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GameStop Gamerdays sale 2009 list


Urban Scholar said:
It's with the gameinformer Bioshock issue, and if you check my op you'll find a link for the coupon that you can print. Mind you though, YMMV that certain stores will accept a coupon print out instead of the real McCoy ok?
I got the coupon, I was just hoping there was an Online one. It would be cheaper if I could get free shipping + 10% off and not have to worry about sales tax. All I want is VC, so the 5 off 60 doesn't help. Hope you get what I'm asking.
AFreak said:
I got the coupon, I was just hoping there was an Online one. It would be cheaper if I could get free shipping + 10% off and not have to worry about sales tax. All I want is VC, so the 5 off 60 doesn't help. Hope you get what I'm asking.

Nah unless you have 60 or over worth of items no way you can really save on shipping. Can't win them all I guess


Picked up Valkryia Chronciles. It was a gutted new copy but for 29.99 it was a battle I didnt want to fight.
Picked up Final Fantasy Tactics A2 and that's it. I would have grabbed Castlevania and FF1 but I don't think I'll ever see my PSP again.


I got Valkyria Chronicles and the WC3 Battlechest (friend has been begging me to play DoTA with him) for $50 bucks. Pretty nice haul.
~*triumph gift of spring*~

So while getting my picks one of the guys tell me I had Valkyria reserved and I completely forgot about it:lol

My haul:

Valkyria Chronicles 26.99

reserve pickup

Discount: 33.00

Caslevania: Dracula X Chronicles 8.99

Discount: 11.00

Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions 8.99

Discount: 11.00

total: 48.12

reserve order deposit: 5.00

Gift card in hand and only $1 of payment

Truly economic victory is mine :D


I'm pretty sure the sale is just on the 360 Xplorer guitar, just that one particular SKU.

You can get the PS3 game for $9.99 too. But with the free guitar I went with the 360 version.

Little side story, while I was at gamestop getting the game I noticed the 360 had RROD:lol


The 'H' stands for hentai.
mjc said:
Interesting that so many people don't think Valkyria isn't worth the $60 when its arguably the best game on the system.

So true, it was one of the few games worth $60 on the PS3.

Whatever, I bought two of the last copies in Gamestop to give as presents.
I picked up GH: Aerosmith and the guitar [360] for 10.98 :D

Friend will be picking up Valkyria Chronicles tomorrow! woot! more support for that game!


keep your strippers out of my American football
ThaiGrocer said:
Got a cold smack in the face the first time I walked into a gamestop. This bullshit "sale" is no different.

I have to disagree. Some good deals in this sale. Just because RE5 and SFIV aren't in the sale doesn't mean these games are crap.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Hcoregamer00 said:
So true, it was one of the few games worth $60 on the PS3.

Does it help if I think none of the games out today are worth their asking price? =P

I kid.


Wait, Persona 3 FES is on sale? Fuck, it must not have been at my GameStop, or I simply overlooked it, otherwise I would have bought it while I was there. I'm gonna rage now. Not too much else really catches the eye, got my friend to buy Valkyria Chronicles though.
picked up what I wanted online instead of in-store because of that $5 savings so thanks for that. It's a good thing I didn't wait to go to the store either because everything I wanted was sold out.


DMPrince said:
I picked up GH: Aerosmith and the guitar [360] for 10.98 :D

Friend will be picking up Valkyria Chronicles tomorrow! woot! more support for that game!

wait, the gh:aerosmith w/ guitar is only 9.99??? same for ps3? cause if so, i'm going right away, i need a ps3 gh guitar:D


MikeE21286 said:
The thing that pissed me off is that all the Gamerdays games are "gutted" (i.e. sold as new after being taken out of their shrink wrap). Then they apply various hideous stickers all over the case. Pissed me off, but I can't complain because it was such a good deal I guess....

You can just ask them to check if they have any sealed copies. Contrary to popular belief, some of their employees aren't dicks and will help you out if they can.

(Got 2 copies of VC sealed)


works for Gamestop (lol)
I got a sealed copy of Valkyria Chronicles, but totally forgot to use the printed 10% off coupon that I brought with me. Oh well.

If you're worried about gutted copies, just call your local Gamestops and ask if they have sealed copies. I always call Gamestop before going out to make sure they have sealed copies of any game I get past release date. I don't deal with that gutted business crap


Snagged myself GH: Aerosmith (PS3) today for $10. Luckily I have a friend with an excessive amount of GH/Rock Band PS3 guitars, so I didn't have to worry about that cost. :lol


USD said:
Wait, Persona 3 FES is on sale? Fuck, it must not have been at my GameStop, or I simply overlooked it, otherwise I would have bought it while I was there. I'm gonna rage now. Not too much else really catches the eye, got my friend to buy Valkyria Chronicles though.

I'm kind of surprised how little interest that sale is getting. Maybe its because there have been sales almost that good for FES elsewhere, but I really expected it to be one of the more sought after deals, just behind VC, FFT, and Dracula X.

It's the type of game that everybody should at least try.


Yaweee said:
Phantasy Star Universe was the most disappointing game I've ever bought at full price, so there's not a chance in hell that I'm going to get Portable.

Oh, and I actually went out and bought another memory stick at Target before I realized that my used system still had a 1GB card inside it. Returned the 2GB one to Target, but I might get a bigger one if I install custom firmware.

