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Mass effect 3 is so weird, it was clearly rushed and it feels like it had a low budget.


Miranda and jacob get a huge focus in mass effect 2, i imagine most players romanced them. Yet they are essentially yeeted off to the side somewhere while romance options like liara, garrus, tali, and ashley/kaiden get more interesting over all arcs.

I usually romance liara, and i was expecting miranda to get a similarly well developed arc, but man. She shows up like 4 times, and you dont even get a proper “goodbye” sex scene or something lol.

I feel for people who romanced jack, because she shows up like twice briefly in mass effect 3. Jacob even cheats on you!

lets not forget kelly chambers. A somewhat important character in mass effect 2 who doesn't show up in 3 unless you flirt with her in the second game, and its a very missable cameo at that!

The least they could have done would be to allow them to be squadmates for the citadel dlc like they did with urdnot wrex, but you dont even get that!

They show up to the party and get a small hand full of dialogue each, they get a short “lets hang out at your apartment/on the citadel” scene, plus a “waking up togeather” scene if you romanced them. Its better than nothing, but the fact that these were added in dlc shows that even bioware knew how shafted those characters were in 3.

I feel like, if this game had gotten another year of development time, and a higher budget, the mass effect 2 characters would have gotten more love. Characters like miranda should have been recruitable as squad mates, especially over nothing characters like james vega.

anyway, sorry for my pointless rant. I love mass effect, 2 especially. Those characters deserve better. Lol even the randoburger, steve cortez, gets a better romance arc than the established me2 cast!!
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You say low budget but you only talked about players you can bang
Well. Thats the most important aspect of course, but its clear in the “over hear conversation and scan star system” fetch quests that took the place of actual side quests from 1 and 2


Gold Member
I think EA pushed a lot of content from ME3 into DLC. Thankfully it was included in the Legendary Edition. ME3 would have felt extremely empty without it. From the Ashes and the Omega DLC was pretty good. The Citadel DLC, however, was crap. Either way, the squad character development definitely took a dive in the third game. Yeah.....including the romance aspect. I really enjoyed the loyalty missions in ME2.

Well. Thats the most important aspect of course, but its clear in the “over hear conversation and scan star system” fetch quests that took the place of actual side quests from 1 and 2

I agree. That was a bit absurd. And they included all those crap fetch quests in the main mission list. At least in ME2 side missions showed up in a separate "assignments" list. But even then the "assignments" were more than just fetch quests.


I didn't experience it this way. In Mass Effect 2 you also had only a brief interaction with Ashley/ Kaiden. In ME3 Miranda, Jacob have their own lives and shit to do. I don't think it is reasonable for every Character who was on the Normandy once to have such a huge Moment like Mordin. Doing this over and over would hurt the story. You can argue there is enough fuzzing about doing sidestuff, since the Reapers are their and the shit already hits the fan...


I felt about ME3 being rushed when I played the og campaign, but man, the expansions have added a ton of content and they're all very interesting, especially Leviathan. I've put 52 hours into ME3 remaster in total which is more than with ME2.
I mean remember the pixel humans running away when you're on Earth? Proper mad that like.

Only played ME3 once and never played it again.

Smashing half the cast or not the game DEFINITELY needed an additional 12 months dev time but EA wanted that bag as the new Xbox One/PS4 were coming in so they had to wrap it up.
Dafuq? Mass Effect 3 has the best gameplay out of all 3, the mp was incredibly fun, and after 2 average attempts at making biotics cool, the third time was finally the charm and charging and smashing and throwing enemies all around was incredibly fun. Did I mention the best dlc ever made called citadel? Its even more insane when you are a vanguard and he just does your abilities and youre charging at eachother nonstop in tight spaces on Insanity difficulty. Incredibly fun. Fuck the ending, who cares, but up until that point it's an excellent game.

Also sex bot. Tell me Joker isnt the luckiest sob in the universe.

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Playing the Legendary Edition and replaying it all again, I’m preferring 3 to 2 in all honesty. The character interactions , atmosphere and combat is better in 3 than in 2. As a trilogy for me it’s 1,3,2 as personal favourites.


Rushed, but certainly not low budget. The level of detail in each stage far outdoes what 2 did, which itself was a big step up from 1. It's just a shame then that the game is just a bunch of linear shoot-outs.


Gold Member
I felt about ME3 being rushed when I played the og campaign, but man, the expansions have added a ton of content and they're all very interesting, especially Leviathan. I've put 52 hours into ME3 remaster in total which is more than with ME2.

