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Megaman news blowout! (MMBN5 DS comments, MMX9/MMXCM2 survey)


Fair warning, Dash/Legends whores should leave this thread as this only concerns Capcom's X Team on the survey bit :p

I haven't had the chance to import it yet since I'm waiting to see what Capcom does with the domestic version. The new features like Forte Cross Rockman and Boktai Cross ? Rockman are damn nice tho. The GBA slot also features nice unlockables like arranged versions of each respective game's battle theme that'll replace the current battle BGM. Speaking of arranged tho, all the music has been upgraded to accomdate the new hardware, and it's extremely nice. The themes are basically more jazzy/pop like, more on the level of the PSX X/GC BN titles. It makes me excited for the future of BN on the DS. (I'm in love with the arranged version of .EXE4's battle theme!) And oddly, it does indeed include both Team of Blues/Colonel to be played seperately, not a remix. Anyway, there's a rip of the game music floating somewhere if you know your rockman sites, check them out!

Now then, Megaman Network ( http://www.megaman-network.com/ ), is running capcom's surveys again for the Megaman series, but this time the X team is inquiring about what we fans want to see done in Megaman X9 and Command Mission 2. Also, Capcom was really grateful about the X collection feedback and will be putting it all to good use. Anyway, here's choice quotes since I can't copy the entire article:

Robert Johnson, Minami, and all the Mega Man X Collection producers would like to thank all the fans who submitted input for the compilation. They describe the material we sent to them as "useful, and extremely helpful in the creation of this title". They hope everyone is looking forward to MMXC, and are still clinging to a Winter 2005 release!

In the next few months, Capcom's X series team will be meeting to discuss the future of the series, and they're giving you, the fans, a tremendous opportunity to have some input. Capcom is looking at making Mega Man X9 and Mega Man X: Command Mission 2, and has asked us to conduct surveys for them.

First off, nothing is set in stone. Capcom has merely asked us to funnel ideas to them - do not take this for granted that the games are even in production. This is more or less a brainstorming session that they're allowing fan input on, to see if there's enough interest that can be generated to warrant making the games.

Secondly, this is more than just brainstorming - it's also feedback. Capcom wants to know what was wrong with games such as MMX8 and so on, and this is one way the fans can help out, much like we did with our MMX Collection e-mail session.

Also, you don't need to describe what you didn't like about X7. Capcom is pretty well aware, so try and think just about X8/CM. If you want a good guideline, just put down your likes/dislikes about X8/CM. Keep your ideas coming, just try to keep them as brief as possible. We understand that can't always be done, as some of your ideas have to be fleshed out a bit, just try your best.

With that in mind, please note that, aside from feedback on the previous installments, we are only looking for suggestions that deal with the X series' future. No suggestions for remaking previous games (we already had a whole debacle over that), and no suggestions for additions to other series. The staff of Mega Man Network will exclusively handle all reading, filtering, and processing of fan-based input, much like we did with the previous project for the MMX Collection.

Ready to send your ideas and suggestions? Fire them away to the following e-mail address: submissions@megaman-network.com

Firstly, a couple of you have asked why MMN is collecting the emails and not Capcom. I'll let Tim address that:
Simply put, Capcom is requesting that we handle the requests because when they tried to doit for the MMX Collection, they were so inundated with stupid requests, the kind that made it into our mailbag. Capcom threatened tocall off the fan input stuff if something wasn't done, so we offered to act as a filter, and that's why we're doing it again.

I'd also like to point out this is a rare opportunity. Your comments for the MMXC are over in Japan sitting on the producers desk as they build the game. Think about that. No other video game company listens to the fans like that. If you do not like how Capcom has requested us to gather this feedback, then don't participate. It's that simple.

In any case, there's the guidelines. Idiots need not apply, and it's fantastic that Capcom is willing to listen to the fans too. With that said, MMXC is looking to turn out great, and there are no difference between the console versions this time either :p


Maybe they should link the 2 series. If not as a Non-X game, maybe as a time travel thing where X and Mega Man have to fight some sort of Sigma-Wily team up in 2 different time periods. Like if Wily really built Zero, here would be their chance to show his origins, and Sigma's too.

Also, it looks like the X series is surpassing the original in # of games made.


..pakbeka.. said:

and let's hope cm2 actually has a good story and voice-actiong

X series! Not the original, tho that request isn't as bad as the rabid dash fans wanting dash 3. In any case, in that amusing note, it doesn't seem the original blue bomber will get a 9th entry. But X is still going on tall and proud XD
The only way anyone is going to be interested in MMX9 is if they ditch the fucking atrocious designs they've been going with.
Heres an idea for MMX9, Capcom.