I'm probably going to get Wild Arms XF sometime in the near future, as well as MGS Portable Ops, Acid 2, and Ultimate G&G if I can get good prices.

If you liked PSO you should like Portable. Only thing it really shares with Universe is the lame story. Of course the purchase is made better by having a PS3 to link with.


Possible Purchases:
Chrono Trigger 29.99

Exit 9.99

Final Fantasy III 14.99

Line Rider 2 9.99

Metal Slug 7 14.99

Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution 14.99


Picked up CivRev for DS, Metal Slug 7, and got Guitar Hero Aerosmith as an impulse buy.

All "gutted", but whatever. Shrinkwrap doesn't mean all that much to me, but that might just be because I work at a returns counter. :lol


I didn't want to bother with going to a bunch of stores if I couldn't find some of my games so I just ordered online, picked up:

FF Tactics (PSP)
Castlevania Dracula X (PSP)

I might pick up GH: Aerosmith tomorrow but because of Rockband it feels weird playing a music game where you can only play guitar, no singing or drums. The lack of a free guitar with the PS3 is no issue because I own one GH guitar and one R2 guitar already for PS3.


Slurmer said:
You can just ask them to check if they have any sealed copies. Contrary to popular belief, some of their employees aren't dicks and will help you out if they can.

(Got 2 copies of VC sealed)

we had to gut EVERY copy for the sale, because people were stealing games last year

some of you guys are the biggest cry babies i have ever seen

your paying 10-20 dollars for a NEW game, and crying because it doesnt have shrink wrap

even if someone did play it..as long as it isnt scratched who gives a fuck? Its not underwear or a condom...its a fucking game...jesus
dorkimoe said:
even if someone did play it..as long as it isnt scratched who gives a fuck? Its not underwear or a condom...its a fucking game...jesus
Because in that case you're paying new price for a used game, you don't see a problem with that?


dorkimoe said:
we had to gut EVERY copy for the sale, because people were stealing games last year

So... games get discounted, and this makes them more likely to be stolen?

dorkimoe said:
some of you guys are the biggest cry babies i have ever seen

your paying 10-20 dollars for a NEW game, and crying because it doesnt have shrink wrap

This is retarded. Does Best Buy *open* every copy of an on-sale game that seems likely to sell out? How does that make any kind of sense?

Chrono Trigger finally gets down to normal retail price... quick, let's open every copy!

dorkimoe said:
even if someone did play it..as long as it isnt scratched who gives a fuck? Its not underwear or a condom...its a fucking game...jesus

:lol :lol Classy gamestop clerks ftw. It's a used game in that case, dude.

But our used price is 30 dollars MORE! That's an even BETTER bargain! My chicken greased fingerprints just saved you 30 bucks!


Um, shouldn't there be games behind the counter that are still sealed? I just do what others have said and go up to the counter and ask them "Do you have a sealed copy of -game x-".
Went in to get Valkryia Chronciles but all they had were gutted "new" copies so turned around and left. I will not support that practice at all.

It wouldn't be bad if they didn't have a policy of not accepting returns on open games. Since if if they consider it "new" when they sell it to me they should consider it "new" when I return it.


dorkimoe said:
we had to gut EVERY copy for the sale, because people were stealing games last year

some of you guys are the biggest cry babies i have ever seen

your paying 10-20 dollars for a NEW game, and crying because it doesnt have shrink wrap

even if someone did play it..as long as it isnt scratched who gives a fuck? Its not underwear or a condom...its a fucking game...jesus

all the games i got were new and sealed...
dorkimoe said:
we had to gut EVERY copy for the sale, because people were stealing games last year

some of you guys are the biggest cry babies i have ever seen

your paying 10-20 dollars for a NEW game, and crying because it doesnt have shrink wrap

even if someone did play it..as long as it isnt scratched who gives a fuck? Its not underwear or a condom...its a fucking game...jesus

So... when someone returns a game that is open do you consider it "new" or are you going to be a crybaby about it and treat it as used?


sparkle this bitch
OldJadedGamer said:
So... when someone returns a game that is open do you consider it "new" or are you going to be a crybaby about it and treat it as used?
Actually, They put a seal on it. Just one of those little stickers that are easy to peel off and put back on :lol
dorkimoe said:
we had to gut EVERY copy for the sale, because people were stealing games last year

some of you guys are the biggest cry babies i have ever seen

your paying 10-20 dollars for a NEW game, and crying because it doesnt have shrink wrap

even if someone did play it..as long as it isnt scratched who gives a fuck? Its not underwear or a condom...its a fucking game...jesus

You've been working there too long.


Worships the porcelain goddess
gkrykewy said:
So... games get discounted, and this makes them more likely to be stolen?

When you put live games out on the floor like with the Gamedays sale...yes, it makes them more likely to be stolen.

This is retarded. Does Best Buy *open* every copy of an on-sale game that seems likely to sell out? How does that make any kind of sense?

Bad comparison. Best Buy has quite a bit of people to pass by before you're out, and the games (most) are in the plastic containers.

So... when someone returns a game that is open do you consider it "new" or are you going to be a crybaby about it and treat it as used?

If you're cool and bring it back, with receipt within a day or so and no markings or fuck ups, the store manager will usually let you exchange it for another game if you approach them nicely If you're a dick, enjoy your trade in.
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