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Is it worth buying COD MW 2 now? Is it true that the maps are boring?


The game has received a nice discount, and I'm considering buying it, but the maps seemed boring in the videos I watched. The reviews also mostly mention this. Additionally, it has been said that unlocking new weapons is very difficult. What is your opinion? As someone who owns Vanguard, Black Ops, and MW 2019, is there a new feature in this game that would catch my interest? Do you think it's a Call of Duty game that will be played for many years or do you think it will be quickly forgotten?


Gold Member
Campaign was worth it the MP part of the game is

bad movies endless trash GIF


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
The internet complains about evertyhing. I have played this nonstop since launch and the gunplay is amazing, maps are varied and fun enough.
Campaign is a good time, worth the price of admission alone.

If you liked MW2019 I dont see why you wont ike this
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Campaign is fun, multiplayer is trash.
Activision gave us a game with less content on release than Black Ops cold war (game was rushed during the pandemic and sledgehammer incompetence and it still was a better game), every season map we've gotten has been trash or just.... Mid.
I stopped playing at around season 3 reloaded, I just couldn't take it anymore, there's barely any fun maps to play.

Grildon Tundy

Gold Member
I think it's the best COD multiplayer since MW 2019, and I've played each yearly release since COD4 (skipping the Black Ops series--for some reason Treyarch's games don't appeal to me as much). I have something like 7 real-time days played in MW2 2022 Multiplayer. And a good chunk of that was only playing Shipment 24/7 to level up guns faster.

Not sure why people say the maps are boring. The only map I truly despise is Taraq, which I believe is a COD 2 remake, which explains it. Camping snipers love it, though.

Of course, if I didn't have a dedicated group of friends to play with, I would have dropped MW2 a while ago, so I think that's key. For me, it's a feedback loop of: level up guns in MW2 to use the meta in Warzone to support my squad.

But, I will say, I love the game mode variations MW2 MP has. Particularly Gunfight: you and one other teammate face off against 2 other players on tiny maps. First to 6 wins wins. They'll also have a limited-time 3-player version that comes and goes. This mode gets me so hyped--hyped in a way that Warzone Ranked Play does. I think it's because success/failure lies solely on me and my buddies--no randos. Also Ground War is a blast--like putting a scaled-down Battlefield game into COD.

Edit: And like others have said, the campaign was great.
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Gold Member
Lmao, who fucking cares about about some "influencer"? OP is asking about the game itself, not all that nonsense. It lost my attention pretty quickly but that's because I ran into constant issues on PC at launch. The game itself felt like more COD, of course, but the maps weren't bad. There have been much, much worse. But at the same time, I didn't walk away thinking about specific maps. I feel like I had more fun with it than Cold War. Maybe even Vanguard. But not as good as MW 2019 IMO. Nothing tops BLOPS 1&2 for me, hell even WaW.

As word of mouth spreads more people are jumping on BF.
Theyve confirmed a sixth season too.

If the game launched like this oooofffff.
I was so disappointed in 2042 that I swore I wouldn't go back. But as time goes on, my tune is starting to change. I really hope they've learned their lesson with the next iteration.
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I love the game mode variations MW2 MP has. Particularly Gunfight
Wasn't there already Gunfight since 2019? Was any other feature added? Are there any other new exciting modes? Also, is unlocking weapons difficult?

It seems like this game is being used as a grinding tool for Warzone 2. I don't hear many people enjoying it, unlike MW 2019.


Gold Member
There is more visual recoil and maps are more streamlined with less clutter and nooks etc. Great game really!

Grildon Tundy

Gold Member
Wasn't there already Gunfight since 2019? Was any other feature added? Are there any other new exciting modes? Also, is unlocking weapons difficult?

It seems like this game is being used as a grinding tool for Warzone 2. I don't hear many people enjoying it, unlike MW 2019.
I believe there was Gunfight in 2019, yes. I didn't play it, so can't speak to what's new, other than maps, I'm assuming.

I enjoy the MP in and of itself, personally. Some folks solely use it to grind for the Warzone 2 meta (which, yes, you need to do if you want the best builds), which I think takes the fun out of it, but that's more of a personal psychological thing everyone needs to work through on their own lol

Taking advantage of the double weapon XP tokens/double XP weekends and playing Shipment 24/7, and it takes me about 2 hours to fully level up a gun from Level 1 to Level ~30. Unlocking individual guns' difficulty depends on the gun. Again, I'd guess it takes about an hour to 2 hours of playing to complete each weapon unlock, and a lot of them you'll get passively just by playing how you want.

Same as every yearly release of COD: I get more fun hours per dollar out of it than any other game I can think of. And I buy and play a ton of single-player games.

Here's a list of the game modes as of Season 3:
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do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Seems like only yesterday Battlefield was the woke game.

Does the woke tag expire after one release?

Ohhh its still woke cuz theres still female skins.
Its just that people who actually play the games dgaf, and the people who call BF woke dont play the game and have moved on to their next target....M&Ms, Nike, Jack Daniels, Gillette, Pepsi, Bud Light, Call of Duty.


°Temp. member
I bought it earlier this year and now have like 110 hours in it. Unfortunately it doesn’t have maps from the original MW2 but I like the maps and it’s great.
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As a huge fan of MW2019 and the OG MW2, I felt disappointed by this one. It's not terrible but there's a lot of little changes that feel needless and hurt the experience for me (changing the way perks work, for example).

Didn't touch the campaign, but the co-op mode is fun and DMZ is really great (Tarkov knockoff).


Do you like COD? Then you should buy it, it’s the best package since MW 1.
The thing about COD games is there is no real surprises, there are levels of good to bad but it’s pretty consistent (outside Vanguard which was terrible). If you have played a COD game You probably already know what you are buying so you are already informed as to what the price/value trigger is for you.


MP was fun and I thought this iteration of maps was great! Mexican Market or whatever it's called is fantastic.


The game has received a nice discount, and I'm considering buying it, but the maps seemed boring in the videos I watched. The reviews also mostly mention this. Additionally, it has been said that unlocking new weapons is very difficult. What is your opinion? As someone who owns Vanguard, Black Ops, and MW 2019, is there a new feature in this game that would catch my interest? Do you think it's a Call of Duty game that will be played for many years or do you think it will be quickly forgotten?
I have over 300 hours in the game and have completely unlocked everything possible in the multiplayer. What game types do you enjoy? If it’s regular tdm etc then the main problem is there aren’t that many maps for the core MP experience imo. Unlocking guns isn’t hard. You just have to select certain modes depending on the challenges. The vast majority of stuff can be done in shipment 24/7.


Campaign is way overrated, sometimes it feels like a fan game, MW 2019 solo was way better. MP is a lot of fun, I play since day 1 and I’m enjoying it. If you liked previous games you’ll like this one.


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
COD from 2008 is different, today you aren’t playing with buddies from high school and I’m all for multiplayer shooters.


it's a nice game. better than Vanguard trash for sure. but at this point... the new game is probably 4 months away. I would suggest waiting at least to see what the new one is.

the user base ( while it will still be active since its MW2, will drop in favor of the new game)

The maps are not boring, they are just a bit big for 6 vs 6 IMO. every time you die, 90% of the time they respawn you at the very end of the map because of fucklet camping close to where you respawned. so you keep on running and stuff. that's why its boring.

But I did ( and still do ) enjoy it. I mastered all the camos and unlocked everything in the game. and it IS my go-game for 30 mins time waste when I want I do not want to invest hours in 1 session.
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