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Halo 5 Review Thread

Hey, at least if you are an Xbox only guy you can still get a Souls fix. It's not the same but not too far removed. If you're a Halo fan without an Xbox? There's no substitute

That's kind of true, but I think a game like Destiny The Taken King scratches a similar single player itch. And there are many multiplayer FPS games out there to quench that online shooter thirst.


Also not a fan of making the extended universe stuff so important to the game's plot

Wish I had a friend with Xbone and Halo 5. I really want to buy the console and the game, but after Halo 4's MP, I really need to get to play the game myself before making the decision. 330 euros is a lot of money for someone who can only work 2 or 3 days a week thanks to uni.
I'm really shocked by how Metacritic is important for you, on GAF... In France, yeah, we like debating on Metacritic. But I've never seen someone upset by a 85 metascore like here. I've never seen someone saying that 85 is a bad score, especially now that metascore are lower than 5 years ago. Never.


Guys, do you think that these reviewers played the campaign solo only and then reviewed/rated the campaign? I noticed some don't even bring up co-op play in their reviews or ratings.

I ask because what if these reviewers didn't play the game as intended, *ah-em* co-op *ah-em*, but rather by themselves. Thereby missing out on the crazy shenanegins of what playing with friends would bring. Potentially leading into lower ratings?

stealth dammit 343 please bring back splitscreen so I can share the joys of this game with my friends when I visit post ^_^

Then it would be logical to presume, that regardless if the game had hit all the high points & was perfect in every way imaginable, both reviewers & fans would bitch about it, no?

no matter how "perfect" a product may be, there will always be complainers.

it's in our nature to find faults in things
That's kind of true, but I think a game like Destiny The Taken King scratches a similar single player itch. And there are many multiplayer FPS games out there to quench that online shooter thirst.

Nothing like Halo though!

Believe me, I know. I'm a PS4 owner who had an Xbox and 360. Played loads of Halo 1-3 and nothing has scratched that itch for me since. I've got a decent PC as well, but still nothing fills Halos boots for me. Vanilla Destiny was fun in PvP but not balanced properly like a Halo game, and no way in hell am I paying full price for an expansion pack.
Nothing like Halo though!

Believe me, I know. I'm a PS4 owner who had an Xbox and 360. Played loads of Halo 1-3 and nothing has scratched that itch for me since. I've got a decent PC as well, but still nothing fills Halos boots for me. Vanilla Destiny was fun in PvP but not balanced properly like a Halo game, and no way in hell am I paying full price for an expansion pack.

That's fine. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. To a newcomer, Vanilla Destiny + Taken King is the same price as Halo 5. They seem to scratch a similar itch and are quite close now quality wise.


Nothing like Halo though!

Believe me, I know. I'm a PS4 owner who had an Xbox and 360. Played loads of Halo 1-3 and nothing has scratched that itch for me since. I've got a decent PC as well, but still nothing fills Halos boots for me. Vanilla Destiny was fun in PvP but not balanced properly like a Halo game, and no way in hell am I paying full price for an expansion pack.
Destiny's best PvP modes are 3v3 based, there is where it shines. I'm not sure if the new supers and weapon balance enchance that mode though.

But like you said, it ain't no Halo and that is fine.
[Call-Me-G];183078647 said:
I'm really shocked by how Metacritic is important for you, on GAF... In France, yeah, we like debating on Metacritic. But I've never seen someone afraid by a 85 metascore like here. I've never seen someone saying that 85 is a bad score, especially now that metascore are lower than 5 years ago. Never.

Are they really much lower? A 93 and a couple of 92's this year. A 97 or something crazy like that for GTA V. 95 for TLOU. The super high scores are still very much attainable, as they were 5 years ago.

Also, virtually no one is saying that 85 is bad. They are saying it is below expectations.


Story disappointment is easily enough to knock off 5-10 points from the meta. Almost every reviewer mentioned it, and reading r/halo's impressions showed near universal negativity.


[Call-Me-G];183078647 said:
I'm really shocked by how Metacritic is important for you, on GAF... In France, yeah, we like debating on Metacritic. But I've never seen someone afraid by a 85 metascore like here. I've never seen someone saying that 85 is a bad score, especially now that metascore are lower than 5 years ago. Never.

Seriously, where are you people pulling this metascore deflation stuff from? I'd love to see someone try and prove that a) the scores have been going down and that b) it's because of games getting reviewed more critically or whatever
you know what this thread could use right now...

a suhnilegend or eltorro gif to summarize how batshit crazy this thread is

i'm sure that would bring the lulz
That's fine. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. To a newcomer, Vanilla Destiny + Taken King is the same price as Halo 5. They seem to scratch a similar itch and are quite close now quality wise.

If I hadn't bought vanilla I would jump on TTK straight up! But it's a bit more complicated since I have a US PSN account and live in Australia. Can I buy an Australian copy and activate TTK on my US account? I have no idea, I assumed I couldn't.

