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IGN's Top 100 RPGs of All Time


I thought so too at first, but they use FE1 art, and the description doesn't really talk about FE7 at all.

It says 2003 for the release date and starts the paragraph off talking about FE7. I have a feeling that whoever is doing the layout/images for the web piece has never played a Fire Emblem game and just Googled the title for a picture.
I thought so too at first, but they use FE1 art, and the description doesn't really talk about FE7 at all.
Hmm strange I'm on mobile so can't see it since their site just doesn't like to load on my phone.

Would be strange for them to put SD or FE 1. Especially over Awakening


Fire Emblem is on the list, but which Fire Emblem are they referring to? Fire Emblem 1? Shadow Dragon? Fire Emblem 7?

They could be referring to the first one, Peer Schneider of IGN is a big fan.

It says 2003 for the release date and starts the paragraph off talking about FE7. I have a feeling that whoever is doing the layout/images for the web piece has never played a Fire Emblem game and just Googled the title for a picture.

Hadn't actually seen the article lol so I'm wrong here.


Jade Empire above Witcher 2 is major issue for me. It is one of my least favorite Bioware games while Witcher 2 is a game I consider to be probably better that than Witcher 3.

Waiting to see where the Kotor games rank along side FFVI. Chrono trigger should be interesting to see too.
Don't usually agree with IGN, but seeing Persona 3 beat Persona 5 by such a narrow margin seems right. It's better, but Persona 5 did improve on 3&4 in certain ways.


I believe any game made before 1997 is "essentially cave man art."
Random old ass pc RPG's from 30 years ago make me laugh. I doubt any of the combat systems, writing, or atmosphere stand up to anything made in the last 10 years.


Random old ass pc RPG's from 30 years ago make me laugh. I doubt any of the combat systems, writing, or atmosphere stand up to anything made in the last 10 years.

You would be surprised. I played Chrono Trigger for the first time last year and it blew me away. Felt more modern than most JRPGs and it came out in 1995.

EDIT: Missed the PC designation.


52 is a perfect spot for FFVII. Game is not that good NOW.

I'm rooting for that Witcher 3 #1. Give it to me, it has to be!


I believe any game made before 1997 is "essentially cave man art."
You would be surprised. I played Chrono Trigger for the first time last year and it blew me away. Felt more modern than most JRPGs and it came out in 1995.
That's 20 years ago when they understood how to make 2d art. Anything older is essentially cave man art.
Edit: not just the actual art and graphics but also in terms of game design. No ultima (aside from that first mmo) or wizardry belong on this list.
What kind of post is this? Good games are good games man.

But how many old games were good by some kind of timeless/universal standard rather than simply being good because they were new and different at the time?

Having played RPGs for a long goddamn time, I'd easily argue that a lot of the older ones in fact don't hold up. Their writing often was lackluster, they offered little in the way of compelling music, characters, story, etc. And even the gameplay wasn't any special in the context of modern games.

This isn't universally true, of course. But I can't imagine wanting to sit down and play an old Ultima or Wizardry game today. Or most of the old D&D titles pre-Baldur's Gate. Last time I ventured down that road, my nostalgia did not emerge intact.


52 is a perfect spot for FFVII. Game is not that good NOW.

I'm rooting for that Witcher 3 #1. Give it to me, it has to be!

If we are going by how good games are now, there's no way FF IV should be anywhere near the top 20. The other SNES titles at least have interesting gameplay/game systems.


Decent list so far but some of these games are way to low, Skies of Arcadia and Phantasy Star IV are top ten RPGS in my mind.


This isn't for GotY last year, but RPGs of all time.

Things are fine for now but it'll be a bloodbath later, especially when they reveal Oblivion is the #1 RPG of all time.

Expecting a bloodbath when Witcher 3 is placed, especially if it's above Dark Souls. Already salt about the game a post above yours lol.


Like every other Top 100 ever made, I just take everything from 20-100 as suggestions with no particular order because any ranking at that point is going to be extremely arbitrary. (not that the top 10 isn't also going to be, but at least it's much easier to quantify and properly assess each position)


Jade Empire above Witcher 2 is major issue for me. It is one of my least favorite Bioware games while Witcher 2 is a game I consider to be probably better that than Witcher 3.

Waiting to see where the Kotor games rank along side FFVI. Chrono trigger should be interesting to see too.

I figure Jade Empire is obligated to be on that list, just because they gave it a 9.9.
That's a good list, but I fixed it for you:

1. Final Fantasy VII
2. Deus Ex
3. Baldur's Gate II
4. System Shock 2
5. Knights of the Old Republic
6. Demon's Souls
7. Final Fantasy X
8. Diablo II
9. Bloodborne
10. EverQuest


on topic: lol FFVII below Stardew Valley? get fucked IGN

There's no irony at all. FF6 is undoubtedly top 5, but so is VII. There's only 5 critically acclaimed / has a "following" / renowned Final Fantasies... outside of the people who still say FF1 is the best. Those people are "special".

For reference in no order:


- My point was VI isn't in the top 3 of those for me, but those are objectively the best FFs going by WOM, crtiics, etc.Maybe I diluted my point a bit, idk.

Diablo shouldn't be represented in the top 10 if you ask me. While I do respect the character progression, the actual gameplay is IMO too threadbare even if enjoyable. The genre's Dynasty Warriors if you will, though some would say that's not a bad thing.


I figure Jade Empire is obligated to be on that list, just because they gave it a 9.9.

lol I remember that. I was so hyped for it at the time.

