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Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance |OT| A Blade Forged In Platinum [LAW OF THE WILD]


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
I'm confused. Your save file is never screwed since you can always replay a chapter over again at any time for an S rank. If you mean that getting an A rank in a fight screws up that attempt of an S rank on a particular chapter maybe? You can always hit RESTART right before it saves the stats for that fight, though.

Don't play via "Continue", hit "Story" then "Chapters" to play via chapter select. Its pretty much like Devil May Cry and Bayonetta in this regard, you can play any chapter and select the difficulty.

Its safer to play this way as well since you won't risk losing everything by accidentally starting a new game or something.

I know about using Chapter Select, but wait - why were people maintaining three separate S-Rank save files if getting anything less than an S was an issue for the whole save file then?

As in, one for a proper, continuous S Rank per level, one for S Rank per fight, and one that you play and restart on every time you mess up, then if you succeed with an S Rank, you save over the proper backup file.
I know about using Chapter Select, but wait - why were people maintaining three separate S-Rank save files if getting anything less than an S was an issue for the whole save file then?

As in, one for a proper, continuous S Rank per level, one for S Rank per fight, and one that you play and restart on every time you mess up, then if you succeed with an S Rank, you save over the proper backup file.

Is Save Copying what you mean? Certain bosses checkpoint at awkward times, so with save copying you can effectively just manually save at a checkpoint and you won't need to replay the entire level if you get screwed by an autosave. It's an issue with Sundowner (it checkpoints at the glider section), or basically any boss where no-damage doesn't guarantee an S and it checkpoints for the final QTE (Monsoon and Excelsus), but especially
Armstrong because a hit during the hand to hand phase will checkpoint as soon as you get hit, thereby ruining the no-damage

You do need to get the S on chapter 7 last to get the stormbringer achievement, afaik. All in all it's fairly replayable and the majority of the checkpoints are at reasonable times, and loading times during restarts are fairly quick. Outside of possibly having all the boss fights selectable from chapter select I don't have any complaints about how it's set up.
Just beat
, bossess in this game are so awesome! Love their conversations with Raiden using psychological tricks, making him all confused and shit.


Anyone else feel like they are gearing up to make ZOE the future of the MGS world?

The thing with the power source kind of reminded me of Metatron.

Also, they would refer to Raiden's body as "frame" sometimes.

Probably just wishful thinking on my part but would be pretty damn cool.
That 2nd
fight against Jetstream Sam was so awesome, great setting and just 1on1 swordfight without rockets coming at you. I feel they needed to dramatize that ending lol


I'm still playing through the Sam DLC. I don't know how many tries it took me to beat
Bladewolf. I forgot to taunt, haha - didn't take long once I did, oops! Trying to beat it without taunt was a good fun challenge, though.
It may not be long, but it's lasting me a good while so far thanks to the difficulty (and me sucking!)

This is possibly my 2nd favorite console game this gen after Bayonetta. Love it to bits.
Anyone else feel like they are gearing up to make ZOE the future of the MGS world?

The thing with the power source kind of reminded me of Metatron.

Also, they would refer to Raiden's body as "frame" sometimes.

Probably just wishful thinking on my part but would be pretty damn cool.

Once Raiden has to start taking in an energy source that has a will of its own, then he'll take all the cyborgs that have been shunned by society out into space where they don't have to worry about pesky things like breathing oxygen to stay alive, and he'll go nuts and try to start something corny like Ender's Heaven, and the post-credits sting will be him going like "THIS IS OUR HAVEN, THE ZONE OF THE ENDERS!!!" and then his son has to beat him man to man without cyborg parts and I've gone cross-eyed.

Now said:

I looked at the results screen and my S wasn't blacked out like other people have posted. Does it have to do with beating the game without a recorded death, or like Hypron theorized that you need to get the completion time down too, basically get the in-game title as well?


Ok this is a really dumb ass question, but when you are grappled/held and it asks you to shake the L stick ..... do you rotate or flick it wildly? I am not sure which lol.

