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If you actually care about Xbox you need to be hammering them hard right now

You need to be grilling them to no end, these constant mistakes and the never ending buffoonery needs to sink in as being totally unacceptable. Don't think they're reading this stuff right now? You bet your ass they are, and I have no doubt a lot of people are getting reemed as what's being said on these forum is being rattled off in Zoom meetings.

Don't praise them for delaying a game, because they should have had the foresight as a multi-billion dollar division of a near multi-trillion dollar business to have a contingency plan in place to account for the potential of Halo not making the launch window.. Their incompetence has further harmed the brand, they further put at risk game deals for you, content, sales which lead to more investment and so on and so forth. If you can't even be confident in a brand you have invested in then how is anyone else supposed to be? Do you think publishers and developers are really going to want to do deals with them now?

They're in tatters, this is worse mismanagement than what took place at Sega and killed them... Sega was still putting out awesome games even as they were nearly bankrupt and being driven into the grave, and you want me to thank these rich executives and studio heads who can't even get one game lined up for their next-gen console? Do you have any idea how asinine that is?

All of you know I'm all about them, it's no secret that I bleed green and I practically have a shrine for them. With that being said though enough is enough, we are the last vestige of hope for them. We are their consumers, we are the ones who have the capability to hold them accountable, and many of you think the answer is to be in denial and act like they're doing us a favor?

Come on, it's been years.... This was supposed to be when Phil was supposed to shine, when we were going to have our coming back moment, and it's all been dashed away because they couldn't be bothered to come prepared with literally years to do so... I think I'm more disappointed in a lot of you than them, the excuses are intolerable.


Been on this train since the last couple years of the 360. They went downhill and never recovered. The people they put in charge of this division are just not treating it properly.

How they got so much right in the first Xbox generation against the PS2 and then the early 360 generation against the PS3 remains a mystery after watching them trip all over themselves ever since.


You need to be grilling them to no end, these constant mistakes and the never ending buffoonery needs to sink in as being totally unacceptable. Don't think they're reading this stuff right now? You bet your ass they are, and I have no doubt a lot of people are getting reemed as what's being said on these forum is being rattled off in Zoom meetings.

Don't praise them for delaying a game, because they should have had the foresight as a multi-billion dollar division of a near multi-trillion dollar business to have a contingency plan in place to account for the potential of Halo not making the launch window.. Their incompetence has further harmed the brand, they further put at risk game deals for you, content, sales which lead to more investment and so on and so forth. If you can't even be confident in a brand you have invested in then how is anyone else supposed to be? Do you think publishers and developers are really going to want to do deals with them now?

They're in tatters, this is worse mismanagement than what took place at Sega and killed them... Sega was still putting out awesome games even as they were nearly bankrupt and being driven into the grave, and you want me to thank these rich executives and studio heads who can't even get one game lined up for their next-gen console? Do you have any idea how asinine that is?

All of you know I'm all about them, it's no secret that I bleed green and I practically have a shrine for them. With that being said though enough is enough, we are the last vestige of hope for them. We are their consumers, we are the ones who have the capability to hold them accountable, and many of you think the answer is to be in denial and act like they're doing us a favor?

Come on, it's been years.... This was supposed to be when Phil was supposed to shine, when we were going to have our coming back moment, and it's all been dashed away because they couldn't be bothered to come prepared with literally years to do so... I think I'm more disappointed in a lot of you than them, the excuses are intolerable.

Or you could just move/get on with your life.
Been on this train since the last couple years of the 360. They went downhill and never recovered. The people they put in charge of this division are just not treating it properly.

How they got so much right in the first Xbox generation against the PS2 and then the early 360 generation against the PS3 remains a mystery after watching them trip all over themselves ever since.
At this point it feels like with everything they do the best defense is to be against it and then you know exactly what's going to happen. If them bungling things were gambling odds I'd be rich right now.
They're in tatters, this is worse mismanagement than what took place at Sega and killed them... Sega was still putting out awesome games even as they were nearly bankrupt and being driven into the grave, and you want me to thank these rich executives and studio heads who can't even get one game lined up for their next-gen console? Do you have any idea how asinine that is?

Leave SEGA out of it and NEC screwed up far more than SEGA ever did. Games get pushed back and delayed even ones meant to launch alongside the system.
Leave SEGA out of it and NEC screwed up far more than SEGA ever did. Games get pushed back and delayed even ones meant to launch alongside the system.
The issue isn't just Infinite, it's their entire strategy for creation and securing games, their total lack of preparedness to get a platform off the ground with compelling software which justifies a new generation of console and people spending hundreds of dollars.

