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Is dragon age inquisition worth playing?


Gold Member
I really enjoyed it personally. The game world is very rich if you’re willing to really dig into the lore and look past some of the filler mechanics. The combat can be very satisfying, the scenery is way more varied than Witcher 3, and the characters are among the most memorable and endearing of any western RPG out there, imo. Especially with the expansions.

For me, it’s my fave in the series. Of course, it’s nothing like the original, so YMMV. Depends on your tastes.

It actually reminds me a lot of FF12, in retrospect (but with a better story): it’s basically an offline MMO, with all the good and bad that such a framing would suggest.
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Not sure I would call it a good RPG, but it's not horrible either. Mediocre and bland sounds about right. Mostly because of how repetitive and boring/unorigial the side content is, like an MMO checklist. But, I can't deny I had fun with the combat/charcters.
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I enjoyed it a lot, too! I even did multiple playthroughs when it came out, although you need to consider that it's a cross-gen title from 6 years ago. The biggest gripe some people have is the combat, so I'd recommend you check out how it plays on youtube or something before you pull the trigger.
Quests are shit, combat is fun, locations are sexy to look at, the main story is fine but the Trespasser DLC story is great. You need to play the previous games though story-wise. Your choices and major characters will re-appear. If Dragon Age Keep still works u can use that to generate your story choices from Origins and 2 and import them to Inquisition.
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Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Not as good as Witcher 3 but it was my fav modern fantasy action rpg before it. Thought the story was great, loved the dlc ending setting up the next game.

Prob bioware last good game if the next one sucks ass.
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Ever so often I get an itch to play it.

I get a few hours in and suddenly get really bored.
It's nothing compared to the first game and it's certainly not breaking the mold in any department.
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I'm trying to play it now.
The PC version has some issues
  • cut scenes are 30fps
    • (fixed with adding the the following to the shortcut, -GameTime.MaxSimFps 60 -GameTime.ForceSimRate 60+)
  • using an xbox-one controller halves(1/2) the the FPS on my rig, I currently don't have a fix for this.
The world looks nice but it's static time of day
The biggest problem I have with the game is game progression, which has multiply layers that are not clearly introduced and correlated to each other,
which reduces the urgency for the "dire situation" for me.
there are also weird difficulty spikes.

It's worth have a look at, but if you have not played Mass Effect Andromeda it is a better game IMO.


Andromeda plays better, but the overall story of DA, as well as the characters are just so much better.
I'm at the very start so I hope the game picks up later, that OP rift at the farm house is just dumb.
even with the difficulty indicators it really a bad design choice IMO.


The combat is awful and the ai does everything without any real need for user interaction, the big environments are vast but make you run out of your way for useless crafting materials. It’s too outdated in too many ways to be fun today. The last boss is especially dumb.


I'm at the very start so I hope the game picks up later, that OP rift at the farm house is just dumb.
even with the difficulty indicators it really a bad design choice IMO.

Yeah that’s a major flaw of the game, you need to do a good amount of side content to stay well leveled, but don’t try to do everything because you’ll go insane


u know play the second one....it gets a lot of unfair hate but its much more focused and has a gud story...............inquisition got really dull


I enjoyed a lot.

The combat is fun and the characters are interesting.

If you end up getting the game: Just rush The Hinterlands and ignore all the collectibles.

The game becomes 100% more enjoyable, there's too much boring optional collectibles and The Hinterlands "map" is the worse.


In my opinion? No.

I couldn't even finish this boring slog of a game. While the characters are well realized as per Bioware's usual focus on them, the main story is so boring and only gets interesting at certain points. This is bad when you consider that Bioware tout themselves as masters of storytelling.

Gameplay wise the game does an okay job until you realize that Bioware removed a lot of the tactical combat options from the previous entries in the series and opted for a more streamlined approach. But what they offer is awful because your companion's AI are so stupid they'll often charge into your enemies without your input, thus resulting in some aggravating deaths.

The areas you explore are huge and beautiful to be sure but they're bland as fuck since they have no weather effects. Also it seems Bioware took lessons from Ubisoft in filling the map with the most boring useless filler crap I've seen in an rpg.

I was so disappointed with this game as I was looking forward to it. In many ways it corrects many of the flaws that were present in the previous entry, Dragon Age 2. But I 'd rather play that game than this boring piece of crap any day.


Bioware should have been shuttered and its employees blacklisted from the industry for forcing menu navigation through the analog stick.


You can play the first one or two big maps, then you basically play the whole game. The character and story sucks. Mao Scenarios, objectives and combat get real repetitive afterwards, so no point playing more than that.


