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Fire Emblem Heroes |OT|Natural Selection Simulator

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Good thing I couldn't care less about CYL. Hope they have something other than CYL to stream though; it's simply unthinkable to talk about 4 units for a whopping 10 minutes. They'd better have some new updates in store. I'm not expecting update 1.7 but it will be nice if they can lay out their plan for September, a RD-themed banner for the 2nd half of Sep certainly won't hurt, right?


Good thing I couldn't care less about CYL. Hope they have something other than CYL to stream though; it's simply unthinkable to talk about 4 units for a whopping 10 minutes. They'd better have some new updates in store. I'm not expecting update 1.7 but it will be nice if they can lay out their plan for September, a RD-themed banner for the 2nd half of Sep certainly won't hurt, right?

Hoshido summer banner believe

Summer never ends


Choose Your Legends banner (5% focus rate!)

Sephiran Grand Hero Battle

Radiant Dawn banner

Dawn Brigade vs Greil Mercenaries Voting Gauntlet

My wallet is ready


Not mine.


Would have 47 Def if attacked by melee weapons.


Neo Member
Dang, everyone was right about the Choose Your Legend banner coming in September. I really shouldn't have spent all my orbs chasing Ike during Hero Fest, but hopefully I'll be able to stock up enough again to snipe Lyn.

And hopefully Lyn is a bit more viable than her other 2 incarnations.


I've saved up 128 orbs so far, hopefully it'll be enough to get Lyn off the CYL banner.

I've been waiting for this for a long time.


I've only got 72 orbs saved since I got baited by the SS banner. But I got paid yesterday and have already started budgeting for opening my wallet.


i don't have any orb, then please don't tell me about your big amounts of orbs that you keep for the banner..



Saved up to 12 orbs (whelp) but I'll wait till I saved some and then I'll dive into CYL .. hopefully IS will be giving out some new stages to farm.

On other news, just used my 20k feathers on Valter. Damn he's a beast! Flyer Emblem with Palla, Cherche, Hinoka and Valter is nearly ready.


Hm, I have 24 orbs at the moment. I have a few from Chain Challenge I could get, but considering how hard they are and how many tries I will probably need, I doubt I would get much out of that.

Shouln't another chapter or paralogue come around soon? It's been a while since the last.
I'm at 113 Orbs.

I spent 100 Orbs on Tempest Trials in a failed attempt to get Celica. Ended up getting a +DEF/-SPD Tharja, which was disappointing. I'm using her primarily because of Arena Assault, but she will be immediately sacked when I pull a good Tharja or Katarina.

I've been saving ever since, and did nothing but free summons on subsequent banners.

Hope to get Heroes with good stats. The last good summon I had statwise was +SPD/-DEF Sonya.


Again, I really dislike IS's current pace of "one seasonal alt outfit banner and one proper banner with actual new characters per month". This is slowly becoming the new norm and suddenly we find the rate of them pushing out actual new characters cut in half.

I mean, I think I understand why they do this, and I might even be open to it if it helps the game maintain a healthy revenue stream. But that's not to say I like it; I absolutely don't.


Again, I really dislike IS's current pace of "one seasonal alt outfit banner and one proper banner with actual new characters per month". This is slowly becoming the new norm and suddenly we find the rate of them pushing out actual new characters cut in halves.

I mean, I think I understand why they do this, and I might even be open to it if it helps the game maintain a healthy revenue stream. But that's not to say I like it; I absolutely don't.


I've said before I don't really like that there's so many limited banners either. We're basically at a stage where almost half the units added every month are limited. If they keep at it the games going to have a ridiculous amount of limited units.


Sölf;246939996 said:
Hm, I have 24 orbs at the moment. I have a few from Chain Challenge I could get, but considering how hard they are and how many tries I will probably need, I doubt I would get much out of that.

Shouln't another chapter or paralogue come around soon? It's been a while since the last.

Any new banner with newly introduced units (who will be arena bonus char for two weeks) always comes with a story chapter; that question is only whether it is main story or paralogue. The SS banner brought a paralogue last week which isn't long ago.


A while back I guessed they might do CYL as the next tempest trial, and a story chapter could set that up. Could be a way for them to give out Bruno as a unit (seems too soon for Veronica still). But I actually hope they don't start doing TT for limited characters, it was bad enough to have 5*-only bonus units in the last one.


Any new banner with newly introduced units (who will be arena bonus char for two weeks) always comes with a story chapter; that question is only whether it is main story or paralogue. The SS banner brought a paralogue last week which isn't long ago.

Wait, that was only last week? Feels like an eternity ago, but maybe that's because we actually get flooded with stuff for once.


I did it.

In case anyone asks, I used an all-infantry team for the first team and they lost at the 9th stage for both challenges above, which meant I had two teams left to finish each challenge.



Tana, Amelia, now Innes. Finally finished with this banner.


Good thing I couldn't care less about CYL. Hope they have something other than CYL to stream though; it's simply unthinkable to talk about 4 units for a whopping 10 minutes. They'd better have some new updates in store. I'm not expecting update 1.7 but it will be nice if they can lay out their plan for September, a RD-themed banner for the 2nd half of Sep certainly won't hurt, right?

I hope its thracia banner with leif and you dontpullhim now.



Main thing I'm hoping for is details on sacred coins. Presumably we'll find out about the next tempest trial and voting gauntlet, but I wouldn't expect information on any banner other than CYL.
Choose Your Legends banner (5% focus rate!)

