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LTTP : Xenoblade Chronicles 2


I have completed the game today after like 105 hours (haven't complete all the side quest yet), damn what a long (and joyful ride

15 days ago, I bought and boot this game without any expectation, knowing that I won't get xenogears level edgy story, and I haven't played the first game yet, so yeah..

let's talk about the gameplay first :

Two hours into the game I was overwhelmed by the complexity of the battle system, and it takes me 30 hours later to get used to it (maybe I am a slow learner here), for the first 25 hours the battles felt very boring, it's almost felt like an unfinished MMO games with every monster has this monster hunter's boss long health bar, but then after knowing how to use and set up the battle mechanics the whole monster slaying felt very satisfying and addicting, and the pneuma burst gave me further excitement to hunt the now 'accessible to kill' big ass dinosaurs and unique monsters, all over all I think the experiment that monolith soft made in this game battle system was a huge success.

The whole gacha mechanics in the game also overwhelmed me, collecting rare blades were exciting at first but get boring after awhile like MMORPG grinding level of boring after the RNG kicks in, the whole increasing trust mechanics also tedious and felt uneccessary additions, the redeeming part of collecting them is that every rare blades has each own personality and side quests with majority of them felt interesting and not feels like a filler content.

SIde quest in this game presented with great QOL in my book, minus the confusing map indicator. Majority of the side quest doesn't felt like a fetch quest and some rewards you access to beautiful secret location also new interesting blades. But that sheer number of sidequests doesn't motivate me to find and finish it all (I don't have enough time and still has many backlogs) but if I had more time to spare I'd like to finish it.

then the art direction:

damn the whole world is very beautiful, the settings in this game is inspiring and has this remarkable attention to details. I never felt bored to explore locations, every locations of this game has it's own characteristic and ambiences, but also felt coherent one to each others that it's exist in same game. The maps also doesn't felt like randomly generated places, all with it's own knacks and uniqueness. With many hidden locations and secrets coupled with interesting landmarks every seconds spend exploring doesn't felt like drag. Sure there is one or two uninspiring locations like the factory or the last dungeon the world tree but for the other, damn.... I really loved the kingdom of uraya with vibrant lake under the cavern like scenery that take place on some big ass monster stomach, or the sea-but-floating land leftheria, even gormott region that supposed to be another plains and waterfall is really fleshed out. Too bad that these majority of those special locations are just an explorable scenery, I find it is better if they could add specific treasure chest that doesn't felt randomly generated and house some special treasures for each special and hidden places, to make it more memorable.

About the character's artwork, one could says that it doesn't looks coherent, it is very noticeable with character like Jin, Mikhail, Petroka, Godfrey, Vess and other really felt it was drawn by different artist (and it was), and I was baffled with the main character that has this 38 size pair of boobs, sometimes turns me off but I think some people will appreciate this kinda thing.

the story:

It was like watching a long anime, but I love it.

The story is pretty cliché, sometimes felt cringey but enjoyable because of the interesting cast and melodramatic scenes, the whole story felt grand with many factions and location involved. What really made me appreciates this game a lot is because the chapter 8 when the whole fantasy JRPG genre turns into Sci-fi one bought to you by Tetsuya Takahashi , was mindblowing to me because I missed his human vs. creator and yes, it is zohar once again, but was named conduit now , I was forgetting that this was a Xeno title game in the very first place.

all of these wrapped with the beautiful music by yasunori mitsuda and ace

all in all, I really loved the games and will come back in 2 or 3 years later to finish the DLC and those side quests. This game cemented me to be a monolith soft supporter and really excited to pre order for xenoblade 1 remake (I rarely buy a newly released game). Thank you monolith soft for such an experience.
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The nicest person on this forum
Yap, to this day Xenoblade 2 is one my all time favourite game on Switch, this game is as anime as it gets but to me it’s not negative especially how well the cutscenes are directed. I absolutely love the combat system in this game and DLC Torna improves combat even more.


I want to play this so bad, but I'm holding out until the next Switch is announced. Mark my words: if come June there's still no word of a Switch "Pro" then fuck it. Buying a Switch just for this game.

