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Japan charts: Media Create 4-10 April


I don't know dude. You just seem to be drawing a ton of conclusions from such a lackluster week, for the DS and PSP. Plus, you're speculating on how marketing efforts which aren't even close to happening will affect sales.


I dunno. As a realist I see them both staying pretty neck and neck their entire lives and never really reaching anywhere near the reign of the GBA SP in terms of sales. If one takes the permenant lead I'd put money on that one being the DS in Japan.

But as a gamer, I like the PSP while I think the DS is the a bad concept gone right.

You can like a system despite it never reaching 1st place! I mean look at all the xbox fans :p


Oogami said:
One little surge then big dropoff 2 weeks later and then far behind in a month again isn't going to help the DS much.
Yes, let's see how far behind they are in a month, right after the release of nintendogs, naruto and pink/blue hardware. This should be quite entertaining.


soundwave05 said:
The basic PSP pack in Japan is actually only about $80 more than the DS in Japan.
Yeah, it's not available to buy anywhere though. Everywhere I see has it listed as "sold out".


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Oogami said:
Umm everyone in this forum do think that PSP will completely destroy the DS. And it is doing just that.

Look at how far the DS has dropped in sales compared to last week. PSP dropped only about 5k, while da sux has dropped about 13k. So it's for sure this week PSP will be back owning the DS again.

Not to mention DS has already pulled the different color trick already, which PSP hasn't yet. Not to mention PSP is about $100 more expensive than the DS, and yet still outpacing the DS again really soon. That's saying a lot.

And the NPD is showing PSP is destroying the DS already.

To One console and One portable future! :D
Please be sarcasm. The followup post doesn't leave much hope but...please.


Well we'll see. Just voicing my and the majority of the forum's opinion. :)

And yeah once the basic PSP pack available for sales again it'll rise back to the 40k-50k range and dominate again.


Man, if that's the majority forum opinion, then Nintendo need to reveal Pokemon Diamond/Pearl in order to silence them. :D


Junior Member
Oogami said:
What, is my point invalid?

You're points are invalid.
"The MUCH bigger dropoff for the DS than the PSP(this week both sales are pretty much equal already)"

The PSP install base is still over 850,000 less than the DS. When the DS was at 1.2M like the PSP, it was selling over 100,000 a week, not less than 30,000.

"when PSP still has the color trick"

The DS still has the colour trick. Pink and blue are due in a weeks time.

"plus being $100 more expensive(so it has a bigger pricedrop margin)"

Actually the standalone pack is less than $50 more expensive. With Sony losing so much money, and the DS having sold so much and being profitable, it is Nintendo that have more scope for price cutting.

"and word of mouth plus doing more than just games for the PSP"

Word of mouth of GAF does not equate to word of mouth in Japan. As for doing more than games, well you got Pictochat, and if you want you can get Play-Yan.

"all signs point to a huge easy victory for the PSP, no?"


"One little surge then big dropoff 2 weeks later and then far behind in a month again isn't going to help the DS much."

No it isn't. But one big surge, a big dropoff and then another big surge is going to help it. If the PSP dropoff continues that will help the DS too.

Oh, and don't forget Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, Mario Kart and Pokemon all headed to the DS THIS year.


All stores in Shibuya have PSP standalone packs.

Tsutaya had a huge stack of them - interestingly, with a sign saying "Please for each person only one PSP" attached to the value pack.

As for sales data, people are seeing what they want to see. Sony fans see a month or so at 10,000+ above the DS as the DS being doomed. Nintendo see the fact that they have sold nigh on twice as many units in the same time frame as better, and now they are happy that the monthly figures are swinging their way.

This could go on for ever - both machines will do well. It would kill me to not be able to buy both and have to dick wave in one of the camps to get over my insecurity at buying one of the two....


Fafracer forever
Actually, handheld sales this week are over 60K with consoles only around 40K.
Well yeah that's another way to look at it - I was more comparing individual machine sales. PS2 hw sales in Japan seem to be one of its best years so far, though perhaps it's at expense of worse sales of other desktop consoles.


