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Great Gaming Mysteries Revealed!


Well, actually, you're the ones who are going to be doing the revealing. We can get to your questions once you've cleared all of mine up... maybe, if there's time. :lol

1)Blaster Master, did Jason ever recover his pet frog?
2)Breath of Fire, it says Squaresoft on the box. how did it end up in Capcom's hands?
3)Mario Bros., are King Koopa and Bowser the same baddie or two different baddies?
4)Link to the Past, in the beginning of the game, where you get the shield from that dude, his last words were "Zelda is your..." then he dies. What was he going to say?
5)Super Metroid, before you fight Kraid, you see a dead guy in a suit similar to Samus'. Who was that guy?
6)Double Dragon II, why is the game called 'The Revenge' ?
7)Metal Gear Solid 2, was that one eyed guy you fight with at the end of the game Big Boss or another clone?
8)Resident Evil, was Wesker working for Umbrella in the first game or himself? And if he was working for Umbrella then, was he still working for Umbrella in the games after the first?
9)Castlevania II, a lot of things in this game didn't make sense. I'm talking mostly about the information townsfolk give you. My biggest question is why was Simon collecting Dracula's body parts to put him back together only to fight him? If his body parts were scattered and he couldn't revive himself, he was dead in the first place!
10)DOOM, at the end of the game, after you take out those two Barons of Hell, is it true that dark room you enter with all the monsters is where you died and end up in Hell?
11)Does Tetris go on forever or can it be beaten?
12)Street Fighter, does that red ribbon in Ken's hair hold any special significance?
13)Final Fantasy VII, where was Zack during the game?
14)Final Fantasy Tactics', after all these years, I still don't understand the ending. can someone explain it to me? did Delita marry the princess and kill her so he'd become the king or something?
15)Super Mario Bros., where do Mario's fireballs come from? it almost looks like he's spitting them, but then it looks like he's possibly throwing them.
16)Megaman, is Zero in some way connected to Protoman?


Running off of Custom Firmware
2.) BoF was always a Capcom property. Capcom thought it'd bomb in the USA, so Squaresoft picked up publishing rights. It did reasonably well, Capcom brought the rest out themselves, IIRC.

3.) Bowser and King Koopa are the same duder.

4.) "Zelda is your fate/destiny."

5.) Federation Trooper. They show up in Metroid Prime 2 Echoes as well, and other games.

6.) Cuz the bastards weren't content to slug the girlfriend and abduct her, like last time. They gunned her down in the beginning of the DD2.

9.) He needs to destroy Dracula again to rid himself of the curse that afflicts him, particularly at night.

12.) Ryu wears the headband given to him by Ken in later games.

15.) Fireballs come from the hands. Proven true in subsequent Mario titles.

"And I'm spent!"


2.) BoF was always a Capcom property. Capcom thought it'd bomb in the USA, so Squaresoft picked up publishing rights. It did reasonably well, Capcom brought the rest out themselves, IIRC.

BoF was also part of a deal in which Square would localize BoF and Capcom would localize Alcahest, didn't work out too well for Capcom because BoF did OK and capcom never bothered with Alcahest and lost all that money.
-Zack was killed... although a rumor went around that the mumbling jackass living in the slums of Midgar (the infamous "This guy are sick!" person) might have been Zack.

The mystery might be cleared up with either Advent Children (there's a flashback with Zack, but in a 90 min. film, I doubt they'd waste time on that) or Crisis Core. Regardless, I think the whole Cloud/Zack aspect was meant to be more symbolic than anything else- Zack is the soldier Cloud intended to be, but didn't have the skills until he became part of Hojo's experimentation. Cloud takes on the role that was Zack's- right down to his Soldier costume and even, remarkably, meeting Zack's old girlfriend (Aerith) and bonding with her. That's why the whole Mideel-Lifestream scene was such a shocker- because it basically showed Cloud as a fraud, leeching off of Zack's strengths and achievements.