Still I wouldn't mind Bioware giving it another go. I think the game concept is great they just need to do a better job with the execution.


Skyrim better rpg then Baldur's Gate, Mass Effect, NWN, are you shitting me?

Can anyone here tell me that they liked the story/characters in Skyrim more then BG or Mass Effect?


Diablo shouldn't be represented in the top 10 if you ask me. While I do respect the character progression, the actual gameplay is IMO too threadbare even if enjoyable. The genre's Dynasty Warriors if you will, though some would say that's not a bad thing.
Other RPGs wish they have the loot generation Diablo 2 has.


Random old ass pc RPG's from 30 years ago make me laugh. I doubt any of the combat systems, writing, or atmosphere stand up to anything made in the last 10 years.

....Play Planescape Torment or Baldurs Gate 2.

The story and characters will topple about any new rpg these days.


I believe any game made before 1997 is "essentially cave man art."
....Play Planescape Torment or Baldurs Gate 2.

The story and characters will topple about any new rpg these days.
Those aren't 30 years old and I've already clarified what games I'm referring to. Also those games are a chore to play, update your journal my man!
Edit: Thank you to whoever gave me the custom title, it's the truth.


Given the level of depth in their JRPG picks, there's a pretty good chance that Suikoden 2 is in their top 10. I can't see that being left off, when they have covered most of the other usual suspects on PS1. Yay for that I guess.


Well, this list is at least staying interesting! DQV so high is nice, as are FF IX and XII.

Skyrim NOT in the top 10 is a welcome surprise.

Yes now I'm intrigued.

I'm guessing Mass Effect 2 will be too high for my liking. But it also looks like Baldur's Gate 2 and Witcher 3 will be very high on the list, which I approve of.


I think we're gearing up for a Top 10 looking like

Witcher 3
Baldur's Gate 2
World of Warcraft
Deus Ex
Fallout 3
Mass Effect 2
Suikoden (1 or 2)
Zelda Ocarina of Time
Zelda BoTW
Icewind Dale

I am curious whether we will see 2 things happen

1) the inclusion of Horizon Zero Dawn in the top 20 (they gave it a 93, far more than many other games in their top 100 by far), or will ignore it entirely. Either way, it'll be controversial imo (was. Expecting it in the 50-60 range tbh)

2) If they will include somewhat forgotten classics that changed the rpg history on pc, such as Dungeon Master, Ultima Underworld, or the Westwood games such as Eye of the Beholder or specially Lands of Lore


I think we're gearing up for a Top 10 looking like

Witcher 3
Baldur's Gate 2
World of Warcraft
Deus Ex
Fallout 3
Mass Effect 2
Suikoden (1 or 2)
Zelda Ocarina of Time
Zelda BoTW
Icewind Dale

I am curious whether we will see 2 things happen

1) the inclusion of Horizon Zero Dawn in the top 20 (they gave it a 93, far more than many other games in their top 100 do far), or will ignore it entirely. Either way, it'll be controversial imo (was. Expecting it in the 500_60 range tbh)

2) If they will include somewhat forgotten classics that changed the rpg history on pc, such as Dungeon Master, Ultima Underworld, or the Westwood games such as Eye of the Beholder or specially Lands of Lore

Ocarina of Time won't be on the list. Breath of the Wild may be on there, but I am expecting it to not be defined as an RPG either. The IGN page for BotW calls it an open world adventure game.


We're gonna get some watered down garbage like Skyrim or a terribly written not-even-an-RPG Mass Effect 2 on top, aren't we. Get those fucking clicks.

It's aged like shit, but at least I could respect FF7 getting the top spot for sheer influence alone.


Fallout 3 finishing ahead of New Vegas is a crime against humanity.

I have to assume it will anyway, or I'm pleasantly surprised and it's left off entirely which is how it should be.


We're gonna get some watered down garbage like Skyrim or a terribly written not-even-an-RPG Mass Effect 2 on top, aren't we. Get those fucking clicks.

It's aged like shit, but at least I could respect FF7 getting the top spot for sheer influence alone.

Skyrim was #25

Final Fantasy VII was #52


I'm all for FFIV. It's a good game. But I don't feel like I live in a world where it's a better game than FFVII, FFIX, or FFXII.
Skyrim better rpg then Baldur's Gate, Mass Effect, NWN, are you shitting me?

Can anyone here tell me that they liked the story/characters in Skyrim more then BG or Mass Effect?

Can anyone here tell me that they had more freedom of exploration and player agency in BG or Mass Effect than in Skyrim?

This is why lists like this should never be taken seriously. There are so many different ways to weight your preferences, and no opinion is wrong.


I'm all for FFIV. It's a good game. But I don't feel like I live in a world where it's a better game than FFVII, FFIX, or FFXII.

FFIV doesn't play itself so there's no way it could be worse than FFXII. You must have a better FFXII in the world where you're from. FFIV also doesn't have the loading time and excruciatingly slow battles that IX has, so it's a given that it's better than IX.


Final Fantasy IV above VII is probably the most hilarious thing I've ever seen on a ranking list.

This is actually probably one of the worst ranking lists I've seen in awhile.


Final Fantasy IV above VII is probably the most hilarious thing I've ever seen on a ranking list.

This is actually probably one of the worst ranking lists I've seen in awhile.

I like FFIV, but yeah. FFIV's story loses me pretty hard after Cecil becomes a Paladin.
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