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N64 Hardware Question


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
If the N64 starts spontaneously resetting in the middle of a game, is it more likely the console or the cartridge that is at fault? I ask because the game I am playing now was purchased second-hand, although other than the resets, it works fine. I haven't gotten around to testing other games, because I can't remember where I put them, but I don't recall ever having a problem like this before. I haven't used the system in almost a year though, so if it ever happened before, I don't remember it.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Zelda: Majora's Mask. Having the game reset itself two hours after last going back to the first day was rather irritating.


Tag of Excellence
You really need to test the console out with several games. If the problem occurs all around then it might be a faulty AC Adapter or worse, your console is screwed. Make sure to test it out with games that *require* the Expansion Pack (the stick of ram you plug onto the top of your system) because that external peripheral might be a problem.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
I guess it probably is the console itself. I tried out numerous games, and found that it locked up without fail if the game cartridge itself received only the slightest of taps forward or backward. The games would also fail to start if inserted at a certain angle. I don't mean that I was wrenching them around, but they all seemed to have a give of about one degree. One thing that worries me about Zelda though, is that the problem was mainly spontaneous restarting. While the taps locked up every game, they never restarted on their own, instead requiring the console to be turned off and then back on.

Ranger X

DarthWoo said:
I guess it probably is the console itself. I tried out numerous games, and found that it locked up without fail if the game cartridge itself received only the slightest of taps forward or backward. The games would also fail to start if inserted at a certain angle. I don't mean that I was wrenching them around, but they all seemed to have a give of about one degree. One thing that worries me about Zelda though, is that the problem was mainly spontaneous restarting. While the taps locked up every game, they never restarted on their own, instead requiring the console to be turned off and then back on.

The N64 is almost constantly reading the cartridge and tapping it make the reading fail. Most of the time, when it fails, it fails enough for error not to be recovered. When your cartridge begin to me used too much, the connection is not as easy as new and it's easier to have a bad reading. The same goes for your cartridge that is alors getting more used and maybe loose a bit. But is normal after all. Your game resetting most probably comes from electricity problems wich are directly directed to the power supply or wires. Of course here i'm considering that the plug in your wall is alright and that there's not 110 things plugged into or that you don't pass by a failing powerbar...


I once had a problem with a 3rd party 4MB memory expansion. With it plugged in, games would lock up or reboot after playing a while. Without it, things were a-ok. I eventually got a Nintendo one, and I don't remember any problems after that.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Tekky said:
I once had a problem with a 3rd party 4MB memory expansion. With it plugged in, games would lock up or reboot after playing a while. Without it, things were a-ok. I eventually got a Nintendo one, and I don't remember any problems after that.

That's what I was going to say. It could be a problem with the memory cart inside the console, it could be a little loose.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Well, I dug out an unopened N64 I had sitting around, and the games have played flawlessly, so I can just put that all behind me now. Unfortunately, that unopened N64 was one of those gaudy Pikachu edition ones.
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