-Wesker, to my knowledge, was already working for the outside source in RE1. It's foggy, but I believe the Wesker reports indicate his seperation from Umbrella before the S.T.A.R.S. incident- and it's this other element he's working for that motivates his infiltration of S.T.A.R.S. and the Spencer Mansion.
Again, this one I'm not totally clear on...

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Vieo said:
Well, actually, you're the ones who are going to be doing the revealing. We can get to your questions once you've cleared all of mine up... maybe, if there's time. :lol

3)Mario Bros., are King Koopa and Bowser the same baddie or two different baddies?

Same character. IIRC it was "King Koopa" in the U.S. and Bowser in Japan, and then they finally dropped the "King Koopa" name and just went with Bowser.

4)Link to the Past, in the beginning of the game, where you get the shield from that dude, his last words were "Zelda is your..." then he dies. What was he going to say?

First thing that comes to my mind is "destiny," but who knows...

6)Double Dragon II, why is the game called 'The Revenge' ?

Because the shadow warriors go and kill Marion right in the beginning of the game and you go and get revenge for her?

7)Metal Gear Solid 2, was that one eyed guy you fight with at the end of the game Big Boss or another clone?

I thought he was another clone..."Solidus Snake."

15)Super Mario Bros., where do Mario's fireballs come from? it almost looks like he's spitting them, but then it looks like he's possibly throwing them.

They come from his nose. Flaming boogers.

16)Megaman, is Zero in some way connected to Protoman?

Didn't Dr. Wily have a hand in designing them both?


3. Koopa and Bowser are the same.

6. It's called The Revenge because
"Taking place a year after the original game, Marian has been murdered by Willy, the Big Boss of the Black Warriors. Billy and Jimmy Lee are now looking to avenge her death.

15. He "spits" them from his hands. :)

16. Zero is a new robot. What I've read says that Zero was being built while original Mega Man and Proto Man are still running around.


7) Solidus snake was a third clone in the project 'le infant terribles" , but this one was chosen to be president.

evil ways

7)Metal Gear Solid 2, was that one eyed guy you fight with at the end of the game Big Boss or another clone?

Another Big Boss clone, and former US President George Sears. Although I'm not sure if he was created before or after Solid/Liquid Snake.


Mejilan said:
9.) He needs to destroy Dracula again to rid himself of the curse that afflicts him, particularly at night.[\QUOTE]

I still don't get this. What type of curse was on him? I remember the whole "Oh what a horrible night to have a curse." bit. Was the curse that he becomes weaker at night than during the day time? When the night came, I always looked at it as the other way around with the monsters getting stronger but you not getting weaker. =)
here's another Metal Gear Solid question:

-can anyone explain how the clones age? I understand they age much faster than normal people, but how much? For example, Snake is looking much older and grizzlier (according to the illustration) for MGS4... but based on that, how much time would you think passed between MGS2 and MGS4?

evil ways

The second coming of Count Dracula

You're Simon Belmont, bravest of the brave, boldest of the bold, a gothic
warrior respected by kings.

You earned your praise, not by crushing Viking invaders or Turkish hordes, but
by destroying the evil Count Dracula in a duel to the death at Castlevania.
But your victory proved painful, as the wounds inflicted during the duel
slowly gnawed at your soul.

One day, though, a beautiful maiden appeared. With a soft voice she warned
that you were possessed by the Count's curse. She said your only hope of
destroying the curse and healing your scars was to find the five body parts of
Count Dracula and burn them all in his Castle, ending forever the reign of
the Prince of Darkness.

Suddenly, like most beautiful visions, she began to fade. And as you reached
to touch her, she spoke her final words -

"Fear not, brave Simon, for if you have the courage to risk your life, you
will find the strength to win again."

Looks like the curse has to do with Simon's body slowly degenerating and decaying instead of healing.


G-Fex said:
no, the curse is for simon to become the reincarnation of dracula

evil ways said:
Looks like the curse has to do with Simon's body slowly degenerating and decaying instead of healing.