With the Xbox One X it was acceptable because that was the Xbox One pipeline, whatever was happening with that was going to happen with the One X, but this is a new generation. This was supposed to be a clean slate and instead they're bringing their cancer with them.
They won't.

They are so invested in their brand loyalty that they have deluded themselves into thinking that demanding better from Xbox is paramount to high treason.

This is a Sonic the Hedgehog moment, and people need to identify with that situation and what happened as a result...

This is where Xbox is at right now...


But with the right message from the community that they've really screwed up, and that what they're presented us with is not acceptable....

It could be turned into this...

So they are delaying one game? Big deal. Plenty of games have been delayed this year alone, big ones too. The value proposition for XSX is still there, play the best console versions of popular games on the most powerful console.

COD, FIFA, NHL, Cyberpunk, etc. are going to be the games that sell the most. And XSX will play those better than any other console.


Been on this train since the last couple years of the 360. They went downhill and never recovered. The people they put in charge of this division are just not treating it properly.

How they got so much right in the first Xbox generation against the PS2 and then the early 360 generation against the PS3 remains a mystery after watching them trip all over themselves ever since.

Things looked good for a long time with the One X, GamePass, Backwards Compatibility, first party investments, etc.

They were on the right path. They just seem to have flew off that path, and are tumbling over and over, ever since May.
So they are delaying one game? Big deal. Plenty of games have been delayed this year alone, big ones too. The value proposition for XSX is still there, play the best console versions of popular games on the most powerful console.

COD, FIFA, NHL, Cyberpunk, etc. are going to be the games that sell the most. And XSX will play those better than any other console.
While that may be true, every single one of those will be available on Sony's platform. They need serious platform exclusive games to truly set themself apart from their competition.

Whether those are shared with PC, Xbox One or not, they can't be on a competing system. Multiplatform games alone with no idea when anything system defining is going to come out isn't enough justification for a console to exist.
The issue isn't just Infinite, it's their entire strategy for creation and securing games, their total lack of preparedness to get a platform off the ground with compelling software which justifies a new generation of console and people spending hundreds of dollars.

One can almost see you're fanboy drool dripping off your chin on to the keyboard. Since you talk of SEGA were Space Harrier II and Super Thunder Blade compelling reasons to buy a Mega Drive on Day 1? Pen Pen, July and VF3TB compelling reasons for the DC on day 1. Remember even Sonic Adv was pushed back, so too was SEGA Rally II and they were meant to be launch titles for DC in Japan.

MS have got the fundamentals right with a Great and super powerful console and have enough In-House development teams to ensure content comes down the line, it wasn't like Gears Or War or Halo 3 was ready on the day for the launch of the 360 and even the showcase launch game for the 360 was pushed back when Ubi pushed back Ghost Reckon. Both SONY and MS will no doubt have issues with any planned launch games given how development is needed to be done at the moment, especially in the US


Drama queen.

It's one game that has been delayed for a year. Very common.

They are releasing a very powerful console, with new games, and a vast back catalog that will include many games updated to take advantage of the new hardware. It's hardly the end of the world.

It may put me off buying one on day 1, but I have no doubt I will pick one up at some point down the line regardless..


This same thread should be made for Sony. And iPhones. And Samsung phones. And LG TVs. And any brand that has any degree of fandom.

Arrogance is not a rare thing in the corporate world, and in tech sectors the fanboys make excuses for that arrogance.

What the fanboys should be doing is attempting to hold them to account, but that's not usually what happens. Innovation stagnates when people are willing to buy "faster horses", and then make excuses for the problems.


You have a point there, how many years now did they bought some of these new studios? How many years have they hyped the next E3 like the biggest ever, and then show the same franchises backed with third-party content? (exclusive world premiere reveal yikes)
And haven't learned anything, now they do the same for next gen launch lineup, hyping it as the biggest ever and everything is BC, Gamepass and third-party money hats... I mean yakuza 7? If it's on ps4 it will be on ps5 on BC then what's the point? How come everything from their studios is still a trailer or even worse like fable and project Mara (a tech demo of the studio hall and stairs wtf? Will it really be a game?)... and now lost Halo the only first party flagship at launch? People forget Phil was there with Mattrick at the wheel in the X One launch.


