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League of Legends: Season 2 - World Championship | Grand Finals is LIVE!



Website: Official Page (contains stream, games schedules, group stage score and bracket)

Reddit Thread (use popout version for sound) | Official euLoL Thread (check which one updates faster)
SemiFinals: Reddit

AZF v iG | SKG v CLG | SAJ v Dig
M5 v iG all games | TPA v Najin-Sword g2 | TSM v AZF all games | CLGeu v WE g2
TPA v M5 g3 (a clinic on TPA's answer to m5) | CLG.eu v Azubu Frost g3 | but really, every game was a good watch
Quarter Finals:
M5 v iG | TSM v Azubu Frost | WE v CLGeu | TPA v Najin Sword
Semi Finals:
TPA v M5 | CLG.eu v WE

WATCHING PRIMER (and shameless OT plug: official lol thread here)

League of Legends is a 5 vs. 5 game where each player control a hero unit (a champion) that has 4 different abilities and the only win trigger is to destroy the opposing core building (the Nexus: [Click]) which sits in the heart of enemy territory. The Nexus is protected by the opposing champions, towers and minions and these must be dealt with before destroying the Nexus. Killing enemy champions, towers and minions all provide champions with gold and experience that allows them to obtain better items and level up. Early parts of the game will see teams sit in their "lanes" in order to strengthen themselves through gold and items.

The "Metagame"
The current metagame is to send a bruiser champion into top lane, an AP carry into middle lane, a gank heavy jungler into the jungle and an AD carry and a support to the bottom lane. Teams have begun aggressively sending their carry and support against the lone top laner in order to starve him of gold and levels, an influence that has flowed from the different metagame played in the Asian regions. Given that the group stage is best of one, expect a few new and unexpected strategies.

Often top lane or in the jungle, they are a balance between damage and toughness. The role of the bruiser is either to scare off carries, deal damage and to be a secondary damage soak.

Often top lane or in the jungle, tanks have a large amount of crowd control or incredible toughness. The tank will usually be the one initiating fights, protecting his AD carry and soaking up damage.

Often seen in middle lane, AP carries deal magic damage and often feature high magical damage and/or crowd control. They can initiate team fights and deal tons of damage, however often cannot take a large amount of damage.

Another staple of the middle lane, Assassins excel at deal large amounts of damage in a short amount of time, combined with mobility that allows them to threaten the back lines and escape.

-AD Carry-
Usually sent bottom lane with a support, AD carries deal a most of their damage through their ranged basic attacks and so offer a high amount of constant damage. They can be seen dealing tons of damage from a back line, protected by their team.

Usually sent bottom lane with an AD carry, the support is responsible for most of the aggression bottom lane, securing kills for their carry or helping to deprive the other carry of farm and allowing their carry to farm. Their offerings range from shielding an ally, healing, improving the damage of an ally and crowd control. They can be seen initiating fights, protecting their team or buffing their team.​

The Map

-Top Lane- (green)
Top lane is furthest away from the dragon (early game objective) and so commonly feature tough champions with the ability to escape from ganks from the enemy jungler. Purple side has more jungle gank paths and so faces more pressure.
Sample top laners: Irelia , Vladimir, Jayce

-Middle Lane- (red)
Middle lane is in the centre of the map and so has the greatest access to jungle farm and lanes to gank. The middle laner must make a decision between ganking other lanes and maximising their access to jungle camps. Since the middle lane is also the middle of the jungle, middle laners often experience high pressure from the enemy jungler.
Sample mid laners: Ahri, Karthus, Diana

-Bottom Lane-
Bottom lane is crucial for dragon control as they must assist in fights for the dragon and controling the area with wards. Currently in favour are high burst damage AD carries which means that fights in bottom lane can be quite short. With two jungle entrances to bot lane for blue side, blue bottom lane experiences more pressure than purple, mostly from the enemy middle.
Sample AD carries: Corki, Ezreal, Graves
Sample supports: Leona, Soraka, Sona

