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FY2020 profits result for Japanese video game companies. Record profits for Playstation GnS and Nintendo.

We can see clearly in those graphs that Nintendo made more profit than PlayStation....AND they didn't put their exclusives on PC!!!

Looks like putting your games on PC is actually a BAD thing!
Not sure if you are serious but yep, Nintendo think long term, they always have. Those IPs they let die on N64, Gamecube, Wii and Wii U? They were patient, didn't port them to PC in order to earn a few million or less (like Sony are starting to do now) and now they are reaping the profits by billions.
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Gold Member
Not sure if you are serious but yep, Nintendo think long term, they always have. Those IPs they let die on N64, Gamecube, Wii and Wii U? They were patient, didn't port them to PC in order to earn a few million or less (like Sony are starting to do now) and now they are reaping the profits by billions.
Oh he’s dead serious.


Just goes to show their is a lot of money to be made outside of the Triple A block busters. What is scary is Nintendo could do even better if they fixed up a few things. Cheaper game development is paying off long term.
Nintendo has the skill to make AA budget games that are superior mechanically to AAA budget titles that other developers make.

Talent wins.
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Nintendo has the skill to make AA budget games that are superior mechanically to AAA budget titles that other developers make.

Talent wins.

Oh I agree, I probably should have mentioned it more towards third parties and smaller games that seem to do really well on Switch. I read somewhere that Steam Deck may be a response to the lost revenue from Switch and the smaller games. At first I shrugged it off, but now, I have to wonder.
Nintendo has the skill to make AA budget games that are superior mechanically to AAA budget titles that other developers make.

Talent wins.
Nintendo also spend less money on useful things like a functional online service and acceptable build quality/industrial design of their hardware.

They've definitely optimised their business model to maximise profit from hardware and software.
But my god the fact that they get away with charging so much money for the Switch and its godawful build quality and have the audacity to charge money for their shitpile of an online service is frustrating.

Especially because people seem to celebrate being ripped off by Nintendo because their profitability is high at the expense of their users.
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Astral Dog

It's good in some ways. It completely backs up the approach Sony and Nintendo take (which is of course great), but it's not gonna light a fire under Nintendo's rear either. They are likely never going to revisit some of their great franchises in ways that would make their longtime customers happy. There is so much potential in F-Zero, StarFox, and a bunch of other stuff. For whatever reason they are content to let those things wither on the vine.

I honestly hope Metroid Dread is a great game and sells really well ...
Star Fox is a C tier series, it never had the critical appeal or the sales to go on, (despite SFA being a wonderful game 💗) its telling the most popular Star Fox game is a rail shooter, a genre Nintendo or any company would have a lot of trouble with.
F Zero is not needed when they have Mario Kart, instead of reviving those old series i would rather see more Bayonetta, Astral Chain, Metroid etc.
These franchises don't sell well. Metroid too did poorly for most of its releases.

They should just focus on popular franchises and new IPs, and just outsource those other franchises to other developers with a considerable budget.
I think the idea that Metroid sells poorly is exaggerated, most of the fans believe it but its not as black and white.

Yes Metroid has limited appeal and is niche compared to Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, Halo etc But it has consistent sales, a passionate fanbase and the games always recover their budget. most Metroid games have sold >1 million(2 in the case of Prime 1) wich is not something that happens if your game sells poorly, just compare it to the likes of Bayonetta,Silent Hill, Castlevania or Star Fox. Metroid has healthy sales the first month or so because it has good reputation.

What happens is that the series is difficult to market, characters are/were obscure, gameplay is isolated, it looks different from other Nintendo games.

But DREAD is looking to sell very well 👍


PlayStation also sell their new consoles at a loss, vs Nintendo selling their console at a very nice margin and sell games that are bizarrely praised for never getting discounted.
Not to mention all the R&D money Sony has spent developing the PS5 which will eat into profitability shortly after the console's launch.

Sony would make less profits regardless of whether their games were on PC or not.

Operating models are different. You should know this.

The loss is minimal, it's now profitable according to their investor relations.

You can't blame consoles for this....

The facts are that Sony is mismanaging their gaming business right now, they put the day 1 price up and then have to drop the price way too fast a month later, in contrast to Nintendo who kept things at 60 or close to it from launch till now and also keep all their 1st party FULLY exclusive.

I'll tell you where they are wasting a shitload of money.... Cloud gaming, paying Microsoft for cloud services and advertising PSNow. Cloud gaming is a failure and nobody wants it. They also bought Nixxes, another waste of money if they are porting games to PC..... they should be porting PS3 games to PS5.
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Not sure if you are serious but yep, Nintendo think long term, they always have. Those IPs they let die on N64, Gamecube, Wii and Wii U? They were patient, didn't port them to PC in order to earn a few million or less (like Sony are starting to do now) and now they are reaping the profits by billions.

I am serious. Very serious.

PC isn't their platform, they picked as many titles as they could, the most popular and viable ones..... they can't make games in every IP all the time.
People KNOW they must buy a Nintendo to play their games, there is no confusion.