Also what is best rating, A I presume? Someone told me S.

I haven't read through thread because I haven't finished yet, didn't want to spoil anything!


I looked at the results screen and my S wasn't blacked out like other people have posted. Does it have to do with beating the game without a recorded death, or like Hypron theorized that you need to get the completion time down too, basically get the in-game title as well?

I don't really know, after I posted my last message I went through the DLC on Very Hard, finished in 50 minutes and didn't die once, and the S rank stayed blacked out. And the worst thing is, the S-ranked I had in Hard became blacked out as well, even though I didn't even play on this difficulty. I really have no idea how this rank system is working.


Ok this is a really dumb ass question, but when you are grappled/held and it asks you to shake the L stick ..... do you rotate or flick it wildly? I am not sure which lol.

Also what is best rating, A I presume? Someone told me S.

I haven't read through thread because I haven't finished yet, didn't want to spoil anything!

You just have to flick it wildly. Be careful though, because the amount of health you have left will influence how hard it is to get out of the grapple. If you have under 50 hp it's not even worth it shaking the stick, there's no way to get out of the grapple.

And S is the maximum rank :)


Well I beat the last boss. He was pretty tough and it took me around an hour and a half. I did fine up until:

He throws the first rock. I could easily cut through the first part of the rock. The second part I simply could not cut diagonal right to diagonal left for some reason. I swear I would die on the part 9/10 times. When he healed that was another issue until I figured out I had to hit him in the back.

Once I finally got past the above part I figured out how to beat the guy.

Great game and tons of fun. Seemed short but it did take me 10 hours to complete. Have not played a game that tough in a while though.

I have some kind of condition where my hands tend to spasm when I have to do a directional input very fast (later levels of tetris etc are hell for me) so shit like that rock in MGR is pure hell for me. I can't even begin to tell you how much it sucked because I'm already dead if my hands spasm the first second or so. I had to really really focus and prevent my hands from shaking on that particular boss fight. Goddamnit.


I just got to the last boss fight as well (after having to put the game down for awhile).

The sheer scale of MGE is pretty nice, and I was riding a combat high up until the dreaded rock section. Do you have to let the blade mode button go or something before the second one? I can line up the first one ok (i guess it doesnt have to be all 4) but the second one...its like its too far?


I just got to the last boss fight as well (after having to put the game down for awhile).

The sheer scale of MGE is pretty nice, and I was riding a combat high up until the dreaded rock section. Do you have to let the blade mode button go or something before the second one? I can line up the first one ok (i guess it doesnt have to be all 4) but the second one...its like its too far?

You need to use both sticks to be able to line the second rock. Otherwise, you can just ninja run towards
and the rocks will miss you.


You need to use both sticks to be able to line the second rock. Otherwise, you can just ninja run towards
and the rocks will miss you.

lol seems so obvious now. Had no idea about going
forward with ninja run
. Seemed like
one of those mandatory stylish scenes

I keep forgetting you can control the camera while in blade mode. I will beat this game tomorrow.
I don't really know, after I posted my last message I went through the DLC on Very Hard, finished in 50 minutes and didn't die once, and the S rank stayed blacked out. And the worst thing is, the S-ranked I had in Hard became blacked out as well, even though I didn't even play on this difficulty. I really have no idea how this rank system is working.

I dunno if it's the same for the difficulties Easy~Hard, but on my Very Hard run when I was at the final boss, I was quitting out after deaths and reloading from the title screen, and only when I noticed the accumulated time count was going up did I realize that the game was autosaving every time that I died. I was like HELL NO and redid the whole chapter, making sure to duplicate saves so I wouldn't have the have to get that death on record.

Irony being that on my first attempt on the final boss after taking these precautions, I actually got the guy without needing to copy any saves over or whatnot.

After the Revengeance run, I'm gonna finally spring for the DLC and probably play those after a break. I don't think I'll be getting the rest of the titles, particularly the "Worst Run" trophy where you need to spend an excess of health items and play for way too long and pretend to be terrible. I hate those kinds of runs.

