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Konami Trademarks Metal Gear & Metal Gear Solid for Europe – Possible Remaster?


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
It seems that Konami has recently trademarked Metal Gear and Metal Gear Solid for Europe. While The series hasn’t seen much growth since Metal Gear Survive, it seems that Konami has an ace up their sleeve with Metal Gear and Metal Gear Solid.

Metal Gear & Metal Gear Solid – PS1 Classic or HD remaster inbound?
It seems that the region specific trademark could imply a PS classic line-up for the games, but perhaps there are other motives for the trademark?

You can view the trademark listing for Metal Gear Solid And Metal Gear. With the unfortunate departure of Hideo Kojima from Konami, people thought that the Metal Gear series would be put to rest, but with the new trademark there could be a possibility for a surprise. Considering we are only days away from The Game Awards, perhaps there is a surprise announcement in store for us?

After the mess of events from the release of The Phantom Pain, and the fallout between Kojima and Konami that led to the creation of Death Stranding and the cancellation of Silent Hills, this is still a mystery of whether the series is truly dead or is Konami really planning something?

Metal Gear Solid has been a PS1 classic for a long time now, and while it hasn’t gotten the PS4 love yet, we can hope for news on the game to come in the weeks to follow. We can hold out for a good remaster of both or either game, but we will have to wait for teasers or other relevant hype phases to begin.

Let us know in the comments section on what you think the trademark could be related to.


I ain't getting my hopes up.

Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
Hope it’s multi platform. The first MGS is the only one you can’t really get on Xbox, yet it’s the best one for me.

If not I’ll just get it on PS4. But would rather get it for chevos :)


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Hope it’s multi platform. The first MGS is the only one you can’t really get on Xbox, yet it’s the best one for me.

If not I’ll just get it on PS4. But would rather get it for chevos :)
MGS4 is on Xbox?


Would buy that in a heartbeat. Metal Gear Solid was a super special game for me, and within the series it is only outdone by the sublime Snake Eater. MGS was a game made by Kojima when he was a masterclass developer at the top of his game; I would love to be able to play through it again with a fresh coat of paint.


Konami: We don't have any new ideas, so here's some more old games that we will put no effort into and hope you buy it anyways. So sick of remasters this and last gen.
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They should remake the first one. Just like Capcom is remaking RE2. And because Sony won't be at E3 2019, they should show it at the MS conference.
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Call me crazy but I'd honestly would love to see someone else's take on Metal Gear after Kojima is gone. I'd be all over it if that someone would again use a more mature approach and ditch all that goofy shit. You know, make it more like MG1+2 and MGS again.


I hope Solid comes to the xbone its the only one I really care about before kojima went full retard with the story


This is the parasite eve situation all over again.

As I said in that topic, its probably due to it being on the playstation classic.
Konami: "New for iPad Pro! The original PlayStation(R) game updated to Retina graphics, using the Metal API! Experience the classic on the go! All new voice acting, high resolution video, effects, and VR missions."

Apple: "Gamers can now relive Metal Gear Solid on our new iPad, with it's Xbox One S-class CPU and GPU (all with a fanless system design), in stunning detail that the ancient 1995 PlayStation could never handle. Video cutscenes are now presented in stunning 4K that only Apple's best engineers could enable."

Gamers: "Yay, loot boxes. How much do I have to pay to call the elevator at the start?"


Just ... keep it realistic this time, avoid Snake kicking missiles and Cyborg Ninja bicycle-kicking chunks of concrete.
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I'm not brave enough to believe in anything related to MGS anymore but I hope there's some truth to it, wouldn't mind playing the games again.


are in a big trouble
I have zero interest in this series.

Just because I own MGS 1 to 5, MGS Twin Snakes, Special edition HD remasters and MGS SM doesn't mean a thing. I don't care...... OK I do :messenger_tears_of_joy:

MGS 5 Sucked


All i will say is that if there is a remake/remaster of Metal Gear Solid, it should include the original voice acting and not the inferior Twin Snakes VA.


Konami got too much hate on the Kojima's departure.
Im a big fan of Metal Gear Saga, and (was) fan of Kojima.

But after MGSV, after all that is know of the departure..... im happy that Konami first, didnt go bankrupt with Kojima and second, others creators that remains in Konami have the oportunity to shine.

In the first chapter of MGSV, the name of hideo kojima appears more than 100 times.....i mean, its too much, too much


I would greatly prefer to see a remake of Metal Gear 1 than MGS. Would be cool to see Solid kicking Big Boss butt in modern technology.

But I don't think Konami has the team to do this justice.


Konami got too much hate on the Kojima's departure.
Im a big fan of Metal Gear Saga, and (was) fan of Kojima.

But after MGSV, after all that is know of the departure..... im happy that Konami first, didnt go bankrupt with Kojima and second, others creators that remains in Konami have the oportunity to shine.

In the first chapter of MGSV, the name of hideo kojima appears more than 100 times.....i mean, its too much, too much
Yeah, it's strange. It's as if people have forgotten that Konami helped Kojima realise his vision on a number of occasions prior to MGSV. The relationship soured over one project and suddenly Konami becomes "the worst developer everrrrr". The sense of entitlement among sections of his fan base is astounding.
Konami played a big part in establishing Kojima and putting him on the map.


Yeah, it's strange. It's as if people have forgotten that Konami helped Kojima realise his vision on a number of occasions prior to MGSV. The relationship soured over one project and suddenly Konami becomes "the worst developer everrrrr". The sense of entitlement among sections of his fan base is astounding.
Konami played a big part in establishing Kojima and putting him on the map.

