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Mega Man Community Thread | It's not over yet! -Cancelled- WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOOOR!?

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Actually Command Mission is more like Breath of Fire with Megaman X in it.

The last BoF game ;_;


MMZ Zero and Megaman.exe were also inexplicably playable in that PS2 Onimusha fighting game, if I recall. Zero even had his own stage: the ruined city from Zero 1.


IMO X6 is better than X5, don't know why I don't enjoy X5 as much, everyone seems to praise it, opinions are a bitch I guess


Actually Command Mission is more like Breath of Fire with Megaman X in it.

The last BoF game ;_;

That was my impression as well. It had the same element system used in the Breath of Fire games, and the same emphasis on busting out super-transformations during boss fights.

Also, like the later Breath of Fire games, Command Mission had an awesome art gallery built into it. It is rather amazing how many X Armors they designed for that game but never used. Some pretty cool ones, at that. As it was, laser-scarf X is the best looking form of X.

For that matter, what are some of your favorite X Armors? I would rate the X2 armor, the Force Armor (X4 version), and the Hermes/Icarus Armor as my favorites.
Upon entering this thread I had to briefly contemplate how much of an actual fan I was seeing as there's tons of games in the opening post that I forgot even existed, but hey I got the classic series art book and the tribute one so I guess that counts for something.

I never actually played a MM game until 9 was close to release and all the hype got me to try MM2, it was a wise decision. I've only played a handful of the classic series and the first 2 X games, so many collections out there and none of them seemed to reach PAL land, well at least it means I handle the demise of old Mega Man with greater ease.

Only played the game for the first time this year and this theme rocketed right up my favourites list, it's so good.


Armored Amadiollo is forever stuck in my head thanks to ScrewAttack's Side Scrollers.

Man, if not for Archie (and the Protomen) this whole thing would be a wash at this point.

I mean, for goodness sake, they had Wily's Pet Robot Crow from Megamix in the comic, they know what they're playing at more than the big C do!

Incidently, Megamix is fantastic and Ariga is someting of a god to me. I'm running up the walls waiting for his Klowna comic on Shifty Look


For that matter, what are some of your favorite X Armors? I would rate the X2 armor, the Force Armor (X4 version), and the Hermes/Icarus Armor as my favorites.
X2 armor is probably my favorite, but I also like the Gaea Armor because it looks tough lol


Gold Member
After all those years of enjoyment and the childhood memories, i would have never imagined that by the 25th anniversary of MegaMan, the franchise would have become completely irrelevant for Capcom. To expect such a good series to disappear is truly shameful.

To make things worse, they don't even give us a way to play all the games in current gen consoles, not even some kind of digital port of both Megaman and Megaman X collections, to at least allow us to play the original games and satisfy our nostalgia needs.

I actually was really hoping Mega Man 10 would finally cross the bridge between X and Classic.
I always hoped to see some kind of game to bridge both franchises, and seeing how everyone from the original series ended up (like dying after some kind of huge war(, seeing what happened with both Dr. Willy and Light, etc.
Falcon Armor all day erry day

Upon entering this thread I had to briefly contemplate how much of an actual fan I was seeing as there's tons of games in the opening post that I forgot even existed, but hey I got the classic series art book and the tribute one so I guess that counts for something.

I never actually played a MM game until 9 was close to release and all the hype got me to try MM2, it was a wise decision. I've only played a handful of the classic series and the first 2 X games, so many collections out there and none of them seemed to reach PAL land, well at least it means I handle the demise of old Mega Man with greater ease.

Only played the game for the first time this year and this theme rocketed right up my favourites list, it's so good.
I've been playing Mega Man since I was a little kid. He's probably my favorite video game character of all times. I consider myself a huge Mega Man fan but even then, I couldn't care less about Mega Man XZY3%1/2. Some may hold my interest more than others but for me, the only one that matters is the original Mega Man line.

So don't worry about knowing everything about all the different versions of Mega Man. Just find one or two that you like best and follow that.


