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Media Create Sales: Week 33, 2013 (Aug 12 - Aug 18)


Eh, they're not dropping a console they've sunk so much money into, but something is definitely going on, it's been far too quiet.

Or it could genuinely be them sitting around believing the lineup is good enough, wouldn't surprise me :/


Junior Member
You're right...it does seem like they've put the console in stasis. The old Nintendo would aggressively be pushing their console and immediately reacting to trends. For example, the N64 engaged in a very competitive price war with the PS1, and the GameCube only lasted six months before it got a 25% price cut.

But here we have Nintendo ignoring the PS4 that is only $50 more expensive than the Wii U's most visible model, no clear rush to aggressively promote their products, and a sustained complacency towards terribly low debuts.

Has there been a corporate shift at Nintendo? Are they realized what a grave mistake they've made and are planning to drop the console ala. Virtual Boy? Because Nintendo's tactics are very unbefitting of a company that actually wants to sell their products. In a way, it's like they've given up.
NCL are after profits. 3DS for profit, then that money can be used to offset the cost of a price drop...
Well, if it's not a Premium NiU £199.99/£239.99 with Mario Kart or Smash Bros. equivalent in Yen & Dollars by early next year, then yeah.

Edit: I'm not a fan of the hybrid idea, to be honest.

Because it's an idea that can go horribly wrong with a high chance of providing the worst of both worlds. It would take a lot to sell it, when there's no proven market for that kind of device. Nintendo would be insane to converge their business into one risky device as such. At "best" it should first be positioned as a "third pillar" like the DS initially was.
Because it's an idea that can go horribly wrong with a high chance of providing the worst of both worlds. It would take a lot to sell it, when there's no proven market for that kind of device. Nintendo would be insane to converge their business into one risky device as such. At "best" it should first be positioned as a "third pillar" like the DS initially was.

High powered portable with HDMI out, cheap memory cards, and 50+ virtual console games available at launch.
Well its all about risks. Do you think Nintendo is going to risk having substantially weaker hardware next gen? Who knows but they should ask devs. They don't have to listen to everything they say but take on board what they expect.

Nintendo generally approaches the whole hardware business fundamentally different than Microsoft or Sony. This can probably be traced back to their toy and arcade roots but they usually make their hardware to fit their games instead of the other way around. It's naive to think that Nintendo doesn't talk to developers and publishers but their priority is to sell Nintendo hardware so they can sell Nintendo software. What others want is not what Nintendo wants.

And now they have an absolute disaster on their hands that doesn't sell either, taking it to sub-GameCube levels. The Wii U is selling terribly and even losing them money per unit sold with nothing to make up for it. Everybody has realized that the Wii was a fluke and if the Wii U continues going down this path no sane publisher or gamer would risk supporting another Nintendo console.
Nintendo generally approaches the whole hardware business fundamentally different than Microsoft or Sony. This can probably be traced back to their toy and arcade roots but they usually make their hardware to fit their games instead of the other way around. It's naive to think that Nintendo doesn't talk to developers and publishers but their priority is to sell Nintendo hardware so they can sell Nintendo software. What others want is not what Nintendo wants.

And now they have an absolute disaster on their hands that doesn't sell either, taking it to sub-GameCube levels. The Wii U is selling terribly and even losing them money per unit sold with nothing to make up for it. Everybody has realized that the Wii was a fluke and if the Wii U continues going down this path no sane publisher or gamer would risk supporting another Nintendo console.
The WiiU's problem unlike the Wii is that it is simply an ill-conceived product. The Wii was built to sell software that was genuinely fresh and innovative. It had an identity and its hook was something that had a very visible selling point. The WiiU is the opposite, it takes away all of the strength of that kind of branding, minus the name itself, and is a confused mess of a product. The expensive gamepad is the main culprit here, as even Nintendo seem pressed to provide the kind of software that sells the idea this time around (which is something they usually do well), but yet it bleeds them money. They seemingly learnt nothing from what made the Wii a runaway success


SMT and Fire Emblem are pretty popular series, especially in Japan. I see no reason why the crossover wouldn't do well.

I think I need to see what this is first to judge.

By franchises included Namco x Capcom should sell 5 million copies, but the type of game and how well that resonates with each fanbase is pretty important.

