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I want a solid-state, 2D sprite based console with just sprite-based games


console cost: $100
-no moving parts
-solid state media
-virtually unlimited sprite capability
-small amount of very fast real SRAM and real VRAM (no DRAM)
-different controllers for different types of games, touch pads, arcade sticks, etc.
-no polygons or textures or CDs or DVDs
-best essense of GENESIS, NEO-GEO, Saturn
-small development budgets, largest being 1 million dollars
-remade versions of all the best 2D games especially Thunder Force III, IV, Herzog Zwei Samurai Showdown, R-Type, SFII, Pilotwings (scaling sprites, not polygons!) etc
-hundreds of 2D arcade games from the late 1980s through the 1990s that never got released at home, get released on this new system, in compilations.

portable version also made. totally replaces the need for the GBA

make it happen, videogame industry :|


I guess it was done there. I see. but I am opposed to CDs or other optical disc media. plus, I think my OP is a little better than the other one.


Dude, just be happy that 2D is still alive by virtue of handhelds (and cartridges, too). The DS is probably as close as we're going to get to what you're asking for...


Three words:

HD Resolution Sprites

It's coming. I'm looking forward to playing Street Fighther with the characters being 800 x 400 pixels.

Damn that will be sweet.
Ikaris said:
Three words:

HD Resolution Sprites

It's coming. I'm looking forward to playing Street Fighther with the characters being 800 x 400 pixels.

Damn that will be sweet.

Knowing Capcom and their current economical state, I wouldn't bet on it.
I would definetely buy one if Nintendo was on board making games for it. SNES-style 2D games, but with the highest definition sprites and art possible.


Why can't there be more 2D games?



Ikaris said:
Three words:

HD Resolution Sprites

It's coming. I'm looking forward to playing Street Fighther with the characters being 800 x 400 pixels.

Damn that will be sweet.

This takes more money, time and skill than making games with polygons. It's unlikely that games like this will be very common.


Sure, a few people would buy it, but it wouldn't make money.

Say, for example, someone releases a HD 2D game for the PC...not many people will buy it. QED.

No polygons might be a bit rough though, I gotta say... Symphony of the Night pulled off some amazing 3D effects/backdrops in an otherwise 2D game. It was brilliant. I'd love to see more like that.
Says the man with a 3d avatar...

Face it, 2D is near death. All that was reasonably possible in the medium was done and there is little that 2D has to give remaining.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I love 2D sprites. Way more so than cel shading. But if I remember correctly, making sprites is a lot harder than making 3D models or something. Don't know if it's true, though.


dabbled in the jelly
If it wasn't for the fact that 95% of 3d games being animated so stiff and robot-like this really wouldn't be an issue or desire. I am not impressed with many 3D games animations esepcially western made ones (excluding Free Radical).

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
Screw that.

I'm one of those who would buy a 2D specific console. It would be small, about the size of the later model Sega Megadrive. These would be some of the specs:

Power PC CPU running at 200+ mhz
-truly inexpensive
-runs cool

-32mb ROM
-32mb RAM

128bit data bus
-never want you data pipe to be a bottleneck

Proprietary Sprite Graphics processor
- handles resolutions up to 1024x768x32bit color
- transparency/translucency
- scaling
- rotation
- 16 plane vertical/horizontal parallax
- unlimited size sprites
- encoded digital video playback, including DiVX, xVID (possibly proprietary format)

Yamaha YMF7XX series sound synth and sampler - capable of playing midi and digital samples at 44.1kHz
- 16mb sythesizer
- realtime audio effects including reverb, chorus, and flanger
- plays MP3s, and OGGs

10/100 Ethernet port

4 digital controller ports

2 USB ports

Stereo out
-headphones, baby!


xexex said:
console cost: $100
-no moving parts
-solid state media
-virtually unlimited sprite capability
-small amount of very fast real SRAM and real VRAM (no DRAM)
-different controllers for different types of games, touch pads, arcade sticks, etc.
-no polygons or textures or CDs or DVDs
-best essense of GENESIS, NEO-GEO, Saturn
-small development budgets, largest being 1 million dollars
-remade versions of all the best 2D games especially Thunder Force III, IV, Herzog Zwei Samurai Showdown, R-Type, SFII, Pilotwings (scaling sprites, not polygons!) etc
-hundreds of 2D arcade games from the late 1980s through the 1990s that never got released at home, get released on this new system, in compilations.

portable version also made. totally replaces the need for the GBA

make it happen, videogame industry :|
I don't really think that I need to say my opinion about this. By the way, I'm selling my Xbox and my PSP to pay for the Magical Drop 3 AES I just ordered.