The more i dig on that ccontroversy, less guilt i found on Konami's side.

- Konami gave Kojima a directive position in the company
- Kojima started to work on his engine
- Like no most of game developer, Kojima doesnt gain any benefit from the sales of the games that he was involved, the game could sell 0 copies, or 5 millions and Kojima gain the same salary, so he could extend the work anyway he want, like optimizing foliage, better sky etc. (In fact Kojima asked for a song to a Japanese composer, then another, then another and so on, just to found that non of the work made it to the final version of Metal Gear Solid V) Konami started to get worried, high amount of financial resources were wasted in extending the release of the game (MGSV). The relationship became tense, and like an act of vengenace, Kojima printed his name more than a tolerable times, his name more than 150 times in game. Also, at least what is know.....is that P.T was intended to be a full game, not a Demo, Kojima wasted all of the resources intended to the reboot of Silent Hill, in just a demo.

Not even Miyamoto has done something like Kojima, triying to shove us his name, and excuse me, but Miyamoto has been more influential than him.

So back to the topic, happy that Konami dindt go bankrupt, happy that new people involved in Metal Gear and refresh the franchise...........and worried about Sony.
Ozrimandias Ozrimandias

What you just said can be best seen in the "making of MGS4". Dont get me wrong I like the guy, but as you said he did what he wanted when he wanted while Konami funded and even team members were annoyed that a game about to go GOLD just got an update from Kojima to change voice dialogue which was already done and confirmed and so on. Its nice to be a perfectionist but there is a limit to what you can do with other peoples money and patience.


Ozrimandias Ozrimandias

What you just said can be best seen in the "making of MGS4". Dont get me wrong I like the guy, but as you said he did what he wanted when he wanted while Konami funded and even team members were annoyed that a game about to go GOLD just got an update from Kojima to change voice dialogue which was already done and confirmed and so on. Its nice to be a perfectionist but there is a limit to what you can do with other peoples money and patience.

Yeah, i got that bluray, it comes with the limited edition of mgs4 right? The man put some pressure on the team, just to rush the development, then took times doing i dont know what.....like you said, its good to be a perfectionist, but in the case of Kojima, its a case of, "Budget destroyer". For Example, he fired Hayter and hired Sutherland because he wanted someone to give snake some personality and other stuff, (while he kept the japanese voice actor), just to give Kieffer Sutherland not more than 20 pages of dialogue, i mean, why hire a Hollywood star just to give him a very limited amount of work.
Well.....sony now carries that man.
Thats the rumor we want to be true but nowadays people are leaning more to the Demon Souls remake which I would be disappointed if true. I know it has its fanbase but man...give me MGS 1 in 4K brand spanking new!


Gold Member
Here's hoping... But aren't they doing this just so they can make use of the upcoming Article 13?


I'm not sure if I want a new remake of MGS1. There is already The Twin Snakes and they could remaster that in HD. If they make a new remake I think it should be very different.
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I'm fine with anything... even The Phantom Pain (Chapter 2) style open world, base building, online styled game.

Building Outer Haven in South Africa, recruiting soldiers and gathering resources, and in general a sort of mix of MGS V and Peace Walker base building and maybe GTA Online progression and monetization.

Mind you, I'm not saying any of that is ideal or even good. But it may be a balance that Konami would actually consider -- relies heavily on MGS V mechanics a la MG Survive but with better monetization and financial viability. And, mind you, if it means I can do MGS V raids and base building ad naseum, and the alternative is Angola-Zaire for the Nth time, I'd be good with that.

Now, of course, I would prefer a Snake Eater prequel set during the Second World War featuring The Boss and The Cobra Unit.

Either way, I believe they still have at least one or two core people that could be viable as leads. Namely, two leads from MGS Portable Ops...

From what I can tell via search, the other producer on Portable Ops and also its writer are still at Konami, and were respectively producer and writer on MG Survive. On the down side, it means they were responsible for the story of MG Survive lol. But who knows who's call the plot twist was, or maybe it was just cathartic. On the up side though, it means they're still at Konami and involved with Metal Gear. And, given a directive to make a more pure MGS story -- whether like Snake Eater or Peace Walker/Phantom Pain -- I'd be okay with it given they have a couple Metal Gears under their belt now and overall MGS PO had a good Outer Heaven esque story.

Which, for me, is really underrated and one or two character inconsistencies aside, has some pretty awesome characters, and I really liked the Army's Heaven story. Peace Walker, despite the Mother Base focus, is really more about Snake still coming to terms with The Boss -- it's where Big Boss is born. But Portable Ops is where Outer Heaven is born.


Must be the full collection release on PS4 or PS Classic, an MGS 1 remake is too big and expensive for the actual Konami...unless someone else is paying


Must be the full collection release on PS4 or PS Classic, an MGS 1 remake is too big and expensive for the actual Konami...unless someone else is paying

Yeah, could be that.....lately, Konami its triying to grab money with cheap releases, and low cost of production (ZOE 2Runner MVRS and Castlevania Requiem).


Must be the full collection release on PS4 or PS Classic, an MGS 1 remake is too big and expensive for the actual Konami...unless someone else is paying

As much as I would like a remake, it is probably the PS1 game repackaged for the PS4, just like they did with Symphony of the Night. They use Sony emulation technology that allows for improving game assets. It's cheap and easy enough for them to do.


Bluepoint should take over the remake, and give it the same treatment as the Shadow of the Colossus "remaster"
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