Man, if that's the majority forum opinion, then Nintendo need to reveal Pokemon Diamond/Pearl in order to silence them. :D

I think you're counting on Pokemon a little bit too much. It's not really *that* huge. For all we know Pokemon Dash didn't do anything and who knows how much a system seller Pokemon Diamond/Pearl will be. I mean there's not even a screenshot yet and might not come out for a long time(can be released in 2007 for all we know).

And who knows PSP might have a counter to Pokemon? I'm sure they're working on it.

You're points are invalid.

We'll see how true and accurate on my points later on.

The PSP install base is still over 850,000 less than the DS. When the DS was at 1.2M like the PSP, it was selling over 100,000 a week, not less than 30,000.

It was in the holiday season for the DS, so it's not fair comparing DS holiday sales to PSP April sales.

The DS still has the colour trick. Pink and blue are due in a weeks time.

So the PSP has four more color trick to pull than DS. Pink, blue, white, and silver. Yay.

Actually the standalone pack is less than $50 more expensive. With Sony losing so much money, and the DS having sold so much and being profitable, it is Nintendo that have more scope for price cutting.

Actually Sony has more scope for price cutting, like Microsoft, they've very deep pockets. Nintendo doesn't has nearly as much. Plus videogaming is solely Nintendo's business so they've to make money on their gaming stuff to survive. Unlike Microsoft and Sony. They can pricedrop all they want and not make a profit. Nintendo can't.

Word of mouth of GAF does not equate to word of mouth in Japan. As for doing more than games, well you got Pictochat, and if you want you can get Play-Yan.

I would say the PSP non-gaming features are much greater than Pictochat and Play-Yan(which I don't even know what that is).

Actually it's not just the word of mouch of only the GAF either. Also everyone in IGN, Gamespot, 1up, EGM, Gamepro, and so on and on. Even IGN Cube and IGN DS and IGN GBA editors are rooting for PSP every chance they get. DS has no chance pretty much.


No it isn't. But one big surge, a big dropoff and then another big surge is going to help it. If the PSP dropoff continues that will help the DS too.

We'll see what happen when PSP did its own surging and rise back to the top again. We'll see.

Oh, and don't forget Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, Mario Kart and Pokemon all headed to the DS THIS year.

One is a DQ spinoff, one is a FF remake, bah probably won't do much. Plus PSP has those spin-offs too. And Mario Kart and Pokemon might not even come out this year.

As for sales data, people are seeing what they want to see. Sony fans see a month or so at 10,000+ above the DS as the DS being doomed. Nintendo see the fact that they have sold nigh on twice as many units in the same time frame as better, and now they are happy that the monthly figures are swinging their way.

Hmm I would say it's obvious the DS is doomed though. Go check gaming-age and its forum, IGN Cube and IGN DS and Gamespot, 1up, etc. They all say the same thing I did. :\


Oogami said:
So the PSP has four more color trick to pull than DS. Pink, blue, white, and silver. Yay.
Theoretically, I don't think there's a limit to colour tricks. If the GB is anything to go by, Nintendo is a lot more fond of this than Sony.

Hmm I would say it's obvious the DS is doomed though.


"It's not really *that* huge."



Oogami said:
I think you're counting on Pokemon a little bit too much. It's not really *that* huge.

You really don't know anything, do you?

Oogami said:
Actually it's not just the word of mouch of only the GAF either. Also everyone in IGN, Gamespot, 1up, EGM, Gamepro, and so on and on. Even IGN Cube and IGN DS and IGN GBA editors are rooting for PSP every chance they get. DS has no chance pretty much.

When he was referring to the opinion of GAF, he meant to go out into the real world and get opinions -- not opinions from armchair CEO's on videogame forums.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Oogami said:
Actually Sony has more scope for price cutting, like Microsoft, they've very deep pockets. Nintendo doesn't has nearly as much. Plus videogaming is solely Nintendo's business so they've to make money on their gaming stuff to survive. Unlike Microsoft and Sony. They can pricedrop all they want and not make a profit. Nintendo can't.
Did anyone else find this as funny as I did considering the HUGE debt that Sony carries? :lol


mj1108 said:
You really don't know anything, do you?