-The Jungle-
The jungle houses multiple neutral monsters that do not attack unless attacked. Most importantly, each jungle contains two different buffs that have powerful effects for the person who deals the killing blow. These buffs can be contested by the opposing team, stealing away valuable resources. The jungle style currently in favour are gank heavy junglers who move around the map, sacrificing their own farm and putting a lot of pressure on all the lanes. Other styles favour farming their own jungle heavily in order to become stronger than the opposing jungler or stealing from the opposing jungler.
Sample Junglers: Shyvana, Alistar, Maokai

Full Champion List: Leaguepedia link

Phases of the Game
Teams will either group up to make risky manuevers or they will spread out to guard all of their own jungle. Grouped up teams can invade the enemy jungle to catch them off guard, to disrupt and/or steal from the enemy jungler or simply to ward it.
-Early Game-
Early game, each champion moves to their lane and faces off against their opponents. During this stage, junglers have incredible control over the flow of the game as potential ganks can occur either top or mid before they have an opportunity to ward. Near the end of early game, teams might call for dragon contests as the top laner moves towards dragon to secure their teams dominance in that area.
-Mid Game-
Teams will start to group up as towers and dragons become major objectives. There will be more team fighting as lost map vision due to destroyed towers forces teams to stick together.
-Late Game-
Baron becomes a viable objective and teams start to control the area with wards and oracles. The constant threat of a baron fight means teams will most likely stick to the Baron side of the map, eschewing bottom unless there is a large number of minions. Death timers become very long and as a result, mistakes become much more costly.​


Brush is a unique League of Legends mechanic that makes units inside the brush not visible to units outside of it - unless the unit inside the brush uses a basic attack (not abilities). Teams may take advantage of this fact to set traps and ambushes or to control space during early game.

Summoner Spells
Summoner spells are a set of abilities that are available to every player, however, only two may be selected at the start of the game and are locked in for the entire duration. Here are the most common summoner spells that will be selected:

This spell moves your champion a small distance to the desired location instantly. The fast speed makes this spell invaluable for catching opponents or running away from them and their abilities - this versatility makes it one of the most commonly used summoner spell. However, it has a very large cooldown (~250s) and many fights or objectives are forced when the opposing team knows that a flash is down.

Ignite causes a strong damage over time effect on the target and halves their effective healing. This is often used to ensure kills and provide extra damage on important targets. Its medium cooldown (~180s) allows it to be used aggressively more often.

Exhaust reduces the damage of the affected enemy champion, making it a valuable spell on supports. It also has the bonus effect of slowing the target, and so is taken on some junglers also.

Deals a large amount of damage to target monster at instant speed. Smite's high damage and fast speed makes it ideal for getting the last hit on key monsters like red/blue buff, dragon and baron. At times it can be used to steal those monsters from the opposing team as they do it.

Heal provides an instant speed moderate heal the player's champion and a 50% effectiveness heal to everybody else. Its long cooldown makes it weak to ignite which also halves its effectiveness.

Cleanse removes all crowd control (except supression) and summoner spell effects from the player's unit - this is effective on champions such as the AD carry as CC often means their death.

This spell is used to teleport to a friendly unit, including wards. A common strategy is to teleport to a ward and turn a 2v2 fight into a 3v2 fight. However, it has a very large cooldown of ~300s.

Allows the champion to move through units and move faster for 10s.​

The game features multiple objectives, each of which can benefit the team in different ways. These are - the jungle buffs, dragon, towers, ward control, inhibitors, and baron. Experienced teams will properly balance contesting and securing objectives in order to gain the advantage over their opponents. Every respawning objective has a predictable respawn timer and teams must plan which or when to secure objectives lest they become out manuevered by a more forward thinking team.

-Red Buff-

Red Buff causes its owner to apply a slow and a small damage over time effect on their auto attacks. Early game, junglers use red buff to stage more powerful ganks. Later on, red buff is given to AD carries to increase their potency in team fights. Red buff respawns every 5 minutes.

