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Huckabee: Palestinians are better under Israeli occupation. They have sidewalks now!

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In a speech in New York this weekend, Mike Huckabee told a sympathetic crowd that Israeli occupation has made life great for Palestinians, Arutz Sheva reports.

The Republican presidential candidate gave a keynote at the 22nd annual Israel Day Concert in Central Park, a “star-studded” event to honor “three slain Israeli teens.” This year’s show featured performances by musicians Alex Clare, Gad Elbaz, Mati Shriki, and others, as well as speeches by political officials, including George W. Bush’s former ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton.

“We must educate world,” Huckabee said in his Sunday speech, “that the Israelis have done more to bring prosperity, peace, and a state of liberty to people, whether they’re Jewish or not.”

The former governor of Arkansas describes a visit last year to a Soda Stream factory in Judea, where he observed “600 Arabs and 500 Jews working side by side, the Arabs earning four times the amount of money they would in any place in the [Palestinian Authority].” Even still, says Huckabee, there is probably “somebody in Europe or somebody in this country sitting in some Ivy League ivory tower” questioning Israel’s supreme authority.

“Tell that to Arabs who’ve made more than ever in their lives,” Huckabee quips. He argues occupied Palestine is better off under Israeli control, because of sidewalks, hospitals, and schools that Palestinians “never had before.”

Huckabee says the relationship between the United States and Israel is not just a matter of “political convenience” for him, but of “personal passion.” A devout Christian, Huckabee speaks of the U.S.-Israeli alliance with undertones of fire-and-brimstone, Old Testament spirituality.

“There is no explanation for Israel,” Huckabee declares, “other than the hand of almighty God that has preserved and protected and given the Jews their homeland after 2,000 years of being scattered across the earth.” And there is no evident reason that the United States should exist, Huckabee says, “other than the providence of God’s hand.”

Huckabee accuses U.S. political leaders of being more diplomatic with Iran than they are with Israel. If he becomes president, Huckabee says, he will make sure Iran will not obtain bombs and then use them to attack Israel.

A “threat to Israel is a threat to the United States,” Huckabee explains. “Our liberty is threatened by the forces of radical jihad.” Those who identify pressing American policy issues other than radical jihad, according to Huckabee, won’t call the “enemy by its name.”

Huckabee says he and people with likeminded policy views about Israel constitute a “world of sanity against the insanity.” But the “existence of Israel is truly at stake,” Huckabee warns. Huckabee supports keeping existing Jerusalem borders intact. Israel’s boundaries are “not given by the United Nations,” Huckabee says, but by “almighty God.”

The United States has “no better friend” than Israel, according to Huckabee. Citizens of the two nations, he urges, should “not for one moment let our guard down.” “There are forces that want to destroy every last one of us, Huckabee warns.

Arutz Shiva describes the Israel Day Concert as “a chance to soak in good music” and a way to learn more about Iran’s nuclear program and how to be more active in supporting “the Jewish state.”

How many times is what this guy says in public going to cause me to throw up in my mouth?

Did he just call Israel a Supreme Authority?


First of all, aren't we supposed to have separation of church and state? How does a man like this even make it to the point of running for president?
Damn, I remember when Huckabee was considered a "moderate." Before he went full on stupid for Fox money. Now he's on the same level as Coulter.


Two dumbass comments from Huckabee in like, what, a week now?


The comment about telling his coach he's feeling like a woman so he can shower with females was from February of this year.

It just hit the news this past Tuesday because someone uploaded a video of it to YouTube.
"Blacks are better under Whites. They have food, water and shelter now!"
"Indians are better under British Empire. They have railroads now!"
"Congos are better under Belgians. They have a cotton industry now!"
How come evangelicals never mention that they believe Israel must be destroyed, 2/3 of Jews will perish, and the only hope for the rest is to convert to Christianity, in order for the Rapture to take place?


Are the sidewalks also painted red to match all the "good intentions" that have been paved into the newly constructed roads leading to all those newly minted settlements?

"Blacks are better under Whites. They have food, water and shelter now!"
"Indians are better under British Empire. They have railroads now!"
"Congos are better under Belgians. They have a cotton industry now!"



Didn't he used to have a TV show. They should just give him a late night spot on network TV and say "mike, just tell us what you think, we are all interested" I mean it would be entertaining (if offensive) as hell and keep one more lunatic out of politics, I'd hate see one of these fuckers ever get voted in.
Israel’s boundaries are “not given by the United Nations,” Huckabee says, but by “almighty God.”Israel’s boundaries are “not given by the United Nations,” Huckabee says, but by “almighty God.”