While I know Pokemon is popular and somewhat huge, even it doesn't have the ability to save the doomed system sadly. That's what I meant. Just think about it, did Pokemon save the Gamecube? no it didn't. So what I meant was Pokemon alone can't save the DS. What made GB so popular wasn't Pokemon alone. But rather, the lack of competition and before the arrival of the PSP were the reasons.

When he was referring to the opinion of GAF, he meant to go out into the real world and get opinions -- not opinions from armchair CEO's on videogame forums.

But the real world said the exact same thing that Gamespot, EGM, IGN, Gamepro, Gaming Age, etc did. Not one single person in the world can say DS > PSP with a straight face. That's what the opinion or should I say the fact is.

Did anyone else find this as funny as I did considering the HUGE debt that Sony carries?

To what I understand with whatever debts Sony's carrying they can still afford to lose money in order to drive up the userbase. Nintendo can't and won't do that. That's my point.

Dear God, please disallow posts like Oogamis whenever I have hangover.
Brain hurt bad.

Huh shouldn't you blame your drinking habits instead of blaming me? Also being drunk made you bought a DS and made it as your avatar. You see how drinking is bad now?


Oogami said:
While I know Pokemon is popular and somewhat huge, even it doesn't have the ability to save the doomed system sadly. That's what I meant. Just think about it, did Pokemon save the Gamecube? no it didn't. So what I meant was Pokemon alone can't save the DS. What made GB so popular wasn't Pokemon alone. But rather, the lack of competition and before the arrival of the PSP were the reasons.

Pokemon made the Gameboy take off. The reason it didn't for the GameCube was that the GCN and GB titles are 2 completely different kinds of games. The Gameboy has had plenty of competition in the past, with the only one in the past that was anything close to being a competitor was the Game Gear.


"Not one single person in the world can say DS > PSP with a straight face. "

well, if you look to sales, the Japanese are saying that exact thing at an overal rate of 2:1.

"So what I meant was Pokemon alone can't save the DS."

Save the DS from what exactly? Massive sales?


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I'm amazed you guys just overlooked that Oogami referred to the DS as "da sux" in his first post. :)

Have fun arguing with him. I'd imagine it'll be about as much fun as playing Tennis against a garage door.


I guess Pokemon isn't that big. Otherwise, Ruby/Sapphire wouldn't be the top selling game this generation, huh?

Diamond/Pearl will be the huge sales explosion for DS, if not Nintendogs. :p
Fuzzy said:
PS2 - 37,870
DS - 30,028
PSP - 28,848

GBASP - 13,693
GC - 3,406
GBA - 347
Xbox - 315

DS - 2,054,017
PSP - 1,168,174
DS Lead - 885,843

Is this because of the new colours? PSP BOMBA? sonycowboy should get to work on a chart like the NPD with a comment section to keep track of the monthly happenings and reasons why there's shifts in sales.


mj1108 said:
Pokemon made the Gameboy take off. The reason it didn't for the GameCube was that the GCN and GB titles are 2 completely different kinds of games. The Gameboy has had plenty of competition in the past, with the only one in the past that was anything close to being a competitor was the Game Gear.

Before Pokemon, GB already took off. What Pokemon really did was to revive the GB. Sadly, this time around there is a god in system called the PSP. Game Gear and PSP isn't even in the same league. It's like Game Gear = Dreamcast, while PSP = PS2, not only in terms on mainstream popularity and hype, but also in games quantity and quality.

well, if you look to sales, the Japanese are saying that exact thing at an overal rate of 2:1.

Sales don't speak for the quality, right now. A lot of bad games like Enter the Matrix sold greatly at first, then big dropoff later on. This is what the DS is. Now that word of mouth in the real world and internet all are saying how great the PSP is and how sucky the DS is. What do you think the sales for both will be? It's obvious.

Save the DS from what exactly? Massive sales?

save Nintendo from handing the handheld market over to Sony the way they did on their console market?

