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Galleon Demo.


Just played the Galleon Demo from this month OXBUK mag. Its the first level from the game and takes you through many of functions in the game. I was slightly suprised as graphically its better than I expected. Yes its nowhere near top notch but the way the characters are designed it looks fine. The village you get to explore looks very nice and the gameplay is clever in that your characters movement is affected by different underfoot conditons, such as gravel, rocks, grass etc. The gamplay consisted of old style platforming and although this sound boring the control scheme was well implimented making these area's a challenge rather than a chore. Basic fighting skills were demonstarted and this seemd to be straight forward but nothing new. Not sure the demo will make me rush out on buy the game but its certainly better than I'd expected.


Yeah, the game has surprised me so far. The controls can be a bit sluggish, but it has some neat ideas. Simple things like, the further run, the faster you'll go. Up to a certain point of speed obviously, but it takes a while to reach full speed. I also liked the way you can climb on walls and even the ceiling.

It also seem to have a rather interesting story, with a nice setting.

I was thinking the game would suck, but it's actually kinda good. :)


I want to buy this game, but I don't think it's worth the full price (around 600sek here in sweden=$80, talk about a rip off..).. It'll probably go down to the bargain bin soon so I might pick it up then..


thorns said:
I want to buy this game, but I don't think it's worth the full price (around 600sek here in sweden=$80, talk about a rip off..).. It'll probably go down to the bargain bin soon so I might pick it up then..

I wouldn't pay full price (then again, I say that about many games since I live in Sweden too), but it's definitely worth picking up when it hits the bargain bin.
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