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Internal mock reviews for Hellblade 2 are in the low 90s - Nate the Hate. Rumour


Gold Member
Should be more like a 9/100.

HB1 was among the most boring, unskippable cut scene filled games I've ever played.

For those of you who never played HB1, dont get teased by the action packed trailers. It's not that kind of game. As for HB2, it'll probably be that same kind of game again unless the studio added in much more gameplay and combat scenes.

If you are buying with money, be weary and wait for reviews unless you want a story heavy driven game. For the rest of us, we can try on Game Pass.


I quite enjoyed HB1, combat was trash but I turned it to easy and you could spam through them in seconds (maybe a minute for a boss), the main attraction was the amazing sound design and voice acting.

The puzzles weren't terrible but they weren't great either. If they can do that again with better graphics I'll be very happy.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
I had a strong feeling you put Xbox products up your bottom, now its confirmed :xbum:

Fat Joe Im All The Way Up GIF by BET Awards


Gold Member
Their internal reviews also had Redfall in the low 80s. I love how ambitious this game is, but polish is everything and it's too early to say much about the result.
Internally, Readfall was in the high 80s.
My company does the same thing when trying to gauge their own product quality.

And guess what? I've sat in them and even chimed in my own ratings. Internal reviews are stupid for numerous reasons:

1. We're all employees so it's pretty hard right off the bat to grill you're own prototypes or expect them to get meh reviews. Nobody wants to upset the marketing managers in charge of the product lines

2. Every marketing manager says their products and brand are top notch like 8/10 minimum. And amazingly, when they chime in with their reviews of competing products at the board room table, funny how most other competing products are crap like 5 or 6/10. It's retarded. We'd be all trying to give our honest opinion.... trust me I gave mine, and I probably pissed them off because I havent been invited back to one of those internal evaluation meetings in like 5 years! LOL) and some competing branded products are clearly better or have double the market share.... yet the marketing manager would score our brand and their brand both like an 8/10. wtf? The should get like a 9. We should get maybe a 6 score for the brand opinion question

3. Every marketing and product manager will push their products are great so execs will give it a green light so they keep their job. If they were to tell execs their product lines stink and nobody likes them bosses will get pissed they cant get new products in line, they'd probably get gassed

4. Focus group research is BS too. Not the research itself but the tallied scores. The managers in charge of promoting the new products as awesome giving a good score will cherry pick the questions the research company did that had positive results and feedback. But ignore the bad ones. That's why when we'd get tallies saying this or that product got like a 9.1/10 the comments and metrics used to tally the scores arent even the same questions

5. For those of you who work in an office and go through this stuff, never believe any product manager's sales estimates. They are overinflated 90% of the time. They push giant numbers to look good so execs love it. But in reality their numbers are junk and made up. All any of us in finance have to do is pull up similar product sales history to get a gauge. So when these egotistical marketing people say their new product will sell a million units in year one, all I do is say in the room how can that be when all similar kinds of products in the past have never sold more than 500,000 units in a year? Dead silence or..... "Uhhh lemme look at the numbers again". Exactly. Stop pushing BS numbers and come back to us with realistic financials. It gets to a point for some people the execs dont even care much for what they say and they just come to my finance dept for an estimate based on historical sales. And they'll use that as a logical foundation
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If one goes into Hellblade with expectations of God of War, one will be sorely disappointed. If you go into Hellblade with expectations of a walking simulator/visual novel type of vibe, you may end up loving it. (Story over action basically). Not sure if Hellblade 2 will be more of the same of the first game or if they are going to go for a more action-oriented type of game. I think with all the hype, if this game is not GOW in style, gamers are going to crap all over it.
Ninja Theory were known primarily for action games up to this point, so the turn they took with Hellblade is a bit strange. And I hear there is another IP in the works focusing on mental illness from them.
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Gold Member
I completed HB 1 few days ago. It was decent game, 7/100.

Other than top tier GFX I expect sequel will be on similar level.


Is this the same crack crew who thought Halo Infinite was amazing and ready to release in the state it was at the first reveal? No fiath in internal reviews.

Honestly though, I expect this game and developer will escape the Xbox curse and delvier something good. We can only hope.


Internal reviews mean Jack shit. Internally they thought Redfall was a banger. The first hellblade reviewed decently well despite being a mediocre game, so I’m sure this one will review fine as well.


This game is almost certainly going to get a MC/OC score less than 9/10 and gaf is going to have a field day mocking it.


Should be more like a 9/100.

HB1 was among the most boring, unskippable cut scene filled games I've ever played.

For those of you who never played HB1, dont get teased by the action packed trailers. It's not that kind of game. As for HB2, it'll probably be that same kind of game again unless the studio added in much more gameplay and combat scenes.

If you are buying with money, be weary and wait for reviews unless you want a story heavy driven game. For the rest of us, we can try on Game Pass.

I actually enjoyed HB1. Definitely unique for what it achieved imo.

Guess I won't say much more lol.


Lmao, Xbox have zero self awareness so this is par for the course.
Hellblade was a boring,shallow mess that was all pretentiousness with good viduals. Honestly not expecting anything but the same from the wildly overrated Ninja Theory, the same devs who thought their take on DmC was shakespearean and not the cringiest,shittest action game in years…

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
I quite enjoyed HB1, combat was trash but I turned it to easy and you could spam through them in seconds (maybe a minute for a boss), the main attraction was the amazing sound design and voice acting.

The puzzles weren't terrible but they weren't great either. If they can do that again with better graphics I'll be very happy.
The bones of the game are really similar to something like God of War. If they can polish up and expand the combat and make the game world bigger and less linear there's alot of potential to take this well beyond the AA original.


" On the review scores, we do mock reviews and Redfall got double digits higher from our mock reviews so the reviews it actually got are much lower. We never thought it'd review in the low 60s. Redfall is much lower than our internal metrics. "


Should be more like a 9/100.

HB1 was among the most boring, unskippable cut scene filled games I've ever played.

For those of you who never played HB1, dont get teased by the action packed trailers. It's not that kind of game. As for HB2, it'll probably be that same kind of game again unless the studio added in much more gameplay and combat scenes.

If you are buying with money, be weary and wait for reviews unless you want a story heavy driven game. For the rest of us, we can try on Game Pass.
I am sure the people who are interested in it are aware that it's more Detroit than GOW.

At least I would like to hope so.

And for those that don't know what kinda game it is, I would say that in the first 1-3 showings of any game, that game would usually tell you what it is. Unless it's a Kojima game that is...
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