One title that always alludes me is the one that needs 30 perfect limb cuts without destroying them? How does that one work out, does it need to be cut to the point that you get a score bonus from them? And what about the one that has you on stealth with under 35 alerts? Do those runs require you keep out of sight and avoid as many encounters as possible, including the secret ones?


I swear to god I started freaking out a little in the theater because I was seriously expecting him to say "Nanomachines, son."
Fighting a dude in a suit with crazy powers after he busted out, and the protagonist is pretty outclassed until the last moment, heck Extremis
is basically NANOMACHINES, huh?

(My phone autocorrects to NANOMACHINES, in all caps XD)


I dunno if it's the same for the difficulties Easy~Hard, but on my Very Hard run when I was at the final boss, I was quitting out after deaths and reloading from the title screen, and only when I noticed the accumulated time count was going up did I realize that the game was autosaving every time that I died. I was like HELL NO and redid the whole chapter, making sure to duplicate saves so I wouldn't have the have to get that death on record?

I think this works the same on all the difficulties. The thing is, the only run that I s-ranked in which I died was my revengeance run (in general I always reload before I die and in the very few cases where i do die I reload a back up save), but I have 3 blacked out s ranks: hard, very hard and revengeance (the revengeance one was always blacked out but the other two suddenly stopped glowing for no reason).
Anyone else feel like they are gearing up to make ZOE the future of the MGS world?

The thing with the power source kind of reminded me of Metatron.

Also, they would refer to Raiden's body as "frame" sometimes.

Probably just wishful thinking on my part but would be pretty damn cool.

Good thinking. It could definitely turn out like that.


Man, Kojima's trailer for the game is so damn good.

As much as I loved the soundtrack for Rising, I can't help but feel curious now as to how the experience would have ended up had they went for a more MGS4 style epic soundtrack.

Find the Montenegro track in the Rising OST. Close enough for me, and very awesome track imo.
Not sure if this was mentioned or not, but the official lyrics booklet has been uploaded to the P* website. There are some real surprise lyrics in there; I always thought Red Sun was saying "Machines come to transform me" instead of "Machines come to transform Eden."

Clearly, we have been playing the game wrong.

That is a good track but nowhere near the awesomeness and power of the Love Theme, Old Snake theme and many more imo.

Be thankful there was never a barrel achievement like that if you were trying to get all of them.

And you're right about the trailer songs being closer to "Love". Old Snake's theme might be my favorite in MGS4, and that's more in-line with Montenegro for me in atmosphere, with Montenegro definitely being more fast-paced, yet still Liquid Sun (MGS4 Act 1) inspired. To me, they're about equal for awesome. Other MGR tracks that lack lyrics, I might agree with you, but would need to listen to 4's ST again to fully compare.

Still surprises me how that trailer can make me forget about Rising's soundtrack for it's duration.


Finished the game on Very Hard using NG+ and it didn't feel much harder than Hard on a new game.

Found a piss easy way to take down Sundowner, method works on Normal, Hard and Very Hard (haven't tried Revengeance mode yet):

Equip the polearm, jump above him and do the Triangle, Triangle air attack. Raiden dive bombs straight down on the second attack. Since Sundownder has no shields above him you can just do it over and over and never have to worry about his attacks or shields.

The attack usually either staggers him or knocks him down so you can just keep doing it over and over. You can also evasive dodge out of the move's recovery frames for safety if need be.

Be thankful there was never a barrel achievement like that if you were trying to get all of them.

I'd be cool with them patching that trophy in
I ignore trophies and rank when I play :p

And you're right about the trailer songs being closer to "Love". Old Snake's theme might be my favorite in MGS4, and that's more in-line with Montenegro for me in atmosphere, with Montenegro definitely being more fast-paced, yet still Liquid Sun (MGS4 Act 1) inspired. To me, they're about equal for awesome. Other MGR tracks that lack lyrics, I might agree with you, but would need to listen to 4's ST again to fully compare.