I've never heard of an objective opinion.

Still, when the overall opinion is overwhelmingly negative, that's not good.

I may have worded that wrong, so I apologize about that.
Overall opinion would be best judged after playing or trying out the full game.
A game's demo may not always be inductive of how a game actually plays (like Yakuza series). Now as I said I can't watch the vid right now and will watch it later.
IMHO better save all judgement til the game comes out, it can happen that a game gets negative reaction at first but then ends up being liked (and believe me I was there when Bayonetta got announced =V).
and honestly if the game ends up being bad...meh, you Megafans got like dozens of games to play. I feel like there's some irony with how it is now and how back in the day people would call the series out on it being milked


IMO X6 is better than X5, don't know why I don't enjoy X5 as much, everyone seems to praise it, opinions are a bitch I guess

I actually agree.

It might be because I played X6 before I played X5, but I always liked X6 better. For one, X6 doesn't force you to listen to Alia's comments, and let's you read them only when you want. X6 also did a lot more original stuff with its story. X5 was the most egregious example of the series' over-reliance on Sigma, who was always a somewhat poor villain, and his strange obsession with Zero and Wily stuff. X6 actually built up Gate rather well, making him in one game a better developed villain than Sigma. It also made Alia into a legitimate character, rather than just an annoying hint system.

I also tend to think that X6 had more interesting stages than X5. I am perfectly aware that X6 has its gameplay and stage issues. Having particular Nightmare Phenomenon active will make certain stages pretty much impossible. However, X5 stages just felt uninteresting. A few just feel like bad rehashes of X4 stages. None really stand out in my mind as particularly good. On the other hand, X6 stages at least had the alternate paths used to reach the hidden boss rooms. Speaking of which, the alternate means of reaching the final dungeon in X6 were fairly interesting, as opposed to X6's use of random chance to determine which ending path you get, which can arbitrarily give you the bad path even if you do everything right, or send you straight to the end after the first four boss fights.

On top of everything else, X5 tried to set up Dynamo as a major rival figure. That... did not work out. I still don't know what they were trying to go for with the character, but he ended up as one of the worst characters in the platforming Mega Man games.

I will grant that X6 had the worst X Armors in the entire series though. Base unarmored X has the best charged shot in the game for some reason, making that form advantageous to use in certain stages. I will also grant that the falling colony scenario from X5 is probably the coolest scenario for a Mega Man game. I only wish all of the crazy virus stuff wasn't shoe-horned in.
and honestly if the game ends up being bad...meh, you Megafans got like dozens of games to play quit asking for more when back in the day people would call it milking
Legends 3 was milking? How about Universe? It's only "milking" when each successive installment in a series happens to be overly similar—yet people lop it up anyway. I can see that argument working for some parts of the franchise, but not for all of them. 9 and 10 did a great job of varying up the game experience with new features never seen in Classic games before (and significant ones anyway). The Legends games defied tradition to bring unique story experiences to the MM canon. ZX also did a great job.

Over X does nothing for me as a gamer and as a Rockman fan. And most demos don't normally look that bad relative to the final product. Given Capcom's recent history of shoving this franchise the short end of the stick, I wouldn't be surprised if the release product fails to deliver. They probably set up an ad-hoc team of developers to dish out this iOS insult.
I've been playing Mega Man since I was a little kid. He's probably my favorite video game character of all times. I consider myself a huge Mega Man fan but even then, I couldn't care less about Mega Man XZY3%1/2. Some may hold my interest more than others but for me, the only one that matters is the original Mega Man line.

So don't worry about knowing everything about all the different versions of Mega Man. Just find one or two that you like best and follow that.

Sounds good to me, waiting on the Nintendo VC drip feed to maybe get around to X3 at some point but i'm not expecting it at this point, I think I prefer the classic series to X as they don't feel so dependant towards the end on having gone all Metroid with item/suit hunting.
I was going to get the Zero collection and try that out until it was suddenly denied a PAL release, I guess I still can get it since the DS isn't region locked.


