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Interview with Johnny Messner, "a real man in hollywood"

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Usually Publicists don't let those kinds of comments, this actor from Anacondas goes all out:

Q: Who is not a real man?

JOHNNY: Orlando Bloom. Orlando Bloom, I swear, has a pussy. Orlando Bloom's a hermaphrodite.

I don't want to be prettier than the woman I'm walking with.

Q: How about Vin Diesel?

JOHNNY: (pauses) Listen. Vin Diesel's my friend for a long time. But nobody wants a puppet. Nobody wants a one-note actor. That's it. If you do one thing the whole time, the public gets turned off. “XXX” — I couldn't even watch 10 minutes of it. It was repetitive. “A Man Apart” — nothing. I'm not trying to shit on Vin Diesel. I'm saying if that's what we've got now for a real man, then we've got problems.

Q: So are you psyched to see “Sin City” with Mickey Rourke?

JOHNNY: Mickey Rourke I loved but he fucked his shit up. His face looks like a distorted mess. It’s horrible. He blew his whole shit. He could have been king of the world and then he winds up boxing in Mexico.

The interview Johnny Messner

go read it.


That interview is hilarious. I'm not sure if I respect the guy, or if I think he's a total douchebag, but just the fact that those are my two options makes this an awesome link. :D
how is he an idiot?

he just has some 'guy'-talk as his thing. in this fucked up horrific PC world we live in, someone whom actually holds (stereotypical) male opinions on stuff like: that guys a faggot', 'i'd love to fuck that chick'
theres nothing wrong with it.


Console Market Analyst
Templar Wizard said:
how is he an idiot?

he just has some 'guy'-talk as his thing. in this fucked up horrific PC world we live in, someone whom actually holds (stereotypical) male opinions on stuff like: that guys a faggot', 'i'd love to fuck that chick'
theres nothing wrong with it.

And you're an idiot.


Oh god, it has nothing to do with a PC world. I hate when people say that because it's such a lame "excuse". As if the world is somehow more uptight now than it's ever been before. Get real.

He's an idiot because his career sucks, because he soounds like a fratboy,calls a guy a pussy because of how he looks, and is stuck on this "real man" bullshit. He's trying too hard to prove something that doesn't need proving(OMG I didn't like the ending of Fight Club, there are no real menleft in Hollywood!!!) . That's just my opinion, oh wait how PC of me. He is an idiot, and that is a fact.
am i the only one to have those thoughts? am i the only one to listen to andre dice clay and laugh?


btw: he didnt call him a pussy, he said he HAD a pussy.

im sure the guy is repressed homosexual himself, but playing it up for an interview to be funny doesnt make you an idiot.

you dont like the Dice? :)
im sure he would grate on you after a while but i do find his 'go nuclear on the auidence' comedy funny. must rustle up that CNN clip on him pushing the meltdown button.

btw, what character did he use?


btw: he didnt call him a pussy, he said he HAD a pussy.

im sure the guy is repressed homosexual himself, but playing it up for an interview to be funny doesnt make you an idiot.

In my world it does. HE's just another attention whore, and he's willing to talk shit about other actors to get some prime time. That's lame, so fuck him. These are like just my "real guy" opinions man. Like fuck the douche and stuff.


Console Market Analyst
He was with a kid, so he was... subdued. Well, subdued as Clay could be. When I scored a Perfect the last round of our match, he suggested I get a life, get laid, and not spend so much time in arcades.

It was the first arcade I had been to in years. :)
karasu said:
In my world it does. HE's just another attention whore, and he's willing to talk shit about other actors to get some prime time. That's lame, so fuck him. These are like just my "real guy" opinions man. Like fuck the douche and stuff.

Orlando Bloom's role in Troy didn't really give him an image of a bad-ass... more of a sissy.
He probably doesn't even know the guy. The only reason I found the interview funny is because that kind of stuff wouldn't even be let through by publicists. I know I wouldn't. Maybe he's lookin to be the badboy of hollywood. You never know.
Goreomedy said:
He was with a kid, so he was... subdued. Well, subdued as Clay could be. When I scored a Perfect the last round of our match, he suggested I get a life, get laid, and not spend so much time in arcades.

It was the first arcade I had been to in years. :)


im sure his opinion would have different if that word hadnt graced the screen. nice story.


Console Market Analyst
The Bookerman said:
Maybe he's lookin to be the badboy of hollywood. You never know.

Yeah, he's trying to stand out and be Hollywood's new, young macho-man.

Too bad Colin Farrell already has that covered. And with the added appeal of being secure about his sexuality. Which is what this Johnny cock would wrongly call "metro"...


Orlando Bloom's role in Troy didn't really give him an image of a bad-ass... more of a sissy.
He probably doesn't even know the guy. The only reason I found the interview funny is because that kind of stuff wouldn't even be let through by publicists. I know I wouldn't. Maybe he's lookin to be the badboy of hollywood. You never know.

I'm no Orlando Bloom fan, but that WAS acting and that character wasn't meant to be a badass.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I can't believe this guy is married to Monica Bellucci.


How the hell did he manage that? Maybe Messner has a point.


