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Have we agreed that Capcom cannot continue the Megaman franchise without Inafune?


Don’t worry, MMX: Corrupted will never get DMCA’d

1) Capcom doesn’t really care as per MM x SF

2) The idea of MMX Corrupted ever being finished and released is laughable


Mega Man 11 proved that they can continue without him, the problem would be finding a modern audience beyond the classic fans, that's the challenging part.

I still think they were on the right track with the last Mega Man franchise, the ZX games which were essentially Metroidvanias, back then it was a dying genre but nowadays it's a fairly popular genre so a ZX 3 would be really well received IMO.


These 2 games are alive because their makers work smarter, mm design is 10x more creative, off the charts, nothing matches the creativity of mm world.


I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
Megaman ZX - Ratchet and clank design.
Instead of switching weapon, you switch transformations.
Certain transformation open up new areas etc....

Come on....
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Resident Evil continued without Mikami.

If Capcom is holding off from making more Rockman games, it's because it's just not worth it for them. The best-selling Rockman title is Rockman 11, which sold 1.7m. Peanuts compared to what RE, MH, SF, and even Devil May Cry can do.
That's false equivalency. Megaman 11 sold less but costs leagues less than any recent Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, or Monster Hunter game. 1.7 million is a good starting point for Capcom to know if there is interest in the IP, and if they should do a AA game like 11 or a AAA one at some point in time (hardly believe the IP will ever come back to the limelight).


That's false equivalency.

Not really. Staff and money they would be putting towards making Rockman games are better served by putting them towards stronger IPs. Have you seen the credits for Mega Man 11? it's not AAA but it's still a lot of people and resources.

Capcom aren't stupid. If Rockman was still a strong profit generator, they'd be all over it. The fact that it's been 5 years since the last title is proof enough that they'd rather invest in franchises which are more likely to maximise profits. The little blue guy's name just doesn't carry the same weight it used to. That said, there's bound to be another Rockman game at some point.
Not really. Staff and money they would be putting towards making Rockman games are better served by putting them towards stronger IPs. Have you seen the credits for Mega Man 11? it's not AAA but it's still a lot of people and resources.

Capcom aren't stupid. If Rockman was still a strong profit generator, they'd be all over it. The fact that it's been 5 years since the last title is proof enough that they'd rather invest in franchises which are more likely to maximise profits. The little blue guy's name just doesn't carry the same weight it used to. That said, there's bound to be another Rockman game at some point.
Sorry but Capcom does not put the same amount of time, researches, advertisement, ressources and money for a Megaman title compared to a AAA Resident Evil. MM is easy money (low investment recovered with no problem after a few copies) while RE (cost a lot and needs to sell million and million to recover costs, and then even more to make profits for the next RE) is a more risky business.


MM is easy money

But not as easy as their current top cash cows. A business will pour every one of its finite resources into the absolute surest thing. People will buy a new RE every two years. Will they buy a new Rockman every two years and generate the same or greater income relative to its development costs? I'm guessing their accountants will say no, as evidenced by the fact that Capcom obviously does not consider Rockman a priority.

They could be wrong of course, they did after all spend almost a decade sitting on Street Fighter doing nothing with it until a consultant told them they were letting it go to waste, but truth is I don't hear much interest in Rockman these days among gamers except for the occasional old fan, and I think the lack of releases reflects that waning interest.


Tears in the rain
Capcom are acting utterly silly with Mega Man. After 10, the series took a decade of hiatus before 11. And 11 came out, was fantastic, was gorgeous to look at (the mix of 2D art and details and 3D was done perfectly), it had creativity and imagination up the ass, reviewed very well and became the best goddamn selling title in the fucking franchise.

It's been 5 years and since then they did fuck all except give us a offline port of a shitty mobile gatcha game.
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As a Megaman fan, seeing Sonic and Mario transitioning so well to 3D and other genres, make me big mad.

Should I just give up on a Megaman 12, Megaman X9

After seeing how bad was the Mega Man clone he did after leaving Capcom, I prefer to keep him away.
Mega Man 11 and the collections are great and I'd like Capcom to continue in this way.


Ah yes keiji shitty number 9 inafune, the lie & turd peddler.


Inafune gave up on megaman along time ago though i still believe the reason why we will never get an x game or legends is because capcom doesnt have the brains to come up with anything


The fuck? Inafune is a freaking scam artist who actually had little to no involvement on most games in the franchise. He didn't even make MM's design. This is like saying Marvel cannot continue without Stan Lee only on a bigger level...
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