Still surprises me how that trailer can make me forget about Rising's soundtrack for it's duration.

Yeah, just wondering how different the feels would have been because of that trailer.

Still, when everything is said and done its probably a good thing that they gave Rising not only its own style of play but a significantly different soundtrack as well, definitely helps it feel more unique all around compared to Solid.


Finished the game on Very Hard using NG+ and it didn't feel much harder than Hard on a new game.

Found a piss easy way to take down Sundowner, method works on Normal, Hard and Very Hard (haven't tried Revengeance mode yet):

Equip the polearm, jump above him and do the Triangle, Triangle air attack. Raiden dive bombs straight down on the second attack. Since Sundownder has no shields above him you can just do it over and over and never have to worry about his attacks or shields.

The attack usually either staggers him or knocks him down so you can just keep doing it over and over. You can also evasive dodge out of the move's recovery frames for safety if need be.

That's actually a pretty interesting technique, I never thought of doing that. Although, if you want to S-rank the fight, you actually need to cut his shields for him to get his reinforcements, so this prevents you from killing him by just hitting his back (which you can also do by using offensive defense to defuse his shields without getting hit by them).


That's actually a pretty interesting technique, I never thought of doing that. Although, if you want to S-rank the fight, you actually need to cut his shields for him to get his reinforcements, so this prevents you from killing him by just hitting his back (which you can also do by using offensive defense to defuse his shields without getting hit by them).

That's actually untrue. I've S-ranked Sundowner multiple times on various difficulty settings and not once have I cut his shields to initiate the second phase of the fight. At the start of the battle, I use a Stinger to take down the helicopter that spawns and then I start to wail on Sundowner to build up a combo (50+ hits). I rack up a few additional kills by destroying the gliders that fly towards you during the glider part of the battle and that usually suffices for an S-rank.


That's actually untrue. I've S-ranked Sundowner multiple times on various difficulty settings and not once have I cut his shields to initiate the second phase of the fight. At the start of the battle, I use a Stinger to take down the helicopter that spawns and then I start to wail on Sundowner to build up a combo (50+ hits). I rack up a few additional kills by destroying the gliders that fly towards you during the glider part of the battle and that usually suffices for an S-rank.

Oh okay. I wasn't aware of that.


Man that certain final boss section was so easy after you guys reminded me to just move the camera. Dunno why I completely forgot about that, when I do it naturally during normal gameplay.


That's actually a pretty interesting technique, I never thought of doing that. Although, if you want to S-rank the fight, you actually need to cut his shields for him to get his reinforcements, so this prevents you from killing him by just hitting his back (which you can also do by using offensive defense to defuse his shields without getting hit by them).

I don't play for rank so not sure about that part but yeah, if you want an effortless quick take down then this is a great method.

The dive bomb move with the polearm is just extremely effective overall.

Has a large area of effect and causes a hard knockdown on all soldiers (even those harder one's that parry a lot). And causes a stagger on almost everything else. Its pretty much my go to move for crowd control and weakening enemy limbs for cutting, find a crowd and dive into the party.


Fuck Yeah,No dmg'ed
with Sam and beat rev in less than 1 hr.That boss fight was so good,you get practically no time to breathe.
For the quick draw achivement do you have to kill people with the base y attack or does any y attack work?


Santa May Claus
Fuck Yeah,No dmg'ed
with Sam and beat rev in less than 1 hr.That boss fight was so good,you get practically no time to breathe.
For the quick draw achivement do you have to kill people with the base y attack or does any y attack work?

It has to be the charged Y attack. They probably should have made it more clear.


Speaking of quick draw, is Raiden's any good?

Does it have any invincibility upon release like the charge attack for Sundowners weapon? How about the damage? Like if there is an opening would it be better to get a quick chain in or use the quick draw instead?