Legends 3 was milking? How about Universe? It's only "milking" when each successive installment in a series happens to be overly similar—yet people lop it up anyway. I can see that argument working for some parts of the franchise, but not for all of them.
Blargh once again I worded that wrong *aims Mega Buster at head*
I fixed my spoiler, really sorry about this *fires the shot*

9 and 10 did a great job of varying up the game experience with new features never seen in Classic games before (and significant ones anyway). The Legends games defied tradition to bring unique story experiences to the MM canon. ZX also did a great job.

Speaking of 9 and 10...I need to actually beat those at least on Easy one day so I can get on to beating it on Normal. Though for whatever reason I feel like playing the X and Megaman games before them.
...add to that the fact that I can never seem to notice the well features and how the gameplay/platforming stands out.
*Goes back to being headless*
Blargh once again I worded that wrong *aims Mega Buster at head*
I fixed my spoiler, really sorry about this *fires the shot*
It's okay. Classic, X, and BN are the parts of the franchise that have suffered from milking the most. Ultimately, that process has hurt the franchise formidably and I'm not expecting any games to come out for quite some time. That's the way the road bends.


Neo Member
Sounds good to me, waiting on the Nintendo VC drip feed to maybe get around to X3 at some point but i'm not expecting it at this point, I think I prefer the classic series to X as they don't feel so dependant towards the end on having gone all Metroid with item/suit hunting.
I was going to get the Zero collection and try that out until it was suddenly denied a PAL release, I guess I still can get it since the DS isn't region locked.

Zero Collection actually had a PAL release, but according to Wikipedia not in all PAL countries. Just bought a PAL copy via eBay a few weeks ago myself. Speaking of which, the Zero series games seem surprisingly hard, as I've only played some of the X and Classic series games before.
Zero Collection actually had a PAL release, but according to Wikipedia not in all PAL countries. Just bought a PAL copy via eBay a few weeks ago myself. Speaking of which, the Zero series games seem surprisingly hard, as I've only played some of the X and Classic series games before.
huh, well that's odd though it's happened before with other games I guess, makes me wonder why they decided against it in some areas since it was ready to go.
Wow, I didn't expect a Community thread to actually be made after it was suggested. Cool beans. Nice work, OP.

Speaking of Command Mission, was that game any good?

It's a solid game, but the story is pretty weak for an RPG.
I liked it when it came out, but that was probably because it was the first RPG with interactive attacks that I had ever played. Still, like Ookami-kun and SkyOdin mentioned, it's somewhat similar to the BoF games. If you liked those, you might like Command Mission as well.

I had a lot of fun with the little squad mechanic they had going - sometimes I'd just focus on sending retrofitted enemies back into the areas I'd cleared just to see what they could bring back.

Command Mission also had this pimp-

I've always thought that Spider Magic was kind of catchy, myself. I liked the character themes in Command Mission, and they work well for the characters' introductions, but I hope that they get an arrangement or something down the line - they're somewhat repetitive, and could stand to be fleshed out a bit more.

On a more positive note The Protomen teased act 3 by playing a new song when they were performing at PAX. At least these guys give is quality Mega related goodness.

I've got $5 says someone from the crowd rips a flyer on the door of the venue, and then blames Capcom because an employee could have theoretically done it. Any takers?

Yeah, he was broken as hell there.

Funny how Zero almost always ends up High/Top tier in Capcom fighters.

They always give him a bunch of moves from his games, normals with multiple hits and decent damage. It'd be hard for him to be ineffectual with all that going for him.


It's sad to see Megaman being treated like shit. Even more salt to the wound.


X would have been such a great character. Could have have some sort of skill steal command throw, Armor power up as a super, and of course high powered buster shot.

Best Megaman Villain. By far.

Who was that? Looks like Dr. Doppler.