I suspect X will be pushed by Nintendo pretty hard. I think they recognize that that type of game could strike a goldmine if they market it right.
For this game I kind of see it as Blue Dragon.

On the one hand it has some obvious appeal and seems like a correct fit for the market, on the other hand it's on a platform that's going to be a long uphill struggle.

I'm pretty lost on Bayonetta 2. I want to say TW 101 is foreshadowing, but then again, Bayo did decently in Japan anyway.

Bayonetta 2's main struggle again I feel will be the platform. I would compare this more to Star Ocean or Tales of Vesperia on 360, where clearly they had a fanbase, but by being on a platform where the fanbase wasn't, their sales potential was stunted a fair amount.


Yea, this 8th gen has the definition of gimmicks for Nintendo with the 3DS and the Wii U. The former had (mid to high profile) games from 3rd parties and Nintendo coming out in a consistent manner. The latter doesn't. I hope Nintendo learns from that.


Junior Member
Yea, this 8th gen has the definition of gimmicks for Nintendo with the 3DS and the Wii U. The former had (mid to high profile) games from 3rd parties and Nintendo coming out in a consistent manner. The latter doesn't. I hope Nintendo learns from that.

It's such a stark contrast. They did something about it concerning the 3DS but with the WiiU, forget about it.
It's such a stark contrast. They did something about it concerning the 3DS but with the WiiU, forget about it.

The 3DS had the goodwill of third parties (in Japan anyway), is easier to churn out software for, and had more wiggle room for an effective price drop. The WiiU has none of these. They are clearly struggling with HD development due to lack of foresight and no one else is developing for them to fill the obvious gaps.
I'm not sure why people are against a hybrid. Imagine a 3DS-like handheld with an optional receiver that connects to your TV, sorta like a reverse Wii U.

The WiiU's problem unlike the Wii is that it is simply an ill-conceived product. The Wii was built to sell software that was genuinely fresh and innovative. It had an identity and its hook was something that had a very visible selling point. The WiiU is the opposite, it takes away all of the strength of that kind of branding, minus the name itself, and is a confused mess of a product. The expensive gamepad is the main culprit here, as even Nintendo seem pressed to provide the kind of software that sells the idea this time around (which is something they usually do well), but yet it bleeds them money. They seemingly learnt nothing from what made the Wii a runaway success

Absolutely. Nintendo has failed to justify the gamepad and is paying dearly for it.

And as much as I love it, the 3DS was (and still is) like this as well. I think that adding the expensive 3D screen instead of focusing on a better online system will end up biting them in the ass eventually. They're "lucky" that they have the software to support it.
Nintendo better drop some surprises for the Wii U in their next direct.

What surprises could the possibly have that are going to release soon enough to make an impact?

Certainly, nothing for this year. They have 14 games announced and for a company that likes to release only 1 first party title per month, that'd take them to October next year. This ignores that Rayman & Wii Fit will launch in the same month, and that January (and maybe Feb) will have nothing released as well as projects which have been teased, but not confirmed (Pokken Fighters, LoZ, Miyamoto's new IP).

They have to hope Wii Party U and Mario 3D are really popular with families/kids this winter.


wonderful 101 to me looked like it was probably going to track more in line with the other western focused games like sonic or lego. i wouldn't even blame the bomba on low wii u sales. even on the 3ds this probably would've had low sales over there.


Junior Member
The 3DS had the goodwill of third parties (in Japan anyway), is easier to churn out software for, and had more wiggle room for an effective price drop. The WiiU has none of these. They are clearly struggling with HD development due to lack of foresight and no one else is developing for them to fill the obvious gaps.

The biggest mistake for me was/and is NCL sitting on their arse and watching quality mid-tier developers fall by the wayside. They should have gone shopping for these talented boys & girls and shored up their dev studios.
NoE and NoA should have their own EAD studios by now.
Nintendo is just waiting to market decently the thing when Mario comes out. Maybe they will start with Zelda. But for now they are not going to spend money on W101


Absolutely. Nintendo has failed to justify the gamepad and is paying dearly for it.

