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GQ: "Dwayne Johnson for President!"


Those are the answers of someone very aware that giving any kind of actual opinion on policy would alienate some of his potential audience, which he obviously does not want to do. I'm surprised more celebrities don't answer questions about politics like that.
He is Not a Republican

The article states he's an independent. He's right-leaning, it seems, primarily when it comes to THE TROOPS, which the author herself seems to poke fun at. But outside of THE TROOPS, he seems to be more socially progressive than most (maybe all) Republicans.

Would I want Rock to run for President? No. Hell no. Please don't.

Do I think he's a right-wing shitbag the way we've come to think of right-wingers as obstructionist, craven, power-hungry irresponsible 60 year-old teenagers? No.

If I had to make a call based on nothing but reading his interviews, watching his interviews, seeing him speak off the cuff and looking at how he acts (how pretty much everyone else in here is making their calls) I'd bet he's more left-leaning than he isn't.

Basically, he's probably as republican as James Cameron - who is a lefty, who hangs out with righties, because the thing they have in common is they love military bullshit. Guns & Jeeps & Bigger Guns & Camaraderie oo-rah.

Which is why you have him being careful about what he says, why he's fence sitting really hard with that "independent" shit. I feel that's more for the sake of the people who like him because THE TROOPS, and he's probably worried that those people are pretty sensitive to the notion of someone self-identifying as liberal. They can act like a progressive, and push progressive notions, so long as they couch those notions in the safety of being fair-and-down-the-middle.

Which is what he seems to be doing more than anything.


He'd be better than the bag of cheetos (but again pretty much anything, including no President, would be better), but replacing an East coast Entertainer Republican by a West Coast Entertainer Republican?

Nah, thanks.


I mean, I'd take him over Trump for how much that means (not much). I'd still prefer someone who has spent some I'm in some office, so it's not a disaster when they come to the White House like this administration is.

Would I take him over someone like Cruz though? Absolutely. Would I take him over someone like Romney? Maybe. I'd have to see his platform and how he acts on the campaign trail.

This is vs. someone like Brown or Gillibrand who I'd take over Romney very easily.
He really sounds like he doesn't know what he's talking about.
Over And over..
I understand the hate for trump, but at least do a THEORETICAL upgrade, not a sidegrade..
Don't you have anyone that has done anything meaningful (politically) in his career and with at least some integrity that is willing to run for the presidency?


May contain jokes =>
If he would promise to physically smash the current president after accepting his oath of office, I'd happily vote for him.
Get him all the way the fuck up out of here.

This is an example of the true danger of Trump's win. Celebrity playing an even greater role in national politics and substance taking a massive backseat. The Rock couldn't even provide any policy position and hid behind "I want politics to be better."


He really sounds like he doesn't know what he's talking about.

Nah. He sounds like he's been intentionally cagey to avoid pissing anyone off. Also, there's a good chance he's never actually formulated a thought to the questions being asked before so it's to be expected.

I'd be interested in hearing what he has to say and believes policy wise. He's a really smart guy and charismatic as hell and those two things would work to his advantage. Personally, I'd love to see where he sits policy wise, but I imagine it'll be a long while (if ever) until we hear that.


May contain jokes =>
Serious question though that just occurred to me based on my last post. What would the Secret Service actually do if a current and former president just started throwing down?

Really though, DTRJ actually seems like a very genuine, hardworking, and nice guy. But he has no experience nor knowledge of politics. If he wants to get involved in politics he should seriously consider running for a local office or Congress at most. And if he finds with some experience he wants to seek higher office then go for it.
Get him all the way the fuck up out of here.

This is an example of the true danger of Trump's win. Celebrity playing an even greater role in national politics and substance taking a massive backseat. The Rock couldn't even provide any policy position and hid behind "I want politics to be better."

I bet most of his domestic "policy" (would be completely clueless on foreign) would boil down to a whole lot of "bootstrapping".
If he runs he will win I guarantee it

Democrats have nobody interesting and the Republicans are crazy

There's still a lot of fervor for Bernie, and after Trump you have to factor in non-politicians running as well. Who knows, maybe George Clooney will try to run or something. I wouldn't say Dwayne has that great of a chance. Trump didn't win just because we're all idiots, he won because we're all idiots and a lot of us are susceptible to nationalist demagoguery. Dwayne would have to tap into a similar undercurrent of fear or anxiety to have the same effect.


Unconfirmed Member
Say hello to BaRock


Oh my god this made me burst out in laughter
This interview reads like a more polished interview with Trump. "Well I would do things different. I'll be stronger. I'll be a leader. I'll get everyone to talk and work it out and we'll all be friends. I'd do it different." No specifics whatsoever.


we don't need a nicer celebrity to be the top politician. we need a fucking good politician to be the top politician
He is Not a Republican

The article states he's an independent. He's right-leaning, it seems, primarily when it comes to THE TROOPS, which the author herself seems to poke fun at. But outside of THE TROOPS, he seems to be more socially progressive than most (maybe all) Republicans.

Would I want Rock to run for President? No. Hell no. Please don't.

Do I think he's a right-wing shitbag the way we've come to think of right-wingers as obstructionist, craven, power-hungry irresponsible 60 year-old teenagers? No.

If I had to make a call based on nothing but reading his interviews, watching his interviews, seeing him speak off the cuff and looking at how he acts (how pretty much everyone else in here is making their calls) I'd bet he's more left-leaning than he isn't.

Basically, he's probably as republican as James Cameron - who is a lefty, who hangs out with righties, because the thing they have in common is they love military bullshit. Guns & Jeeps & Bigger Guns & Camaraderie oo-rah.

Which is why you have him being careful about what he says, why he's fence sitting really hard with that "independent" shit. I feel that's more for the sake of the people who like him because THE TROOPS, and he's probably worried that those people are pretty sensitive to the notion of someone self-identifying as liberal. They can act like a progressive, and push progressive notions, so long as they couch those notions in the safety of being fair-and-down-the-middle.

Which is what he seems to be doing more than anything.

Just gonna go ahead and quote this because so many people still think he's a republican because of an appearance 15 years ago.


I'd vote for him. He's a national treasure, and it seems like everyone around the world likes him unlike Trump which will be good for our image.
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