NIH would be "unable to fund other meritorious research for several years" if the league backed out. The NFL offered a last-minute $2 million payment after an intermediary suggested a partial contribution would "help dampen criticism." The NIH turned down the offer.

• Even after an NIH review panel upheld the award to Stern, the NFL sought to funnel the $16 million to another project that would involve members of the league's brain injury committee. The plan would have allowed the NFL researchers to avoid the NIH's rigorous peer-review process. NIH Director Francis Collins rejected the idea.

NFL had no comment because they didn't read the report yet. What it came down to is the NFL pledged to help fund a government study that was supposedly no strings attached. Government picked a person to do the study who the NFL did not want. NFL behind the scenes have been trying to strong arm the NIH to change the person who is doing the study to someone who the NFL wants.


I love watching my Philadelphia Eagles, but god fucking damn the NFL is such a piece of shit organization.

Their days have to be numbered. Sooner or later, the depths to which they've obscured mental health/brain damage studies will come to light.


The clock is ticking for this disgusting organization.

Is it though?

The sport remains as popular as it ever has been... That's not to say that the research revolving CTE and other neurologically derived damage won't have an impact on potential NFL players, but people love the sport and its making money hand over fist.

Just another rich and powerful organization trying to throw its weight around. The vast majority of the American public won't care.
Is it though?

The sport remains as popular as it ever has been... That's not to say that the research revolving CTE and other neurologically derived damage won't have an impact on potential NFL players, but people love the sport and its making money hand over fist.

Just another rich and powerful organization trying to throw its weight around. The vast majority of the American public won't care.

More people are getting their kids out of football on both sides of the border because of this. Eventually, football as a whole won't be the juggernaut it is now because of all the CTE concerns.


Is it though?

The sport remains as popular as it ever has been... That's not to say that the research revolving CTE and other neurologically derived damage won't have an impact on potential NFL players, but people love the sport and its making money hand over fist.

Just another rich and powerful organization trying to throw its weight around. The vast majority of the American public won't care.

I suspect it will be a generational change, as people will grow up with the knowledge of the dangers of the sport.


More people are getting their kids out of football on both sides of the border because of this. Eventually, football as a whole won't be the juggernaut it is now because of all the CTE concerns.

I agree with this in principle.

So the quality of the play on the field may suffer, but not to the extent that the sport is going to greatly diminish in value. People still love the NFL, and according to their ratings can basically do no wrong.
SHOCKING NEWS. The NFL is basically in line with the tobacco companies in the way they try to subvert and cover up damaging health research.


In response the NFL has suspended Brady for 2 additional games and the Patriots have lost their next 2 fist round picks for being generally aware concussions exist.
Doing this type of shit is just going to hurt them years down the line. Like what the fuck dudes?

I'm skeptical that it will hurt the league at all. For every catastrophe wrought by CTE there are a thousand kids still dreaming of trying out for the NFL. For every time the NFL is caught lying about concussions there are a hundred organizations in place that ensure the cradle-to-grave culture of football worship doesn't even tremble. And the fans really do not give a shit, because if they did it would be reflected in the ratings and the revenue.


I wish. The only way the NFL goes down if it's revealed they're a covert terrorist organization.

There's already starting to be a pushback against Football and the NFL at the youth level, so while ratings are still going up now, it's going to blow up in their face eventually.


I recommend watching the Frontline from a few years back. The NFL originally endowed a study when it wasn't looking good they pulled finding and moved it to the NIH. It was implied the move was so that they could exert political pressure on the process, it looks like that didn't work out.
Disgusting behavior is never surprising when it comes to the NFL. I stopped watching a couple years ago and have no desire to ever go back.


i love the Chiefs, i really really do, but it's getting harder and harder to justify watching them at this point. the NFL is as scummy, vile, and crooked as it gets.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
Won't they suffer consequences for backing out of a signed agreement with the damn united states of america?
Is it though?

The sport remains as popular as it ever has been... That's not to say that the research revolving CTE and other neurologically derived damage won't have an impact on potential NFL players, but people love the sport and its making money hand over fist.

Just another rich and powerful organization trying to throw its weight around. The vast majority of the American public won't care.

As has been mentioned, parents do.

It's only a matter of time before football has a negative stigma among potential players in junior high and high school. 10, 20 maybe 30 years from now. The NFL is a meat grinder who actively works against the health of it's players, on top of it already being a sport that by it's nature takes it's toll on players' long term health. Not to mention the contracts in the NFL are already structured to make players disposable. It's just not a wise career for athletes. Stuff like this will push it over the edge.


The NFL is a cartel of amoral, profit-obsessed billionaires. Why would anyone be surprised at this kind of shit?
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