Speaking of skills, what purchasable skills do you guys tend to favor or use often (aside from the obvious dodge)? Even though I've purchased them all, aside from the dodge, I mostly use the command launcher (fwd, fwd Square). Not sure what else is good.


Santa May Claus
Speaking of quick draw, is Raiden's any good?

Does it have any invincibility upon release like the charge attack for Sundowners weapon? How about the damage? Like if there is an opening would it be better to get a quick chain in or use the quick draw instead?

Speaking of skills, what purchasable skills do you guys tend to favor or use often (aside from the obvious dodge)? Even though I've purchased them all, aside from the dodge, I mostly use the command launcher (fwd, fwd Square). Not sure what else is good.

Raiden's quickdraw is essentially worthless, from what I can tell. Only to be used for style. It certainly doesn't do much damage. Not sure about armor, but I doubt it.

Stinger, Killerbee, Command Launcher. Some people really like the Palm Strike, too.


Unconfirmed Member
Quick Draw is ok. It's good for charging during enemy spawning and it does alot of armor damage, especially when enhanced with Ripper mode.(probably not true but I think I've seen it do more damage if you time the ripper mode trigger to when the shockwave actually connects)

I don't use it that much though, outside of some ridiculous waves that are close quarters with alot of armored enemies.(and they're spawning in allowing you to actually charge it)

I like Raiden's lightning kick alot. The tracking on it is really good making it one of the best ways to close the gap on enemies in the air or that you can't see.

The tracking is actually too good imo. The move is useless for platforming and covering ground when there's any enemy on the field. Even if you're nowhere near them and miles outsideof the moves range, Raiden will always kick in the direction of an enemy.

Lightning Strike/Stinger is also useful in a similar way and has more range, but it being ground only makes it a bit less useful to me. Especially when you can't see because of the camera.

I don't use the rest of the moveset myself really. Alot of filler moves in this game


Raiden's quickdraw is essentially worthless, from what I can tell. Only to be used for style. It certainly doesn't do much damage. Not sure about armor, but I doubt it.

Stinger, Killerbee, Command Launcher. Some people really like the Palm Strike, too.

I don't use it that much though, outside of some ridiculous waves that are close quarters with alot of armored enemies.(and they're spawning in allowing you to actually charge it)

I like Raiden's lightning kick alot. The tracking on it is really good making it one of the best ways to close the gap on enemies in the air or that you can't see.

The tracking is actually too good imo. The move is useless for platforming and covering ground when there's any enemy on the field. Even if you're nowhere near them and miles outsideof the moves range, Raiden will always kick in the direction of an enemy.

Lightning Strike/Stinger is also useful in a similar way and has more range, but it being ground only makes it a bit less useful to me. Especially when you can't see because of the camera.

I don't use the rest of the moveset myself really. Alot of filler moves in this game

Thanks guys, I'll try those moves out (I think I'll make skill experimentation the point of my next playthrough, some cool looking one's in there).

Quick Draw is ok. It's good for charging during enemy spawning and it does alot of armor damage, especially when enhanced with Ripper mode.(probably not true but I think I've seen it do more damage if you time the ripper mode trigger to when the shockwave actually connects)

That is very interesting, sounds a lot like what people do with Dante's moves in DMC4 (activate Devil Trigger the moment the move hits to give a huge boost to the damage done by the move). Nero gets to cancel recovery frames on his attack animations via DT.

As for armor, I used quick draw against GRADS in very hard when I had an opening and could have sworn that the finisher QTE popped up faster than usual, could easily be mistaken though.


quickdraw does tons of damage, in ripper mode and can literally wipe out everything near you.
Palm strike is also good and quite powerful if you perform it as combo finisher.
Stinger is not wery useful, unless you wanna reach the target fast.
Dive kick is mandatory, especially against flying enemies, launcher too is very useful.
If you wanna try it,Raiden even has a combo laucher, which is y----y and also a sweep y----x, with similar properties to the breakdance kick.

Other moves are just stylish fillers imho
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