Wow what a perfect response! People that were NEVER going to buy Halo or an Xbox have said far more than any fans of Xbox need to. It's a bummer but there are plenty of other launch titles to play. We'll all survive man.

I think most of us who were going to purchase the XSX will do so, no matter if Halo was pushed 6 months (or w/e) or not yeah. The most ardent critics are those who were never going to buy it anyways. Funny that.

Mister Wolf

Wow what a perfect response! People that were NEVER going to buy Halo or an Xbox have said far more than any fans of Xbox need to. It's a bummer but there are plenty of other launch titles to play. We'll all survive man.

I'm supposed to be mad at Microsoft for getting me access to Wasteland 3(don't sleep), The Ascent, The Medium, and Scorn on a $5 a month subscription.
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How is backwards compatible a major selling point for a new console I’ll never understand. Because let’s face it that’s ali the series X has for the first year.
I'll be buying one and a copy of Stalker 2. Backwards compatible games are a massive plus to me too

Sounds like a win to me.


Can I just say the writing has been on the wall for years?

The amount of abuse I got during the Sea of Thieves Alphas and Betas along with me voicing my opinion on the Forza forums about the direction the Forza games were going in (after the launch of Forza 7) made me realise that some of these people are literally happy with anything as long as it has an Xbox logo on the box.

It's like people have become accustomed to mediocrity. Mediocrity is actually celebrated. 6/10 games? That's fine, it's just the biased media, leave us alone. Games being cancelled? It's good, papa Phil is saving us from bad games. Multiplayer exclusive games releasing half baked without any marketing? It's fine, gamepass will save the day. You couldn't write this stuff. The list of excuses and handwaving is endless. Not once do these people turn round and say "this isn't good enough".

I know I joke about Xbox sometimes and I can be harsh but what people don't get are two things:
  • The Xbox 360 is one of my top 3 consoles of all time.
  • I have fucking shares in Microsoft, not Sony.
I want them to do well (which is why I'm harsh) but this really isn't it. I like buying new hardware - I want them to make a product I need to have but they aren't. I bought a 360 because that shit was hot at the time, there was a long list of amazing games that you couldn't experience elsewhere. Other than the hardware issues, the console was amazing, everyone knows this, it's undisputed. Even more than that the whole experience of the console felt like a leap forward and innovative. The achievements, the online integration, the interface, the controller. That's what Xbox needs to get back to. Everything since then has just felt lazy for lack of a better word, both in their game output and the overall experience you get when using their hardware. They are literally about to launch new hardware and there won't even be a new user interface. The controllers are essentially the same. What the fuck is that about? Tie that in with the situation with the games, how are people supposed to get excited about this?

Its got to a point where I don't even know what the answers are anymore, that's how much of a hole they've managed to dig for themselves this generation (and in the run up to next gen). But I can tell you one thing, if Xbox fans demanded better instead of licking Phil Spencer's butthole then the situation might be better right now. I don't think people fully appreciate just how bad the situation has become for them outside of Western territory. They are at risk of multiple regions becoming like Japan for them.

Don't get me wrong, there might be some people who are genuinely happy with how Xbox is at the moment, there are things to be happy with such as gamepass. However just because you might be happy it doesn't invalidate the thoughts of those who might have genuine areas of concern or be unhappy with certain aspects. Echo chambers help nobody. Allow those people to express their thoughts so that their voices can be acknowledged, heard and improvements can be made where necessary. That benefits everybody.

In any situation, the diehard fans who accept everything, make excuses for everything and go around behaving like paid PR/marketing drones are their own worst enemy and they don't even realise it. Change happens when the biggest fans demand it. When sports teams do badly, the fans demand change from the team, the manager, the board, etc, they don't pop off and attack their rivals while allowing their own team to take them for a ride and get away with murder. It's lunacy.

Longer post than I thought it would be, people might not even read it but I wanted to express my overall feelings on this.
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Airbus Jr

I agree with Cop

If im a xbox fans il be upset at their current state

Xbox focus too much on gamepass

The halo infinite reaction tells you all you need
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u watch how it plays out when Sony delays releasing ps5 until next year...we should be hearing about price and release date now but its radio silent

Would probably be a great time for Sony to release pricing etc. Really rub it in Microsofts face.

But of course that requires them to be comfortable in both pricing and release date...