Hellraizah said:
I don't really think that I need to say my opinion about this. By the way, I'm selling my Xbox and my PSP to pay for the Magical Drop 3 AES I just ordered.

What the heck? How much does MD3 AES cost nowadays? That said, Saturn version is still surperior...

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
A lot of unemployed traditional animators out there these days. If i were a developer i would gather a few of those guys, a couple of programmers and make some killer handheld games.

Ranger X

Oblivion said:
I love 2D sprites. Way more so than cel shading. But if I remember correctly, making sprites is a lot harder than making 3D models or something. Don't know if it's true, though.

Truth is it's piss easy to make sprites. What's hard is to animate them. But then again, for pros i can't figure how much more hard it is then animating a 3D model. I don't even think that the question is there.
2D is dead because 3D is getting easier to do and it prones for realism. People want realism, find 3D generally more "believable". And well, i agree that being immersed in a nice 3D is of course more convincing than anything else, we live in a world we perceive in 3D already...

What people lack to see is that 2D should be perceived as a style to achieve things, a genre. Videogames should be perceived the same as animated movies. Those movies aren't all 3D now. Why? because 2D is perceived as a genre and animated movies does not necessarily screams "realism". There's a little more imagination there and it's more perceived as an art than videogames.

Videogames is art. And 2D is a style. I wish people will understand someday.


I wouldn't buy a 'new' 2D console, but rather a SNES + Megadrive hybrid or something with hundreds of titles immediately available. And as for handheld gaming, I don't think any handheld can beat GBA anymore ..


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Wyzdom said:
Would you prefer all the animated movies CG rendered?
That statement entirely ignores that 3D games are different from 2D games in gameplay even more than they are visually. Aside from the very occassional 2D game that has some interesting and original play mechanics, I myself could do without 2D games for the rest of my life as well.

Ranger X

demon said:
That statement entirely ignores that 3D games are different from 2D games in gameplay even more than they are visually. Aside from the very occassional 2D game that has some interesting and original play mechanics, I myself could do without 2D games for the rest of my life as well.

Well the gameplay too is part of the style somewhere. Also, being 2D or 3D does not necessarily give fun or nice play mechanics. Gameplay will never be an argument to convince me ditching 2D games.


Its like my Dad said after the Playstation and N64 came out and he stopped playing games regularly - 3 dimensions is one dimension too many.

I'd be up for a mostly 2D, mostly sprite based home console.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
You should team up with UK the greate$t or whatever his name is. He's gonna bring back the The Dreancast, and DISCO and while he's at it he's bringing JESUS back for the 2nd coming of CHRIST!


Y'know, with the Phantom, Nuon, Gizmondo and all that crap being released...why doesn't anyone try this?

And when I mean anyone, I mean anyone from this board.

The reality is, current consoles are in nearly every home, and they are far better equipped to do what you are looking for. There's just no interest from publishers to take a risk to see if it would be accepted by the gaming public.

Ranger X

Fight for Freeform said:
The reality is, current consoles are in nearly every home, and they are far better equipped to do what you are looking for. There's just no interest from publishers to take a risk to see if it would be accepted by the gaming public.

Yup. There lies the real problem.


Fight for Freeform said:
The reality is, current consoles are in nearly every home, and they are far better equipped to do what you are looking for. There's just no interest from publishers to take a risk to see if it would be accepted by the gaming public.

It'd be interesting to see a small company focus on developing new 2D titles for the PSOne, then market them to both the budget-conscious and hardcore markets by advertising them as 'playable on Playstation and Playstation 2 systems'. Haven't seen anyone try that particular marketing angle yet, and it'd be a neat way to make backward compatibility work for developers directly.


Shaheed79 said:
If it wasn't for the fact that 95% of 3d games being animated so stiff and robot-like this really wouldn't be an issue or desire. I am not impressed with many 3D games animations esepcially western made ones (excluding Free Radical).
like 98 per cent of 2d games animated like shit for today standars,a lot of 3d games have fantastic animation

face it ppl,2d is dead because its a lot more limited than 3d


Hellraizah said:
Just the cart. Well, with the instruction manual and case.

Double that if you want the machine (AES) too.

Holy crap I didn't know that cart worth that much... I better lock it up in the safe...
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