Legendary ME3 was definitely what the og ME3 should have been. Especially the "From the Ashes" DLC. It should have been included in the original base game but EA made it a separate purchase except for those who bought the collector's or "deluxe digital" editions. Leviathan was pretty cool as was Omega. I could have done without the Citadel DLC personally. Seemed like someone was trying too hard to be cute. Regardless, it certainly felt like a lot of the content was from DLC.
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Well. Thats the most important aspect of course
The most important aspect of Mass Effect are the romance options? I think we play games for different reasons.

Mass Effect 3 is great. And while the ending landed flat, I never thought of it as a low budget game.


Gold Member
Dafuq? Mass Effect 3 has the best gameplay out of all 3, the mp was incredibly fun, and after 2 average attempts at making biotics cool, the third time was finally the charm and charging and smashing and throwing enemies all around was incredibly fun. Did I mention the best dlc ever made called citadel? Its even more insane when you are a vanguard and he just does your abilities and youre charging at eachother nonstop in tight spaces on Insanity difficulty. Incredibly fun. Fuck the ending, who cares, but up until that point it's an excellent game.

Also sex bot. Tell me Joker isnt the luckiest sob in the universe.

Brittle boner says no.


Low budget - no. Rushed at the very end - highly probable. Though I doubt ending(s) would have been much different if they had more time. It's not something you think up at the last minute.

Writers just didn't come up with anything better - that's the truth. Dialogs and characters are great, but logic behind the key events across the entire trilogy is kinda wonky. Most players realize that only at the very end, this is where the truth hits them hard and they start putting blame on bad EA or budget or whatever but in reality it's just how ME writing was entire time - great characters, great dialogs, good lore, mediocre everything else.
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ME3 had a lot of dev issues during development, including the Lead Writer leaving, which does explain the ending


The first mistake in your write-up is your entire first sentence.

noone fucking romances jacob lmao.

And miranda isnt n1.

Garrus and Tali are, followed by Liara


Legendary ME3 was definitely what the go ME3 should have been. Especially the "From the Ashes" DLC. It should have been included in the original base game but EA made it a separate purchase except for those who bought the collector's or "deluxe digital" editions. Leviathan was pretty cool as was Omega. I could have done without the Citadel DLC personally. Seemed like someone was trying too hard to be cute. Regardless, it certainly felt like a lot of the content was from DLC.
Damn, From Ashes was also DLC? I remember playing it when the game launched. I agree that it would suck to play the game without it.

Citadel DLC would be better if they contained all of the jokes in the party quest. Having everyone joke around during the initial crisis felt a bit weird.
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wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Its a very meaty game when you also consider the extensive multiplayer & DLC. It has the most substantial DLC in the franchise, which is saying something because ME2 got some pretty good DLC.

I agree that ME3 on its own is barebones. It did not launch in the best state. Javik was fucking on-disc DLC for example.


It does feel rushed as fuck and they wrote themselves into a corner they didn't know how to get out of. Still one of the worst endings of all time.


Not so much a low budget as it is a low effort ME game. For me, it was somewhat rectified with the "LIME" and "Citadel epilogue" mods, so I suggest you get those. Oh, and also get the "Tali Romance Mod" as she is practically bae; why bother with the other hoes.


Idk but I've played 1 and 2 several times now, and both times I've stopped early on in 3. I can't tell what it is, but it just can't seem to grab me the same way, at least early on.


Low budget? That's one way to look at it. The game was one of the highest budget games released that year, probably among the top across PS3/360, especially for EA.

Kev Kev

it was a step backwards from ME2, which is widely considered one of the best games of all time, but i still enjoyed it, and the story itself was decent. just seemed do bizarre how they had an award winning game like ME2 to work off of, and they managed to make an inferior game.
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We bang ok?

On topic, yes ..me3 has some shitty ass animations, specially the intro level, holy balls.

And its that intro that prevents me from ever finishing it or continuing it.

I will forever remember the day the game came out I grabbed my friends gaf account and spoiled the game for everyone lmao. Instant ban.
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Wasnt the ending changed cause the original leaked online?
I think so, what annoys me is that BioWare say that the Indoctrination Theory is not canon when the books (who were also written by the lead writer) allude to it so much


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
The mass effect journey ended with 2 for many 3 just gets better gameplay and graphics which doesn’t get you a better game.


The game was rushed out by EA and it showed, hate the game. 1&2 were so excellent as well...Bioware died to me after ME2.


It’s probably not low budget, however that just make it worse. The team clearly has absolutely no talent. Also with ending that does not reflect players choice basically make the whole series worthless. People were expecting this to be a new standard for storytelling in games by giving players lots of choice that will alter the course of the game. Sadly nope, its a huge middle finger to players and tell them to just watch movies instead. No point wasting time playing the game to make all the previous choices.
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