Sephiran Grand Hero Battle

Radiant Dawn banner

Dawn Brigade vs Greil Mercenaries Voting Gauntlet

My wallet is ready

For Radiant Dawn they'll give a heron as a flying colorless dancer but the rest of the chars would be like Meg, Heather and Makarov
Only interested in Ike and Lyn. I have Lyn already but her current iteration is pitifully weak They better give her a 70 total for Attack and Speed. Ideally 33/37. Ike had better be swole Ike.

If these units are in goofy outfits I'm pretty comfortable in avoiding the banner


I'm thinking the Choose Your Legends characters are going to have different weapons.

They already gave us the regular characters, what's going to be different about the CYL versions?

Would they really give us stronger versions making the current ones useless?


Having so many limited characters is annoying, but I also want to see a different Roy so I guess I'm okay with the CYL banner finally happening. Lyn and Ike could be a bonus.

If a RD banner happens after that, I wouldn't be surprised if it was focused on the Dawn Brigade, in other words characters I don't care enough about to want right away. So I guess that would work out pretty well.
I'm thinking the Choose Your Legends characters are going to have different weapons.

They already gave us the regular characters, what's going to be different about the CYL versions?

Would they really give us stronger versions making the current ones useless?

Not hard to top Lyn and Roy
Having so many limited characters is annoying, but I also want to see a different Roy so I guess I'm okay with the CYL banner finally happening. Lyn and Ike could be a bonus.

If a RD banner happens after that, I wouldn't be surprised if it was focused on the Dawn Brigade, in other words characters I don't care enough about to want right away. So I guess that would work out pretty well.

I figure a Warriors banner would happen first. It's coming Sept. 28th in Japan.


I'm thinking the Choose Your Legends characters are going to have different weapons.

They already gave us the regular characters, what's going to be different about the CYL versions?

Would they really give us stronger versions making the current ones useless?

Purely cosmetic iterations that have the same stats and skills but new art are the least likely option, and I'm not expecting them to stay within the same 'class' either - most other character variants have different weapons and/or movement types, so that's what I'm expecting them to continue. Going by their handling of other limited-time characters, I'm not sure about them being objective improvements either - Bride Cordelia and the only two mage fliers were limited, but the themed Xanders aren't comparable to the standard incarnation.

I'm more interested in what they're going to do to differentiate them visually - the Askr costumes that seem to be the most common predictions, existing ingame alternates (i.e. Blade Lord Lyn, Smash/Awakening Roy, Great Lord/Yukata Lucina, Lord Ike), 'alternate universe' interpretations (Daein Wyvern Rider Ike, Manakete Roy etc.) or something entirely different.


I'm thinking the Choose Your Legends characters are going to have different weapons.

They already gave us the regular characters, what's going to be different about the CYL versions?

Would they really give us stronger versions making the current ones useless?

Of course they'll have different weapons, would be a silly banner if it was all swords. But who knows where they'll go from there. The Askr trio all have character-specific weapons so it stands to reason the CYL characters will too. I doubt they'll just give them Fensalir, Noatun and Folkvangr but it could happen.

Axe Ike seems a safe bet at least, and we haven't seen a built-in distant counter axe yet so that's an easy way to make everyone go broke. I don't think it's unlikely that someone will still be a sword user, and we already have two sword Lucinas, so 'better Lyn/Roy' is actually quite possible.


I'm more interested in what they're going to do to differentiate them visually - the Askr costumes that seem to be the most common predictions, existing ingame alternates (i.e. Blade Lord Lyn, Smash/Awakening Roy, Great Lord/Yukata Lucina, Lord Ike), 'alternate universe' interpretations (Daein Wyvern Rider Ike, Manakete Roy etc.) or something entirely different.

Didn't they say before somewhere that it'll be them wearing Askr gear?


I hope its thracia banner with leif and you dontpullhim now.


Well, any Thracia banner, including the one from which I'm destined to pull nothing but trash, is still better than no Thracia banner at all. ╮(╯﹏╰)╭

Seriously though, the problem with Thracia is that it lacks good candidates for GHB; Saias or Galzus may be fine but who knows who they are. IS has literally made the only suitable GHB character in Thracia a pullable unit.lol

The reason I'm saying this is that Valter and the SS banner kinda set an example for how new game-themed banners roll out with their respective GHBs, and I think this will continue for a while. My money's on RD and Genealogy, both of which have some fantastic GHB choices, to arrive before Thracia.


Didn't they say before somewhere that it'll be them wearing Askr gear?

I haven't seen any official statement about what the costumes will actually be - all of the Askr stuff seems to be fan speculation. Though I could just have missed the announcement, of course.

Seriously though, the problem with Thracia is that it lacks good candidates for GHB; Saias or Galzus may be fine but who knows who they are. IS has literally made the only suitable GHB character in Thracia a pullable unit.lol

They could always tie in a character more associated with FE4 alongside it, owing to the overlap in the games' casts. Alternatively, possessed Mareeta might be an out-of-left-field choice.


If a RD banner happens after that, I wouldn't be surprised if it was focused on the Dawn Brigade, in other words characters I don't care enough about to want right away. So I guess that would work out pretty well.

Inb4 the 3 Daein regalia (Tarvos, Caladbolg, and Lughnasadh) all have super duper OP perks.

I did it after 6 stamina potions. I took inspiration from the 4* stars playthrough of Ventus but with my own guys and Klein (who is -atk which made me replayed this chapter too many times to count). The sword knight was the worst.

Now I can start catching up the quests and the story content I have left for 2 months. Any tips for Chain Battle and Squad Assault ?

Also what's the next Grand Hero Battle
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