And as much as I love it, the 3DS was (and still is) like this as well. I think that adding the expensive 3D screen instead of focusing on a better online system will end up biting them in the ass eventually. They're "lucky" that they have the software to support it.

I feel with the 3DS Nintendo had a PS3 situation where even when they messed up, basically all the (Japanese) third parties believed so strongly in the platform that they refused to let it falter.

Now, not all of them still seem to be sticking around in a big way (which was also true for the PS3 later in its life), but I think it was incredibly helpful in turning it into the market juggernaut it is today.

The Wii U on the other hand is pretty much the Vita, but with even less support third party support and a higher price point, but a stronger first party. Third parties just don't really see a market position for it that they're interested in and thus are letting it flounder.
I feel with the 3DS Nintendo had a PS3 situation where even when they messed up, basically all the (Japanese) third parties believed so strongly in the platform that they refused to let it falter.

Now, not all of them still seem to be sticking around in a big way (which was also true for the PS3 later in its life), but I think it was incredibly helpful in turning it into the market juggernaut it is today.

The Wii U on the other hand is pretty much the Vita, but with even less support third party support and a higher price point, but a stronger first party. Third parties just don't really see a market position for it that they're interested in and thus are letting it flounder.

Yeah, it helps that the 3DS is the latest entry in a highly successful hardware line. Knowing that the device will have entries to Pokémon and later Monster Hunter didn't hurt either, considering what the latter did for the PSP.


Junior Member
I'm not sure why people are against a hybrid. Imagine a 3DS-like handheld with an optional receiver that connects to your TV, sorta like a reverse Wii U.

Absolutely. Nintendo has failed to justify the gamepad and is paying dearly for it.

And as much as I love it, the 3DS was (and still is) like this as well. I think that adding the expensive 3D screen instead of focusing on a better online system will end up biting them in the ass eventually. They're "lucky" that they have the software to support it.

It's such a damn shame to see them screwing away a great legacy in the industry. Nintendo have more than enough to harbour a top notch online infrastructure. I mean, imagine IPs like Mario Kart and Smash Bros. on a Steam like service with a PSN+ (for VC) style crossover. :O
wonderful 101 to me looked like it was probably going to track more in line with the other western focused games like sonic or lego. i wouldn't even blame the bomba on low wii u sales. even on the 3ds this probably would've had low sales over there.
This game wouldnt have sold this badly on any platform bar 360. People seem to have an excuse for every wiiu bomba. They manage to bomb harder than anyone expects


Yeah, it helps that the 3DS is the latest entry in a highly successful hardware line. Knowing that the device will have entries to Pokémon and later Monster Hunter didn't hurt either, considering what the latter did for the PSP.

Right, the 3DS had strong consumer confidence as well. Everyone was happy with the DS, and once they saw the things they liked were likely to come to 3DS as well, they were more than happy to jump on board in droves.

That is one of the few bright spots I feel the PS4 has right now. People who own the PS3 are still happy right now, and have a lot of good games to look forward to. Someone who owned a Wii on the other hand probably wasn't overly happy the last few years of its life, and didn't see much with the Wii U to inspire confidence that things were going to get much better.

Once someone is under the impression that a system is not going to be good for them, it becomes hard to change their mind, and the longer they are under this impression, the harder it gets.


Junior Member
In case Level 5 spending 45 minutes presenting a smartphone game as the centerpiece of their game line-up followed by the unveiling of Layton 7 wasn't enough mobile news for you today, Namco Bandai has announced Tales of Link for smartphones: http://gematsu.com/2013/08/tales-of-link-announced-for-smartphones

Is it weird of me to say that I'm actually getting use to these announcements now? TGS could be awesome in all kinds of ways this year. Time for the Miiverse Mobile reveal, Nintendo!

Let the next gen begins :(

What surprises could the possibly have that are going to release soon enough to make an impact?

Certainly, nothing for this year. They have 14 games announced and for a company that likes to release only 1 first party title per month, that'd take them to October next year. This ignores that Rayman & Wii Fit will launch in the same month, and that January (and maybe Feb) will have nothing released as well as projects which have been teased, but not confirmed (Pokken Fighters, LoZ, Miyamoto's new IP).

They have to hope Wii Party U and Mario 3D are really popular with families/kids this winter.