-Blue Buff-

Blue buff lowers the cooldown of abilities and provides a high amount of mana regen to the person who has it. It is commonly given to AP middles as they can deal lots of damage with their abilities. Stealing blue buff from the opponent can really cripple the opposing middle champion as they are without the benefits of the buff when your middle champion will get their blue buff. Blue buff respawns every 5 minutes.


Dragon provides 190gold to everybody on the team that lands the killing blow to it and respawns every 6 minutes. The high amount of global gold means that teams will often fight over dragon early in the game. Timing dragons respawn allows teams to get into position before the opposing team can react.


Towers do not regenerate health (however, the nexus towers do) and provide the enemy team 150 gold and some experience each when they destroy them. They do a moderate amount of damage, but become less threatening as the game progresses. Destroying towers not only provides global benefits, but robs the enemy team of vision in that area.

-Ward Control-

Wards are a relatively low cost item that can be bought unlimitedly. They provide vision in an area for 3 minutes when placed. The vision is incredibly important for securing objectives and for preventing jungler ganks. The counter item is the "oracle" which allows the owner to see invisible objects, such as wards. It however, is relatively expensive and disappears upon death. Late game, securing objectives becomes a dance between creating map control with wards and denying map control with oracles.


Inhibitors are the first non tower building inside the enemy base. Destroying them allows your nexus to create stronger minions to attack and push towards the enemy base. The pushing effect of inhibitor destruction causes opponents to lose map control, making taking other objectives easy. Inhibitors respawn every 5 minutes.

-Baron Nashor-

Baron Nashor is the late game objective that often requires a team to defeat. He is a dangerous mob does large amounts of damage to his assailants and debuffing them also, making them take increased damage. The rewards of killing baron however, are great and is a common focal point for teams to meet. Teams can hide near baron to trick the enemy team into a trap, once the wards have been destroyed or they can start baron and provide an ultimatum to the enemy team to fight or lose it. Landing the killing blow on baron provides the entire team with 300gold and the "Baron Buff", which is a circling purple aura. Baron buff provides a large amount of stats, including regeneration, which strengthens the team and allows them to siege the enemy base. Baron respawns every 7 minutes.

Streams: Own3d.tv | Twitch.tv | Twitch Portal - foreign language broadcasts | Riot Streaming page with Language select for Twitch and Own3d

Live Stat Tracking: lolking.net | Comprehensive Info Coverage: Leaguepedia (contains live stats, results, schedules, brackets) | Stat tracking: Elobuff



The Season 2 World Championship will be held on October 4, in Los Angeles, California with a $2 million USD prizepool. It marks the end of a year long journey for many teams and it will be the first time powerhouses from around the world will face each other in a single event. Teams have played in many events throughout season 2, securing circuit points and qualifying for the World Championship in their regionals. The regions represented are: North America, Europe, China, Korea and South East Asia and the top qualifying team from each region has been awarded a bye (with the exception of Azubu Frost, who must play in the group stage by random draw).

The "western" regions, North America and Europe have been exposed to League of Legends for the longest time out of all the regions, with the lions share of publicity and tournaments afforded to them. The 2 million dollar question is how well will "eastern" teams from Korea and China do? Is Korea so far ahead of most of the world like many people hinted? Can iG snatch the world title in another Moba game? Many people forget South East Asia's representatives who may be dark horses of the event.

All tournament games will be played on the [World Championship Hotfix Patch], with Rengar, Syndra and Kha'zix disabled.


Here are the 12 teams from the 5 regions in this World Championship. Clicking "Read more" will give you a deeper understanding of the players and of the teams history, which I totally recommend for the Asian teams since they have no exposure over here.