Gold Member
Fuck no. I beat the main game, didn't bother with the DLC, and I'll say this about it. Honestly, the ending was pretty cool, and it seemed to set up the Dragon Age that I'd like to play, but the game it self seemed like one very large footnote in the Dragon Age series, and is completely unremarkable at the end of the day. 2 is better in my opinion, and I really didn't care for 2. At the end of the day, Origins is still the only Dragon Age worth your time, and if you've already beat it, then just start a new game with a different build and enjoy a mostly different experience with all new characters and play styles.
It was the first Dragon Age I played and I enjoyed it quite a lot but I can see areas where it needs to be improved for sure. I've never played a game where riding a horse wasn't just not fun but seemed useless but that's how it is in this game, the mounts barely go any faster than you can go on foot and the playable areas aren't large enough to need them. Gameplay and graphics are good although I think the mages could be powered up a bit more, shouldn't take 3 staff attacks to kill a sheep lol


Gold Member
Once upon a time I played through this game on PC. I only recommend someone play Dragon Age on PC. It just doesn’t look right on console. Some parts are good, but when it ended I felt sorta let down. It felt like they ran on the success of Origins towards the end.
I have finished 1-3. I only played through the DLC for Origins because it felt like a good game. Good characters, great combat, and interesting places to visit. Inquisition does some things right. The MMO style areas feel, for the most part, good with their presentation. If you love the color green then it’s right up your alley. The combat can be fun. It’ll get you going for a while. It definitely feels like a big step above Dragon Age 2.

The plot went over my head. I was all in for the 1st and 2nd game. Inquisition relied upon its war table and that’s where it was basically an MMO type of RPG. I enjoyed seeing each area, but the plot felt forgettable by the time I got to the end. I’d honestly do some digging before diving in. It’ll be worth it for a while, but it’ll probably be lost and forgotten about 6 months from now. It was more like eye candy and some enjoyable game play. There’s a few good throwbacks here and there. It just didn’t really stand out over time.


Yeah, I kinda like it. It wasn't great, but it's a good enough RPG. Looking at what has come out of Bioware since then, I have more appreciation for it in retrospect.


Gold Member
If you liked Dragon Age Origins, I would say no, it is not worth playing. DA:I doesn't know what kind of game it wants to be. It wants to tell this epic story but also wants to be this kind of open-world game (which it doesn't pull off well). It wants to be this action game but also strategic, resulting in one of the worst compromises of a combat system I have seen in an RPG. The game feels like it has been designed by a committee where everyone just said "yes".
Dragon Age II is a better designed game that was let down by its development time (less than a year) and its budget.


The game feels clunky because of bad animations, but it definitely has it's moments. I started playing it in June/July this year. Would recommend if you are itching for an RPG experience.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
I had fun with it. The combat was nice and the game is a looker.

But it's MMO sidequests and collectibles kinda ruined it for me. There are far better RPGs OP, like Divinity Original Sin.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
If you're into a rich, melodramatic story with highs and lows, don't think it will scratch that itch.

But if you're the explorer type, the game is yuuuge. Lots of nooks and crannies to get lost on.

My main gripe, however was that your headquarters are an appropiately sized castle and having to run around to find my npcs and my crafting stations was a real chore.
Worth playing at the time of release.

I personally loved the game and bought it at launch, but recently tried playing it on PC through EA Origins (now called EA Play) and I.....just didn't like it at all. Maybe it was the KB+M controls that were atrocious, idk, but yeah, couldn't play it very far on that playthrough.

Same applies to Dragon Age: Origins. That game too was a game for it's time, and I severely did not enjoy my time playing in last year.

Anyone who loved DA:O probably played it upon release, or not too long after, but I can't in full conscience say either Origins or Inquisition are games that aged well.


If you have an obsession about exploring and completing everything, then no. You might not even get out of the Hinterlands. ;)


IMO it's the last decent game Bioware made. Definitely A LOT better than the turd that was DA2.
A lot of people seem to hate it but I enjoyed my time with. It's definitely not flawless but it's a fun 7.5/10 game.

The combat is a bit basic, the story is nothing special and it does a terrible job differentiating the sidequests which are worth playing and the ones that are just MMO style filler.

But I still enjoyed it, there's some nice and varied locations, interacting with your crew is still fun, the visuals hold up surprisingly well (IMO), there ARE some fun quests and the combat is still fun enough if you get into some of the optional systems like combos.
Also the music is great.

You can usually get it for dirt cheap now she I'd say it's at least worth giving it a try.
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DA:I starts off cool, but things start to get really fucking weird. You'll go to make a move on one of the hotties and she's like, "nope, I prefer to munch on carpet". Then you'll be opening chests and your same sex wizard will hit on you. They only made 5% room for normies to have a cohesive experience that made any sense. Your castle you get should've just been a circus tent.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
It's OK... Looked great when it came out. Unfortunately the combat is just about the worst in the series and honestly makes the whole thing feel kind of meaningless.


Have you played morrowind, oblivion, skyrim, baldurs gate 1/2, planescape torment, icewind dale, arcanum, pathfinder kingdoms, wizardry 8, divinity 1/2 and so on and so on ? If not, go play one of these instead. Dragon Age stinks.
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