A direct and strong messaging to consumers is essential.

The message Sony should be sending is if you don't buy a PlayStation and you want our first party games, get fucked. There is no way.
Then they should buy a massive publisher and lock them down...Kadokawa would be ideal.

They have to understand that these port beggars hate PlayStation, they want their games on PC to undermine PlayStation and because they can't bring themselves to buy a PlayStation they are so full of hate.
Then they go around saying it is 'anticonsumer' or some bullshit to try and justify what they are saying.

No, that is competition. Exclusives are part of competition and should spur other platforms to make their own great exclusives.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Launching a new console doesn't change the fact they still have close to 120M PS4 userbase where people keep spending money, PS+ has been constantly growing as well.
Actually, it's a well known fact that spending goes down as the gen winds up, and Sony recently announced a massive 15% drop in PS+ subs and overall PSN users.
PS5 production cost is most likely near the 499 mark, they wither make or lose a few bucks on each unit (more on DE obviously but they barely make those anyway), and the game's cost 70$, so if anything, the new console should boost the profits even further.
You are confusing revenues with profits I think. Revenues will be up on newer $500 consoles compared to the older $200 consoles, and yes $70 games will help, but profits have always been a rarity in launch years. The fact that Sony managed to not just make a profit but shatter profit records IS very impressive.
There's really no need to spin this to make Sony look better than they already are, that's probably exactly what Layden meant when he said that their AAA development model is unsustainable, sure they make huge money, but they cost huge money to make as well, so not that much goes back to the pocket.

I am really not sure how you could come to that conclusion after looking at that chart showing Sony literally making record profits. More is going into their pockets than ever before.
The facts are that Sony is mismanaging their gaming business right now, they put the day 1 price up and then have to drop the price way too fast a month later, in contrast to Nintendo who kept things at 60 or close to it from launch till now and also keep all their 1st party FULLY exclusive.

I grant you, if the PS5 is profitable now thats all great news. However the PS5 hardware isn't going to have anywhere near the same profit margin as the Nintendo Switch, which is made using a 6 year old SOC made on TSMC 16nm, a 5 inch 720p LCD display and with horrible build quality. Nintendo sells the Switch for what....£280, of which I would wager £50-100 is pure profit. Meanwhile Sony sells the PS5 at £450 of which it might just about break even or have £5-10 profit per unit sold at most right now.

And what makes you think that Sony deciding to keep their software at $60 for the entirety of their lifetime like Nintendo does wouldn't at all negatively impact sales? Nintendo sells their games at their high margin $60 price tag for as long as they do, because people (read: Idiots) are willing to pay them that much money for the games irrespective of how old the game is.
That doesn't apply to Sony. They are a business that knows how to make money. Believe me if they could keep selling all their first party games at full price forever, they would, but clearly they can't. If nobody is buying and old game at full price, what do you do? You sell it cheaper so that they do buy it. Fairly simple.

Also, I literally do not give a rats ass about Sony's margins either way. If they're offering me a discount, I'm going to fucking take it. I'm not gonna sit here on a forum and cry that Sony should be charging more money for their software for longer, because it doesn't benefit me - the consumer in any way.

I wish Nintendo would drop the prices for their games. Unfortunately, people seem to be willing to pony up whatever stupid price Nintendo feel like setting - I mean £50 for Super Mario All-stars; a glorified ROM collection, is a bloody joke.

I'll tell you where they are wasting a shitload of money.... Cloud gaming, paying Microsoft for cloud services and advertising PSNow. Cloud gaming is a failure and nobody wants it. They also bought Nixxes, another waste of money if they are porting games to PC..... they should be porting PS3 games to PS5.

I don't like cloud gaming as much as the next guy, but not investing in it would be criminally stupid. You don't make business decisions like that. If by any chance Cloud gaming does become a success and Sony hasn't properly invested in cloud gaming infrastructure, they'll quickly find themselves out of the market like SEGA before them. Its called hedging your bets. That's why Sony is also investing in mobile gaming.

I agree they should be porting PS3 games to PS5. I'd rather they figure out backwards compatibility at any cost, rather than porting old games.

My ultimate point is, I don't give a fucking shit about how profitable Nintendo or Sony or Microsoft are or are not. I'm interested in myself as a consumer. Sony investing in cloud gaming and online infrastructure is of no harm to me or anyone on this forum to be honest.

Nintendo's high profits actually offends me, because it highlights to me that they could and should be spending a whole lot more money on shit like their online network infrastructure which is horrible garbage that they have the bollocks to charge actual money for, in the form of a subscription. It offends me that they're charging insane prices for ancient NES games which are little better than emulated ROMs. I'm offended that they have such massive margins on the Nintendo Switch which has pitiful hardware, horrible industrial design. I mean the audacity to charge £70 for JoyCons - the most easily breakable, useless piece of shit input devices I've ever had to witness be released for a console.
It indicates to me that they don't give a shit about their users, just their margins. They're happy to cut costs and ask you to pay a premium for it. And what's more, Nintendo fanboys are sitting on various forums across the internet gargling Nintendo's balls about how massive daddy Nintendo's cock profit margin is. The sad thing is, I love Nintendo games. I love me my Mario Odyssey, and Mario 64 is a timeless classic for the ages. But this shit they do with pricing....