Put it on the fucking Gamecube, there IS a reason as to why MMX COmmand Mission sold better on the GCN.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
X8 was a great step forward for the recently limp franchise, but it needs to really tone down or fully rid itself of gimmicky 3D vehicular stages. They aren't fully developed or interesting enough to blend in with the shooting and platforming fun. The clear weak link of X8.

The Sigma stages were also pretty flat and definately misrepresent what previous MM Boss stages once delivered. The core Robot stages were surprisingly varied, creative, challenging, and chock-full of replayability(for upgrades); but Capcom really phoned in the teeny non-levels that Sigma inhabits.

The experience-based upgrades were a novel addition. Pitfall deaths and whatnot tend to feel a lot less punishing knowing all the loot and player growth is banked up to that point in time.

Oh and get rid of the silly animal bots.
Something I would really like out of the franchise is a final installment of the original Mega Man installment. Just to branch everything out to the X series. You know, have Dr. Wily release Zero and have him go on a destructive rampage until he loses his memory or however that worked.


Brandon F said:
Oh and get rid of the silly animal bots.

WTF? That IS Mega Man X!

What they SHOULD do, is give them better designs than they have been and names that don't suck.

Personally, I'd like to see X9 go back to sprites. But they should do uber stylized sprite based graphics, like Guilty Gear or something.


Unconfirmed Member
Mega Man title abbreviations are starting to look more like establishment plaques on neoclassical buildings than games


I only offered MMXCM2 comments.

Make random encounters shorter and less often
Add jumping and more interactivity
Put subtitles all offscreen, not half on-screen.
Include armor pieces to collect, not just whole suits
Keep the deployment center
Manage deployment center while out on the field
Actually see the deployment droids doing their work in previous levels.


Screw the X-team (Studio 3), just tell them to stop making MM games all together.

Studio 2 needs to get cracking on Battle Network 6 DS, Zero 5 DS and Legends 3 PS2/GC. :)

I'm tired of the 'X-Treme! Hardcore! Angst!' X series and the kiddy, Pokemon-ish Battle Network series.

Bring back the original, Goddammit!


We want Mega Man 9!
As mentioned before, go back to spirtes. Oh, and Mega Man XX should cleanly bridge all the series together in a tight package.
FortNinety said:
As mentioned before, go back to spirtes. Oh, and Mega Man XX should cleanly bridge all the series together in a tight package.

Go back to SPRITES? You want Capcom's death? Mega Man isn't the series it once was, there's no way they could afford to draw every single sprite and make it profitable.
Littleberu said:
Go back to SPRITES? You want Capcom's death? Mega Man isn't the series it once was, there's no way they could afford to draw every single sprite and make it profitable.

They could reuse the old sprites.

Yeah, I know, that's a cheap way out.

But I wouldn't mind.


The Experiment said:
Bring MMBN5 or 6 to PSP.

Considering how well the series lends itself to the features on the DS I'd say that's out of the question.
The PSP will get MML and that'll tank horribly due to the crappy ass controls and Capcom will see fit to release no further Megaman titles for it ever.


SonicMegaDrive said:

I'm tired of the 'X-Treme! Hardcore! Angst!' X series and the kiddy, Pokemon-ish Battle Network series.

Bring back the original, Goddammit!


We want Mega Man 9!

i dont think they will make a Mega Man 9 because storyline wise... capcom feels it would be too gory... as in the fact that Dr. Wily awakens zero, he goes beserk and he kills everyone.

There is no happy ending...


jett said:
Capcom should kill off the Mega Man X franchise. Worthless. Original and Legends 4 LIFE.

I told you dash/legends whores to stay the fuck out of the thread as again this only pertains to the X series. I'm glad MMNetwork is doing the filtering on the input too, so that stupid comments like this won't be wasting Capcom's time.
kiryogi said:
I told you dash/legends whores to stay the fuck out of the thread as again this only pertains to the X series. I'm glad MMNetwork is doing the filtering on the input too, so that stupid comments like this won't be wasting Capcom's time.

Jesus, its only a video game dude.


Mega Man Dash/Legends sucks.

Original and X for life. Even BN/.exe has better character designs.

The End

X8 was definitely a step in the right direction. The vehicle sequences could use a little more polish, but the level designs were definitely tighter than 6 or 7. The Bamboo Pandamonium stage particular was very well laid-out. The metal/chip system was a neat idea, but the chips could have had a more pronounced effect. Also, the bosses were a little unexceptional by series standards.