North America

TSM are by far the most dominant North American team, finishing first both in points and at the regionals. Once the second place baby of North America, they were the first North American team to invest in a gaming house. They focus on high pressure from their jungler, even to his detriment so that his lanes can carry the game. Reginald is aggressive as a middle player and is often the one that makes the plays in their games. However, they convincingly lost their first encounter with Azubu Blaze (who lost to Najin Sword and DNQ).
Read more about the team and their players.
 Chaox		AD Carry	Noteable Champion: Corki
 TheOddOne	Jungler		Noteable Champion: Maokai
 Reginald	Mid lane	Noteable Champion: Karthus
 Xpecial	Support		Noteable Champion: Soraka
 Dyrus		Top lane	Noteable Champion: Vladimir


Dignitas are solid and consistent performers, even if they were not first place finishers at their regionals. They have a wide variety of strategies in their bag, showing the world triple support kog'maw and double AP skarner. If any new strategies were found by Dignitas, they would definitely be saving it for the group stage. Scarra has on occassion fallen prey to being camped in middle lane, while Crumbzz inconstitent performance requires their solid bottom lane to keep them in the game.
Read more about the team and their players.
 Scarra		Mid lane	Noteable Champion: Katarina
 imaqtpie	AD Carry	Noteable Champion: [I]Draaaaven[/I]
 I Will Dom	Jungler		Noteable Champion: Nautilus
 crumbzz	Top lane	Noteable Champion: Jax
 Patoy		Support


Five Months ago CLG.na went restructuring, changing two of their postions, making this new lineup relatively young. The fact that they are at the regionals however, dispelled any doubt that was had over the new lineup. CLG.na are notorious for coming up with new and weird strategies, having recently shown the world their 5 man teleport promote strategy. And they have teased unexpected "cheese" strategies for this world championships. Strategies aside however, Doublelift and Chauster have been heralded as the best bottom lane in North America and one of the best in the world, which is important because Doublelift has the capability to carry his entire team if they support him. Bigfatlp plays a conservative style in middle which leads to inconsistent results and pressure on the CLG bottom lane. Jungling is the role which requires the most experience, however HotshotGG has only been at it for 5 months. If Bigfatlp can play solidly, with Doublelift, CLG.na have their chance to win.
Read more about the team and their players.
 Bigfatlp	Mid lane	Noteable Champion: Ryze
 Chauster	Support		Noteable Champion: Janna
 HotshotGG	Jungler		Noteable Champion: Chogath
 Doublelift	AD Carry	Noteable Champion: Vayne
 Voyboy		Top lane	Noteable Champion: Lee Sin


The most dominant team in the scene so far, Moscow5 have lost only one best of 3 (lan) this season (to CLG.eu nonetheless). Famous for bursting into the spotlight when they were "EMPIRE" and then later with their aggressive counterjungling and "see champion, kill champion" strategies, no team has had an answer to them so far. Even though their single loss is to CLG.eu, the next time they faced each other, M5 won incredibly convincingly. Each player on their team are incredible laners, but their star players are Alex Ich with his trigger finger, ready to burst down anybody out of position and Diamondprox, possibly the best jungler in League of Legends, possessing an incredible game sense. However, M5 have never faced an asian team so it's impossible to predict the relative strength - what's certain is that M5 are one of the best teams in the circuit.
Read more about the team and their players.
 Alex Ich	Mid lane	Noteable Champion: Gragas
 Diamondprox	Jungler		Noteable Champion: Lee Sin
 Genja		AD Carry	Noteable Champion: Corki
 GoSu Pepper	Support		Noteable Champion: Sona
 Darien		Top lane	Noteable Champion: Shen


Unexpectedly placing second in the EU regionals, SK have had a volatile time this season with a multitude of roster changes. Not only is the roster volatie, as are SK - when they are on fire, they burn, when they are losing, they flounder. Part of this is the high emotional energy each player has - they are certainly one of the most emotional teams in the scene but this has garnered them many fans, especially after their 2nd place qualification. Still playing an old style, they have few strategies which they execute solidly, but the results will show whether or not the predictability will hurt them.
Read more about the team and their players.
 Ocelote	Mid lane	Noteable Champion: Orianna
 Nyph		Support		
 Kev1n		Top lane	Noteable Champion: Irelia
 Araneae	Jungler		
 YellOwStaR	AD Carry


