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German firms including BMW pull advertising from Breitbart site

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There finally stepping in..maybe it is not to late for europe at least we hope so but this site has to die.

Major German companies including BMW have stopped advertising on Breitbart, the rightwing US news and opinion site that campaigned for Donald Trump and plans to launch in Europe before key elections next year.

The boycott, prompted by a social media campaign titled KeinGeldFürRechts or “No Money for the Right,” follows a similar decision by Kellogg’s in the US, to which Breitbart responded by urging readers to no longer buy the cereal firm’s products.

Breitbart’s editor-in-chief, Alex Marlow, has confirmed it is interviewing journalists to staff new services in France and Germany it aims to have operational in time for pivotal 2017 elections in which mainstream centre-right and centre-left parties face strong challenges from populist, hard-right rivals.


Not getting money if old.
Fucking disgusting that they (and all the other companies) were there in the first place.
Advertising on the internet goes through large exchanges. Companies like BMW buy in on a target audience, and the ads are then displayed at thousands of different websites automatically. A site like Breitbart can just apply to such an exchange and place the ads.

These companies now put Breitbart on a blacklist in the system so they don't get ads anymore. Before they never really bought ads directly with them.


brietbarters: "we love germany so much. we'll talk in german about our white supremacist shit"

germany: new number who dis

Complex Shadow

Cudi Lame™
brietbarters: "we love germany so much. we'll talk in german about our white supremacist shit"

germany: new number who dis


So all this time they were fine advertising to Breitbart's audience?

Pretty disgusting.

More likely scenario is that they weren't aware they were advertising on Breitbart and never cared to look until now.

Anyway, good. Invisible hand of the free market and all that.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
How long until most major advertisers pull from Brietbart and all they'll be left with is porn and fake "testosterone supplements"?
So all this time they were fine advertising to Breitbart's audience?

Pretty disgusting.

Nope, not specifically. Many companies have/had ads run on Breitbart.

Sites like Breitbart sell ad space to ad exchanges, and those ad exchanges place ads of their clients (i.e the companies). I'm no expert on internet advertising models but companies can blacklist sites they do not want the exchange to run their ads on, and exchanges can blacklist a site across their entire platform (i.e not allowing Breitbart to sell ad space on their platform).

For example, AppNexus recently blacklisted Breitbart on their platform.

It's why pirate and porn sites have much different type of ads as well, because they're usually blacklisted by many ad exchanges and mostly sell their ad space to ad exchange that cater to that.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Good job Germany.
German businesses are pulling out of american facist nazi business dealings.

Its like the 1940's, only reversed.


I love how major multinational corporations are now going to be the main facet of social change and progress.


Nope, not specifically. Many companies have/had ads run on Breitbart.

Sites like Breitbart sell ad space to ad exchanges, and those ad exchanges place ads of their clients (i.e the companies). I'm no expert on internet advertising models but companies can blacklist sites they do not want the exchange to run their ads on, and exchanges can blacklist a site across their entire platform (i.e not allowing Breitbart to sell ad space on their platform).

For example, AppNexus recently blacklisted Breitbart on their platform.

It's why pirate and porn sites have much different type of ads as well, because they're usually blacklisted by many ad exchanges and mostly sell their ad space to ad exchange that cater to that.
"BlacklistBreitbart" sounds like a hashtag waiting to happen.
Nope, not specifically. Many companies have/had ads run on Breitbart.

Sites like Breitbart sell ad space to ad exchanges, and those ad exchanges place ads of their clients (i.e the companies). I'm no expert on internet advertising models but companies can blacklist sites they do not want the exchange to run their ads on, and exchanges can blacklist a site across their entire platform (i.e not allowing Breitbart to sell ad space on their platform).

For example, AppNexus recently blacklisted Breitbart on their platform.

It's why pirate and porn sites have much different type of ads as well, because they're usually blacklisted by many ad exchanges and mostly sell their ad space to ad exchange that cater to that.

Yeah but that means before that ad exchanges where fine with it and those companies didn't bother to look for what they're being associated with or didn't care.

I just found it weird because they seem to be way more councious of what they're being associated with on Youtube, pulling ads from "sensible topics" while at the same time they allowed this to happen.
We don't need money from corporations like left-wing websites. Much better this way.

Who is we?

Well their post history sums it up nicely.

this is just the first step. With trump president we can finally kill globalization and restore america's greateness.

Thanks america, you did your job. Le pen, salvini and petry are next.

tens of thousands of people receive internet death threats everyday, it's nothing new

knowing her she is probably just exaggerating the matter just for attention anyway


I just found it weird because they seem to be way more councious of what they're being associated with on Youtube, pulling ads from "sensible topics" while at the same time they allowed this to happen.
That could just be more google's doing than anything advertisers do, as seen by how long it took for companies to blacklist Breitbart. Remember, greed is good.


Y'all fucking all quoting that dude like this isn't exactly what he wanted to happen, like you caught him in a trap or something :lol
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