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Far Cry 4 |OT| Welcome to Kyrat


Alright, 30 minutes in and hopefully I'll finally get to play lmao

Keeps crashing and unsurprisingly uplay is being massive piece of shit

This is the second time I'm watching the opening cutscene cause it lost my saves
It would bother me if it wasn't an excellent game.

Honestly it's like going from Fallout 3 to New Vegas. Similar games but the sequel is much more polished and is a better overall game.

I have been really liking Far Cry 4.

How is the sense of place? I know this is an odd question but Rook Island didn't feel like an actual place to me, it felt a little empty. How is the density of the world? Is the exploration good (great vistas, secrets to find, etc).


So I pre ordered this against my better judgement and I really hope my worst fears aren't true. Is it more open and less hand-holdy like 2 or is it more "disneyland" style attractions where you're just looking at a map and ticking off everything like 3?


So I pre ordered this against my better judgement and I really hope my worst fears aren't true. Is it more open and less hand-holdy like 2 or is it more "disneyland" style attractions where you're just looking at a map and ticking off everything like 3?
There are a shit tonne of collectibles.
So I pre ordered this against my better judgement and I really hope my worst fears aren't true. Is it more open and less hand-holdy like 2 or is it more "disneyland" style attractions where you're just looking at a map and ticking off everything like 3?

I think this game is like a 'more of the same in a different setting' continuations of Farcry 3. For me, that's great. Sounds like for you it won't be though.


Well, looks like I won't be able to play this any time soon. I got the widely reported "Black screen on launch" with no USB devices to remove other than my G600 and standard keyboard, so i can't do anything to fix it.



How is the sense of place? I know this is an odd question but Rook Island didn't feel like an actual place to me, it felt a little empty. How is the density of the world? Is the exploration good (great vistas, secrets to find, etc).

The world density is very similar to FC3. It DOES have that Uncharted 2-esque feel to it though (when Drake wakes up and is in the mountains), so that's cool. Other than that, it feels a lot like FC3.
Alright, but do they still have super constricted mission boundaries (which is so absurd to me in an open world game) like 3, and is exploration actually fun and rewarding?

Again, by all accounts this game is basically Farcry 3 with a few new weapons, abilities and a different setting. I'm sure that every single complaint you had about 3 will apply to this game.


Again, by all accounts this game is basically Farcry 3 with a few new weapons, abilities and a different setting. I'm sure that every single complaint you had about 3 will apply to this game.

Exactly and I'm enjoying the hell out of it. Just played 4 hours straight.
How is the sense of place? I know this is an odd question but Rook Island didn't feel like an actual place to me, it felt a little empty. How is the density of the world? Is the exploration good (great vistas, secrets to find, etc).
Can be good and bad. It seems like there is a lot more stuff in a smaller area. Harder to know for sure yet.

There are a lot of secrets to find and exploring is fun. I really enjoy running around hunting animals and stumbling upon new things.

Also I think areas are much more diverse than Far Cry 3. I did some kind of mission on the mountain in snow and it was pretty sweet.


my biggest problem with FC3 was how quickly you basically saw everything the game has to offer.

You start the game, start getting things, start seeing new things, and that's great, but after a relatively short amount of time you've pretty much gained everything and done everything, and now you get to keep doing it for the next 75% of the game.

I suspect FC4 will suffer from this same problem, but I sorta want it anyway...
Can be good and bad. It seems like there is a lot more stuff in a smaller area. Harder to know for sure yet.

There are a lot of secrets to find and exploring is fun. I really enjoy running around hunting animals and stumbling upon new things.

Also I think areas are much more diverse than Far Cry 3. I did some kind of mission on the mountain in snow and it was pretty sweet.

Ah wonderful :)
Any word on how this looks and runs on the X1? I have too many games on my PS4 and I was thinking about picking this up as long as the X1 version runs at 1080.
Oh yeah, me too. I loved Farcry 3, and more of the same is fine by me.

I liked Far cry 3. I started out really digging it but felt burnt out by the end. Rook Island bored me. I loved Blood Dragon though. I chalk it up to the awful unlikable story, characters and the island itself. I felt like Far Cry 3's style was bland to me, That's why I liked Blood Dragon so much more. That's why Far Cry 4 has impressed me since E3, the FC3 structure works pretty well but world is very very imnportant to me. I love the Nepal-direction, looks great but I'll see.
Anyone elses PS4 fans kick up every so often when playing this game?
Usually mines quiet but it seems to be kicking in every so often near the start.
I love the Nepal-direction, looks great but I'll see.

You'll see? What's to see? It's Nepal!



i know, right? 3 pages for a brand new AAA game? i guess folks had their fill with 3, not really interested in what looks to be 3.5.
3.5 is exactly why I came back. I love Far Cry 3's structure and 4 is just set in a better setting with no sign of that annoying opening song with gun shot sounds in sight.

I've been trying to kill everything with basically just the bow so far in 4. Been pretty fun.
3.5 is exactly why I came back. I love Far Cry 3's structure and 4 is just set in a better setting with no sign of that annoying opening song with gun shot sounds in sight.

I've been trying to kill everything with basically just the bow so far in 4. Been pretty fun.

Are you referring to the 2008-monster single by M.I.A off one the best records of the last decade? I really like M.I.A, idk i thought was actually clever for a few reasons.
Are you referring to the 2008-monster single by M.I.A off one the best records of the last decade? I really like M.I.A, idk i thought was actually clever for a few reasons.
Yep that's the song. I don't care for that kind of music. To be honest I almost stopped playing when I heard that song because I thought it was going to represent the tone of the game. Thankfully that wasn't the case.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Any word on how this looks and runs on the X1? I have too many games on my PS4 and I was thinking about picking this up as long as the X1 version runs at 1080.

It's eerily quiet on that front, but what little info is out there says it's fine.

The 0451

Neo Member
I lived in Nepal for four months from Feb to May this year and trekked to Everest Base Camp at the end. Can't wait to play this game even more now I've been there. I also bought two khukris from the company who supply the British Ghurkas.
Picked it up

I can't wait to really get into it, because I love these games. Two sucked me in, Three was fantastic and Blood Dragon was incredibly awesome.

EDIT: Wow. It's only 21.8GB? I expected it to be 40-some-odd like Dragon Age, CoD and (almost) AC.


This game makes my PS4's fan go crazy. The weird thing about it is that the fan speeds up during cutscenes and in the shop menu. When I'm in the open world, it's pretty normal. Weird.

Still very much enjoying the game, though. This game is constantly giving you stuff to do. It's a bit overwhelming, but very exciting. This game is head and shoulders above FC3.


Yep, very much a game I expected it to be and I'm enjoying it a lot. Hopefully I'll manage to do most of what I want to do before DA:I hits though, that's gonna eat most of my gaming time from there.
my buddy sent me a Key to Kyrat last week but I've haven't been able to redeem it. every time I go and hit the button to access it, it says it's not in the store.

should this be available at midnight?
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