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Has anyone ordered from therage.com lately?


I ordered Digital Devil Saga 1 from them a couple of weeks ago, and haven't heard a peep out of them since August 5--just the confirmation that they received my order, but no shipping confirmation or notice of a delay. An e-mail I sent them to inquire about the delay has gone unanswered for a week. Unusual, because their service is usually pretty good.
Poor Rage. They were usually one of the first sites I went to for my imports back in the Saturn/PS1 days. I'm sad to hear this "news."
Attack You said:
Poor Rage. They were usually one of the first sites I went to for my imports back in the Saturn/PS1 days. I'm sad to hear this "news."

That is really sad, I ordered the majority of my import NeoGeo Pocket and Dreamcast stuff from them and never had a problem.


This is the first time I've had trouble with them. I've been using them occasionally for import stuff and games that were sold out elsewhere (I got Disgaea from them back when it was really hard to find, as well as a VF4 Hori stick). It sounds like service quality has taken a steep drop recently, though, judging from the posts above.


Gold Member
I used to order from therage 3-4 years ago and they were great. Then about 1 year ago I reqognized something fishy with them. They stopped repliying on emails and tell you when orders shipped. They went from a very good import site to a scam site. DO NOT USE THEM!


I ordered DQ5 Remake from them, took 3 weeks to say that their servers were down (They didn't even put it on their website) and they don't even have a phone number. Now I make it a policy that if they don't have a phone #, I don't order from them, though I stick to NCSX. I have to pay tax, but I always get priority mail packages from them next day ($5 tax + $5 priority mail shipping = $10 next day shipping, cheap.)


Well, I cancelled my order of DDS1 from Rage (since Fry's Outpost has it on backorder at $39.99 anyway--if I'm going to wait, I may as well save some money). It took them a few days to get around to it, but they finally confirmed my cancellation and sent me a coupon for $5 off my next purchase.

I still wouldn't deal with them again, though. Not worth the effort.


I shopped there once a year or so ago. They screwed up an order and ignored my emails. When I finally got hold of someone on the phone they were pretty rude about it as well.


Well, recently ordered some games (and have done for years). Never had any problems with them, and the last batch of games came quickly. Always been good for me, and I'll keep using them.
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