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Gordon Ramsay - Pineapple doesn't belong on Pizza!

Does pineapple belong on Pizza?

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I can get not liking pineapple on pizza but using the justification that sweet + savory = yuck

I feel bad for ya with your savory + savory asses lmao


Well I don't need anyone to tell me what is good, as a non-american I have an educated (and good) taste. But good for him, he can keep his stars, for now.



Welp that settles it folks. Mr. Ramsay has spoken, there shall be no more Wars. There shall be no more blasphemy. Let us live in peace and enjoy pizza the way it was intended.

In the famous words of Ramsay: SHUT IT DOWN.
Yeah, pineapple is good, but on pizza? Maybe if you want to make some dessert-y fruit pizza, otherwise the taste doesn't mesh with it, you'd be executed for heresy, it takes room away from other ingredients that belong there,and isn't even appetizing to look at on a pizza.


He wasn't alone.
That's one of my favorite pizzas, but I'm not sure what you're trying to express. There's nothing being lost under the olives in that pizza.

"underestimate their flavor"
I guess.... maybe... try black olives with a taste that expands, not over powers. (in either direction) which can be construed as the bases of pairing flavors in cooking.


The whole pineapple on pizza debate is one of the lamest internet memes.

Pizza is essentially just a flat bread, so you can put anything on it. The taste element really only comes in based on how well the ingredients you add fit with each other.

Pretty much. I like pineapple on pizza if I'm making it with sweet chili thai sauce, or a sweet BBQ sauce instead of the traditional tomato sauce. BBQ sauce pizza with chicken, hot banana peppers, chili flakes, and pineapple tastes pretty good to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Pineapple is the best topping for pizza, and now I will enjoy it more when I order it knowing that Gordon Ramsey has flawed pizza topping beliefs.
I like pineapple on pizza, and I like all of the weird pizzas we have in Asia (sweet potato, corn, and mustard). Honestly they should just use a different word than 'pizza' though. It's not pizza, it's something else. I like it, though.


It takes quite an ego to tell people they're wrong that something tastes good.

Anyone who get bent out of shape about a perfectly acceptable topping for a food that's almost as versatile as the sandwich is a jackass. Simmer the hell down.
I'd like to make a push for pineapple tolerance. Even though I don't like putting a pineapple on a pizza and I mean I don't want to see it cuz it's gross, I'll still defend your right to eat pineapple pizza in your own bedroom
The whole pineapple on pizza debate is one of the lamest internet memes.

Pizza is essentially just a flat bread, so you can put anything on it. The taste element really only comes in based on how well the ingredients you add fit with each other.


I guess.... maybe... try black olives with a taste that expands, not over powers. (in either direction) which can be construed as the bases of pairing flavors in cooking.

I don't have a problem with that concept, I'm saying that this is a less can be more thing and olives are good, but you get better results by using them sparingly. Also they are overused in garden style vegetarian pizza.
I'm not gonna tell you you can't enjoy pineapple on pizza. But I will always find it gross, and I'll probably never trust your opinion where matters of taste are concerned. So long as no pineapple of yours ever winds up on my half of the pizza we're cool.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I'm ok with it for one slice maybe two on April 20th. But it is like BBQ chicken in pizza and cloyingly sweet eventually.


If we're being serious there are so many pizza types and toppings that singling out just one ingredient as somehow tarnishing the concept of pizza feels really arbitrary and asinine.


He wasn't alone.
You know whats actually gross on pizza? Rosemary..... that nonsense makes everything worse. I have not come across one recipe where I thought hrmmm, you know this needs some rosemary.
It is a universal negative in my opinion. And it sounds like something that would be so good and classy. But no, it is a trickster, trickster in life, trickster in death. Never fall for it's falsehood gaf. Never.
Had a thin crust ham pineapple pizza last week, that crispy tangy and sweet combination is the shits. Ramsay you don't know what real food is.
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