The first game felt like it was lovingly crafted just for me.


Unconfirmed Member
I keep seeing people calling the gameplay system complex and I don't get it. I didn't even read the tutorial and pretty much destroyed the entire game by pressing button prompts. It was for the most part boring and I would have loved for this game to be turn based tbh. THAT BEING SAID I beat the game within a week after it launched. Never went online for help and I was a fucking god with Hana. The characters as tropey as they were, were really charming and the different artstyles meshed greatly outside whats her face villain and her brother and the elf blade. I hope XC3 fixes the boring gameplay and that they don't tone down the pyras on the new main girl.



The nicest person on this forum
I keep seeing people calling the gameplay system complex and I don't get it. I didn't even read the tutorial and pretty much destroyed the entire game by pressing button prompts. It was for the most part boring and I would have loved for this game to be turn based tbh. THAT BEING SAID I beat the game within a week after it launched. Never went online for help and I was a fucking god with Hana. The characters as tropey as they were, were really charming and the different artstyles meshed greatly outside whats her face villain and her brother and the elf blade. I hope XC3 fixes the boring gameplay and that they don't tone down the pyras on the new main girl.
Same way press turn combat system is part of SMT/Persona so is combat system in Xenoblade series, I like to see it improve but I still like them to keep the core combat. We also saw it vastly improved in Torna Golden Country DLC.


Gold Member
It's probably my favorite game on Switch, i used many hours on this abd Torna when they released. The story and cutscenes were anime af, but the story was delivered in a great way. I loved the story, especially the final cutscenes. I felt like applauding when yhe credits rolled.

It's even more incredible when you remember, that Monolith Soft only had a small team working on this for the majority of development. Let's hope Xenoblade Chronicles 2 sold well enough fir Takahashi to get his own deficated team and bigger budget for his next game.


Unconfirmed Member
Same way press turn combat system is part of SMT/Persona so is combat system in Xenoblade series, I like to see it improve but I still like them to keep the core combat. We also saw it vastly improved in Torna Golden Country DLC.
They need to make it faster and more engaging.


The Tribe Has Spoken
Embarrassingly, this was the first JRPG I ever finished. Absolutely loved it.

Loved it enough that it motivated me to go back and play a lot of the classic JRPGs/WRPGs I’d neglected over the years.

Just a gorgeous and epic game.
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Best JRPG since ... Xenoblade X.

The characters are infinitely likeable.
The English voice-acting is fantastic (Nia's Welsh actress deserves a voice-Oscar)
The combat is the best in any jrpg ever. It didn't get boring even 365 hours in. Plus: Once it 'clicks', it almost turns into a music rhythm game. At some point I was playing blindly by ear and knowledge of attack recharge rhythm. So satisfying
The story is, as most games, not per se great, but it is presented so masterfully that it pulls you in like a game's story rarely manages to.

Xenoblade 2 isn't 'anime' - it *is* an anime turned into a video game. But not like the ton of low budget-vita jrpgs. Rather, it's like throwing the passion of a Zelda/Mario-game behind an anime setting ... the result is the most completely realized anime game of all times.

I plan on returning to Xenoblade 2, but I also sincerely hope Nintendo won't let these characters go to waste. Xenoblade Warriors, Xenoblade Dancing, Xenoblade Harvest Moon, whatever - just let me meet Rex, Pyra, Nia, Dromarch, Morag, Brighid, Zeke and Pandy again.

Xenoblade DE will be nice, but Xenoblade 3 is my 2nd most wanted game. #1 most wanted is Monolith Soft's new ip.
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always chasing the next thrill
only game i sold on my switch.
fuck this trainwreck

fuck this game srsly fuck it

making this weeb fanservice trash when the wii game was so extremely good
is next level insulting imo


The nicest person on this forum
only game i sold on my switch.
fuck this trainwreck

fuck this game srsly fuck it

making this weeb fanservice trash when the wii game was so extremely good
is next level insulting imo
I'm guessing you are also going to hate Definitive Edition of the original game because its new "anime" artstyle because it seems thats your biggest issue with the 2nd game.