Honestly beggars belief.
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It makes you realize just how big Nintendo is.

Spin however you want but Nintendo is selling way more hardware and first party software than Sony.

It isn't even close.

lol "made more revenue"

Revenue is generated, not made. That means you don't get to keep it.

You're just spinning Sony's weak profit margins, which was my point.

Let's celebrate that company that makes cheap, badly designed hardware sell it for a high price and make great profits out of it!


Fanboy level over 9000


I grant you, if the PS5 is profitable now thats all great news. However the PS5 hardware isn't going to have anywhere near the same profit margin as the Nintendo Switch, which is made using a 6 year old SOC made on TSMC 16nm, a 5 inch 720p LCD display and with horrible build quality. Nintendo sells the Switch for what....£280, of which I would wager £50-100 is pure profit. Meanwhile Sony sells the PS5 at £450 of which it might just about break even or have £5-10 profit per unit sold at most right now.

And what makes you think that Sony deciding to keep their software at $60 for the entirety of their lifetime like Nintendo does wouldn't at all negatively impact sales? Nintendo sells their games at their high margin $60 price tag for as long as they do, because people (read: Idiots) are willing to pay them that much money for the games irrespective of how old the game is.
That doesn't apply to Sony. They are a business that knows how to make money. Believe me if they could keep selling all their first party games at full price forever, they would, but clearly they can't. If nobody is buying and old game at full price, what do you do? You sell it cheaper so that they do buy it. Fairly simple.

Also, I literally do not give a rats ass about Sony's margins either way. If they're offering me a discount, I'm going to fucking take it. I'm not gonna sit here on a forum and cry that Sony should be charging more money for their software for longer, because it doesn't benefit me - the consumer in any way.

I wish Nintendo would drop the prices for their games. Unfortunately, people seem to be willing to pony up whatever stupid price Nintendo feel like setting - I mean £50 for Super Mario All-stars; a glorified ROM collection, is a bloody joke.

I don't like cloud gaming as much as the next guy, but not investing in it would be criminally stupid. You don't make business decisions like that. If by any chance Cloud gaming does become a success and Sony hasn't properly invested in cloud gaming infrastructure, they'll quickly find themselves out of the market like SEGA before them. Its called hedging your bets. That's why Sony is also investing in mobile gaming.

I agree they should be porting PS3 games to PS5. I'd rather they figure out backwards compatibility at any cost, rather than porting old games.

My ultimate point is, I don't give a fucking shit about how profitable Nintendo or Sony or Microsoft are or are not. I'm interested in myself as a consumer. Sony investing in cloud gaming and online infrastructure is of no harm to me or anyone on this forum to be honest.

Nintendo's high profits actually offends me, because it highlights to me that they could and should be spending a whole lot more money on shit like their online network infrastructure which is horrible garbage that they have the bollocks to charge actual money for, in the form of a subscription. It offends me that they're charging insane prices for ancient NES games which are little better than emulated ROMs. I'm offended that they have such massive margins on the Nintendo Switch which has pitiful hardware, horrible industrial design. I mean the audacity to charge £70 for JoyCons - the most easily breakable, useless piece of shit input devices I've ever had to witness be released for a console.
It indicates to me that they don't give a shit about their users, just their margins. They're happy to cut costs and ask you to pay a premium for it. And what's more, Nintendo fanboys are sitting on various forums across the internet gargling Nintendo's balls about how massive daddy Nintendo's cock profit margin is. The sad thing is, I love Nintendo games. I love me my Mario Odyssey, and Mario 64 is a timeless classic for the ages. But this shit they do with pricing....

Honestly beggars belief.
I'll be more than happy to gargle Nintendo's...
Because personally I find them to be the cream of the crop of the industry no matter how much you hate them. Your hate for them makes me love them even more ❤
Let's celebrate that company that makes cheap, badly designed hardware sell it for a high price and make great profits out of it!


Fanboy level over 9000

Its cheap but it isnt badly designed. Their controllers are a problem. That doesnt make the Switch itself badly designed. It is very well designed for a handheld. They make great profits because they make great games. They are a tier above the others.
I'll be more than happy to gargle Nintendo's...
Because personally I find them to be the cream of the crop of the industry no matter how much you hate them. Your hate for them makes me love them even more ❤

By all means. But, I don't hate Nintendo. I am a big fan of their games.

Doesn't mean I should put up with their shoddy hardware design, and egregious overpricing of lacklustre services. Doing that, and praising it, is what makes a fanboy.

Would Sony, MS or any sane company drop the price of their console if it was dominating the competition and on a record breaking sales pace?

You got a cheaper SKU (Switch Lite). Be thankful.

I don't care who it is in the dominant position. Don't care if its Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo. I don't want to be charged extra money for garbage hardware and settle for an even cheaper SKU and be expected to be thankful for it.
Cool your jets lad.
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