EDIT: And whats so bad about Xover? The new Megaman model design looks just fine, the gameplay however:


The gameplay looks extremely stiff (animation as well), you just travel straight down a path with no platforming...killing enemies (with mixed reused sprites that look out of place), then you teleport to a boss with a really simple turn based combat system...and of course you've got autoplay...which just sounds out of place for MM.


Weil from Zero 4, it appears. Never really liked him much myself, I always felt the reasoning behind him was something like "Man, if we could just somehow have Wily back..."

I really need to get Zero collection. Big time Megaman fan, yet somehow I missed out on every Zero after the first x_x


IMO X6 is better than X5, don't know why I don't enjoy X5 as much, everyone seems to praise it, opinions are a bitch I guess
Actually, alot of people shit on any X game after X4. X5 isn't perfect but it was the last X game that didn't introduce other elements to distract from the standard gameplay formula.
Falcon Armor all day erry day

It's pretty damn OP, invincible flight mode, piercing buster. I just don't know why they added the Gaea armor at all.
This thread needs more Megaman art :


Why Capcom? :'(
Pretty amazing
Command Mission X has a goddamn laser scarf. There's no beating that.
Damn straight
It's FFX with Mega Man characters. Take that as you will, though I like what I've played of it.
LOL, the voice acting is definitely on that level.
what? I foud both games pretty easy, and finished both with 100%
Try both games with 0%.
All this talk of how hard MMX5 was seems to conflict with my memories of that game, I remember thinking MMX5 was pretty easy, maybe the Xtreme difficulty made bosses insane but I don't remember many platforming sections that were too tricky. X6 though screw that game.

X5 is easy provided you go with health upgrades and get the Falcon armor. Playing with Vanilla X, it's insanely difficult.


Long live Mega Man!
A shame he is dead. I would love to have more Mega Man X games, or a MMX collection for current consoles. Or a MMX9 in the style of the first MMX game. Oh, how I wish. =(

And one that note, I just have to show you guys an awesome fanart my friend made of Vile. He is designed in the MMX Command Mission style. Can't get enough of this. <3
Oh, how I wish we could have gotten a CM2. =(

Just click the link to get to my friends DA.



Aksys Games Dev.
Long live Mega Man!
A shame he is dead. I would love to have more Mega Man X games, or a MMX collection for current consoles. Or a MMX9 in the style of the first MMX game. Oh, how I wish. =(

And one that note, I just have to show you guys an awesome fanart my friend made of Vile. He is designed in the MMX Command Mission style. Can't get enough of this. <3
Oh, how I wish we could have gotten a CM2. =(

Just click the link to get to my friends DA.

I wish there was a Command Mission 2 with Vile in it :D

Would have been awesome!


I actually agree.

It might be because I played X6 before I played X5, but I always liked X6 better. For one, X6 doesn't force you to listen to Alia's comments, and let's you read them only when you want. X6 also did a lot more original stuff with its story. X5 was the most egregious example of the series' over-reliance on Sigma, who was always a somewhat poor villain, and his strange obsession with Zero and Wily stuff. X6 actually built up Gate rather well, making him in one game a better developed villain than Sigma. It also made Alia into a legitimate character, rather than just an annoying hint system.

I also tend to think that X6 had more interesting stages than X5. I am perfectly aware that X6 has its gameplay and stage issues. Having particular Nightmare Phenomenon active will make certain stages pretty much impossible. However, X5 stages just felt uninteresting. A few just feel like bad rehashes of X4 stages. None really stand out in my mind as particularly good. On the other hand, X6 stages at least had the alternate paths used to reach the hidden boss rooms. Speaking of which, the alternate means of reaching the final dungeon in X6 were fairly interesting, as opposed to X6's use of random chance to determine which ending path you get, which can arbitrarily give you the bad path even if you do everything right, or send you straight to the end after the first four boss fights.

On top of everything else, X5 tried to set up Dynamo as a major rival figure. That... did not work out. I still don't know what they were trying to go for with the character, but he ended up as one of the worst characters in the platforming Mega Man games.