Nice post. Honestly!

Personally I don't give a crap about the interface looking the same, especially not with the new store they've demonstrated. Controller-wise.. well, it's hard to improve on perfection. I don't want gyro, touchpad and other gimmicks in my controller. It just needs to be solid and have AA's.

Overall, I'm happy with Xbox, hardware and software-wise. I'd rather stop gaming than play with symmetrical stricks to be blunt. Now, there are issues on the game front, I think most people agree on that and it certainly feels odd to launch a console with no launch games (outside of 3rd party). This is where they need to step up.

Generally speaking, constructive criticism is nice and should be encouraged, but nobody sane would pay attention to most of what is being written on Gaf these days, let alone get business advice from Sony-fans on how to run the Xbox-brand.
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Can I just say the writing has been on the wall for years?

The amount of abuse I got during the Sea of Thieves Alphas and Betas along with me voicing my opinion on the Forza forums about the direction the Forza games were going in (after the launch of Forza 7) made me realise that some of these people are literally happy with anything as long as it has an Xbox logo on the box.

It's like people have become accustomed to mediocrity. Mediocrity is actually celebrated. 6/10 games? That's fine, it's just the biased media, leave us alone. Games being cancelled? It's good, papa Phil is saving us from bad games. Multiplayer exclusive games releasing half baked without any marketing? It's fine, gamepass will save the day. You couldn't write this stuff. The list of excuses and handwaving is endless. Not once do these people turn round and say "this isn't good enough".

I know I joke about Xbox sometimes and I can be harsh but what people don't get are two things:
  • The Xbox 360 is one of my top 3 consoles of all time.
  • I have fucking shares in Microsoft, not Sony.
I want them to do well (which is why I'm harsh) but this really isn't it. I like buying new hardware - I want them to make a product I need to have but they aren't. I bought a 360 because that shit was hot at the time, there was a long list of amazing games that you couldn't experience elsewhere. Other than the hardware issues, the console was amazing, everyone knows this, it's undisputed. Even more than that the whole experience of the console felt like a leap forward and innovative. The achievements, the online integration, the interface, the controller. That's what Xbox needs to get back to. Everything since then has just felt lazy for lack of a better word, both in their game output and the overall experience you get when using their hardware. They are literally about to launch new hardware and there won't even be a new user interface. The controllers are essentially the same. What the fuck is that about? Tie that in with the situation with the games, how are people supposed to get excited about this?

Its got to a point where I don't even know what the answers are anymore, that's how much of a hole they've managed to dig for themselves this generation (and in the run up to next gen). But I can tell you one thing, if Xbox fans demanded better instead of licking Phil Spencer's butthole then the situation might be better right now. I don't think people fully appreciate just how bad the situation has become for them outside of Western territory. They are at risk of multiple regions becoming like Japan for them.

Don't get me wrong, there might be some people who are genuinely happy with how Xbox is at the moment, there are things to be happy with such as gamepass. However just because you might be happy it doesn't invalidate the thoughts of those who might have genuine areas of concern or be unhappy with certain aspects. Echo chambers help nobody. Allow those people to express their thoughts so that their voices can be acknowledged, heard and improvements can be made where necessary. That benefits everybody.

In any situation, the diehard fans who accept everything, make excuses for everything and go around behaving like paid PR/marketing drones are their own worst enemy and they don't even realise it. Change happens when the biggest fans demand it. When sports teams do badly, the fans demand change from the team, the manager, the board, etc, they don't pop off and attack their rivals while allowing their own team to take them for a ride and get away with murder. It's lunacy.

Longer post than I thought it would be, people might not even read it but I wanted to express my overall feelings on this.
I read every word, good post.


Xbox has always been reactionary and has had very little foresight. Outside of (now) making decent hardware and successfully setting up a cheap game rental service they've been flat. It's like Microsoft still doesn't understand how to participate in this industry or run a video games business and it's been showing since 2009. Phil needs to go, plain and simple. He's been running their studios into the ground for a decade and has now moved into a position to run the division into the ground.
While I welcome the news that Infinite has been delayed because it clearly needs more time, As of now MS have no system sellers for when the console launch. They need to back track on "no Series X exclusive game for 2 years" and statement if they want to compete against Sony this coming Christmas.

They need proper exclusives. Only available on that console. Not that watered down bollocks where it can be played on PC or timed exclusive.
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