Nah. We didn't miss that, we're just playing it out so he gets banned ;)

I think he's on the wrong side of the console fight for that to happen...

Exactly. Since when trolling against Nintendo get you banned in GAF? GAF rocks for this reason!

I guess Pokemon isn't that big. Otherwise, Ruby/Sapphire wouldn't be the top selling game this generation, huh?

Diamond/Pearl will be the huge sales explosion for DS, if not Nintendogs. :p

GTA: VC is the best selling game this gen I believe, not Pokemon RuSa. And PSP has GTA next month or so. Pokemon DiPe probably won't release until next year or later. So PSP for the wins!

And Nintendogs won't sell. At least people shouldn't think that it'll be comparable to Pokemon. :lol

Is this because of the new colours? PSP BOMBA? sonycowboy should get to work on a chart like the NPD with a comment section to keep track of the monthly happenings and reasons why there's shifts in sales.

PSP and DS this week are within about 1k. So both should be bomba. DS bombed harder though as its dropoff are bigger and already back to normal before the new colors. Once Sony shows some secret PSP games and new colors then it's all over for DS. :(


That do you think the sales for both will be? It's obvious. "

so .... why is this word of mouth not pushing the PSP sales up beyond the DS if the whole world thinks the DS is shit and that the PSP is amazing?


Oogami said:
Sales don't speak for the quality, right now. A lot of bad games like Enter the Matrix sold greatly at first, then big dropoff later on. This is what the DS is. Now that word of mouth in the real world and internet all are saying how great the PSP is and how sucky the DS is. What do you think the sales for both will be? It's obvious.

Then why didn't the PSP sell out here in the states at launch?


(more a nerd than a geek)
DCharlie said:
"so .... why is this word of mouth not pushing the PSP sales up beyond the DS if the whole world thinks the DS is s--t and that the PSP is amazing?

... haven't you learned anything by now?

If the world is buying Nintendo products, the world is stupid.

If the world is buying Sony products, the world is enlightened and hip.

(I'm not really sure how MS factors into this, however.)


Wow over a hundred replies and not a single "If Nintendogs sells more than 500k you can ban me!" or "If GTA PSP doesn't sell 2 million you can ban me!" post? I'm disappointed kids, at least I put my account where my mouth was! (Dec 2005... COME ON SONY YOU CAN DO IT!) :lol


DCharlie said:

so .... why is this word of mouth not pushing the PSP sales up beyond the DS if the whole world thinks the DS is shit and that the PSP is amazing?

Because both systems are only around for 5 months. Give it time. I never said PSP will destroy DS right from the start, but rather in a year or two. Don't forget DS still has the Nintendo handheld brand so it's selling well now. But not for long given all the backlash from the unsatisfy DS owners and other gamers and media. PSP is in an expensive price point so most people are still in a wait and see approach, but once give it some time and a holiday season or two, rave reviews and excellent feedback around the world will make it unstoppable.

We'll see a clearer picture early next year. I just think this is the opinion and prediction from the majority of the gaming community that's all.

Then why didn't the PSP sell out here in the states at launch?

1 million is a big number especially in a slow season period. And the sales both hardware and software wise right now are nothing to scoff at.

Wow over a hundred replies and not a single "If Nintendogs sells more than 500k you can ban me!" or "If GTA PSP doesn't sell 2 million you can ban me!" post? I'm disappointed kids, at least I put my account where my mouth was! (Dec 2005... COME ON SONY YOU CAN DO IT!)

Ban me too if PSP doesn't reach 10 million units shipped worldwide by next year. Or when Nintendogs selling more than a million. :lol


Oogami said:
Ban me too if PSP doesn't reach 10 million units shipped worldwide by next year. Or when Nintendogs selling more than a million. :lol

Yeah that's the spirit! :lol

In other news even the Japanese fanboys have started copying GAF antics! Look what I found on an Japanese uploader site!



i think a few people are going to be surprised by Nintendogs - it's a pretty impressive ad campaign, the posters are EVERYWHERE and they are obviously targetting the non-gamers.
What, we have to wait eight months before he gets banned?