They are

[WII] Wii Party (Nintendo) {2010.07.08} (¥4.800) 2.413.106

[WII] Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Nintendo) {2010.05.27} 1,041,657


I think I need to see what this is first to judge.

By franchises included Namco x Capcom should sell 5 million copies, but the type of game and how well that resonates with each fanbase is pretty important.

For this game I kind of see it as Blue Dragon.

On the one hand it has some obvious appeal and seems like a correct fit for the market, on the other hand it's on a platform that's going to be a long uphill struggle.

Bayonetta 2's main struggle again I feel will be the platform. I would compare this more to Star Ocean or Tales of Vesperia on 360, where clearly they had a fanbase, but by being on a platform where the fanbase wasn't, their sales potential was stunted a fair amount.

What's most interesting to me is X. I'm hoping that this is the game that shows Nintendo the benefits of having massive blockbusters aside from their legacy titles. The amount of potential X has with its online multiplayer, possible DLC, expansions, in-game transactions (that aren't out for players' throats) is pretty exciting IMO. They couldn't have picked a better dev for the project too. Hell, I'm willing to bet the game could easily fit into a free to play model at some point, but I'm still not quite sold on the model as a whole yet (aside from what I've experienced from TF2).


Eh, they're not dropping a console they've sunk so much money into, but something is definitely going on, it's been far too quiet.

Or it could genuinely be them sitting around believing the lineup is good enough, wouldn't surprise me :/

I think they just announced everything they had.

I mean we know a ton of first and second party Wii U games, and HD games take a lot of effort.

I suspect as we near E3 2014 we will get a lot more announcements as the games they've announced have come out and the teams that released games earlier are ready again.

What's most interesting to me is X. I'm hoping that this is the game that shows Nintendo the benefits of having massive blockbusters aside from their legacy titles. The amount of potential X has with its online multiplayer, possible DLC, expansions, in-game transactions (that aren't out for players' throats) is pretty exciting IMO. They couldn't have picked a better dev for the project too. Hell, I'm willing to bet the game could easily fit into a free to play model at some point, but I'm still not quite sold on the model as a whole yet (aside from what I've experienced from TF2).

I do think the game in and of itself is a smart product (at least from what little we can see so far). On a more successful system, I would be fairly optimistic for like 200-300K at least and starting to build a solid recurring brand.

I do think it's a step in the right direction though for expanding Nintendo beyond what they normally do and more toward what "traditional core gamers" (especially in Japan) might be more interested in.


Junior Member
What's most interesting to me is X. I'm hoping that this is the game that shows Nintendo the benefits of having massive blockbusters aside from their legacy titles. The amount of potential X has with its online multiplayer, possible DLC, expansions, in-game transactions (that aren't out for players' throats) is pretty exciting IMO. They couldn't have picked a better dev for the project too. Hell, I'm willing to bet the game could easily fit into a free to play model at some point, but I'm still not quite sold on the model as a whole yet (aside from what I've experienced from TF2).

Well, Nirolak stated earlier, NCL have pissed away a lot of Wii goodwill by ignoring the latter years of the console and the early post launch months of the WiiU. They're going to have to show this as much as they can, whenever they can or else.... yeah...


Well, Nirolak stated earlier, NCL have pissed away a lot of Wii goodwill by ignoring the latter years of the console and the early post launch months of the WiiU. They're going to have to show this as much as they can, whenever they can or else.... yeah...

Right on the marketing note I think this is the kind of thing you want to market like all the AAA third parties do as opposed to waiting 1 month before release and running a couple of Nintendo Directs.
Right on the marketing note I think this is the kind of thing you want to market like all the AAA third parties do as opposed to waiting 1 month before release and running a couple of Nintendo Directs.

And having every trailer be in English with subtitles until that month-lead in.


Junior Member
Right on the marketing note I think this is the kind of thing you want to market like all the AAA third parties do as opposed to waiting 1 month before release and running a couple of Nintendo Directs.

What I find even more pathetic is that NCL have a great way of showing off their games too - Miiverse - but are wasting that idea away. Obviously they shouldn't ignore the the other media outlets, but they should take a leaf out of Sakurai's book and follow in his footsteps, do what he's doing with Smash Bros. with the Miiverse Community.