One of the fastest rising teams, CLG.eu did not participate in the EU circuit until June 2012. Gaining popularity for Froggen's incredibly solid Anivia play, they are also well known for their comeback abilitiy, having performed the greatest comebacks in LoL history against M5. CLG.eu favour late game play and have the ability to stall games out to it. Their late game preference goes hand in hand with a more conservative and cold style of play. They are strong team fighters and good decision makers. Froggen is often the starchild of the team, heralded for carrying his team. Wicked however, has been floundering recently and Froggen always gets banned out. It will be up to yellowpete and Krepo to make sure the team reaches the quarter finals.
Read more about the team and their players.
 Froggen	Mid lane	Noteable Champion: Anivia
 Snoopeh	Jungler		Noteable Champion: Alistar
 Yellowpete	AD Carry	Noteable Champion: Ezreal
 Krepo		Support		Noteable Champion: Leona
 Wickd		Top lane	Noteable Champion: Irelia


WorldElite dominated the Chinese circuit so strongly that they were the first team to qualify for the World Championships. They were feared in 2011 for being one of the strongest teams in the world, have been finding themselves in trouble recently, not even passing round 2 of IPL FaceOff. Less than 2 months ago, they also had a lineup reshuffle, changing out their jungler and their support. While the facts look stacked against WE, they just recently beat the other Chinese behemoth, iG. WE subscribe to the Chinese DotA style where each player has a specific role in the game. This efficiency makes their team work strong - however, it'll soon be clear whether the young lineup makes WE the fearsome beast they once were.
Read more about the team and their players.
 WeiXiao	AD Carry
 Misaya		Mid lane	Noteable Champion: Twisted Fate
 CaoMei		Top lane
 ClearLove	Jungler
 Fzzf		Support


iG will be here to prove that their LoL team can also win the World Championship, right after their brother team won in the DotA2 championship. They are the most unpredictable team in the tournament, making them the dark horse as each of their players can play an incredibly large pool of champions at a competitive level. Zz1tai is known to play champions such as Lee Sin and Jayce in the middle lane. Their solid mechanics and Chinese Dota background, combined with their incredible flexibility make iG the team nobody will expect.
Read more about the team and their players.
XiaoXiao Support
 kid AD Carry
 illuSioN Jungler
 zz1tai Mid lane
 Pdd Top lane


Azubu Frost, placing first in their region was sent to the group stage by random draw - which is either unlucky for them or unlucky for the rest of the people in their group. One of the most solid teams in the tournament, they tend to play standard strategy but executing it extremely efficiently. The single leader team play allows for superior team fighting and they are always active on the map, gaining some kind of positional advantage unlike teams that might stall around in the jungle or otherwise waste time. Their mid player has risen to fame with his Diana and Lux play however, the real shining star on Azubu Frost is their support player, madlife - he is extremely versatile, capable of playing champions such as lux and zyra support.
Read more about the team and their players.
 Shy		Top lane        Noteable Champion: Jax
 RapidStar	Mid lane	Noteable Champion: Diana
 CloudTemplar	Jungler
 Woong		AD Carry
 MadLife	Support	        Noteable Champion: Blitzcrank


Having beat Azubu Blaze to reach the world finals, Najin Sword shocked most of Korea over their transformation in the past month. What hasn't changed is the key position Maknoon plays in their team - he is their leader and their call maker. It was also common for Maknoon be the key force in the team - if he did well, the team did well, if he didn't do well, the team didnt do well. However, the regionals showed that the other players on his team had matured and improved and this tournament will show whether they've improved enough, because people will be gunning for Maknoon.
Read more about the team and their players.
 MaKNooN	Top lane	Noteable Champion: Jayce
 Watch		Jungler
 Cain		Support
 SSONG		Mid lane	Noteable Champion: Karthus
 PraY		AD Carry