always chasing the next thrill
I'm guessing you are also going to hate Definitive Edition of the original game because its new "anime" artstyle because it seems thats your biggest issue with the 2nd game.
i really hope it is nothing like 2
1 is one of my fave rpgs ever next to FF12


Unconfirmed Member
Embarrassingly, this was the first JRPG I ever finished.


only game i sold on my switch.
fuck this trainwreck

fuck this game srsly fuck it

making this weeb fanservice trash when the wii game was so extremely good
is next level insulting imo
Nice bait. I know you like anime tiddies.
The English voice-acting is fantastic (Nia's Welsh actress deserves a voice-Oscar)
You actually like that the cat girl cuck sounds like a welsh chain smoker? Anita again WTF. :triggered:


always chasing the next thrill

Nice bait. I know you like anime tiddies.

You actually like that the cat girl cuck sounds like a welsh chain smoker? Anita again WTF. :triggered:



The nicest person on this forum
i really hope it is nothing like 2
1 is one of my fave rpgs ever next to FF12
But your most complain I heard about XC2 is that it’s more “anime” and Definitive Edition of the original game is going have more “anime” artstyle.


Also this one of the original concept art for original game even before the second game and Definitive edition. Xenoblade always been anime but I'm guessing you rather have blurry character over anime artstyle.


Unconfirmed Member


They patched that out. Game really shines after ch5 btw.
You dislike Nia?! Wtf

She was shit until she gets cucked tbh EVEN then she isn't worst girl.

But your most complain I heard about XC2 is that it’s more “anime” and Definitive Edition of the original game is going have more “anime” artstyle.


Also this one of the original concept art for original game even before the second game and Definitive edition. Xenoblade always been anime but I'm guessing you rather have blurry character over anime artstyle.
He is being silly since these are all Japanese games and calling it anime is ignorant tbh.


always chasing the next thrill

i don't know i like the old look


the "new" arstyle looks so fing generic man
can't put my finger on it.
but it still feels like a random anime generator shat the new ones out,


even the 3ds one looks great imo

Deleted member 774430

Unconfirmed Member
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 what a weird game, it's the kind of game where despite the flaws you still look at the overall picture and enjoy it for what it is.

The world is very nice, there are some very cool scenery in Alrest, and living on the back of titans is still a very cool innovative setting, despite the graphics in handheld mode really don't do it justice.

The story is a bit cheesy and full of clichès and yet the cast is so great, you end up loving all the protagonists.

The chara design is so all over the place considering they hired different artists for all the unique blades, and yet because of that you got many cool designs in one game.

The battle system is so confusing at first, and yet so engaging once you can fully understand it.

The music are absolutely glorious, best OST in a video game released in the past decade easily.

Also the fanarts, meme, gifs that came out of it are gold.


Still need to play Torna, which from what i've seen has a far more polished gameplay, unfortunately i've spoiled myself most of the game watching it too many times, so i will come back to it later.
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The nicest person on this forum

i don't know i like the old look


the "new" arstyle looks so fing generic man
can't put my finger on it.
but it still feels like a random anime generator shat the new ones out,


even the 3ds one looks great imo
thats what I thought, you basically rather have blurry character models over “anime” artstyle. I guess that’s your taste but just like 90% western games have hyper realistic visuals, most JRPG going to have anime artstyle, and if you really don’t want anime artstyle in your games then you better playing WRPG instead.


always chasing the next thrill
thats what I thought, you basically rather have blurry character models over “anime” artstyle. I guess that’s your taste but just like 90% western games have hyper realistic visuals, most JRPG going to have anime artstyle, and if you really don’t want anime artstyle in your games then you better playing WRPG instead.
Ff 12 didn't
neither did persona 5

I don't need hyper realistic.
Just a lil less on the generic weeb meter.