Vincent Cassel is one of the best actors around, he'd probably go upside Messners head with his Martial arts training lol.


xsarien said:
Strong words from a guy who's biggest movie is Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid.

Can't believe this, but I'm agreeing with xsarien here.

Not to mention, he sounds like one of those 'macho wannabee' types that need to show everyone how much of a 'tough man' he is to prove it to himself.
xsarien said:
Strong words from a guy whose biggest movie is Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid.

That's why you gotta cut the guy a break, he's just taking in all the attention he can get before he's stuck doing made for TV movies on the Sci Fi channel. :p
Steve McQueen didn't have to go around telling everybody that he was a real man, and thats what made him a badass. This guy is just a loudmouth pussy who probably has repressed homosexual tendencies, which is why he tries so damn hard.


Schwarzenegger spent hour after hour lookin in mirrors, dieting and worrying about how fat he looked. How is he not a girly man?


Raxel said:
Where were you in the 70/80s? Don't you know about gay bashing? You can't even say faggot on TV anymore these days. To deny that the 90s brought about a wave of hypersensitivity is ridiculous, watch some TV shows from the late 70s/mid 80s and its quite obvious.

Yeah, we should just all go ahead and hurl derogatory insults at each other. I'm sure being hypersensitive has everything to do with it.


Raxel said:
You cannot be serious. By that definition, every man is a girly man. Who hasn't done those three one time or another, especially at Arnie's age?


lol Arnies been doing that since he was a teenager. I love the guy, but come on he competed in beauty pageants.

Where were you in the 70/80s? Don't you know about gay bashing? You can't even say faggot on TV anymore these days. To deny that the 90s brought about a wave of hypersensitivity is ridiculous, watch some TV shows from the late 70s/mid 80s and its quite obvious.

Err, I don't consider that hypersensitive, that's more like base level respect. It's no different than not calling a black dude the N bomb. Our "rules" are FAR more relaxed than those of generations before us. Anybody who is surprised because a fat guy doesn't like being called a fat guy,and calls that political correctness, is retarded. Anyone surprised that retarded people don't like to be called retarded, is a doofus.

lol Our TV shows constantly show bare ass and tits and use words like shit,ass, damn, tits, dick, they're far more violent, far more gritty, politically correct my black ass. Watch an Episode of Chips and then watch NYPD blue or Homicide haha.


Banstick Emeritus
Hmm - there are some oldtime SNL skits and TV shows that would NEVER get greenlit today, at least not on network television. All In The Family, for one. And the Richard Pryor "Honky" skit wouldn't past muster either, Dan Akroyd as a interviewer with Richard Pryor doing a 'little word association' test as part of the interview. It starts out OK, but Ackroyd's words start to get offensive and Pryor loses it...
"Jungle bunny."
"White trash."
"Jungle bunny."
"Deeeead honky."
Written by Paul Mooney of the Chapelle's Show "Ask A Black Guy" fame, btw.


Nowadays, you can't even discuss issues without being labelled a racist. It's happening in the UK right now, if you say anything negative about Islam, apparantly you can get arrested for "inciting religious hatred". If that aint PC, then what is
That sucks.

The reactions to Bill Cosby's speech at the NAACP event were IMO pretty silly too. If Bill Cosby was white and said the same things, he'd probably be dead right now.

See this is what I mean. That had nothing to do with "PC". He said something that some people didn't like, end of story. It's happened since the beginning of language and it will never end.

As for your second point, maybe American TV is different, but I'll tell you about a show here in Britain called Mind Your Language. It was about about a bunch of foreigners in language school, and the things they got away with would cause an uproar if it aired today. It played on every stereotype, and to me was absolutely hilarious. Only Fools and Horses had an episode where they tried to sell Helmets to Indians with turbans. When the BBC did a special on comedies, quite a few famous people stated the worst thing to happen to comedy was extreme PC of the 90s.

Yeah because they want to go for the easy laughs. There are still tons of racial jokes being told, watch Rush Hour, or BET, or any comedian in America. Chris Rock, Dave Chappelle, whoever. Eddie Murphy could do his standup now exactly like he did it then, of course now it would get more attention because gay people actually have rights here now as oppossed to then so they'd more than likely speak up, but he can still say it. Delirious was NEVER aired on Network Television, not in it's uncut form anyway. HBO still has shows every bit as risque. But I guess that since they show interracial gay love scenes now without anyone being called a "faggot", that's PC. Let alone all of the ass raping on OZ. Anybody can say whatever they want, but don't bitch up when someone has a reaction to it and hide behind this "PC" stuff. Sometimes things really are hypersensitive, but this stupid term is thrown around way too much. Half of the time what's now called "politically Correct" used to be known as respect.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
bishoptl said:
Hmm - there are some oldtime SNL skits and TV shows that would NEVER get greenlit today, at least not on network television. All In The Family, for one. And the Richard Pryor "Honky" skit wouldn't past muster either, Dan Akroyd as a interviewer with Richard Pryor doing a 'little word association' test as part of the interview. It starts out OK, but Ackroyd's words start to get offensive and Pryor loses it...

Written by Paul Mooney of the Chapelle's Show "Ask A Black Guy" fame, btw.
*slaps Bish*

That was Richard Pryor and Chevy Chase.
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