As much as I like Nintendo Directs, maybe it's high time other streaming media outlets were involved?


I'm sure it's been said before, but they need to give people an incentive to get a WiiU. Sony seems to be doing it pretty well, with PS+ games and cross buy titles for the Vita. Give people a library of games for a system they don't own, so they feel more compelled to invest in that system due to having amassed games for it.

Like when Smash Bros comes out, make both versions $49.99 but include a digital code for the other version in the box. Or have e-shop titles provide a code for the other system. A proper account system would make something like this much easier.

Kid Ying

I know we're expecting sales lower than Lego. Perhaps it was because W101 was also 1000 yen more expensive? Not trying to spin here, just had the thought that maybe with the higher price, less people bought it on a whim...

On the eshop the game is currently on the second position. That's great, but it also factors download cards, not only normal downloads. Maybe we will see a little difference in famitsu.

Anyway, i'm glad Nintendo funded this game and i'm glad it was made. I'm positive that even if it tanks first week, the word of mouth will take it somewhere... Even if after playing i didn't found the game to be that great at all! lol It definitely isn't on the same degree as Pikmin. But it's very charming and deserved much better.
I know we're expecting sales lower than Lego. Perhaps it was because W101 was also 1000 yen more expensive? Not trying to spin here, just had the thought that maybe with the higher price, less people bought it on a whim...

On the eshop the game is currently on the second position. That's great, but it also factors download cards, not only normal downloads. Maybe we will see a little difference in famitsu.

Anyway, i'm glad Nintendo funded this game and i'm glad it was made. I'm positive that even if it tanks first week, the word of mouth will take it somewhere... Even if after playing i didn't found the game to be that great at all! lol It definitely isn't on the same degree as Pikmin. But it's very charming and deserved much better.

Well, it's not "universally" 1000 yen more expensive than LEGO's RRP (5,985 yen). It depends on the retailer, and what kind of deal they have for the game.

For example, take Amazon's 949 yen price reduction:


So that factor is much too variable to take into account for TW101's lower projected sales.

Kid Ying

Well, it's not "universally" 1000 yen more expensive than LEGO's RRP (5,985 yen). It depends on the retailer, and what kind of deal they have for the game.

For example, take Amazon's 949 yen price reduction:


So that factor is much too variable to take into account for TW101's lower projected sales.
But amazon usually discounts their games. Lego was also discounted for 5000 yen.

But i agree. Specially because a lot of titles go for 7000 yen and fare much better than W101...
But amazon usually discounts their games. Lego was also discounted for 5000 yen.

But i agree. Specially because a lot of titles go for 7000 yen and fare much better than W101...

I'm saying...you can't do a definitive, linear impact comparison when measuring retail exposure for relatively similar (¥1,000 apart) RRP.

You see, prices for The Wonderful 101 are all over the place.

Case in point:

The RRPs tend to establish a clear differential within that same store. So The Wonderful 101 and LEGO City Undercover would probably be ¥1,000 apart at the same store, and if a customer directly compared the two, it is possible the customer might be more compelled to choose the cheaper option.

But there are also loads of customers that don't peruse every single game available---they might come looking for the cheapest price of a specific game (especially at launch), they may not notice one (or more) of the games, or they simply may be undeterred from the fact that at that same venue, The Wonderful 101 is ¥1,000 more expensive.

Or, the random sampling of customers who might be exposed to The Wonderful 101 / LEGO City Undercover could come across variable prices (one customer might recognize LEGO for ¥5,386 at one retailer, but could go to another retailer and see The Wonderful 101 for ¥5,820).

MY POINT IS, there is an abundance of things to take into consideration, and because of this, I don't think there is enough definite proof that could be distilled out of the statistical noise as a direct correlation...when the two games are only ¥1,000 apart.


You're right...it does seem like they've put the console in stasis. The old Nintendo would aggressively be pushing their console and immediately reacting to trends. For example, the N64 engaged in a very competitive price war with the PS1, and the GameCube only lasted six months before it got a 25% price cut.

But here we have Nintendo ignoring the PS4 that is only $50 more expensive than the Wii U's most visible model, no clear rush to aggressively promote their products, and a sustained complacency towards terribly low debuts.