The nicest person on this forum
Ff 12 didn't
neither did persona 5

I don't need hyper realistic.
Just a lil less on the generic weeb meter.
What hell are consider "weep metter"? You also consider Fire Emblem Three Houses "weeb" game even tho that game has waaay less fan service than Persona 3, 4 and 5 combined.
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Deleted member 774430

Unconfirmed Member

i don't know i like the old look


the "new" arstyle looks so fing generic man
can't put my finger on it.
but it still feels like a random anime generator shat the new ones out,


even the 3ds one looks great imo

If you are into in that style for the faces, the character designer is now making Brigandine Legend of Runersia (a SRPG like Fire Emblem, sequel to an old PS1 game)


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Xenoblade Chronicles 2 what a weird game, it's the kind of game where despite the flaws you still look at the overall picture and enjoy it for what it is.
Even with all the flaws, XC2 ends up being one of the best games on Switch.
I wish the side-content was as well done as the main game.

The music are absolutely glorious, best OST in a video game released in the past decade easily.
Yes, the soundtrack in this game is amazing. Worth playing for the soundtrack alone.

Protips for playing this game:
1. Change voicecast from English to Weaboo if you find the Welsh/Irish accents grating or MC annoying.
2. Disable enemy aggro in options if you don't like to waste time on fighting generic monsters.
3. Focus on the main-story, the side content is grindy and rote, just not worth it as far as I can tell.

"Think you can take me? Don't forget me!" has long been patched out of the game. I didn't get to experience that when I played through it.


Darkness no more
I loved XB2. I beat it in about 40 hours but ended up clocking around 150 hours total just doing all the side content, leveling and exploring. I’ve never played a game for that many hours. This is up there with NieR Automata as my game of the generation.


wow some polarizing discussion this is

at first I was a bit dissappointed with anime character art direction that they takes, but looking back at the first game they made (xenogears) it is clear that the anime style was one of the root of their games, at least all the character very lovable and great.

GOSH I love whoever made this, LOVE THIS

If you are into in that style for the faces, the character designer is now making Brigandine Legend of Runersia (a SRPG like Fire Emblem, sequel to an old PS1 game)


also I hope you guys plays this game too, the first game was criminally underrated


Unconfirmed Member
TIL normalfiends think Japanese = Weeb. This is why god doesn't talk to us anymore.



I played for about 10-15 hours and just didn’t dig the game, despite really wanting to like it.

The battles were soooooo long. Just not enjoyable. Side quests seemed pretty generic. Plot might have gotten better hit wasn’t good enough to get me to stick with the game.

The environments and soundtrack were great at least. I’m willing to give Mono Soft another shot with their next game, but I’m hoping for improvement.


TIL normalfiends think Japanese = Weeb. This is why the architect doesn't talk to us anymore.

fixed that for you

I played for about 10-15 hours and just didn’t dig the game, despite really wanting to like it.

The battles were soooooo long. Just not enjoyable. Side quests seemed pretty generic. Plot might have gotten better hit wasn’t good enough to get me to stick with the game.

The environments and soundtrack were great at least. I’m willing to give Mono Soft another shot with their next game, but I’m hoping for improvement.

you should give more 15 hours, it will bloom soon


Gameplay is slow and many normal encounters feel super slow due to having to fill those gauges for big damage. Also final boss fight is laughble. There is no hit box, you just slash the air and watch number coming out of the boss as damage. This game is just like death stranding. Super flawled gameplay design but very well done cutscenes. It’s a Disappointment after the first xenoblade chronicles for sure but I do love the cutscenes, character design and music even more than death stranding. The biggest grip I have for its ending is they scrap the harem part and only kind of hint it in a very subtle way, probably fearful of western backlash.
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always chasing the next thrill
you should give more 15 hours, it will bloom soon

To like this game please play it 40 hours.
Otherwise you don't understand.

Took me about 10 min to like xenoblade chronicles 1
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The nicest person on this forum
Gameplay is slow and many normal encounters feel super slow due to having to fill those gauges for big damage. Also final boss fight is laughble. There is no hit box, you just slash the air and watch number coming out of the boss as damage. This game is just like death stranding. Super flawled gameplay design but very well done cutscenes. It’s a Disappointment after the first xenoblade chronicles for sure but I do love the cutscenes, character design and music even more than death stranding. The biggest grip I have for its ending is they scrap the harem part and only kind of hint it in a very subtle way, probably fearful of western backlash.
That’s also true for first Xenoblade and X, the combat system in that series is not full action RPGs.
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The nicest person on this forum
To like this game please play it 40 hours.
Otherwise you don't understand.
I’m pretty sure you didn’t give the game a chance because you personally turned off by “anime” artsyle.
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always chasing the next thrill
I’m pretty sure you didn’t give the game a chance because you personally turned off by “anime” artsyle.
The VA turned me off the most.
I honestly tried the game for 20+ hours.