Huckabee is clearly part of that sect of Christianity that thinks that Jesus won't come back until all the Jews are back in Israel, it's not even political it's religious baloney


Well, he's not wrong that Palestine is certainly much more developed than it was under its former colonial powers. But a flat comparison like that doesn't tell much. It's cool that Palestine has been improved under Israeli rule, but why has Israel improved so much more? Why is the gap between Arab and Israeli so quickly widening?

Of course Palestinians are more developed then they were in 1948. I mean, what the fuck!

Are they better off? Absolutely not.


Huckabee is clearly part of that sect of Christianity that thinks that Jesus won't come back until all the Jews are back in Israel, it's not even political it's religious baloney
Yeah there's always that, have a branch of those loonies in my family, had to live in an area with them for two years and literally had to move back to my home state before I throttled one of my cousins to death for all the ignorant drivel that spews out their mouths.
It's been a while since I used this but god damn





Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
Da fuq? How the hell are sidewalks going to fix their oppressed lives? Fuck you Huckabee
Didn't he used to have a TV show. They should just give him a late night spot on network TV and say "mike, just tell us what you think, we are all interested" I mean it would be entertaining (if offensive) as hell and keep one more lunatic out of politics, I'd hate see one of these fuckers ever get voted in.

Uh, there's plenty of idiots who think EXACTLY like Huckabee in the US Congress/Senate.


Huckabee is clearly part of that sect of Christianity that thinks that Jesus won't come back until all the Jews are back in Israel, it's not even political it's religious baloney

They make it seem like they care, but in reality they don't give two shits about the Jews. They will be "left behind" to burn in hell just like everyone else who doesn't agree with their backwards ideology.
I always find it interesting that the Evangelical Right in America is infatuated by the Israeli state but doesn't give two farts about the Palestinian Christians. It's part of an interesting tribalism I guess where they don't see the Palestinians as really being Christians.
“Tell that to Arabs who’ve made more than ever in their lives,” Huckabee quips. He argues occupied Palestine is better off under Israeli control, because of sidewalks, hospitals, and schools that Palestinians “never had before.”
Of course he fails to really admit that these things have popped up in many cases in spite of Israel's doings, not because of them.


I always find it interesting that the Evangelical Right in America is infatuated by the Israeli state but doesn't give two farts about the Palestinian Christians. It's part of an interesting tribalism I guess where they don't see the Palestinians as really being Christians.
I don't think they truly even know a lot of the time, same with a lot of Lebanese folks I know, people used to call them Muslims and they would have to be corrected. I think that has a lot to do with media, social conventions and an ignorance of the Middle East in a country known for people who celebrate our own ignorance, so I don't think its just limited to right wing evangicals.

Plus when your talking the Christian right I don't know how many I have heard call Obama a "communist Muslim" which doesn't make any sense and just goes to show how far up their own ass they can be about anything that does not apply directly to them.


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I always find it interesting that the Evangelical Right in America is infatuated by the Israeli state but doesn't give two farts about the Palestinian Christians. It's part of an interesting tribalism I guess where they don't see the Palestinians as really being Christians.

Of course he fails to really admit that these things have popped up in many cases in spite of Israel's doings, not because of them.

I think that the biggest motivation of Republicans isn't because they believe it will make Jesus come back, but because Israel represents a Western state with very American morals in a "god-forsaken butt-fuck desert". Republicans defend Israel at nearly any cost because they see it as America 2.0, and believe that its presence is intrinsic to the maintenance of American cultural hegemony.
I don't think they truly even know a lot of the time, same with a lot of Lebanese folks I know, people used to call them Muslims and they would have to be corrected. I think that has a lot to do with media, social conventions and an ignorance of the Middle East in a country known for people who celebrate our own ignorance, so I don't think its just limited to right wing evangicals.

Plus when your talking the Christian right I don't know how many I have heard call Obama a "communist Muslim" which doesn't make any sense and just goes to show how far up their own ass they can be about anything that does not apply directly to them.
Yup. You're right on all accounts. I guess a lot might easily be chalked up to ignorance, which is indeed a widespread problem even outside of evangelicals.
I think that the biggest motivation of Republicans isn't because they believe it will make Jesus come back, but because Israel represents a Western state with very American morals in a "god-forsaken butt-fuck desert". Republicans defend Israel at nearly any cost because they see it as America 2.0, and believe that its presence is intrinsic to the maintenance of American cultural hegemony.
You certainly hear a lot of religious rhetoric within the Evangelical circles, but in vein with your post, I do wonder how many Republicans really care about the state of Israel for religious reasons. I think your diagnosis is certainly probably correct outside of Wvangelical Right circles though.
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