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Marvel’s Avengers Game Review Thread


Gold Member
Sure, if you want the game to turn into this:





So I just completed the campaign last night and continued playing even after that. Took me around 15ish hours to finish the story, I had to do a few side missions to power up some of the characters.

I think the game is fantastic. The story, graphics, controls, animations, cut scenes were great. Really enjoyed the story and now having fun leveling up the characters. I think this game has huge potential to be a long term successful ongoing game. I would love to play as other heroes (huge spidey fan so excited about that), more story expansions, more locations.

The combat was solid and was satisfying. My personal favorite is black widow with her agility and awesome move set, although playing as Kamala makes the game easier.

I think I will be returning to this game from time to time. Really liked it!


Marvel IP games should be implemented in videogame form by PlayStation studios and not by 3rd party factories like Crystal Dynamics.
Unless you don't care if the game is actually good.
it's funny ,when considering they are third party crystal dynamic talent is probably at least on par if not higher than ND one
the shame is more the publisher they are tied to and projects they make them do (this one being a new low)
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Some of you are further proving what I said about not accepting it cause it's not Sony.
The facial animations in this game might be just as good as TLOU2.
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Neo Member
Many reviews don't read the written text in score. Game informer for example points out many flaws and repetitiveness yet gives the game a stellar score. Personally I'll wait a bit more even though I'm a huge marvel fan.


Many reviews don't read the written text in score. Game informer for example points out many flaws and repetitiveness yet gives the game a stellar score. Personally I'll wait a bit more even though I'm a huge marvel fan.

Aw man if you love Marvel risk it. I was the same and now this game is up there as one of the best games I've played this year. So addictive and fun.
Ok I've been playing for awhile now and I'm still waiting for it to be meh, or disappointing. So far this game is incredible! Some of the set pieces are naughty dog good


Took them 5 years to make a mediocre game, gotta be a big disappointment for square Enix. I’m sure they were expecting 10+ million sales for this. Bet they will be selling off many of their western Studios after this, they might keep crystal dynamics for another tomb raider For one last try.


Gold Member
I enjoyed playing the campaign but now that I'm actively trying to engage in the multiplayer I'm becoming frustrated with the game. The MP is bugged beyond belief. No rhyme or reason to how the matching works, sometimes you see it searching, other times there's no feedback, it's rare to get a queue of 4, there's no ping or other comms system to coordinate except for chat, which no one uses, Quick Match doesn't seem to work at all ... it's just a mess. And most disturbingly it doesn't feel like just a bugfix needed, it feels actually like fundamental design problems. I've been matched with people way lower than me and instead of trying to equalize us, I end up being way overpowered and just plow through everything. Hard to believe that on a live service game the basic multiplayer would be so screwed. They need to fix this shit pronto!
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Some of you are further proving what I said about not accepting it cause it's not Sony.
The facial animations in this game might be just as good as TLOU2.

I'll never understand why anyone gives a shit about this lol.
Especially in a generic story like this it's totally wasted.

Facial animations are just fluff really.

Edit: Also I don't like Sony so you can't pull that card on me, I hate on their exclusives all the time.

Took them 5 years to make a mediocre game, gotta be a big disappointment for square Enix. I’m sure they were expecting 10+ million sales for this. Bet they will be selling off many of their western Studios after this, they might keep crystal dynamics for another tomb raider For one last try.

Sadly when you have a big IP like this to work with publishers and devs feel like you can get away with low effort because people are mindless sheep ( they're not wrong ).
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Don't forget the stealth levels.
That is a really funny topic for me. On one hand I enjoyed them because it was a nice change of pace, but on the other hand I once tried to just sprint through and it actually worked. The alert meter takes so freaking long to fill up that I could just sprint through the whole section without getting a fail state.


Gold Member
That bit about facial animation or even the faces being nowhere near tlou2 level made me chuckle, maybe i'm playing a different avengers games.

I like the writing and character more tho, i give you that.


I enjoyed playing the campaign but now that I'm actively trying to engage in the multiplayer I'm becoming frustrated with the game. The MP is bugged beyond belief. No rhyme or reason to how the matching works, sometimes you see it searching, other times there's no feedback, it's rare to get a queue of 4, there's no ping or other comms system to coordinate except for chat, which no one uses, Quick Match doesn't seem to work at all ... it's just a mess. And most disturbingly it doesn't feel like just a bugfix needed, it feels actually like fundamental design problems. I've been matched with people way lower than me and instead of trying to equalize us, I end up being way overpowered and just plow through everything. Hard to believe that on a live service game the basic multiplayer would be so screwed. They need to fix this shit pronto!
The matchmaking definitely seems off, sometimes you get people, sometimes you don't. That's why when I found three guys, I friended them, and we stuck together for hours. Once you're with a group though it's sooooooooo good. Hopefully they fix it though.


Gold Member
Do you get more experience if you fight in a cool way? Or it's just related to how many robot you kill?
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I don't hate this game at all and I don't give a crap about The Avengers. To me, it's the worst part of Marvel. But I'm having a lot of fun with this as just a classic beat em up. I personally don't see the Destiny comparisons at all.
Than you are blind or lying to yourself
Or what if it's actually you.. 😳
M. night shyamalan!! Being blind wouldn't make a whole lot of sense. The characters have conveyed so many different emotions and they all come across believable. Keep hating. I Love the game, so I win either way.


Campaign was okay. Some good set piece moments. PC version is very buggy and needs better PC optimization. Tried to play with matchmaker turned on, couldn't find anyone after leaving it on for 5 minutes. The Villains used in the game are very underwhelming. Nice to see MODOK given a good showing.


About three hours in at the moment. I am enjoying it quite alot. It's janky in places, and I have got stuck in some scenery one in a while. I didn't expect to enjoy playing as kamala but I am. With ironman a close second. Hulks OK too. Fell down some gaps a few times. Overall I like it so far.. Including the leveling up shit. Bit of a mess tho but I'm sure it will be improved. Lovely stuff so far.
Quite a few on my Xbox and PlayStation friends list are playing this, most are enjoying it from what’s been said to me.

I’m holding off though , keeping my money for Mafia remaster later this month.


The score keeps dropping. I really made a bad bet on this one. (I don't mean I bought it, fortunately.)
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One of the green rats
So here is a big issue in the cohesiveness of the game if you are into that type of thing. I am not but it’s pretty glaring.

you are basically fighting robots 95% of the time. Black widow has this special attack that Stuns robots and makes them very vulnerable to attacks.

why the hell doesnt everyone on the team use this tech ??!! It’s pretty ridiculous. It’s obviously super effective at fighting robots But no one else wants to use that tech? “ oh no thanks I’ll just throw this shield that bounces off the robots like a plastic frisbee”


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Ooff Xbox down to 63% on meta critic...

offically lower then anthem with a 65%
Not surprised how it turned out. I wasn't sure why everyone hyped it up in the first place. Literally looked like another cookie cutter in the line up of generic super hero games on mobile. It's like they hired all interns to work on this.


This game is absolute hot garbage. They should have given the license to do this game to Insomniac.


I played both, Anthem and Avengers and by no means is Avengers worse than Anthem. Seems like some just wanna see Avengers burn. There more devs than Insomniac capable of handling comic IPs. Spider-Man was awesome though.
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