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Georgia Principal Says District Buckled to Pressure Over Yoga in Class

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Ive been hearing stories about how schools banned the teaching of yoga for years now. Something to do with yoga not being the teachings of Christ or something.


Yoga developed out of the pre-Hindu religions of India so of course some Christians are going to be against it. I heard the same thing growing up. My dad even quit a speed reading course because he felt that the instructor talking about imagining a dolphin jumping between the words was a risk that could open someone up to demonic influence since he felt like it put him in a trancelike state.

Religion is weird like that.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
Alabama is literally the worst. Now it's making folks in Atlanta do stupid things.


Yoga has about as much to do with religion as Christmas does. It can be religious if you want, but these days it's mainly just exercise and relaxation.

Sucks for the kids, since it sounds like it was good for them. Hopefully they put in a good replacement for it.
This school is just outside the 6th District boundaries, so it should tell you the challenge of flipping it from Republicans.


Yoga developed out of the pre-Hindu religions of India so of course some Christians are going to be against it. I heard the same thing growing up. My dad even quit a speed reading course because he felt that the instructor talking about imagining a dolphin jumping between the words was a risk that could open someone up to demonic influence since he felt like it put him in a trancelike state.

Religion is weird like that.

I couldn't help but laugh if someone told me that.


But why? Because of inappropriately hot yoga pants?
“A number of the parents became increasingly hostile and aggressive, inundating CCSD with emails stating that Ms. Cole was, among other things, a Buddhist, trying to indoctrinate their children with Buddhism, and many other wild and false accusations,” the complaint says.

According to the lawsuit, several parents held a prayer rally at the school “for Jesus to rid the school of Buddhism.”

The lawsuit alleges that although members of the school district initially voiced their support, they began to buckle under community pressure that included their receiving emails of Christian scripture passages.
This sounds like a very Cobb County thing to do as someone who grew up and went to school there. Fuck kids having improved behavior or reduced stress if it doesn't come from sweet baby Jesus' mouth.

I thought Cobb would've changed this mindset by now.


I thought white people loved yoga are they against it now? I need a white person to confirm or deny.
Lots of conservative Christians hate it. Got some of the same criticisms with my wushu practice. Never saw it at the level to trigger rallies. Hell, my highschool brought in a ninjitsu instructor for some of gym class, lol.
..promoting eastern religious practices that they objected to, and an anonymous letter was sent to the school district and school board...
Someone probably saw a bunch of young girls in yoga pants and got massively uncomfortable perving on them.
They teach mindfulness at my sons elementary school in Vancouver. One parent is really pissed about it and wants it to stop. Shit happens all over. People are afraid all the time.
I bet that parent used the "I'll tell my kids what they should know. School shouldn't try to change them" argument


I can't stand parents like that.

EDIT: To clarify, I can't stand parents who get angry about something they don't understand, then have a fit about it until their precious, oversheltered snowflake feelings are validated and their ridiculous demands are met.

That's what I can't stand. I'd argue forcefully to re-instate those mindfulness practices and accomodations if I lived in that school district.


Worse traffic, no Marta, no yoga or meditation... is there anything else that Cobb County can do to further increase its stress levels?
I've little doubt there was some steep stupidity on display on the parents' part, but all the information about what happened is from the principal's lawsuit. The other side(s) need to be have their response. Shitty reporting.


On one hand, telling people to play with color mandelas and kinetic sand is asinine. On the other, trying to ban a breathing/stretching technique because an eastern guy thought of it is so stupid I now want to learn yoga to contain my anger at this.

As to billy beane's question, white women love yoga and white men love women in yoga pants. These guys in cobb county are just batshit.

It's very relaxing actually.
This sounds like a very Cobb County thing to do as someone who grew up and went to school there. Fuck kids having improved behavior or reduced stress if it doesn't come from sweet baby Jesus' mouth.

I thought Cobb would've changed this mindset by now.

Changing, but not yet changed. Give it a couple more decades.


If you don't take away the children's relaxation time, how will they grow up to become economically anxious, republican-voting adults??
Schools lack time dedicated to health and fitness, I think other activities should be privileged over yoga. Obviously that wasn't the motivation in kicking her out, but leave yoga out of school, use that time for more demanding physical activity which kids need. Learning to stretch, increase flexibility, and relaxing post-exercise can all be integrated without the need for a yoga class.

Yeah not enough concussions in Yoga, these kids need Football!
Christians (at least Jehovah's Witnesses) are against it as far as I know since it deals with a non-Christian religion. Outside religions and their practices are always going to be a threat to any dominate religion.

I wouldn't characterize all Christians as objecting to yoga. I know plenty of them who engage in some type of yoga/meditation, they just usually aren't doing the other "religious" type stuff that is usually associated with yoga.

It's funny, I guarantee all those objecting to yoga here probably all celebrate Christmas and Easter and we all know those originated as pagan holidays that have nothing to do with Christ.


Not that it matters, but is she Buddhist? The article just says that the parents became hostile in stating that she was Buddhist, but nothing about her being a practicing follower.
Christians are the most persecuted group in America don'tcha know. Can't even get a cup of coffee at Starbucks during Christmas, when will the madness stop.


Christians (at least Jehovah's Witnesses) are against it as far as I know since it deals with a non-Christian religion. Outside religions and their practices are always going to be a threat to any dominate religion.
Yoga is embraced at a Catholic School just down the road from my apartment. The summer camp it hosts had a 'yoga class' in which kids would participate.


According to the lawsuit, several parents held a prayer rally at the school “for Jesus to rid the school of Buddhism.”

Fucking hell.
People really are getting dumber by the minute.


I couldn't imagine a single reason anyone would object...

but parents soon began complaining to the school district that the mindfulness practices were promoting eastern religious practices that they objected to

But there it is. Religious bigotry. So obvious.
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