I will grant that X6 had the worst X Armors in the entire series though. Base unarmored X has the best charged shot in the game for some reason, making that form advantageous to use in certain stages. I will also grant that the falling colony scenario from X5 is probably the coolest scenario for a Mega Man game. I only wish all of the crazy virus stuff wasn't shoe-horned in.

Damn, I couldn't have worded it better. I agree 100% on all this, but I might add that:

- The music in X6 is overall better
- The Sigma stages in X5 were boring and awful to look at, probably the worst in the series
- I hated X5 ending, while I'm ok the X6's one. In fact, I don't see X5 ending fullfilling at all like many people claim.
- The Zero vs. X fight felt forced and out of nowhere, even when it was hinted in previous games, Zero just went "Hey we're best buddies, but I must fight you reasons I don't know", X2 did it way better a generation before
- X5 presentation felt really cheap compared to X4, since it had no animated cutscenes or voice acting and CG rendered sprites in X5 felt like a big downgrade compared to X4's sprites.
- Didn't mind the fact that Zero resurrected again in X6
- Forced Aria dialog really kills the replay value in X5
- I liked the challenge in X6 more
- Hated the fact that it wasn't possible to 100% that game, since you had to make some choices and miss some parts.
- Saving reploids the Sigma/Zero virus were useless features in X5, improved in X6 with the nightmare system, even if you could miss some reploids forever which was annoying,
- I basically think I don't like X5 as much for just how much of a downgrade it was from X4, and I like X6 better for the small improvements on X5

Actually, alot of people shit on any X game after X4. X5 isn't perfect but it was the last X game that didn't introduce other elements to distract from the standard gameplay formula.

You make a pretty good point, playing X5 with vanilla X made me appreciate the game a little bit more
<cranky old school MM fan rant> Aside from Mega Man Legends 3, I just want a new OC (original continuity) Mega Man game, either classic or X, that either retcons or rectifies some of the weirdness and outright stupidity in the Zero and ZX series. Gameplay-wise, I hold nothing against Zero. But from Mega Man to Mega Man X8 the series was all about the good robots of Dr. Light fighting the misused robots of Dr. Wily and the ensuing war between fully-sentient robots trying to coexist with and those trying to overthrow mankind; in the future of that very same universe that many of us drew pictures of and wrote stories about when we were younger, somewhere along the line there was a thing called...




My ten year old self would have promptly renounced Capcom games forever if upon reading the latest Nintendo Power, I would have read that "cyber elfs" would be a major plot device in Mega Man 7. If you don't get whats so horrible about the name and the appearance of these creatures, don't bother...it's probably just me. I'm probably the only one who thought it was the stupidest, most out of place damn things to put in a Mega Man game. Don't even get me started on X somehow becoming one as well as appearing to Zero in "ghost" form.

Oh, and back in high school did you ever envision the future of the X series, and what the eventual fates of the characters would be?

Did you think that the ultimate fate of Mega Man X and his ally Zero would be that their souls would be entrapped in something called Biometal so that Capcom could make a game with some shitty new character who possesses the powers of X and Zero, instead of, you know, just making a new X game. </cranky old school MM fan rant>

In my opinion, the whole series-wide story arc had gone down the drain. If there is ever a new classic or X series game, I hope there is some serious retcon work done because it was just getting ridiculous. I don't expect anyone to agree with me on any of these points, but that's just how I feel.


Long live Mega Man!
A shame he is dead. I would love to have more Mega Man X games, or a MMX collection for current consoles. Or a MMX9 in the style of the first MMX game. Oh, how I wish. =(

And one that note, I just have to show you guys an awesome fanart my friend made of Vile. He is designed in the MMX Command Mission style. Can't get enough of this. <3
Oh, how I wish we could have gotten a CM2. =(

Just click the link to get to my friends DA.

When I first saw your friend's drawing I was sure it was an official art for CM. (I did not finish the game.)

He's damn good.
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