If I can I'll wait for a sale and jump then.

Edit: this is getting wayyyy off topic. I'm going to take it out of this thread!


Iif I am reading some of the critics correct IF you have read the backstories and extended universe books, graphics novels and videos than the story and characters are stronger. It appears 343 ASSUMED that Halo folks read that stuff. Without doing that the story and characters seem disconnected, like you walked into a movie half way through.
Yeah this is a problem for me because I have no interest in reading books which I don't even think are translated too my language too get the whole story.


And don't get me wrong...Halo 5 is a great exclusive, while Tomb Raider looks to be a great timed exclusive. But despite PS4's lineup generally being criticized for 2015, it's the only system with an exclusive in the running for Game of the Year and with a Meta over 90.
And what game is that?


Seriously, where are you people pulling this metascore deflation stuff from? I'd love to see someone try and prove that a) the scores have been going down and that b) it's because of games getting reviewed more critically or whatever

Yer I don't really think that is the case either.


Likely to be eaten by a grue

Jesus. A mid 80s in 2015 is a low 90s in 2010. I thought this was known.

This would be a really good blog post.


So let me get this straight, we're going to completely ignore the fact that almost all reviewers are unanimous in Halo 5 having the best mp since Halo 2 because some fanboys want to assess the game's metascore, which has been dragged by a 4 mixed reviews.

I just...I mean you expect this shit on N4G but here?
I haven't touched campaign yet bur the MP is the tightest most refined it has ever been in Halo. I need to see more maps and BTB soon but I'm almost confident in calling this the best competitive multi halo ever. All this after a few hours. The gunplay is good. Real good.
Seriously, where are you people pulling this metascore deflation stuff from? I'd love to see someone try and prove that a) the scores have been going down and that b) it's because of games getting reviewed more critically or whatever

Something I noticed. And I'm not the only one apparently. I don't know, look at the review scores. Yes, there are still a a few really high metascores, but the range 85-90 was more present back in 2005-2010. Games struggle to have good metascores. And I think it's a good move.

Halo is an example: a LOT of reviewers and players say that Halo 5 is better than Halo 4. Far better. So why is it reviewed lower ?

Story disappointment is easily enough to knock off 5-10 points from the meta. Almost every reviewer mentioned it, and reading r/halo's impressions showed near universal negativity.

Yeah, yeah... "Almost every", "universal"... Yeah, we don't share the same meaning of these words. A lot of reviewers and players (included me) don't share your point, and this "universal negativity", apparently:


Like I said before, people allways keep in mind bad critics...


[Call-Me-G];183081005 said:
Something I noticed. And I'm not the only one apparently. I don't know, look at the review scores. Yes, there are still a a few really high metascores, but the range 85-90 was more present back in 2005-2010. Games struggle to have good metascores. And I think it's a good move.

Sorry, but "just look at the scores" isn't enough for me.

85 is a fantastic score, there's no need to defend it.


I haven't touched campaign yet bur the MP is the tightest most refined it has ever been in Halo. I need to see more maps and BTB soon but I'm almost confident in calling this the best competitive multi halo ever. All this after a few hours. The gunplay is good. Real good.

Yep, never even been a big Halo fan myself (mainly because I'm bang average) but shooting people online just feels fucking great. Getting a kill is satisfying as it should be.


Seriously, where are you people pulling this metascore deflation stuff from? I'd love to see someone try and prove that a) the scores have been going down and that b) it's because of games getting reviewed more critically or whatever

The argument that Game X would have reviewed with Score X last generation is overly simplistic, but Metacritic aggregates do suggest that there are significantly fewer higher scoring games on console than there were last gen. For example, Xbox 360 has 51 90+ games over its lifetime, which for all intents and purposes is 2005-2013 (I'm not counting DLC or remasters here, and I'm not counting Portal: Still Alive when it is included in The Orange Box). That is roughly 6.5 games per year. By contrast, the PS4 (the closest analogue to 360 given that this tends to be where most multiplatform games are reviewed) has 4 such games after roughly 2 years on the market. That is 2 games per year. That is a pretty substantial difference and it does seem to suggest some kind of trend.


I'd definitely be interested for someone to prove the Metacritic score deflation thing. I'm not sure there's any evidence of it at all.

The whole Halo 5 is better than 4 so why does it score lower isn't evidence of deflation. Only evidence that this specific formula needs to do more these days and that perhaps reviewers were soured slightly last time longer term. Again though it's franchise specific no?

The argument that Game X would have reviewed with Score X last generation is overly simplistic, but Metacritic aggregates do suggest that there are significantly fewer higher scoring games on console than there were last gen. For example, Xbox 360 has 51 90+ games over its lifetime, which for all intents and purposes is 2005-2013 (I'm not counting DLC or remasters here, and I'm not counting Portal: Still Alive when it is included in The Orange Box). That is roughly 6.5 games per year. By contrast, the PS4 (the closest analogue to 360 given that this tends to be where most multiplatform games are reviewed) has 4 such games after roughly 2 years on the market. That is 2 games per year. That is a pretty substantial difference and it does seem to suggest some kind of trend.