South East Asia

By far the strongest team in the SEA circuit, TPA have dominated their region. One might question whether this would lead to complacency as recently, TPA have been posting poorer and poorer results. They however are still incredible laners - it is their team work during team fights that lets them down, causing the game to fall out of their control. Perhaps theorycrafting will save them, being one of the first few teams to realise that spirit visage was good, they are adept at the practice. Some teams have been whispering that TPA are now very, very good - perhaps their training regime since winning regionals has kicked them back into shape.
Read more about the team and their players.
 Stanley	Top lane
 Lilballz	Jungler
 Toyz		Mid lane
 Bebeisadog	AD Carry
 MiSTakE	Support


The most unexpected team in the world championships, they took this place over SGS who have beaten Saigon Jokers 70% of the time before. Also, Saigon Jokers have lost to TPA 7 - 0. Nobody will expect Saigon Jokers, and I expect they will use this to their advantage in a best of 1 stage. Saigon Jokers are known for their weird and wacky strategies in the Garena League - we will soon see if the (arguably) weakest team can pull some magic.
Read more about the team and their players.
 QTV		Top lane
 NIXWATER	Mid lane
 Archie		AD Carry
 Junie		Support
 Violet		Jungler


Get your summoner icon on! (not visible, Najin Sword). For now, these will only available during the championship period.
NOTE TO PLAYERS: Don't forget to watch the finals to obtain the Riven Icon!

code: 521337

Mr Jared

Here at Twitch we're working hard to ensure the site is in awesome shape for the play-offs this week. Our event page is all setup and we'll be hosting the main broadcast along with nearly a dozen foreign language rebroadcasts-


This is going to be crazy awesome.


I'll be at work for two of the days. Guess I'll be catching up with the vods for those :|


Very excited :) Will be the culmination of a long season of great League of Legends action.

My prediction:
1st - Azubu Frost
2nd - M5
3rd - CLG.EU


I'm pulling for CLG Prime, but the Koreans and Europeans just seem so dominant. Rooting fro CLG NA feels like rooting for Tebow.


get hyped neogaf
rooting for TSM since that is the team I have the most pathos with
also, luv the east west switcharound boken


Very nice OP. Horrible first post...

May the best team win. I'll be rooting for the euro- teams personally though!


get hyped neogaf
rooting for TSM since that is the team I have the most pathos with
also, luv the east west switcharound boken

If you head west long enough you eventually hit east

Its too hard to predict anything. Many teams look really strong, and Azubu and M5 have never met. Azubu better get out of group stage!
Predicting an M5 vs iG finals, with CLG.EU taking third. Hoping for a strong finish from TPA as well.

iG has been really strong in the Battle Royale matches, beating I believe all of the top Korean teams.

NA teams are going to get stomped at this event. :(


Great OP. Azubu Frost, CLG.eu, TSM. I'm not convinced M5 are prepared for the asian teams at all, and likewise I feel like CLG.eu's adept game extension skills are a bad matchup for the other teams. Can't stand the cult of personality surrounding TSM but I wouldn't be surprised at a good showing;they are a great big event team.
Great OP. Azubu Frost, CLG.eu, TSM. I'm not convinced M5 are prepared for the asian teams at all, and likewise I feel like CLG.eu's adept game extension skills are a bad matchup for the other teams. Can't stand the cult of personality surrounding TSM but I wouldn't be surprised at a good showing;they are a great big event team.

Wouldn't be surprised if it's the other way around. I know all of the Asian teams want to play M5 but no one is ever really prepared for them.

M5 is 32-6 offline this season. But to be honest most of it will come down to team condition.


Thanks Boken.

Hoping for CLG.NA, but that wont happen.

