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Kinda Funny Community Thread | The Fire Rises, Brother!

I just had a thought. Colin always likens Colin and Greg Live to Mike and Mike on ESPN. For those that don't watch it, Mike and Mike often have expert guests call in to discuss sports news via telephone. I think it would be cool if Colin and Greg Live had a similar setup. Say some major news happens and they want an "expert opinion" on the matters. Like if there is major XBOX news, they can have Ryan McCaffrey call in for a few moments or if Nintendo has similar news Jose Ortero could call in. Of course it wouldn't just need to be IGN guys. I just think this would be a very cool addition to an already awesome thing.


I just had a thought. Colin always likens Colin and Greg Live to Mike and Mike on ESPN. For those that don't watch it, Mike and Mike often have expert guests call in to discuss sports news via telephone. I think it would be cool if Colin and Greg Live had a similar setup. Say some major news happens and they want an "expert opinion" on the matters. Like if there is major XBOX news, they can have Ryan McCaffrey call in for a few moments or if Nintendo has similar news Jose Ortero could call in. Of course it wouldn't just need to be IGN guys. I just think this would be a very cool addition to an already awesome thing.
They already discussed a few weeks back & said they don't wanna do that right now, because of fear even more technical issues. Once they have those under check, they try to do it though, as far as I understood.


Neo Member
FINALLY got my Neogaf account approved(before Colin I might add). I've been watching the Gameovergreggy show and listening to the Beyond podcast since E3 last year. Happy to see that they're doing well on their own now. Hope to make it to one of their panels this year (preferably in socal)

Add me on PSN- xSpence and XboxLive- x5pence
They already discussed a few weeks back & said they don't wanna do that right now, because of fear even more technical issues. Once they have those under check, they try to do it though, as far as I understood.

Cool. I must have missed that.
FINALLY got my Neogaf account approved(before Colin I might add). I've been watching the Gameovergreggy show and listening to the Beyond podcast since E3 last year. Happy to see that they're doing well on their own now. Hope to make it to one of their panels this year (preferably in socal)

Add me on PSN- xSpence and XboxLive- x5pence

Hate to break it to you that Colin posted back on Page 7 of this thread :)


Colin was right (again)... Uncharted 4 has been pushed into Spring 2016 (http://blog.us.playstation.com/2015/03/11/uncharted-4-a-thiefs-end-coming-spring-2016/). Even though it's clearly to polish the game and make sure it is Naughty Dog quality, it's releasing curiously close to when Morpheus is said to be releasing. Could we see some Morpheus features within Uncharted 4? Would you want to?

Did he actually predict that too!? I was under the impression he expected it at the end of this year as well. Guy's always right.


At least Colin and Greg both are predicting Fallout 4 releasing this year :D

I'm glad I never spent any money on PSM. I would've been angry knowing that those purchases will disappear. That is one of the dangers of an all digital future. The only PSM game I'll miss is Bullion Blitz. It's free, but it's a fun distraction. I'll have to download it and back it up to my PC using the content manager, because, as we all know, Vita doesn't have all that much storage space, even with the largest capacity memory sticks.


Been catching up on the GDC stream, awesome stuff, so much fun. Harley is a rude motherfucker.
Also I love how everyone was so happy the chat was actually nice to them, especially Keighley, guy gets a lot of hate for no reason so seeing him being chuffed with the responses was great.
Been catching up on the GDC stream, awesome stuff, so much fun. Harley is a rude motherfucker.
Also I love how everyone was so happy the chat was actually nice to them, especially Keighley, guy gets a lot of hate for no reason so seeing him being chuffed with the responses was great.

Yeah. He's entertaining, but I think he'd be somewhat uncomfortable/too intense to hang out with.


Finally watched the Episode 7 Conversation with Colin... lol, I love how rationale Greg's defense is for Episode 1-3 and how Colin excuses a lot of garbage from the original trilogy.

Greg's viewpoint is exactly on point with mine (except I enjoy watching it but don't hold the first 3 that highly as some do).
Does anyone else have a problem with viewing videos on their twitch archive? everytime i start any video on their page it never plays and it behaves like the video just ended, giving me the page to view some of their other content.

I tried viewing other twitch streamers archive and it worked fine. is there a fix for this?