Averaging it out over the whole gen and and then comparing with this gen could equally suggest that high quality console releases happen later in the gen more often



Jesus. A mid 80s in 2015 is a low 90s in 2010. I thought this was known.

[Call-Me-G said:
;183078647]I'm really shocked by how Metacritic is important for you, on GAF... In France, yeah, we like debating on Metacritic. But I've never seen someone upset by a 85 metascore like here. I've never seen someone saying that 85 is a bad score, especially now that metascore are lower than 5 years ago. Never.

Alright people, I need some receipts here.

EDIT: How the hell can I quote [Call-Me-G] correctly? The name breaks the BBcode lol.


He's. Not. Wrong.

that sony exclusive is one of the frontrunners to win GOTY here on gaf when the GAF GOTY thread pops up at the end of the year.

either it wins the award or it comes in a close second. halo 5 may get some minority votes, but it doesnt stand a chance. sorry

no, it's a good game. just doesnt live up to reviewer and fans expectations

I guess I'm in the minority. I thought the game sucked. Congrats on the big high rating number though.

edit: and I'm not saying that halo 5 is my goty. I have just started the campaign (about halfway through Chief's first mission). I just don't grasp the Bloodbourne love in general. I think the game is frustrating hot garbage. To each their own though. Comparing the two is like apples to sausages....but if I could only play one...


Averaging it out over the whole gen and and then comparing with this gen could equally suggest that high quality console releases happen later in the gen more often

Yeah that's certainly possible, but by the end of its second year the 360 already had 11 such games which is well beyond what the PS4 will have by the end of 2015.
So I cut up my recording of the playthrough for my review, and these were my results:



Yeah that's certainly possible, but by the end of its second year the 360 already had 11 such games which is well beyond what the PS4 will have by the end of 2015.

Maybe it's because I dunno, 360 actually had better games in the first 2 years?


Yeah that's certainly possible, but by the end of its second year the 360 already had 11 such games which is well beyond what the PS4 will have by the end of 2015.

What about the PS3? How many did it have in the same time frame? I ask because I don't think that shows an overall change in scores. Just that the 360 had an unusual amount of good early titles.


Maybe it's because I dunno, 360 actually had better games in the first 2 years?

I also feel like this is closer to the truth. Of course, this is my personal experience and nostalgia probably has something to do with it, too.

I'm not saying it can't be true. Maybe reviewers have started reviewing games more critically, which would absolutely be a good thing. But flat out claiming a "85 in 2015 is 90+ in 2010" is ridiculous.

e: adding the "jesus i thought this was known" was hilarious though, like it's the most obvious thing in the world when in reality it's just an asspull
He's. Not. Wrong.

that sony exclusive is one of the frontrunners to win GOTY here on gaf when the GAF GOTY thread pops up at the end of the year.

either it wins the award or it comes in a close second. halo 5 may get some minority votes, but it doesnt stand a chance. sorry

no, it's a good game. just doesnt live up to reviewer and fans expectations

Read the OT?


Maybe it's because I dunno, 360 actually had better games in the first 2 years?

Yup, 2014 was a very underwhelming year as well. I mean god damn Shadows of Mordor won GOTY awards from a lot of sites. This year has been much better luckily.
I guess I'm in the minority. I thought the game sucked. Congrats on the big high rating number though.

edit: and I'm not saying that halo 5 is my goty. I have just started the campaign (about halfway through Chief's first mission). I just don't grasp the Bloodbourne love in general. I think the game is frustrating hot garbage. To each their own though. Comparing the two is like apples to sausages....but if I could only play one...

When choosing between a PS4 or Xbox One I basically chose between my love of Halo and my love of Souls (with other factors, but in terms of exclusives). PS4 won out!

Certainly those games aren't for everyone


What about the PS3? How many did it have in the same time frame? I ask because I don't think that shows an overall change in scores. Just that the 360 had an unusual amount of good early titles.

Between 2006-2008 the PS3 had 9, so still noticeably more (and the PS3 was a bit of a mess early on).


It's still anecdotal though isn't it? I mean maybe there were just more good games. Rather than softer reviewers?

Of course, and I'm not suggesting this is conclusive proof of anything, but I do suspect that we will see fewer high scoring games over the course of the generation and that this won't be because games are getting worse but rather because the critical climate is healthier and more diverse and less prone to rubber-stamping blockbuster games with glowing scores.


~6-8 hour campaign is right up my alley. If I want to keep playing that's what multiplayer is for. Shame about the
apparent cliffhanger
though, but then again that didn't stop me from loving Halo 2
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