Command Mission had so much potential, but a lot of it was wasted. The visual design of the characters was great, but the level design was bland, and lacked the "depth" of the main series. That said, the battle system was nearly perfect, and the plot fit well with the rest of the X series. I was a bit saddened by some of the unlocked concept art, as having multiple variant armors (flight, samurai, heavyarms) would have added a lot to the game. Hopefully, there will be enough time and money to implement that in the sequel.


I have an idea. Stop making the MM games 3-D, its not natural. Like Castlevania, MM does not translate well into a 3-D world.. Also, keep it simple. Have Dr. Wiley back give me 8 bosses, and thats it...

Thats why everyone loved the MM games.. They were straight foward and right to the point.


nubbe said:
I'll add the EXE6 page link since this is bumped...


It seems like this willl be the last EXE on GBA

PMM has a lot about it from the recent KoroKoro too.. lemme quote a few keypoints from'em http://www.planet-megaman.com/exe6.htm :

1) Apparently a new type of body style system. Though the two examples shown could seemingly pass for Soul Unisons, that term is not mentioned. Instead they refered to as "ultimate transformations" at this point. They are also called "beast transformations" as well, although it cannot yet be determined if the two transformations shown at this time are just like that, or if the new system itself will be animal themed. The bird-like transformation is marked for it speed, whereas the beast-like transformation is marked for its "carnivorous beast-like claws and fangs" and "Running wildly, hungry for battle" (in fairness though, both transformations seem to be doing the same exact thing, so speculating on their abilities now is moot). There is also a tendency for the article to refer to them like gods or demons, seemingly evil (Rockman's eyes are red anyway).

2) EXE6 is planned to release in two as of yet unknown titles. They will be for the GBA and release simultaneously sometime during winter of this year (i.e. December). One note states that the enemies appearing in each version change, although it does not specify whether the actual enemies are different, or just relegated to different locations.

3) The plot will involve Netto, as a result of his father's work conditions, moving to a new town called Saiba City, a likely pun on the word "cyber" but spelt with kanji characters (much like Netto's name). This also entails him to transfer to a new school and make new friends. It is unlikely at this point to suspect that the current cast of Netto's associates will be thrown out, even though we do see them bidding him farewell. The girl with the butterfly ornament in her hair is seemingly the "new Meiru," so to speak. More about the series, including its conflict, will assuredly be revealed in the near future.

-A large text block reads "GBA EXE Series Climax," which could very well imply this will be the final EXE game released on the GBA system.

-A claim is made that the latest abilities of this game surpass the DS, although specifically how or to what extent is unknown.

-Another dramatically positioned block of text reads "Farewell, Rockman." Cryptic, but essentially meaningless at this point in time.

-As far as reports go, it seems the series itself is, shockingly, coming to a climax.


aparisi2274 said:
I have an idea. Stop making the MM games 3-D, its not natural. Like Castlevania, MM does not translate well into a 3-D world..

Actually, I thought that the combination of 3D art and 2D gameplay in Megaman X8 worked really well. This is a series that actually benefits from the characters and enemies looking like animated toys, IMO. I like the look, and I hope they stick with it.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
That is RIDICULOUS of Capcom to put Exe 6 on the GBA and then stop the series altogether.

They should make a huge EXE Game with several online components for the DS. Hell you could make an MMO off of the EXE series, and it would SELL.

What the FUCK are they doing?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
For X9

-Better animals with not so stupid names (Duff Mcwhalen, wtf?)
-Go back to sprites like MMX4-6. The cel shaded look don't look that good.
-We don't need any dumb vehicle levels or anything


I have to agree that the graphical style of MegaMan X8 worked very well. In fact I'd say that things worked very well in MegaMan X8 overall. Much better then anything else that has come after X4, keep the look and the approach of MegaMan X8 Capcom (but lose the chase levels).

For MegaMan X9

- Either give us high quality 2D sprites, animations, and background, or stick to 3D. It worked very well in MegaMan X8, and should serve you well with future games.
- One draw back to 3D in 2D is that design wise, things can get less profound, however that wasn't necessarilly a problem in X8, more of a design effort seemed to go into it than any of the previous 3 X games.
- Keep the 2 reploid switch aproach, the dynamic of that, and the health restoration (red bar) system worked well.
- Eleminate chaise levels until you have the budget or engine to make then more like a race sequence in Burnout or some sort.
- Make the scenery more detailed in terms of activity and vibrancy then X8
- Expand Axls copy ability
- Expand Zero's Saber techniques (For instance pressing up on the d pad with a regular saber slash might have him strick high)
- X's armor system was perfect


Rockman.EXE has about as much chance of "ending" as Onimusha did. In other words, get ready for "Shin Rockman.EXE" on DS late next year. ;)


works for Gamestop (lol)
i didnt want to make a new thread, but ebgames has pic of the megaman x controller for gamecube


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