Does anyone else have a problem with viewing videos on their twitch archive? everytime i start any video on their page it never plays and it behaves like the video just ended, giving me the page to view some of their other content.

I tried viewing other twitch streamers archive and it worked fine. is there a fix for this?
I can confirm, this is happeing. But uit doesn't work on other streams, neither for me.

Edit: Works again.


Does anyone else have a problem with viewing videos on their twitch archive? everytime i start any video on their page it never plays and it behaves like the video just ended, giving me the page to view some of their other content.

I tried viewing other twitch streamers archive and it worked fine. is there a fix for this?

Every channel I'm following, the archived videos are not working, just acts like it's just ended like you said. I went into some of the channels on the front page though and their archived videos worked for me... very frustrating, I just wanna catch up on Colin & Greg Live and Gametrailers full playthrough friday stream :(
So wait, is the Megaman stream on the 16th or 30th?

On C&G live, Colin said it would be next Monday the 16th. But the image they keep promoting says 3/30


Gold Member
Does anyone else have a problem with viewing videos on their twitch archive? everytime i start any video on their page it never plays and it behaves like the video just ended, giving me the page to view some of their other content.

I tried viewing other twitch streamers archive and it worked fine. is there a fix for this?

I've been having this problem recently, refreshing sometimes fixes it, seems random.


So MattyG was banned for complaining about the Angry Joe thread. Hope he gets back soon, I regularly use his "today's content" posts.
So MattyG was banned for complaining about the Angry Joe thread. Hope he gets back soon, I regularly use his "today's content" posts.

If he's not back by tomorrow (I hope it's just a 24 hour ban), these are all the places where the videos come from:

https://www.youtube.com/user/GameOverGreggy/videos- (The GameOverGreggy Show, Conversation With Colin, Follow the Liter, Kinda Funny Reacts, Unboxings, Oreo Oration etc.)

https://www.youtube.com/user/KindaFunnyGames/videos- (Kinda Funny Gamescast, Multiplayer Mondays, Teaching Tuesdays, Smash Wednesdays, Throwback Thursdays, Freeplay Fridays, etc.)

http://www.twitch.tv/kindafunnygames/profile/past_broadcasts- (Colin and Greg Live, various livestreams)

They can all also be found here: http://www.kindafunny.com/

Also, knowing you're big on the GiantBomb forum, how awesome would it be if Greg (if not all of the KF guys) were guests on UPF?


If he's not back by tomorrow (I hope it's just a 24 hour ban), these are all the places where the videos come from:

https://www.youtube.com/user/GameOverGreggy/videos- (The GameOverGreggy Show, Conversation With Colin, Follow the Liter, Kinda Funny Reacts, Unboxings, Oreo Oration etc.)

https://www.youtube.com/user/KindaFunnyGames/videos- (Kinda Funny Gamescast, Multiplayer Mondays, Teaching Tuesdays, Smash Wednesdays, Throwback Thursdays, Freeplay Fridays, etc.)

http://www.twitch.tv/kindafunnygames/profile/past_broadcasts- (Colin and Greg Live, various livestreams)

They can all also be found here: http://www.kindafunny.com/

Thanks for this. For the coming week our fallen best friend gave the KF videos of the day duties to me, unless anyone else wants to do it.(chances are I'll find a way to screw this up at some point)


Also, knowing you're big on the GiantBomb forum, how awesome would it be if Greg (if not all of the KF guys) were guests on UPF?

Oh man that would be great. I remember Brad and Greg talking on Twitter about Greg coming on the Bombcast a few months ago. It still hasn't happened, but seeing that he's close with the GB guys I still hold out hope.
Oh man that would be great. I remember Brad and Greg talking on Twitter about Greg coming on the Bombcast a few months ago. It still hasn't happened, but seeing that he's close with the GB guys I still hold out hope.

Yeah, that would be a fun bombcast. As for UPF, if all four of them showed up, it might be a little cramped. Then again, the UPF before Christmas where they had Will and Dave show up, was very fun. Especially because Alex, Vinny, and Patrick (his final UPF as a GBer) were all there. The E3 after show should be awesome too. I mean, they have to bring Greg back after last year's appearance.


Some of them were not empty.


formerly Oynox Slider
I've just remembered I had a dream last night that I was a guest for 15 minutes on a radio show with Colin and Greg. Colin was really friendly but Greg was very stressed. :S
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