Has there been a corporate shift at Nintendo? Are they realized what a grave mistake they've made and are planning to drop the console ala. Virtual Boy? Because Nintendo's tactics are very unbefitting of a company that actually wants to sell their products. In a way, it's like they've given up.

ignoring them like Sony is ignoring the Japanese audience?
ignoring them like Sony is ignoring the Japanese audience?

TGS is where Sony is going to shower down Japanese games.

PS4 already has Wonder Flick, Final Fantasy XIII Versus: Delayed Edition, and Kingdom Hearts 3: Alpha Edition, and Deep Down: Capcom Online.

You'll be eating words!


I still think the console scene in Japan will shink 60%+. If the PS4 launches in Japan this year I think it's completely screwed: it has nothing unless we see some super secret TGS stuff. It should honestly wait until it has at least more than Hot Shot's golf to launch with.
The PS3 may have launched at a higher price but it launched off the back of the PS2 WITH backward compatitability and a Blu Ray player. The Playstation brand in general was stronger back then with two successful consoles on the market. Now it has one semi-successful console that is selling similar numbers the Wii was doing last year and one niche handheld.
The overlap between handhelds and consoles is now far greater too than it was at PS3 launch. Bar openworld experiences, most types of game can now be done on both handhelds (obviously not to the same extent) so the PS4 has more near-competitors. On top of that, if inital sales are weak this time, game devs may not have the faith the keep the JP-centric releases going. Sure you'll get FF and RE but I'd be surprised if they weren't western focused and the smaller studios will probably go iOS.
I'm gonna put my head on the line but I think Wii U will still win Japan with 6-7 million sales LTD. PS4 sub 6 million.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
TGS is where Sony is going to shower down Japanese games.

PS4 already has Wonder Flick, Final Fantasy XIII Versus: Delayed Edition, and Kingdom Hearts 3: Alpha Edition, and Deep Down: Capcom Online.

You'll be eating words!

Ha ha. Everything about the ps4 build up so far suggest Sony doesn't give a damn about the japanese home console market. I think they see which way the wind is blowing over there (mobile/3ds paradise)
I think 6-7 million for wiiu is very optimistic at this stage, I can see the overall market shrinking for sure but from here I would guess that it would concentrate to the PS4.

It's basically going to follow the PS3 as far as third party is concerned. It already has MGS, FF and KH and it will get RE, Tales, Tekken,Yakuza etc.

Also not only will it be priced more affordably but it's main competitor is at a higher price than it's predecessor so the difference between them this time is minimal.
I still think the console scene in Japan will shink 60%+. If the PS4 launches in Japan this year I think it's completely screwed: it has nothing unless we see some super secret TGS stuff. It should honestly wait until it has at least more than Hot Shot's golf to launch with.
The PS3 may have launched at a higher price but it launched off the back of the PS2 WITH backward compatitability and a Blu Ray player. The Playstation brand in general was stronger back then with two successful consoles on the market. Now it has one semi-successful console that is selling similar numbers the Wii was doing last year and one niche handheld.
The overlap between handhelds and consoles is now far greater too than it was at PS3 launch. Bar openworld experiences, most types of game can now be done on both handhelds (obviously not to the same extent) so the PS4 has more near-competitors. On top of that, if inital sales are weak this time, game devs may not have the faith the keep the JP-centric releases going. Sure you'll get FF and RE but I'd be surprised if they weren't western focused and the smaller studios will probably go iOS.
I'm gonna put my head on the line but I think Wii U will still win Japan with 6-7 million sales LTD. PS4 sub 6 million.

Despite it likely declining from ps3, ps4 will still have huge basically exclusives from japan like resident evil, ff15, kh3, etc which means there is no way it sells that bad. At the very least it should do better than vita which has 0 big exclusives whatsoever.
Despite it likely declining from ps3, ps4 will still have huge basically exclusives from japan like resident evil, ff15, kh3, etc which means there is no way it sells that bad.

Despite it likely declining from Wii, Wii U will still have huge basically exclusives from Nintendo like Mario Kart, Smash, Wii Fit, NSMB, etc which means there is no way it sells that bad.

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