Bah! Now I'm even further away from a definitive answer.

And let me guess, that beautiful maiden was Safya (however you sell it) from Castlevania III? :D


TheJollyCorner said:
here's another Metal Gear Solid question:

-can anyone explain how the clones age?


I mean, you're talking about a series where
a major character crashes while flying a HIND, which immediately explodes into flames; after which that character is playing Fight Club a few hours later, then falls multiple stories onto concrete, and then a few minutes later is driving a jeep and firing a machine gun.

Biological accuracy does not seem to be a major goal of the series. :lol

Whimsical Phil

Ninja School will help you
Vieo said:
1)Blaster Master, did Jason ever recover his pet frog?
Yep. The ending shows them both sitting on top of SOPHIA.
I'm pretty sure the Mario instructional booklet explicitly stated that Bowser, king of the Koopas, was to be referred to as Bowser, and not King Koopa. At least that's what I told all my friends in grade 3.

"Yeah, so I beat King Koopa on my first try!!!"
"It's Bowser, n00b."
"Prove it."
"Refer to page 7 of the instructional booklet for the "Family Pack" cartridge on the NES, containing Duck Hunt, Mario Bros, and an exercise/Olympic videogame no one ever plays w/ the Power Pad. I win, again."

Red Scarlet

I'll answer what ones I think I know, though some have been answered already.

Vieo said:
Well, actually, you're the ones who are going to be doing the revealing. We can get to your questions once you've cleared all of mine up... maybe, if there's time. :lol

2)Breath of Fire, it says Squaresoft on the box. how did it end up in Capcom's hands?

It was always Capcom's game, as already said.

Vieo said:
3)Mario Bros., are King Koopa and Bowser the same baddie or two different baddies?

King Koopa was his Japanese name, IIRC. Same guy.

Vieo said:
5)Super Metroid, before you fight Kraid, you see a dead guy in a suit similar to Samus'. Who was that guy?

It was never said, really. But going by how they looked in MP2, it could be a Federation Trooper. In some comic, it was said to be some Houston guy, but that wasn't canon.

Vieo said:
6)Double Dragon II, why is the game called 'The Revenge' ?

In the arcade game, the game starts off with Willy gunning her down.

Vieo said:
7)Metal Gear Solid 2, was that one eyed guy you fight with at the end of the game Big Boss or another clone?

Already answered.

Vieo said:
9)Castlevania II, a lot of things in this game didn't make sense. I'm talking mostly about the information townsfolk give you. My biggest question is why was Simon collecting Dracula's body parts to put him back together only to fight him? If his body parts were scattered and he couldn't revive himself, he was dead in the first place!

Dracula cursed Simon's body, making it die faster than normal. If you beat the game fast enough, Simon would survive. Not fast enough, and Simon can die during the ending.

Vieo said:
13)Final Fantasy VII, where was Zack during the game?

Zack died before the game started. Go back to the lab in the Shinra Mansion later and you will see a cutscene of Cloud and Zack escaping to Midgar, where Zack is gunned down by Shinra guards.


10)DOOM, at the end of the game, after you take out those two Barons of Hell, is it true that dark room you enter with all the monsters is where you died and end up in Hell?

It's not the end of the game, just the end of the first episode. It's unclear if you die or are just beat up and teleported to hell, but yeah that is how you get there.

Megaman, is Zero in some way connected to Protoman?

No. Zero was Wily's creation and was being created during the later MM games, using technology he had accidently discovered while creating Bass.


1) I haven't met one person who has beaten Blaster Master :/ It's mega hard...at least it was back in the day, i have been meaning to try again now that i'm elite :lol

TheJollyCorner said:
here's another Metal Gear Solid question:

-can anyone explain how the clones age? I understand they age much faster than normal people, but how much? For example, Snake is looking much older and grizzlier (according to the illustration) for MGS4... but based on that, how much time would you think passed between MGS2 and MGS4?

