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King Kong - Analyzing pre-release development and version comparisons


I remember enjoying the game, but I also remember some moronic move on PC where in order to get enhanced graphics and such you had to buy a specific piece of hardware to get the gamers edition.
I cannot recall what that hardware was... was it a sound card of GPU? what a dumb decision
I remember enjoying the game, but I also remember some moronic move on PC where in order to get enhanced graphics and such you had to buy a specific piece of hardware to get the gamers edition.
I cannot recall what that hardware was... was it a sound card of GPU? what a dumb decision

Was the "Gamer's Edition" any better than the 360 version? IIRC, the base PC version was just a port of the PS2 version, only the 360 version went to the max.


Was the "Gamer's Edition" any better than the 360 version? IIRC, the base PC version was just a port of the PS2 version, only the 360 version went to the max.

From what I recall , they released a port os the PS2 version for PC.. but if you bought the "Gamers Edition" it had all of the 360 enhancements.
But you could only get this edition with a hardware purchase (I feel like it was a creative labs sound card.. but I could be wrong on that aspect.. it was a LONG time ago)
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Was the "Gamer's Edition" any better than the 360 version? IIRC, the base PC version was just a port of the PS2 version, only the 360 version went to the max.

The PS2/Xbox/GC version arguably looked better anyway. Character models were much closer to the real actors and the 360 version lost some of the atmosphere by chasing shininess. There's loads of effects like fur, lightning and rain effects, subtle bloom and that blur when Kong roars that are pared back on 360.



Gold Member
Dead Rising 720 G
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 525 G
Peter Jackson's King Kong 1000 G
Some devs made fortunes selling not games, but G points (/trophy points) to people who couldn't even spot them on women.
All those shitty 1$ games on the PSN people bought only to inflate their gamerpoints. And don't get me started on the people pumping their gamefly queue full of crap games just to add a few centimeters to it...
Was the "Gamer's Edition" any better than the 360 version? IIRC, the base PC version was just a port of the PS2 version, only the 360 version went to the max.
The Gamer's Edition was fairly similar to the 360 version.
However, it felt rushed in some ways. The loading times to load a chapter (no matter how small the chapter was) were absurd. On the Xbox 360, there are slideshows while the chapter loads. In the PC, there's a static loading screen and once the load completes, intro cutscenes will start to play (just like in OG). Your game could crash if you alt-tab so there's that.

Furthermore, there are some graphical glitches with the foliage on new hardware (at least in the V-REX Chapter as you can see in the video). Such glitches do not exist in old hardware.
Of course, there are other changes including model, environment, etc. It's up to everyone's taste if they enjoy Gamer's Edition over OG.

Myself, I prefer OG over Gamer's Edition. I play the latter if I want to replay the entire game again otherwise I stick to emulators.

I'm not sure if the PC version is a port from PS2 but there are very minor differences such as certain model coloring and script triggers.
For example, Preston is in yellow clothing on the PC OG version while in the console version, he is in red.
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The PS2/Xbox/GC version arguably looked better anyway. Character models were much closer to the real actors and the 360 version lost some of the atmosphere by chasing shininess. There's loads of effects like fur, lightning and rain effects, subtle bloom and that blur when Kong roars that are pared back on 360.

That's a cool comparison, thanks for sharing. I think seeing them side-by-side, the OG Xbox one actually looks the best. I bet it looks pretty good emulated at higher res.


The PS2/Xbox/GC version arguably looked better anyway. Character models were much closer to the real actors and the 360 version lost some of the atmosphere by chasing shininess. There's loads of effects like fur, lightning and rain effects, subtle bloom and that blur when Kong roars that are pared back on 360.

Huh, I have never heard anybody stump for the 360 version of games from that era (especially Kong, which was such a selling point for 360's effects capabilities at the time,) but going back and looking at some of these games from the time, I'm starting to see it. They tended to over-rely on effects and techniques not completely under control at the time, or they slapped an extra next-gen coat of paint over a port made for the dominant PS2 (which OG Xbox then cleaned up but didn't add much more to as it was the second kid,) and it's not all seamless work. I think it would still be hard to not reach for the 360 version if I had a choice, but the PS2/Xbox version probably holds up better if you give it a chance.

Neither version is downloadable for purchase anywhere as far as I have seen, but one of the PC versions (maybe both) has some MODs out for it if you can find it. This RT MODs seem to make a mess of some things IMO, but maybe it'll get there at some point.

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Codes 208

I loved this game so much, played a ton of it on PS2 and PSP. I still have the UMD for it.
I miss UMD’s, my brother and I bought several UMD movie releases like Team America, family guy, spiderman 3 and godzilla 1998. The psp was an awesome media player (minus that it couldnt play flash or html on its web browser)


I just found my 360 copy of this the other day at my parents house lol. Chilling in a box in the garage from when we moved a decade ago


The psp was an awesome media player (minus that it couldnt play flash or html on its web browser)

Agreed, I used mine as an Mp3 player for years because it had a podcatcher and was the only device I had back then which kept memory of where I left off in multiple podcasts at a time.

...PSP was not a good King Kong player, though. Ubisoft tried to port the game (I believe using Unreal 2? I used to know a Ubi guy who worked there and he described the pain of the early days when they didn't know what engines would or wouldn't be good for the handheld) and it was pretty compromised.

The DS version was way worse though, that also tried a port sort of and it has raggy-haired characters and cuts out most of the story and just was a bad idea.

Later on though, they figured out portable versions better. A few times, the PSP or DS version were actually the best games with those names on the box. But, not Kong....


I loved this game so much, played a ton of it on PS2 and PSP. I still have the UMD for it.
Damn, they managed to do screen space god rays even on the PS2 in 2005? That's crazy, I remember it being locked behind DX10 for Crysis on PC lol, and most PS360 games wouldn't start implementing it until 2009.
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