And yeah, Nintendogs is being pushed pretty goddamn hard from what I can see. That plus new colors should equal a seriously strong finish for DS this month.


Kobun Heat said:
What, we have to wait eight months before he gets banned?

Look that was the best I could do, and hell I'll get banned too if THAT happens so you better hope not! :p

And yeah, Nintendogs is being pushed pretty goddamn hard from what I can see. That plus new colors should equal a seriously strong finish for DS this month.

See you should be banging on his Nintendogs bet instead, since I'm not related to that! :lol


duckroll said:
Wow over a hundred replies and not a single "If Nintendogs sells more than 500k you can ban me!" or "If GTA PSP doesn't sell 2 million you can ban me!" post? I'm disappointed kids, at least I put my account where my mouth was! (Dec 2005... COME ON SONY YOU CAN DO IT!) :lol

Been there, done that! :lol

I've learned that when you bet your account, bad things do happen.


PSP surprisingly has more games in the top 50 again.

4 Apr - 10 Apr
6(3) DS Touch! Kirby (Nintendo)
14(9) DS Egg Monster Hero (Square Enix)
15(NEW) PSP Wipeout Pure (Sony)
16(NEW) DS Electroplankton (Nintendo)
17(25) DS Sawaru Made in Wario (Nintendo)
19(16) PSP Tales of Eternia (Namco)
20(10) PSP Bleach: Heat the Soul (Sony)
23(13) DS Pac Pix (Namco)
25(23) PSP Saru Get You P! (Sony)
28(32) DS Super Mario 64 DS (Nintendo)
33(33) PSP Minna no Golf Portable (Sony)
34(26) PSP Sangokushi V (Koei)
35(30) PSP Shinten Makai: GOCIV Another Side (Idea Factory)
39(40) PSP Namco Museum (Namco)
42(36) DS Catch! Touch! Yoshi! (Nintendo)
46(47) DS Meteos (Bandai)
47(44) PSP Shin Sangoku Musou (Koei)


"PSP Wipeout Pure (Sony)"

most easily available second hand game on the PSP.
It made me cry openly.

6 copies in Traders in Aki on thursday night, quite astonishing.

I guess Japanese gamers just want to press X twice and have the game do all thier sliding for them, the thought of having to use airbrakes scares them! ;)


WipeOut Pure is pretty shitty. Sure, the Japanese probably don't like it merely because it's not made by Random Japanese Man X, but it looks like they picked a real dud to kill this time.


force push the doodoo rock
The Doomed Suxor is unplayable now that i have my PISS PEE.

The amazing graphics and huge screen have blinded me so now i cannot enjoy games on the Nintendo Doomed Suxor. It is quite obvious that in order to win in the handheld market you must port and tweak ps2 games. I have learned the error of my ways.

-Sony Robot Sp0rsk
Oogami said:
While I know Pokemon is popular and somewhat huge, even it doesn't have the ability to save the doomed system sadly. That's what I meant. Just think about it, did Pokemon save the Gamecube? no it didn't. So what I meant was Pokemon alone can't save the DS. What made GB so popular wasn't Pokemon alone. But rather, the lack of competition and before the arrival of the PSP were the reasons.

But the real world said the exact same thing that Gamespot, EGM, IGN, Gamepro, Gaming Age, etc did. Not one single person in the world can say DS > PSP with a straight face. That's what the opinion or should I say the fact is.

To what I understand with whatever debts Sony's carrying they can still afford to lose money in order to drive up the userbase. Nintendo can't and won't do that. That's my point.

Huh shouldn't you blame your drinking habits instead of blaming me? Also being drunk made you bought a DS and made it as your avatar. You see how drinking is bad now?

Will you hack into the forum when you get banned?
DCharlie said:
i think a few people are going to be surprised by Nintendogs - it's a pretty impressive ad campaign, the posters are EVERYWHERE and they are obviously targetting the non-gamers.

I would expect the game to do well in Japan, but will it catch on in NA? I don't know. It isn't on my to buy list. Others have different opinions.
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