Azuba vs M5 in finals. Dignitas will be dead last :)


After losing to Saigon Jokers in the SEA regionals, SGS are gracefully passing the baton:
TSM could learn a lot from Asian teams. Like humility and manners.

that just isn't their style or how they want to market themselves

ugh remember when TSM and EG were going to get a house and all live together, it would have been hilarious.

I hope a lot of CRAZY shit comes out of these matches, but it seems like a lot of people are saying that people are probably going to be playing standard (contexually).


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I'm just here to root against Korea, SEA, and China. Or well...for CLG.na. One or the other.


Imagine if top 3 are TSM, CLG, DIG again... will you be linking some of the good matches for the world championship? I enjoy watching the game, but a lot of the matches are going to be one team snowball themselves into victory.


relies on auto-aim
I didn't get a chance to grab tickets to the finals which is too bad.

Hope some good games get played out for all of you!


Imagine if top 3 are TSM, CLG, DIG again... will you be linking some of the good matches for the world championship? I enjoy watching the game, but a lot of the matches are going to be one team snowball themselves into victory.

I think Riot said they'll be putting up VODs on YouTube. Should make it pretty easy to link the better games that are played.

Also I have no idea who'll take this, might be CLG.EU, might be M5 or Frost or even Sword. Should make for some exciting games nonetheless.
The nice thing is that many of the teams have never faced each other, so we could be seeing some real upsets to keep things interesting.
Imagine if top 3 are TSM, CLG, DIG again... will you be linking some of the good matches for the world championship? I enjoy watching the game, but a lot of the matches are going to be one team snowball themselves into victory.


It'd be hilarious, but, no fucking way.



Get your team flag on guys.

Totally wish they would let us bet with IP

Maybe even represent a faction and gain IP bonuses for it. or something.

Also, the swag bag.


Containing a keyring, riven code and a nerdy but cool hoodie

What hidden/new/uncommon shit do you think we'll see?

Im expecting more of:
- AP EVELYNN (datr bitch)
- Katarina
- Draaaaven
- Lux
- Xerath


Get your team flag on guys.

Totally wish they would let us bet with IP

Maybe even represent a faction and gain IP bonuses for it. or something.

Also, the swag bag.

What hidden/new/uncommon shit do you think we'll see?

Im expecting more of:
- AP EVELYNN (datr bitch)
- Katarina
- Draaaaven
- Lux
- Xerath

Kat's getting nerfed isn't she? =(


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD



Get your team flag on guys.

Totally wish they would let us bet with IP

Maybe even represent a faction and gain IP bonuses for it. or something.

Also, the swag bag.

What hidden/new/uncommon shit do you think we'll see?

Im expecting more of:
- AP EVELYNN (datr bitch)
- Katarina
- Draaaaven
- Lux
- Xerath
Lux competitively? Interest piqued.


I think Riot said they'll be putting up VODs on YouTube. Should make it pretty easy to link the better games that are played.

Also I have no idea who'll take this, might be CLG.EU, might be M5 or Frost or even Sword. Should make for some exciting games nonetheless.
I wouldn't count out China, man.
Control-F Saint Vicious not found. :(
Sorry bro, TSM is the closest you'll get.


Never happening.
about that.....

only thing that is stopping her from competitive pick is the bugs.
expecting to see:
Ap eve
maybe some kat

Draven need a lot of time to master, Aphromoo spent tons of time playing him and i doubt that any other pro considered even touching him, so expect the holy trinity in every fucking game.

we might see doublelift sivir though.


More than anything I hope people do some weird and innovative strategies or pull out some extremely odd picks.

Also I fully expect M5 to win. Would be amazing to see a Korean team pull some magic. Having a traditional but extremely well executed team versus an aggressive wildcard team would be my ideal grand finals.
Looking forward to it. Will get to watch most of Thurs but almost none of Fri and Sat due to work.

Expecting M5 to win, but almost everyone's scary, especially considering how little many of the teams see of the non-Korean Asian teams. I think Frost & iG are pretty much locks to get out of their group but who knows for the other one.
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