Not happening.


The nicest person on this forum
The VA turned me off the most.
I honestly tried the game for 20+ hours.

Not happening.
You could have used Japanese voice over if you wanted to, I guess it fair if did played game for 20+ hours then I guess it wasn't your cup of tea. To me Xenoblade was always "anime" the difference was the first game had really, really blurry character models.
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You could have used Japanese voice over if you wanted to, I guess it fair if did played game for 20+ hours then I guess it wasn't your cup of tea. To me Xenoblade was always "anime" the difference was the first game had really, really blurry character models.

I think young klaus and galea still use the artstyle of xenoblade 1 though, this is the part of inconsistent artworks



Was the plot too much for you?


TIL that they uses anti aliasing on dat boobs, after all who likes jagged boobs?
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Gameplay is slow and many normal encounters feel super slow due to having to fill those gauges for big damage. Also final boss fight is laughble. There is no hit box, you just slash the air and watch number coming out of the boss as damage. This game is just like death stranding. Super flawled gameplay design but very well done cutscenes. It’s a Disappointment after the first xenoblade chronicles for sure but I do love the cutscenes, character design and music even more than death stranding. The biggest grip I have for its ending is they scrap the harem part and only kind of hint it in a very subtle way, probably fearful of western backlash.
Disable Enemy Aggression in Options Menu. It makes the game way better.

You don't have to fight normal dudes. I didn't. Only bosses and specials.

Good thing about XC2 is that pretty much all of the annoying things in the game can be either disabled, changed or skipped.

If that's not enough the game is probably not for you.
The enemies have to have high HP otherwise they would die before you would be able to pull off any of the big combos.
And the combat in the game is all about chaining attacks and combining multiple combos into fusion combos, spawning colored pokeballs and then breaking the balls for MASSIVE DAMAGE.

It's all about them combos. If the enemies were squishy, it just wouldn't work.
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Whenever I see morons complain about the fan service in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 I have to shake my head. Especially when they bring out the "XC1 didn't have any"-argument. This is already telling me that the babies didn't play any game of the franchise at all. The armors in XC1 were full of sexualized designs... tits hanging out galore.

The only thing you are allowed to complain about is that XC2 didn't have ENOUGH fan service, because Monolith removed any armor customization which is a shame, especially after the glorious XCX. I hope they bring this back for XC3.

XC2 was, aside from the shitty and generic shonen story, amazing! It's one of the few jRPGs in the past years that I was able to play for long sessions... it also manages that power fantasy feel really good, getting back to earlier regions to fuck up that lvl 80+ monster that killed you early on is very satisfying. It's also one of those franchises were I wish the developers had a more powerful system to play around with. I'd love to see what Monolith can do with stronger hardware.

Looking forward to the XC1 remake.


Gold Member
one of my greatest regrets in this gen.

and i even bought this turd in digital so i can't even sell it to recover some money...


I really like everything about the game except the combat, which is just dull. Story, characters, voice acting (I love the ultra British/Scottish or whatever accents), music, locations, traversal, all of that is great but the combat is just so slow and uneventful, you are just waiting for specials to appear and then combine them, you don't even have to watch the screen really, just wait for audio ques. All of the fights I had in the game were complete rofl stomps one way or another, I never felt like I had to try harder to win. Either the enemy killed me in two hits or it did such minuscule damage that it didn't even matter. Pretty good game for long flights and commutes but even for those there are better alternatives like Octopath Traveler. All in all I kind of enjoyed it, it's just that the combat wasn't engaging at all. I don't even know how far I got. I fixed Poppy and went to get a ship from Tora's uncle. That is as far as I got.
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