It's at different rates. Solidus is rumored to be the youngest of the 3, but he looks much older than Liquid or Solid. Some believe this is because the DNA they used of Big Boss wasn't changed for him while it was changed some for Liquid and Solid.

And I think MGS4 will take place around a year after MGS2. This isn't based on how Solid looks but how Raiden looks. Raiden still looks the same, but he has a young kid now. Rose said she was pregnant at the end of MGS2, so it couldn't take place too long after her pregnancy given how young the kid looks in the art.


Anyanka said:
10)DOOM, at the end of the game, after you take out those two Barons of Hell, is it true that dark room you enter with all the monsters is where you died and end up in Hell?

It's not the end of the game, just the end of the first episode. It's unclear if you die or are just beat up and teleported to hell, but yeah that is how you get there.

Yeah, you die and go to hell. I can never forgive id Software for removing that mindblowing plot twist in DOOM 3. It was just so cool.

11)Does Tetris go on forever or can it be beaten?

Depends on the version and game type. A game of classic standard Tetris will go on forever.


SolidSnakex said:
It's at different rates. Solidus is rumored to be the youngest of the 3, but he looks much older than Liquid or Solid. Some believe this is because the DNA they used of Big Boss wasn't changed for him while it was changed some for Liquid and Solid.

And I think MGS4 will take place around a year after MGS2. This isn't based on how Solid looks but how Raiden looks. Raiden still looks the same, but he has a young kid now. Rose said she was pregnant at the end of MGS2, so it couldn't take place too long after her pregnancy given how young the kid looks in the art.
Who said the child was Raiden's? It could be Olga's child


)Link to the Past, in the beginning of the game, where you get the shield from that dude, his last words were "Zelda is your..." then he dies. What was he going to say?


Gamedude said:
Who said the child was Raiden's? It could be Olga's child

Too old. Olga was already pregnant during the Tanker Mission and since the Plant Chapter takes place 2 years after, well her kid must be at least 1 and half to 2 years old. The baby Raiden is holding looks only a couple of months of old.
Simo said:
Too old. Olga was already pregnant during the Tanker Mission and since the Plant Chapter takes place 2 years after, well her kid must be at least 1 and half to 2 years old. The baby Raiden is holding looks only a couple of months of old.

Not only that, but for it to be Olga's baby they'd have to skip over one of the most important parts of the series storyline, the Patriots. They're the ones that have Olga's baby, and that's who Solid was leaving to find at the end of MGS2.


Gold Member
Just remembering the athomosphere of the Zelda: LTTP opening brings a tear to my eye. Rain pouring down, Link waking up, going to explore a world richer than anything before. Meeting the uncle in the tunnel beneath the castle. Entering the castle and hearing the majestic theme. Total immersion.
Vieo said:
4)Link to the Past, in the beginning of the game, where you get the shield from that dude, his last words were "Zelda is your..." then he dies. What was he going to say?
"...problem now, sucka. Damn woman keep gettin kidnapped n sheeit."
Vieo said:
14)Final Fantasy Tactics', after all these years, I still don't understand the ending. can someone explain it to me? did Delita marry the princess and kill her so he'd become the king or something?

The ending is somewhat vague due to the graphics - some people choose to believe Delita isn't injured in the incident - but it basically goes like this:

-Delita marries the princess so he can become King.
-Princess finally gives up on Delita when she sees him leave Ramza out to dry.
-Princess stabs Delita in a surprise attack at the church ruins.
-Delita takes the knife and stabs back, killing her (or optionally, uses a weapon he was carrying).
-Delita ponders whether he took the right path as he slumps to the ground from shock.
-Delita probably dies right there. He sacrificed everyone close to him to achieve his goals, so it seems only poetic justice that the only one left close to him would also be the one to kill him.


MrAngryFace said:
Wtf does THAT have anything to do with this thread. Zelda sucks! Peddle your wares somewhere else.

I can see MAF and Drinky reading their posts outloud, then giving a high-five to each other.
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